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... that Advances in Discrete Time Systems1 6 Preface This volume brings about the contemporary results in the field of discrete- time systems. It covers technical reports written on the topics of robust control, ... gener‐ alized H2 control for discrete- time fuzzy systems with infinite-distributed delays” examined the generalized H2 control problem for a class of discrete time T-S fuzzy systems with infin‐ ite-distributed ... that Robust Control Design of Uncertain Discrete- Time Descriptor Systems with Delays http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/ 51538 35 Robust Control Design of Uncertain Discrete- Time Descriptor Systems with...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 09:20

256 373 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 1 pdf

Discrete Time Systems Part 1 pdf

... Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems 93 Rodrigo Souto, João Ishihara and Geovany Borges Discrete- Time Fixed Control 109 Stochastic Optimal Tracking with Preview for Linear Discrete Time Markovian ... x n q (j)) (10) 8 Discrete Time Systems X Preface We think that the contribution in the book, which does not have the intention to be all-embracing, enlarges the fi eld of the Discrete- Time Systems with ... Gain Analysis of Switched Linear Discrete- Time Descriptor Systems 337 Guisheng Zhai Robust Stabilization for a Class of Uncertain Discrete- time Switched Linear Systems 351 Songlin Chen, Yu Yao...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 500 1
Discrete Time Systems Part 2 potx

Discrete Time Systems Part 2 potx

... Observer design for systems with multivariable monotone nonlinearities, Systems and Control Letters 50: 319–330. 37 Observers Design for a Class of Lipschitz Discrete- Time Systems with Time- Delay From ... ···M q (K q )  (49) M i (K i )=  (H i −K i C) T (H i −K i C) T    s i times  (50) 30 Discrete Time Systems Discrete Time Systems 44 (1) (1) (2) (2) FLP t+Δ t+Δ t+Δ t+Δ t+Δ -1 (1) (22) ... (23). 25 Observers Design for a Class of Lipschitz Discrete- Time Systems with Time- Delay Distributed Fusion Prediction for Mixed Continuous -Discrete Linear Systems 47 Fig. 2. Velocity MSE comparison...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 291 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 3 ppt

Discrete Time Systems Part 3 ppt

... matrices S t (j)=  P t−j,t/t C t T −δ 0,j H t R t  C t −1 ( j = 0, 1, ···, L − 1 ) , (82) 65 New Smoothers for Discrete- time Linear Stochastic Systems with Unknown Disturbances Discrete Time Systems 52 Chang, K. C.; Tian, Z. & Saha, R. K. ... filter reaches its steady state. In this case, the EC P is given by (13). Now, 74 Discrete Time Systems Discrete Time Systems 50 This completes the proof of Theorem 2. Proof of Theorem 3 a., ... vector, 54 Discrete Time Systems Darouach, M.; Zasadzinski, M. & Keller, J. Y. (1992). State estimation for discrete systems with unknown inputs using state estimation of singular systems, ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 281 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 4 pptx

Discrete Time Systems Part 4 pptx

... as P k+1|k =  P 11,k+1|k P 12,k+1|k P T 12,k +1|k P 22,k+1|k  , (50) 101 Kalman Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems Kalman Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems 15 above its error variance prediction, i.e., the ... concentration of a given medicine in his patient. Kalman Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems 6 12 Discrete Time Systems Using (74), we can simplify the expressions for Φ ∗ k , K ∗ k and ... E  e (j) i,k  2 , (81) E  e (j) i,k  ≈ 1 N N ∑ j=1 e (j) i,k , (82) 104 Discrete Time Systems Kalman Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems 13 Step 0 (Initial conditions):  x 0|−1 = x 0 and P 0|−1 =...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 314 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 5 potx

Discrete Time Systems Part 5 potx

... Tracking with Preview for Linear Discrete Time Markovian Jump Systems 129 O. L. V. Costa.; M. D. Fragoso. & R. P. Marques. (2005). Discrete- Time Markov Jump Linear Systems, Springer, 1-85233-761-3, ... output regulation for discrete- time switched and Markovian jump linear systems, SIAM J. Control Optim., 47, 1, 40-72 M. Mariton. (1990). Jump Linear Systems in Automatic Control, Marcel Dekker, ... the design of the model following control system for a nonlinear descriptor system in discrete time, if the following conditions are held: Discrete Time Systems 122 Then we introduce the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 448 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 6 pptx

Discrete Time Systems Part 6 pptx

... Feedback Control of Discrete- time LTI Systems: Scaling LMI Approaches Discrete Time Mixed LQR/H ∞ Control Problems 163 If A is invertible, the stabilizing solution to the discerete time Riccati ... 1. 155 Output Feedback Control of Discrete- time LTI Systems: Scaling LMI Approaches Discrete Time Systems 140 Fig. 1. Responses of the system for nonlinear descriptor system in discrete time 7. References ... large-scale systems, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control 49(11): 2040–2044. 158 Discrete Time Systems Discrete Time Mixed LQR/H ∞ Control Problems 167 In this case, the state feedback mixed LQR/ H ∞ controller...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 344 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 7 ppt

Discrete Time Systems Part 7 ppt

... to delay-dependent H ∞ control of discrete- time systems with time- varying delay, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.18, 630-647. 194 Discrete Time Systems a Lyapunov function ... numerical solution of the discrete – time algebraic Riccati equation. IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, 25(4), pp. 631-641. P. L. D. Peres and Geromel J. C. (1993). 2 H control for discrete- time systems ... design of discrete- time systems with time- varying delays have appeared in the literature(for example, (9)). The results in (3), (12), (14), (18) considered discrete- time systems with time- invariant...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 365 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 8 pot

Discrete Time Systems Part 8 pot

... nonlinear mimo time- delay systems, Automatica 43(1): 31–43. 226 Discrete Time Systems Xu, J X. & Huang, D. (2009). Discrete- time adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems with periodic ... −1)] T (74) 220 Discrete Time Systems Discrete Time Systems 204 H. Wang, J. Lam, S. Xu, et al. Robust H ∞ reliable control for a class of uncertain neutral delay systems, International Journal of Systems ... discrete- time systems with unknown control directions, Systems & Control Letters 57(11): 888–895. Goodwin, G. C., Ramadge, P. J. & Caines, P. E. (1980). Discrete- time multivariable adaptive control, ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 354 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 9 ppt

Discrete Time Systems Part 9 ppt

... continuous time dynamics of the system into a discrete- time model. The ODEs in (1)-(2) can be described in a compact form by ˙v = M −1 p[η,v]+ M −1 τ (10) ˙η = q[η,v], (11) 258 Discrete Time Systems 5.6 ... consensus problems for discrete- time multi-agent systems with switching topology and time- varying delays have been presented by using matrix theories. In Moreau (2005), a discrete- time network model of ... Stability of leaderless discrete- time multi-agent systems, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 18(4): 293–322. Aström, K. & Wittenmark, B. (1989). Adaptive Control, Addison-Wesley...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 315 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 10 pdf

Discrete Time Systems Part 10 pdf

... The control of discrete systems with time- varying delays has been researched extensively in the last few decades. Especially in recent years there are increasing interests in discrete- time systems ... stability have been developed for linear discrete- time systems with time varying delay in the state. In these papers above the time- varying delay of discrete systems is assumed to be unique in state ... to Discrete- Time Adaptive Control Systems with Perturbed Measures for Complex Dynamics - Case Study: Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Stability Criterion and Stabilization of Linear Discrete- time...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 300 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 11 potx

Discrete Time Systems Part 11 potx

... the time response of this system at 304 Discrete Time Systems Discrete Time Systems 292 Therefore, a memoryless state-feedback gain is given by 1 1 [2.0 3.0]KFX − == . The closed-loop discrete- time ... output feedback guaranteed cost control for uncertain time- delay systems, Automatica, vol. 40, pp. 1263-1268 Boukas, E. K., Discrete- time systems with time- varying time delay: Stability and Stabilizability, ... yields ˆ x k+1 = ˆ A (α) ˆ x k + ˆ A d (α) ˆ x k−d k + ˆ B (α)u k , (83) 314 Discrete Time Systems Discrete Time Systems 290 Theorem 2: For a given set of upper and lower bounds , ii dd for corresponding time- varying delays ki d ,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 340 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 12 ppt

Discrete Time Systems Part 12 ppt

... Hence, the grey discrete time system (1) is asymptotically stable by Lemma 2.1. 3. Grey discrete time systems with time- delay Considering the grey discrete time system with a time- delay as follows: ... N⎡⎤ + +=< ⎣⎦ Discrete Time Systems 328 to be checked numerically and generalize the systems with uncertainties for the stability of grey discrete time systems with time- delay. Examples ... linear uncertain systems: a numerical comparison, Proceedings of the 41st I EEE Conference on Decision and Control, LasVegas, pp. 644–649. 324 Discrete Time Systems Discrete Time Systems 334...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 387 0

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