... insider-efficient earning payout ratio and an investor-efficient payout ratio is determined by trading off the agency cost of investing in insider- specific assets with the cost of replacing the insiders ... certain de- gree of agency costs associated with insider-specific investment Investors endow insiders with managerial power, including the right of deciding the allocation of residual earnings, ... that financing through external markets, includ- ing both equity and debt financing, is more expensive than internal financing They do not assume that the transaction costs of outside financing
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20
Doctor Of Philosophy In Economics
... and support of the School of Economics and Finance at the University of St Andrews, the School of Economics at the University of Edinburgh, the Department of Economics at University of Colorado ... Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ECONOMICS by Simon W Bowmaker SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE, UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS October ... “Waiting for Mr Right: Rising Inequality and Declining Marriage Rates.” Journal of Urban Economics 53(2): 257–81 Graham, Carol and Stefano Pettinato 2002 Happiness and Hardship: Opportunity and Insecurity
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 20:50
... Non-availability of necessary finances is a major obstacle in the health care attainm ents of people in many developing countries, including India With the continuing resource constraints of the government ... involve a kind of out-of-pocket expenditure burden on the households which is perhaps minimized by the introduction of Health Insurance as a risk pooling mechcuiism segm ents of population In ... sections of the society 1.3 Taxonom y of H ealth In su ran ce in India The health insurance situation in India can be understood un d er the following headings: 1.3.1 Public (Social) Health Insurance
Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2017, 09:06
Measuring Market Power Indirectly in the Insurance Market - Master of Science in Economics
... teaching economics and finance subjects including micro- and macroeconomics, international economics and its e-learning version, international insurance, corporate finance and public finance since ... overview of literature on the methodology for indirectly measuring market power in the insurance industry The second one is to analyse the market power of insurers present in the Hungarian insurance ... shares indicates a reduction in the market power of dominant firms and increased competition Naming and operationalising categories I relied on Hungarian and international literature including OECD
Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2017, 09:07
Doctor of philosophy in economics thesis summary: The impact of liquidity risk on bank performance efficiency: Empirical evidence from south east Asia countries
... traditionally in the form of deposits For profit purposes, this transformation of liquid liabilities (deposits) into risky liquid (illiquid) assets in the form of loans capitalizing on their maturity ... that is one of the factors affecting the liquidity risk As, the findings of previous studies are quite consistent with the realities in the financial markets The empirical studies continue to assess ... liquidity risk in banking business Fourthly, Gaps in character: Liteliture review showed that the trend of studying the impact of liquidity risk on bank’s performance efficiency is mainly (Sufian
Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 16:44
Use of symmetries in economics: An overview
... Journal of Economics and Banking (2019), 3(1), 20-39 Scale-invariance is important in economics as well Many quantities in economics are scale-invariant: for example, the numerical values of income ... Shift-invariance is important in economics as well Many quantities in economics are shift-invariant For example, when we compute the income of people living in countries with socialized medicine, ... 32 F In general, if we replace the original starting point with a starting point which is x0 times smaller or earlier, then all the numerical values are increased by x0 : instead of the original
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 13:18
factors affecting major choice of students in economics in ho chi minh city đề tài thuộc khoa viện toán thống kê
... business Economics Investment International Economics Economics Investment Software Engineering Out of the “Agree” responses we received, students of International Business discipline took up the ... certain field The amount of knowledge of the major is often very vast and extensive Choosing the main profession is to determine for yourself the field of labor that suits the capacity and interests ... faculty of Business Administration who think their current discipline suits themselves Coming in fourth place was the Logistics and Supply Chain Management faculty contributing 7,5% of the chart
Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2024, 19:43
Summary of PHD thesis in economics labor structure transfer by industries in thai binh at the present
... Situation of labor structure transfer by industries and in industry in Thai Binh in terms of scale Changes in labor ratio by economic industries in Thai Binh In 2005, Thai Binh had 945,9 laborers, ... qualification and training levels of labor in commerce-service in Thai Binh underwent significant changes In 2005, number of laborers having no training or primary training counted for 68,2%, in 2011, the ... changes in ratio and quality of labor in different industries in a specific period of time, in a certain environment and of a certain trend In fact, labor structure transfer is a process in which labor
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 13:33
... first year of their marriage. Regarding other chores, the involvement of husband’s parents is 5.6% in cooking, 2.3% in cleaning the house, and 13.4% in taking care of children. At the time of the ... cooking and taking care of children. However, regarding activities such as washing dishes, cleaning house, and doing laundry, the proportion of husbands in well-off households participating in ... in domestic division of labor within the family? This thesis examines the current situation of the domestic division of labor in rural family as well as its causes in
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 17:04
Summary of dissertation for economics association of training and labor use in nghe an province
... Content of linking training and employers 2.3.1 Content and form of training association and employers a Training activities - Link innovation of teaching methods, practice and internship - Link innovation ... the movement of trained labor is currently not confined within a province, intra-provincial movements of labor as well as the proportion of trained labor at the vocational training institutions ... education institutions and enterprises in training and employing trained workers creating and developing the labor market information system, investing in labor market infrastructure 2.4 The main factors
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2021, 19:25
Master Thesis in Economics “An analysis of the effectiveness of government R&D policies on business R&D expenditure” doc
... The Royal Institute of Technology Master’s program in Economics of Innovation and Growth (Professor Stefan Fölster) Master Thesis in Economics “An analysis of the effectiveness of government ... the analysis of each of the 13 OECD countries Business sector value-added ΔVA Crowding-in effect Crowding-out effect total Government funding of R&D implemented in business ΔRG Rate of tax subsidies ... direct funding (tax incentives) which will increase the stimulating effect of tax incentives (government direct funding) on business-funded R&D Moreover, the regression result of interaction
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 03:20
Master of Science in International Economics and Economic Policy docx
... genuine interest in public policy issues and with a strong interest in a career in an international environment. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is a member of a small ... Macerata, Italy. Prof. Dr. Reinhard H. Schmidt Harry Schmidt holds the Wilhelm Merton Chair of International Banking and Finance in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Goethe University. ... Socialpolitik) and for the 2003 meeting of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF). 10 As of autumn 2008, the Faculty of Economics and Business Adminis- tration of Frankfurt University is
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 03:20
... establish a combination of incentives and disincentives; e.g., consider allowing agencies to retain a small percentage of any savings realized from cloud computing for investments in future initiatives ... Computing Addressing the Benefits of Infrastructure in the Cloud The federal government is embracing cloud computing as a means of reducing expenditures for information technology (IT) infrastructure ... through the adoption of cloud computing technologies: “Of the investments that will involve up-front costs to be recouped in outyear savings, cloud-computing is a prime case in point The federal government
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21
output and efficiency in the production of business and economics majors
... main conceptual,... still relatively small Information regarding the minors of graduating seniors, however, is available and will be included in this study Students minoring in economics ... an instrument capable of measuring the general business core knowledge of business students The test includes questions in. .. populations Information regarding the initial administration ... assessment instruments In this study, the efficiency of the different majors offered at UNL in retaining basic knowledge will be examined Of special interest is the retention of
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:08
Summary of doctorial (PH d) thesis in economics tourism economy in the north central region in international economic integration
... international economic integration of a certain territory in Vietnam from the point of political economics, 2) To evaluate the reality of tourism economy in international economic integration in the North ... vision of the performance of tourism economy in a particular period of time. [...]... industry in terms of exploiting minerals and construction materials 3.3 ASSESSMENT OF THE SITUATION OF ... economy. .. implementing action plans of each province in combination with other provinces in the region v, Associating in implementing programmes, duties, plans, projects of the region
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 13:33
Summary of phd thesis in economics foreign direct investment towards sustainable development in the northern key economic region
... rising rate of labor working in FDI area averaged 24%/year during this region + The contribution of FDI area in promoting the transference of labor structure: Of total laborers currently working ... lack of investment, but also has important meanings in innovating technologies, enhancing the level of management, promoting marketing activities, increasing the export manufacture ability of the ... region was 78,222 in 2003, taking 77,26% the total number of laborers in FDI area in 2003, the number of industrial working laborers in 2006 was 185,623, making up 89.92%, and 354,138 in 2010 with
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 13:33
The noneffects of class on the gendered division of labor in the home
... and gender. Instead of asking how the gender division of labor within families varies across locations within a class structure, the focus of analysis would be on how the gender division of labor varies ... gender is the problem of bargaining power between men and women within households. Parti- cularly in an era in which gender roles are being challenged, the division of labor in the household should ... gender division of labor within families. A comparison of inequalities in housework in the two countries, therefore, may give some insight into the extent to which this egalitarianism in the public...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
Tài liệu Master of Science in Economics Information Session pptx
... Theory Innovation Economics Environmental Economics FACULTY OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS Master of Science in Economics FACULTY OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS ... Advanced Macroeconomics Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwalbe Prof. Dr. Thomas Beißinger FACULTY OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS Useful Links Homepage: www.master -economics. uni-hohenheim.de Module ... Riedel FACULTY OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS List of Elective Modules: Business, Economics and Social Sciences Banking and Finance Banking and Investments (Spezielles)...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20
... approved institution of high earning ; A second class advanced diploma in economics from a recognized institution of higher learning MZUMBE UNIVERSITY Faculty of Social Sciences Building Edulink ... 2009 Providing a balanced and rigor training in modern theories and techniques in economics Enabling students to develop economic models of their own from which to derive original results to offer ... offered in The Faculty of Social Sciences of Mzumbe University which was established in August 2002 as one of the founding faculties at the University. • Programs offered in the Faculty of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20
Master of Science in Economics: Master of Science in Advanced Studies in Economics potx
... Master. General Economics major Master of Science in Economics Research in Economics major Master of Science in Advanced Studies in Economics Master of Science in Financial Economics Financial Economics ... obtained at the Faculty of Engineering or at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering) and with a strong interest in economics. Admissibility is evaluated by the Admissions Board on the basis of information ... minimum. 10 Master of Science in Advanced Studies in Economics (MASE) The Master of Science in Advanced Studies in Economics is the second year of coursework within the doctoral programme in...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20