distance vector routing protocols for unified communications

Multiple Access Protocols for Mobile Communications - GPRS, UMTS and Beyond

Multiple Access Protocols for Mobile Communications - GPRS, UMTS and Beyond

... Models for the Physical Layer and for User Traffic Generation 221 5.1 How to Account for the Physical Layer? 221 5.1.1 What to Account For and How? 221 5.1.2 Using Approximations for Error Performance ... Access Protocols 70 3.5.5 Random Access with CDMA 72 3.5.6 Protocols based on some Form of Channel Sensing 72 3.5.7 Channel Sensing with CDMA 74 3.5.8 A Case for Reservation ALOHA-based Protocols ... Multiple Access Protocols for Mobile Communications GPRS, UMTS and Beyond Alex Brand Swisscom Mobile, Switzerland Hamid Aghvami King’s College London, UK SYMBOLS A[t] Slots available for contention...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2013, 16:59

478 664 0
Tài liệu Configuring Distance Vector Protocols docx

Tài liệu Configuring Distance Vector Protocols docx

... command. The show ip protocols command displays information about the IP routing protocols currently configured and running on your router. It shows metric information, administrative distances, neighboring ... profile Composite Default screen Routing for Networks: Routing Information Sources: Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:00:22 Distance: (default is 120) In this ... destinations in a routing table. There is a separate routing table for each routed protocol. For instance, if you are running IP and IPX, your router will have two routing tables: one for each. However,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 04:20

32 329 0
Distributed Algorithms and Protocols for Scalable Internet Telephony

Distributed Algorithms and Protocols for Scalable Internet Telephony

... reviewing existing protocols for resource discovery (and finding them lacking for wide area applications), we present a scalable protocol for wide area service discovery, which is ideal for discovery ... Algorithms 43 Virtual Delay Algorithms . . . 44 Formulation for Redundant Codecs 44 Formulation for Reed Solomon FEC . . . 45 Implementation . . . 45 ... establishment phase of auto-conference . . . 296 6.20 Call flow for web form entry for call center . . . 297 6.21 Bidirectional translation services for the hearing impaired . . 299 xiv c 2001 Jonathan...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

358 369 0
Theory of stochastic local area channel modeling for wireless communications

Theory of stochastic local area channel modeling for wireless communications

... FunctionsofThree-DimensionalSpace 44 2.A.1 VectorNotationforFourierTransforms 44 2.A.2 ScalarCollapseofPositionVectors 45 2.A.3 ScalarCollapseofWavevectors 46 3 The Physics of Small-Scale Fading ... Fourier transform definitions for each channel dependency. Domain Pairs Transform Inverse Transform frequency, f ⇐⇒ delay, τ +∞  −∞ {}exp(j2πτf)df +∞  −∞ {}exp(−j2πτf)dτ position, r ⇐⇒ wavevector,  k +∞  −∞ {}exp(−j  k ... in the following form throughout this work: ˜ H(transformed dependencies; untransformed dependencies) where the transformed dependencies are either τ,  k,orω and the untransformed dependen- cies...

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:36

207 369 0
bài viết về routing protocols cho cấp độ ccna

bài viết về routing protocols cho cấp độ ccna

... nhưng nó chỉ có một entry trong routing table II. SO SÁNH DISTANCE VECTOR VÀ LINK-STATE: Distance Vector và Link State đều là các giao thức định tuyến động (Dynamic Routing Protocol) cấu hình ... trong routing table của Router1 sẽ không có route nào đến mạng B ( Để giải quyết vấn đề này, dùng static routing hoặc dùng các routing hỗ trợ VLSM. Khi này thì cần phải có các routing ... kỳ. Đặc điểm của distance vector là thời gian hội tụ chậm. Đối với các routers đang chạy routing protocol nhóm DV, định kỳ mỗi 30 giây, các routers sẽ trao đổi toàn bộ bảng routing table sang...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 15:00

10 530 0
VoIP for Global Communications

VoIP for Global Communications

... New York, 1999. 126 VoIP FOR GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS 8 VoIP FOR GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS1 This Chapter discusses how IP-based voice communications can be deployed for global communications in multinational ... a destination, and so on. Therefore, addi- tional resources need to be allocated for these hardware and software plat- forms. The network performance–related information collected using these ... architecture for a packet-based global network for advanced or enhanced VoIP and POTS services in a multinational corporation.) (Source: Adapted from Fig. 3-8) 120 VoIP FOR GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS ...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 07:20

10 250 0
Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols (CCIE® Professional Development)

Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols (CCIE® Professional Development)

... principles behind distance vector protocols and link-state protocols. Distance Vector Routing Concepts This section reviews key concepts that underlie the operation of distance vector routing protocols, ... Gateway Protocols Exterior Gateway Protocols Distance Vector Advanced Distance Vector Link-State Path Vector RIP-1 EIGRP OSPF BGP RIP-2 Integrated IS-IS IGRP The Interior Gateway Routing ... are advertised by distance vector protocols, makes such environments very susceptible to routing loops for example, when a router running a distance vector protocol broadcasts routing updates...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15

1.1K 481 0
Cisco and Microsoft Collaboration in Unified Communications

Cisco and Microsoft Collaboration in Unified Communications

... productivity applications that will streamline communications. For more information about Cisco Unified Communications, visit http://www.cisco.com/go/unifiedcommunications. Printed in ... Integrations Cisco Unified Communications with Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005 and Office Communicator 2005 The integration between Cisco Unified Communications and Microsoft Live Communications ... Support for mixed deployments of voice, integrated, and unified messaging and for different versions of Microsoft Exchange Server provides a cost-effective migration path to unified messaging.* Unified...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 13:15

13 317 0
59 VLSI Architectures for Image Communications

59 VLSI Architectures for Image Communications

... core functions as a master processor for global control and for processing of tasks such as variable length encoding and quantization. To improve the performance for typical video coding schemes, ... Normalized silicon area and throughput for dedicated DCT circuits. c  1999 by CRC Press LLC VLSIArchitecturesforImage Communications P.Pirsch Laboratoriumfur Informationstechnologie, UniversityofHannover W.Gehrke PhilipsSemiconductors 59.1Introduction 59.2RecentCodingSchemes 59.3ArchitecturalAlternatives 59.4EfciencyEstimationofAlternativeVLSIImplementations 59.5DedicatedArchitectures 59.6ProgrammableArchitectures IntensivePipelinedArchitectures ã ParallelDataPaths ã Co- processorConcept 59.7Conclusion Acknowledgment References 59.1 ... Introduction Videoprocessinghasbeenarapidlyevolvingeldfortelecommunications,computer,andmedia industries.Inparticular,forrealtimevideocompressionapplicationsagrowingeconomicalsigni- canceisexpectedforthenextyears.BesidesdigitalTVbroadcastingandvideophone,servicessuch asmultimediaeducation,teleshopping,orvideomailwillbecomeaudiovisualmassapplications. Tofacilitateworldwideinterchangeofdigitallyencodedaudiovisualdata,thereisademandfor internationalstandards,deningcodingmethods,andtransmissionformats.Internationalstan- dardizationcommitteeshavebeenworkingonthespecicationofseveralcompressionschemes.The JointPhotographicExpertsGroup(JPEG)oftheInternationalStandardsOrganization(ISO)has speciedanalgorithmforcompressionofstillimages[4].TheITUproposedtheH.261standardfor videotelephonyandvideoconference[1].TheMotionPicturesExpertsGroup(MPEG)ofISOhas completeditsrststandardMPEG-1,whichwillbeusedforinteractivevideoandprovidesapicture qualitycomparabletoVCRquality[2].MPEGmadesubstantialprogressforthesecondphaseof standardsMPEG-2,whichwillprovideaudiovisualqualityofbothbroadcastTVandHDTV[3]. Besidestheavailabilityofinternationalstandards,thesuccessfulintroductionofthenamedservices dependsontheavailabilityofVLSIcomponents,supportingacostefcientimplementationofvideo compressionapplications.Inthefollowing,wegiveashortoverviewofrecentcodingschemesand discussimplementationalternatives.Furthermore,theefciencyestimationofarchitecturalalter- nativesisdiscussedandimplementationexamplesofdedicatedandprogrammablearchitecturesare presented. c 1999byCRCPressLLC ...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 02:15

23 341 0
IP for 3G - Networking Technologies for Mobile Communications

IP for 3G - Networking Technologies for Mobile Communications

... responsible for operation and maintenance (monitoring, performance data, alarms, and so forth) within the RNS. ã SGSN - The SGSN is responsible for session management, producing charging information, ... cells (Figure 2.1). There are megacells for satellites, macrocells for wide- area coverage (rural areas), microcells for urban coverage, and picocells for indoor use. There is a mixture of public ... Chapter 7 debates this. 1.4 Economic Reasons for 'IP for 3G' As already indicated, IP for 3G is about reducing costs. There is nothing that IP for 3G will enable that cannot already be...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 17:15

235 427 0