... exchanges: direct speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, indirect speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, direct speech acts motivated by indirect speech acts and finally indirect speech ... rather on indirectness since there are 62 exchanges out of which at least one is indirect, the total number of exchanges being 89. Direct- direct, indirect- indirect and direct- indirect contributions ... of view of indirectness. The play contains four types of exchanges: direct speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, indirect speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, direct speech acts...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 10:37
Báo cáo khoa học: "Plans, Inference, and Indirect Speech Acts I" potx
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF without position sensor
... Principles of the Proposed Method Title Block Indirect torque control method of BLDC motor explained in [9] was extended to a direct torque and indirect flux control technique for six-switch ... amplitude and rotating direction of the stator flux linkage is given in Table I. Fig. 1: Decagon trajectory of stator flux linkage in the stationary αβ – plane. Direct Torque and Indirect ... measured stator voltages α s V and β s V and currents α s i and β s i , then by using (1) and (4) q- and d-axis flux linkage are drived. Also, by usig (4) q- and d-axis current are calculated....
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:45
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor
... time-varying signals (reference and/ or feedback) quite well. A PPENDIX I S PECIFICATIONS AND P ARAMETERS OF THE BLDC M OTOR A PPENDIX II OZTURK AND TOLIYAT: DIRECT TORQUE AND INDIRECT FLUX CONTROL OF ... Method In this study, indirect torque control method of BLDC mo- tor explained in [29] is extended to a direct torque and indirect flux control technique, which is suitable for sensorless and flux- weakening ... well. OZTURK AND TOLIYAT: DIRECT TORQUE AND INDIRECT FLUX CONTROL OF BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR 355 TAB L E I S WITCHING T ABLE FOR DTC OF BLDC M OTOR U SING T HREE - PHASE C ONDUCTION indirectly kept...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46
Theory and practical application of nominal clauses, adverbial clauses, direct & indirect speech in finance
... adverbial clauses, direct and indirect speech. This report looks into these matters by including two main sections. The first section focuses on literature reviews for the definition and usage of ... clauses, direct and indirect speech. The other section deals with practical applications of these theories in finance- an aspect of business. This section contrasts the use of nominal clauses and ... nominal clauses and adverbial clauses, direct and indirect speech in the financial theme by analyzing five financial articles to help you thoroughly understand the theory. Moreover, the report...
Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 14:57
Tài liệu 44 Speech Production Models and Their Digital Implementations ppt
... m 1 and m 2 , the (nonlinear) springs s 1 and s 2 , the coupling spring k c , and the nonlinear c 1999 by CRC Press LLC FIGURE 44.1: Display of speech signal: (a)waveform, (b) spectrogram, and ... FIGURE44.5:Chainmatricesforsynthesizingnasalsounds. inEq.(44.16b).Foragivenvolumevelocityattheglottis,U g ,thevolumevelocityatthevelumis U v =T gv U g ,andthepressureatthevelumisP v =Z v U v .OnceP v andU v areknown,thevolume velocityand/orpressureatthenostrilsandlipscanbecomputedbyinvertingthematricesK vn and K vt . 44.4 SourcesofExcitation Asmentionedearlier,speechsoundsmaybeclassifiedbytypeofexcitation:periodic,turbulent,or transient.Allofthesetypesofexcitationarecreatedbyconvertingthepotentialenergystoredinthe lungsduetoexcesspressureintosoundenergyintheaudiblefrequencyrangeof20Hzto20kHz. Thelungsofayoungadultmalemayhaveamaximumusablevolume(“vitalcapacity”)ofabout5 l.Whilereadingaloudthepressureinthelungsistypicallyintherangeof6to15cmofwater(6000 to15000Pa).Vocalcordvibrationscanbesustainedwithapressureaslowas.2cmofwater.Atthe otherextreme,apressureashighas195cmofwaterhasbeenrecordedforatrumpetplayer.Typical averageairflowfornormalspeechisabout0.1l/s.Itmaypeakashighas5l/sduringrapidinhalesin singing. Periodicexcitationoriginatesmainlyatthevibratingvocalfolds,turbulentexcitationoriginates primarilydownstreamofthenarrowestconstrictioninthevocaltract,andtransientexcitations occurwheneveracompleteclosureofthevocalpathwayissuddenlyreleased.Inthefollowing,we willexplorethesethreetypesofexcitationinsomedetail.Theinterestedreaderisreferredto[18] formoreinformation. 44.4.1 ... The springs s 1 and s 2 are assumed to haverestoring forcesofthe form ax + bx 3 , where the constants a andb takeondifferent values for the two sections and for the colliding and non-colliding...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Detecting and Correcting Speech Repairs" ppt
... ours. A lot of speech repairs do not look ill-formed, such as " ;and a boxcar of- and a tanker of OJ", and " ;and bring - and then bring that orange juice," and are mainly signaled ... detecting and cor- rection modification and abridged speech repairs. Our work shows that a large percentage of speech repairs can be re- solved prior to parsing. Our algorithm assumes that the speech ... Patterns and Occurrences the extent of the resumed text and removed text, and so on restricts word correspondences that can be part of the repair. In this section, we present the rules we...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 21:20
Diseases and Disorders: Speech Disorders ppt
... a Speech Disorder? 19 Common speech disorders in adults include fluency disor- ders like stuttering, voice disorders, and motor speech disor- ders, such as apraxia and dysarthria. Apraxia and ... dysarthria and other motor speech difficulties to communicate more effectively through the use of computer-assisted devices and voice synthesizers. Apraxia of Speech Apraxia of speech, or verbal ... have a difficult time understanding their speech. 9781420502213_DD.indd 30 4/3/10 11:11 AM deaf typically has difficulty acquiring speech and usually exhib- its speech disorders related to the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Signalling the Interpretation of Indirect Speech Acts" pptx
... Language Understandinq. Urbane: University of Illinois, Coordinated Science Laboratory, 1978. 13. Perrault, C. R., & Allen, J. F. A plan-based anal- ysis of indirect speech acts. In submission. ... a plan- based theory of speech acts. Co~nittve Science, 1979, ~, 177-212. 9. Donnell4m, K. Speaker references, descriptions, and anaphora. In P. Cole (Ed.), Syntax and semantics (Vol. ~): ... eration. (This volume). 3- Bruce, B. Belief systems and language understandln~ (BBN Report NO. Z973). Cambridge, Hess.: Bolt, Beranek and Newman, January 1975. 4. Bruce, B., & Newman,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:20
Hindawi Publishing Corporation EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing Volume 2010, pptx
... Trans Acoust Speech Signal Process, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 113–120, 1979. [5] Y. Ephraim and H. L. Van Trees, “Signal subspace approach for speech enhancement,” IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, ... model and specific d escription. Our system is systematically evaluated and compared with the Hu and Wang model for speech segregation in Section 4, followed by the discussion in Section 5 and the ... from the Hu and Wang model, and gray bars those from proposed system. algorithm to obtain the intrusive speech quality evaluation result of the separated speech. SNR is measured in decibel and computed...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Assessment of Severe Apnoea through Voice Analysis, Automatic Speech, and Speaker " ppt
... well-known speech and speaker recognition techniques to carry out speech phonetic segmen- tation and apnoea/nonapnoea voice classification. Since we needed to consider specific acoustical features and ... of phonetic contexts, and this is why we have chosen to focus on continuous speech. However, we note that it is not our intention here to compare the performance of continuous speech and sustained vowel ... database, a standard phonetically balanced speech database for Spanish [19]. It was chosen because it contains an interesting sequence of successive /a/ and /i/ vowel sounds. The second and third...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Speech Enhancement by Multichannel Crosstalk Resistant ANC and Improved Spectrum Subtraction" pptx
... years as speech enhancement is a core tar- get in many demanding areas such as telecommunications, and speech and speaker recognitions. Among them, spec- trum subtraction (SS) [1–3] and adaptive ... (a) noisy speech; (b) enhanced speech by ISS; (c) enhanced speech by MCRANC; (d) enhanced speech by MCRANC and ISS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research is funded by The University of Auckland Research ... err 0 (k) , (9) where x( k)ands(k) represent the acquired speech plus noise and the pure speech vectors, respectively. It may be expressed in a similar way to n(k)in(7). Then from (1 )and( 9), e 1 (k) =...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
... to Speech Systems and Emotional Speech 127 Chapter 7 Multilingual and Multimodal Corpus-Based Text-to -Speech System – PLATTOS – 129 Matej Rojc and Izidor Mlakar Chapter 8 Estimation of Speech ... Perceptual Speech Quality Scores 155 Kazuhiro Kondo Chapter 9 Spectral Properties and Prosodic Parameters of Emotional Speech in Czech and Slovak 175 Jiří Přibil and Anna Přibilová Chapter 10 Speech ... database integration, and rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20
Dynamic Speech ModelsTheory, Algorithms, and Applications phần 6 pptx
... since the VTR bandwidths are known to be highly variable with respect to the acoustic environment [120], and to be less correlated with the phonetic content of speech and with human speech perception ... a function of the resonance frequency and bandwidth (n = 1 and f s = 8000 Hz) reducethepeakcepstralvaluesonlyfrom1.9844to1.4608(computedby2 exp(−20π/8000 )and 2 exp(−800π/8000),respectively). Thecorresponding ... resonance Resonance bandwidth (Hz) Resonance frequency (Hz) FIGURE 4.3: Fifth-order cepstral value of a one-pole (single-resonance) filter as a function of the resonance frequency and bandwidth n = 5 and f s =...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 00:21