diseases infections and immunizations

Scientific Committee on Enteric Infections and Foodborne Diseases pot

Scientific Committee on Enteric Infections and Foodborne Diseases pot

... Enterovirus is resistant to alcohol and phenolic disinfectants; Linen and Waste from patients suffering from HFMD should be handled with care, and wash hands after handling 7.5 Advice given to the ... after enterovirus-71-related hand, foot, and mouth disease Lancet 1999;354:1682–86 Alexander Jp Jr, Baden L, Pallansch MA, Anderson LJ, Enterovirus 71 infection and neurologic disease—United ... B2, B5 and EV71 HFMD is sometimes confused with foot -and- mouth disease of cattle, sheep, and swine The latter is caused by a virus Aphthovirus which belong to the family of Picornaviridae .and will...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

8 381 0
The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

The Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children Older Than 3 Months of Age: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America pot

... multidisciplinary process, review of evidence, and documentation [26] Panel Composition The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS) and the IDSA Standards and Practice Guidelines Committee (SPGC) ... Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) document that in 2006, 525 infants and children ,15 years old died in the United States as a result of pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections [10] ... sensitivity and specificity of rapid viral tests are not 100%, and false-negative and false-positive tests occur For influenza, the sensitivity of each type of test varies by both method and sampling...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

52 839 1
Breathing in America: Diseases, Progress, and Hope pptx

Breathing in America: Diseases, Progress, and Hope pptx

... America: Diseases, Progress, and Hope briefly describes respiratory diseases and the progress that is being made in the quest to find their cures It describes who is vulnerable to developing these diseases, ... vaccines and medications—but Whitebook_breathing_Ch01.indd 5/10/10 8:27:45 AM To breathe CHAPTER Major common lung diseases Diseases of air movement and airways Asthma Bronchiectasis Emphysema and ... Bronchiolitis Infectious lung diseases Pneumonia (and lung abscess) Pleural infections (empyema) Fungal lung disease Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial disease Opportunistic lung infections in immunosuppressed...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

282 416 0
sexually transmitted diseases, methods and protocols

sexually transmitted diseases, methods and protocols

... finding and then treating asymptomatic cases of both gonorrhea and syphilis This lead to dramatic declines in incidence and prevalence of both diseasesafter World War II m most of the world, and ... epididymitis, prostatitis, and seminal vesiculitis In homosexuals, rectal infection and pharyngitis can occur In females, most cases are asymptomatic, and Infections of the urethra and rectum often coexist ... R W Peehg and P F Sparllng 15 TransmItted Diseases Methods and Protocols Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ 16 Gaydos and Quinn chorioamnionitis, spontaneous abortion, premature labor, and infecttons...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2014, 10:31

222 282 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Initial validation of the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales in children and adolescents with chronic diseases: acceptability and comprehensibility in low-income settings" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " Initial validation of the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales in children and adolescents with chronic diseases: acceptability and comprehensibility in low-income settings" pdf

... children and parents and confirmed that the final Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ was understandable and conceptually equivalent to the original instrument All changes and revisions were reviewed and ... children and 91% of parents), and most said the paper format was friendly (91% of children and 98% of parents) Scores Distribution In Table 4, average summary and scales scores, standard deviations and ... children and adolescents, originally developed by Varni et al in U.S English and U.S Spanish [5] It measures four domains (physical, emotional, social, and school functioning) and has age and respondent...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

15 585 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 1) potx

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 1) potx

... predictable series of events takes place Intraabdominal infections occur in two stages: peritonitis and if the patient survives this stage and goes untreated—abscess formation The types of microorganisms ... omentum extends from the transverse mesocolon and from the lower pole of the stomach to line the lower peritoneal cavity The pancreas, duodenum, and ascending and descending colon are located in the ... ureters, and adrenals are found in the posterior retroperitoneal space The other organs, including liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, jejunum, ileum, transverse and sigmoid colon, cecum, and appendix,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 359 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 2 ) pptx

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 2 ) pptx

... the rule In fact, if PBP is suspected and multiple organisms including anaerobes are recovered from the peritoneal fluid, the diagnosis must be reconsidered and a source of secondary peritonitis ... lower levels in cirrhotic patients than in patients with ascites of other etiologies The opsonic and phagocytic properties of PMNs are diminished in patients with advanced liver disease The presentation ... Ascites is found but virtually always predates infection Abdominal pain, an acute onset of symptoms, and peritoneal irritation during physical examination can be helpful diagnostically, but the absence...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 265 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 3) pptx

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 3) pptx

... little as days if rapid improvement occurs and blood cultures are negative, but a course of up to weeks may be required for patients with bacteremia and for those whose improvement is slow Persistence ... containment of the infection, exudate containing fibrin and PMNs is found Early death in this setting is attributable to gram-negative bacillary sepsis and to potent endotoxins circulating in the bloodstream ... severity of abdominal pain and the clinical course depend on the inciting process The organisms isolated from the peritoneum also vary with the source of the initial process and the normal flora at...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 340 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 4) docx

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 4) docx

... are not, and this organism is the most common pathogen in overt exit-site infections Gram-negative bacilli and fungi such as Candida spp are also found Vancomycin-resistant enterococci and vancomycin-intermediate ... complication of abdominal surgeries These infections may be accompanied by localizing pain and/ or nonlocalizing symptoms such as fever, malaise, anorexia, and toxicity As a nosocomial infection, ... cefazolin, and gram-negative coverage may need to be broadened Broad coverage including vancomycin should be particularly considered for toxic patients and for those with exit-site infections...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 319 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 5) pps

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 5) pps

... or within it Periappendiceal and diverticular abscesses occur commonly Diverticular abscesses are least likely to rupture Infections of the female genital tract and pancreatitis are also among ... colonic flora, is the anaerobe most frequently isolated from intraabdominal infections, is especially prominent in abscesses, and is the most common anaerobic bloodstream isolate On clinical grounds, ... abscesses B fragilis and PSA have been found to adhere to primary mesothelial cells in vitro; this adherence, in turn, stimulates the production of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and intercellular...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 294 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 6) pot

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 6) pot

... [Reprinted with permission from B Lorber (ed): Atlas of Infectious Diseases, vol VII: Intra-abdominal Infections, Hepatitis, and Gastroenteritis Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1996, p 1.30, as ... of intraabdominal infections involves the determination of the initial focus of infection, the administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics targeting the organisms involved, and the performance ... more definitive abscesses have formed Antimicrobial therapy, in general, is adjunctive to drainage and/ or surgical correction of an underlying lesion or process in intraabdominal abscesses Unlike...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 329 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 7) pdf

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 7) pdf

... defining the etiology of infections Liver abscesses may also be caused by Candida spp.; such abscesses usually follow fungemia in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer and often present when ... [Reprinted with permission from B Lorber (ed): Atlas of Infectious Diseases, Vol VII: Intra-abdominal Infections, Hepatitis, and Gastroenteritis Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1996, Fig 1.22.] ... infections In contrast, in liver abscesses arising from pelvic and other intraperitoneal sources, a mixed flora including both aerobic and anaerobic species is common; B fragilis is the species most...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 352 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 8) pot

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 8) pot

... is early diagnosis Perinephric and Renal Abscesses Perinephric and renal abscesses are not common: The former accounted for only ~0.02% of hospital admissions and the latter for ~0.2% in Altemeier's ... perinephric space The kidneys and adrenal glands are surrounded by a layer of perirenal fat that, in turn, is surrounded by Gerota's fascia, which extends superiorly to the diaphragm and inferiorly to the ... surgery, trauma, and diabetes mellitus have also been identified as risk factors The organisms most frequently encountered in perinephric and renal abscesses are E coli, Proteus spp., and Klebsiella...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

5 266 0
Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 9) doc

Chapter 121. Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses (Part 9) doc

... 1998 [PMID: 9590249] Johanssen EC, Madoff LC: Infections of the liver and biliary system, in Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th ed, GL Mandell et al (eds) Philadelphia, Elsevier ... 2005, pp 951–959 Levison ME, Bush LM: Peritonitis and intraperitoneal abscesses, in Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th ed, GL Mandell et al (eds) Philadelphia, Elsevier Churchill ... [PMID: 14523762] Tzianabos AO, Kasper DL: Anaerobic infections: General concepts, in Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th ed, GL Mandell et al (eds) Philadelphia, Elsevier Churchill...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

6 297 0
Sexually transmitted infections and other reproductive tract infections in rural vietnam

Sexually transmitted infections and other reproductive tract infections in rural vietnam

... information, education and communication; instruction on hygiene and disease prevention; maternal and child health care and family planning; first aid and care of common diseases; and implementation ... partner; ii) endogenous infections resulting from an overgrowth of organisms normally present in the vagina, including bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis; and iii) iatrogenic infections occurring ... cervical cancer, maternal infections, perinatal deaths, and potentially blinding eye infections in infants.35, 45, 126, 181 Unfortunately, symptoms and signs of many infections may not appear...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 20:15

91 1,1K 0
Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 2 doc

Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 2 doc

... state In GSD type III and VI, glucose and lactate evolve in parallel, with a moderate increase of glucose and lactate in the post-prandial state Fasting hypoglycaemia with post-prandial hyperlactatemia ... 2, and are collected at 4, and 24 h, respectively, after BH4 loading Urine sample is collected between and h after BH4 loading The plasma and urine samples should be protected against light and ... high lactate (L) and pyruvate (P) with normal L/P ratio, L and P decrease during the test Defects of the citric-acid cycle and the respiratory chain: variable levels of lactate and KB The fasting...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

55 462 0
Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 3 ppt

Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 3 ppt

... with fasting hypoglycemia and ketosis and, in contrast, with postprandial hyperglycemia and hyperlactatemia Treatment is primarily dietary and aims to prevent hypoglycemia and suppress secondary ... interconvert ribulose-5-phosphate and ribose-5-phosphate and results in the formation of sugars and polyols: ribose and ribitol from ribose-5-phosphate and xylulose and arabitol from ribulose-5-phosphate ... it When both reducing sugars (galactose and glucose) are present and reduction and glucose tests are done, and when the former test is strongly positive and the latter is weakly positive, the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

55 447 0
Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 4 ppsx

Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 4 ppsx

... (COX), and adenosine triphosphatase (A), and rRNAs are indicated Replication of the heavy strand starts in the displacement (D) loop at the heavy-strand origin (OH), and that of the light strand ... glutamate, glutamine, and branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine), and increased urinary lactic, pyruvic, 2-ketoglutaric, and branched-chain 2-hydroxy- and 2-keto acids 12.4.3 ... and may be monitored at rest, during exercise, and during recovery An increased ratio is found in most patients, and MRS is becoming a useful tool in the diagnosis of mitochondrial diseases and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

55 509 1
Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 5 pot

Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 5 pot

... NTBC levels and amino acid profile; tests of renal tubular and glomerular function; urinary SA and 5-ALA; and hepatic imaging by ultrasound and CT/ MRI Blood levels of phenylalanine and tyrosine ... body fluids of patients On the other hand, their derivatives, SA and SAA are readily detectable in plasma and urine and have widespread effects FAA, MAA and SA disrupt sulfhydryl metabolism by ... described The small joints of the hands and feet tend to be spared Muscle and tendon involvement is common: thickened Achilles tendons may be palpable, and tendons and muscles may be susceptible...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

55 314 0
Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 7 docx

Inborn Metabolic Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment - part 7 docx

... methyltetrahydrofolate and the synthesis of MeCbl and AdoCbl in cultured chorionic villus cells (but not native chorionic villus) and amniocytes and by measuring methylmalonic acid and total homocysteine ... aggressive and sometimes violent behavior, arson, attempted rape, and exhibitionism The patients were non-dysmorphic and showed a tendency towards stereotyped hand movements, such as hand wringing, ... avoiding eggs, mayonnaise, liver and other organ meats (offal), peas and soybeans and exclude sea fish and shell fish They should choose appropriate clothing and control room ventilation to minimise...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:21

55 298 0