disks local file systems and the volume manager

Chapter-10-File systems and devices

Chapter-10-File systems and devices

... and they refer to another file name, not to the file itself The difference is most evident if you delete a file: if the file has been hard linked, the other names still exist and you can access the ... 186 • Next come the names of the owner and the group, and the size of the file in bytes You’ll notice that the file deppert.floppy belongs to daemon This was probably an accident, and it could lead ... Chapter 10: File systems and devices as the directory that refers to them Directory entries are independent of each other: each points to the inode, so they’re completely equivalent The inode contains...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 19:15

17 461 0
Balanced Scorecard and the Project Manager pot

Balanced Scorecard and the Project Manager pot

... During the day, the Tracker records activity information and timer per activity as the courier does the job Information from the handheld Tracker gets ported to the corporate database with the aggregated ... within the organization The PMO strives to standardize and introduce economies of repetition in the execution of projects The PMO is the source of documentation, guidance, and metrics in the practice ... change and improve? Learning & Growth Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives Figure 1.1  The balanced scorecard Balanced Scorecard and the Project Manager ◾  on, the units they support, and how...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

21 366 2
Lean Manufacturing and the Environment: Research on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and the Environment and Recommendations for Leveraging Better Environmental Performance doc

Lean Manufacturing and the Environment: Research on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and the Environment and Recommendations for Leveraging Better Environmental Performance doc

... using the new standard, it found that one fully met the standard, and the second barely missed meeting the standard due to formaldehyde off-gassing The company worked to address the off-gassing and ... or near the point of generation [of the waste],” provided such areas are under the control of the operator,” neither the regulations nor the preamble to the regulations expressly define the terms ... decreasing the frequency of product repair and replacement and the associated environmental impacts; and • Lean design for manufacturability can reduce the number of parts and materials in a product, and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

68 439 0
Regional Food Hub Resource Guide: Food hub impacts on regional food systems, and the resources available to support their growth and development pdf

Regional Food Hub Resource Guide: Food hub impacts on regional food systems, and the resources available to support their growth and development pdf

... flavormagazinevirginia.com/localfoodhub 18 expand and improve their production and handling methods, increase sales, and strengthen their ties to local supply networks In the past years, Appalachian ... and building strategic partnerships with processors and other distributors so that the producer members of the food hub can meet the quality and quantity requirements demanded by commercial and ... source-identified (and often branded) local products that conform to buyer specifications and volume requirements and still enable their clients to “tell the story” behind the product For this...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

92 469 0
Governance and the Success of U.S. Community Banks, 1790-2010: Mutual Savings Banks, Local Commercial Banks, and the Merchants (National) Bank of New Bedford, Massachusetts doc

Governance and the Success of U.S. Community Banks, 1790-2010: Mutual Savings Banks, Local Commercial Banks, and the Merchants (National) Bank of New Bedford, Massachusetts doc

... as well as into the manner in which the books of the Branch are kept; and into the manner in which the Cashier and other Officers perform their respective duties; and report the result to this ... later, the nation suffered its first banking scandal and the loss of several more institutions under the control of Andrew Dexter.7 Other failures followed in the wake of the Panic of 1819, the ... 93 Ibid., 40-41 The story claims that the officers burned the notes, but only partially Workmen discovered them and sold them to locals who claimed they were partially burned in their fireplaces,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

34 471 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Parity Systems and the Delta-Matroid Intersection Problem" pot

Báo cáo toán học: " Parity Systems and the Delta-Matroid Intersection Problem" pot

... P and P Then C ⊆ F and so we may choose g ∈ C − F Let M = M − g + f Then M is a ν-matching in both P and P Furthermore |M ∩ F | > |M ∩ F | This contradicts the choice of M and completes the ... generalizes a 2-matroid in the same way; the value that occurs in the axioms 2.2 and 2.4 is replaced by in the following axioms 3.5 and 3.7 Throughout the paper we shall use the notation r for a 2-matroid, ... obviously j > Therefore we can take C1 = Dj and F2 equal to any flower containing Dj−1 and such that σ(F2 ) = σ(F ) Then C1 and F2 will satisfy (i) and (ii) To complete the proof of the proposition,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

23 361 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Compression of root systems and the E-sequence" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: "Compression of root systems and the E-sequence" pptx

... Figure 3: The automorphisms of Γ7 described in the proof of Lemma 3.3.2, for v7 (left) and v6 (right) Theorem 3.3.3 The graphs T(Γ7 ) and O(Γ7 ) coincide Furthermore, the graphs T(Γ\Γ7 ) and O(Γ ... call these permutations a, b and c, respectively, we see that a, bab, cbabc and cac are the standard generators of the symmetric group S5 Thus S5 acts on the coordinates of Γ+ Furthermore, the ... be the m × n matrix whose columns are the in some basis, and let g be the m × m matrix representing the bilinear form (·|·) in the same basis Then Aij = (ai |aj ) = (sT gs)ij (mod p) If m < n then...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20

21 304 0
Báo cáo y học: "Complex systems and the technology of variability analysis" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Complex systems and the technology of variability analysis" ppsx

... optimization of the estimate based on minimizing the sum of the squared differences from the values predicted by the model The series y(k) is then 'detrended' by subtracting the local trend yn(k) The root ... signals, and in order to demonstrate this they evaluated both theoretically and experimentally derived data sets It remains unclear whether the added complexity and theoretical advantages of these ... Akselrod and coworkers [36] first demonstrated the contributions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous activity and the renin–angiotensin system to frequency specific alterations in the HRV...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20

18 544 0
Lecture concepts in enterprise resource planning (2nd edition)   chapter 3  marketing information systems and the sales order process

Lecture concepts in enterprise resource planning (2nd edition) chapter 3 marketing information systems and the sales order process

... SAP’s R/3, the sales order clerk must identify the customer and material ordered to the system • SAP identifies customers and materials via a unique number • Search functions allow the sales order ... Where the customer’s identification number is entered P.O Number: The number assigned by the customer to this sales order Req deliv date: The date when the customer would like to receive the order ... The customer refers to the sales transaction via their Purchase Order Number—a number that the customer generates • The seller (known as a supplier or vendor) creates a document number that they...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2016, 15:54

62 650 0


... taken, the straight between the points either all fall on the same side of the surface, or some on the same side, and some on itself, but none on the other side /5/ And, when ... the center of the sphere, I call the figure internally contained by the surface of the cone, and by the surface of the sphere inside the cone, a “solid sector.” /6/ And when two cones having the ... direction and either one of them is wholly contained by the other and by the straight having the same limits as itself, or some is contained, and some it has common; and the contained...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

387 1,2K 3
Neewa the Wonder Dog and the Ghost Hunters! Volume One: The Indian Medicine Woman's Mystery Revealed

Neewa the Wonder Dog and the Ghost Hunters! Volume One: The Indian Medicine Woman's Mystery Revealed

... in the ceramic tile covering the floor Everyone was so mad when Dad said we were selling the house and Grandma and Grandpa would have to move It was on a dead-end street, the last house, and there ... came from the desert Someone found the three of them roaming around and brought them in “They had no mom or dad with them Not much chance they would have made it to sunrise out there in the desert ... with Mom and Dad separating and selling our house and then moving way out here It was only a few days ago she was on the wide-open desert, happy and playing with her brothers and sisters Then, wham!...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 09:09

18 485 0
Chapter-12-The Vinum Volume Manager

Chapter-12-The Vinum Volume Manager

... Vinum volume This figure, and the ones that follow, represent a volume, which contains the plexes, which in turn contain the subdisks In this trivial example, the volume contains one plex, and the ... assumes the availability of ten disks It’s not essential to have all the components on different disks You could put the subdisks of the second plex on the same drives as the subdisks of the first ... objects on the Vinum disks and any other Vinum objects you may already have on the system Simply connect the disks and start Vinum You don’t need to put the disks in any particular location, and you...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 02:15

22 329 0
Chapter 1 - The role and environment of managerial finance

Chapter 1 - The role and environment of managerial finance

... governance, the role of ethics and the agency issue  Understand the financial institutions and markets and the role they play in managerial finance  Discuss business taxes and their importance ... Define the managerial finance function and its relationship to economics and accounting  Identify the primary activities of the financial manager within a firm  Explain the goal of the firm, ... of Managerial Finance / 6th edition Financial Institutions and Markets  The money market: – Suppliers and demanders are brought together through mediums such as banks, securities dealers and the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 14:45

30 543 1


... the observations=inputs and the parameter values The M-step involves system identification using the state estimates from the smoother Therefore, at the heart of the EM learning procedure is the ... outputs, and the conditional distributions over the hidden states For the model we have described, the parameters define the nonlinearities f and g, and the noise covariances Q and R (as well as the ... by picking randomly the values of the nodes that have no parents It then picks randomly the values of their children Stationarity means here that neither f nor the covariance of the noise process...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 07:16

46 491 0
Tài liệu Gulf War and Health: Volume 4. Health Effects of Serving in the Gulf War docx

Tài liệu Gulf War and Health: Volume 4. Health Effects of Serving in the Gulf War docx

... dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that ... 1998) The Senate report took issue with the method, especially the reconstruction of the pit site; with the nature of the demolition; and with the number of exposed troops At the request of the ... Sclerosis (ALS), and causes of death Therefore, despite the serious limitations of the available studies as a group, they point the way to actions that might benefit Gulf War and other combat veterans...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 01:20

292 575 0
Tài liệu APICE: Common Mediterranean strategy and local practical Actions for the mitigation of Port, Industries and Cities Emissions   pdf

Tài liệu APICE: Common Mediterranean strategy and local practical Actions for the mitigation of Port, Industries and Cities Emissions   pdf

... discussing the latest scientific developments, applications and implications for policy and other users An important feature of the conference is that it brings together scientists and other stakeholders ... area will be identified on the basis of the outputs of the monitoring campaigns using the worldwide most advanced statistical tools as Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) and/ or the Positive Matrix Factorization ... evaluation of the air quality  pollution in the port cities    involved in APICE (Barcelona, Marseille, Genoa, Venice and Thessaloniki) It this framework, the air quality status of the five port...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

4 453 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Local stability identification and the role of a key aromatic amino acid residue in staphylococcal nuclease refolding pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Local stability identification and the role of a key aromatic amino acid residue in staphylococcal nuclease refolding pdf

... However, the fluorescence in the mutants without tryptophan at 140 (W140A and W140O) was much lower than both the wild-type protein and mutants E142O and K133A Thermal analysis of protein unfolding The ... protein Figure shows the fluorescence spectra of wild-type SNase and the four mutants E142O, K133A, W140A and W140O The fluorescence spectra of E142O and K133A are similar to that of the wild-type protein ... unfolding The DSC curves of the wild-type protein and the mutants K133A, E142O, W140A and W140O are shown in Fig 3, with their thermodynamic parameters summarized in Table The calorimetric DHcal values...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20

7 552 0
Tài liệu A Comparison of Conventional and Organic Milk Production Systems in the U.S. potx

Tài liệu A Comparison of Conventional and Organic Milk Production Systems in the U.S. potx

... and hormones in the cow herd and the use of synthetic chemicals in the production of cattle feed Organic milk production systems also attempt to accommodate the animals’ natural nutritional and ... husbandry, land and crop management, sourcing new and different inputs, and initiation of the certification process, among others, are required during transition For example, the pasture and ... affecting the costs of and returns to organic milk production and how they differ from the costs and returns of conventional production However, the prior research is limited in terms of the scope and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

30 661 0