digital image processing gonzalez pdf chapter 5

Digital image processing CHAPTER 10 [GONZALEZ WOOD]

Digital image processing CHAPTER 10 [GONZALEZ WOOD]

... 10. 15( a) shows the angiogram image discussed in Section 1.3.2 Fig- EXAMPLE 10 .5: ure 10. 15( b) shows the Sobel gradient of this image, included here for compar- _ Edge finding by ison Figure 10. 15( c) ... gray-level PDF of an image Ỹ Trang 40 606 Chapter I0 # Image Segmentation EXAMPLE 10.13: Use of optimum thresholding for image segmentation ab FIGURE 10.33 A cardioangiogram before and after preprocessing ... Trang 14 58 0 Chapter 10 = Image Segmentation ab cid FIGURE 10.10 (a) Original image (b) |G, |, component of the gradient in the x-direction (â) |G,|, component in the y-direction (d) Gradient image,

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 16:29

76 523 1
Digital image processing CHAPTER 04

Digital image processing CHAPTER 04

... relevance to digital image processing The notation, usually a source of trouble for the beginner, is clarified significantly in this chapter by emphasiz- ing the connection between image characteristics ... for digital image processing, ex- istence of either the discrete transform or its inverse is not an issue The concept of the frequency domain, mentioned numerous times in this chapter and in Chapter ... Fourier spectra shown in this chapter are similarly processed by a log Trang 10 156 ab FIGURE 4.3 (a) Image of a 20 x 40 white rectangle ona black background of size 51 2 x 51 2 pixels (b) Centered

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 15:46

74 457 1
Digital image processing CHAPTER 06

Digital image processing CHAPTER 06

... Fundamentals 4 45 nm S35nm 57 5 nm # 5 Blue Red P 8 + 3 5 & = 8 8 2 Ð < | L | J 400 450 50 0 55 0 600 650 700 nm Đ o oe ô2 @ = z9 o 3 a ơ 5 oO Đ S0 B0 vo 5 2 “hà € & Sẽ & i B 5 ° Go a 2 ... left array has value FFFFFF (white), the second 2) š 2 2 | 5 8 “8 % Oo a Ñ 111111 333333 444444 55 555 5 AAAAAA | BBBBBB CCCCCC DDDDDD EEEEEE FFFFFE TTTTT1 TABLE 6.1 Valid values of ... range [0, 255 ]; for display The saturation image in Fig, 6. 15( b) shows progressively darker values toward Trang 20 6.2 % Color Models 301 abc FIGURE 6. 15 HSI components of the image in Fig

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 15:59

67 448 1
Digital image processing CHAPTER 08

Digital image processing CHAPTER 08

... pixels A 51 2-word dictionary with the following starting content is assumed: Dictionary Location Entry 0 0 1 1 255 255 256 — S11 — Locations 256 through 51 1 are initially unused The image is ... of the image At some later time, the compressed image is decompressed to reconstruct the original image or an approximation of it Trang 2 410 Chapter 8 mi Image Compression Interest in image ... in an image a Trang 6 412 Chapter 8 @ Image Compression EXAMPLE 8.1: A simple illustration of variable-length coding 8.1.1 Coding Redundancy In Chapter 3 we developed the technique for image

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 16:10

109 467 1
Digital image processing CHAPTER 12 -OBJECT RECOGNITI

Digital image processing CHAPTER 12 -OBJECT RECOGNITI

... ( 12.2 -57 ) From Eq (12.2 -51 ), Eo 20, -(r, Ở O;) (12.2 -58 ) and, from Eq (12.2-49), 909 a Son OS a, Ở áp, hla) = Malte) = AUU,) (12.2 -59 ) 12.2 -59 Substituting Eqs (12.2 -58 ) and (12.2 -59 ) into ... Decision-Theoretic Methods Substituting Eqs (12.2 -53 ) arid (12.2 -54 ) into Eq (12.2 -52 ) yields 9E, Q Aw, = a al, O, = 06,0, : (12.2 -55 ) where dEg 6,=-Ở 2.2 -56 a al, ự ụ ) In order to compute dE9/dI,, ... coverage of digital image processing with an introduction to techniques for object recognition As noted in Section 1.1, we have defined the scope covered by our treatment of digital image processing

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 16:48

103 391 1
gonzalez, woods  -  digital image processing. instructors manual. 2nd

gonzalez, woods - digital image processing. instructors manual. 2nd

... Wiener ®lter in Eq (5. 8-3) and conclude the chapter with Examples 5. 12 and 5. 13 Chapter on color image processing is a new feature of the book Coverage of this Chapter Introduction chapter also can ... Digital Image Processing Second Edition Instructorzs Manual Rafael C Gonzalez Richard E Woods Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ 07 458 or ... 4 .5, and 4.6 are added This strengthens the studentzs background in frequency-domain concepts A more extensive coverage of Chapter is possible by adding sections 5. 2.3, 5. 3.3, 5. 4.3, 5. 5, 5. 6,

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:40

209 672 0
xu ly anh hoang van hiep hiephv   digital image processing   chapter 3 2  cai thien phuc hoi anh frequence filtering   cuuduongthancong com

xu ly anh hoang van hiep hiephv digital image processing chapter 3 2 cai thien phuc hoi anh frequence filtering cuuduongthancong com

... đổi Fourier (tiếp) Ví dụ: y (0,0) 255 255 x f(x,y) Tính biến đổi Fourier ảnh Phép biến đổi Fourier (tiếp) ( f (0,0)  f (0,1)  f (1,0)  f (1,1))  127 .5 2*2 F (0,1)  ( f (0,0) * e  j 2 ... 0) điểm tâm ảnh  Thực cách: Nhân f(x, y) với (-1)x+y thực phép biến đổi Fourier (0,0) v - 255 -0 255 x x f(x,y) Fourier (0,0) u f(x,y)(-1)x+y |F(u-M/2,v-N/2)| 12 ... Butterworth (tiếp) 49 Bộ lọc thông thấp Butterworth (tiếp) Ảnh hưởng bậc n 50 25

Ngày tải lên: 22/04/2022, 19:18

37 9 0
wilhelm burger, mark j. burge  -  principles of digital image processing. fundamental techniques

wilhelm burger, mark j. burge - principles of digital image processing. fundamental techniques

... 3 6 10 12 13 13 15 15 16 20 20 21 21 23 ImageJ 25 2.1 Image Manipulation and Processing 26 2.2 ImageJ Overview ... have attempted to compile the core “vocabulary” of digital image processing, starting from the basic concepts and elementary properties of digital images through simple statistics and point operations, ... textbook Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Approach Using Java packages the original material into a series of compact volumes, thereby supporting a flexible sequence of courses in digital image

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:55

274 704 0
topological algorithms for digital image processing

topological algorithms for digital image processing

... Topological Algorithms for Digital Image Processing T.Y Kong and A Rosenfeld (Editors)... T H M T h e images handled by our algorithms so far are two-dimensional images Both the definition ... do for P := 1 to NCOLS do if... "Digital Topology: Introduction and Survey", Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Vol 48, 1989, pp 357 -393 5 R Lumia, L.G Shapiro, and 0 Zuniga, ... "shrinking" of binary images to similarly connected representations t h a t have smaller foregrounds (i.e., fewer Ts) has found application as a fundamental preprocessing step in image processing Two

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:59

293 457 0


... for the digital manipulation of digital images. The development of advanced, fast and reliable algorithms for digital image pre- and post- processing, digital image compression, digital image ... of ? ?digital image processing? ??. The purpose of this book is to provide an insight on the possibilities offered by digital image processing algorithms in various fields. Digital image processing ... DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Edited by Stefan G. Stanciu Digital Image Processing Edited by Stefan G. Stanciu Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51 000 Rijeka,

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 08:20

208 239 0


... for the digital manipulation of digital images. The development of advanced, fast and reliable algorithms for digital image pre- and post- processing, digital image compression, digital image ... of ? ?digital image processing? ??. The purpose of this book is to provide an insight on the possibilities offered by digital image processing algorithms in various fields. Digital image processing ... DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Edited by Stefan G. Stanciu Digital Image Processing Edited by Stefan G. Stanciu Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51 000 Rijeka,

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 08:20

208 280 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P4 pdf

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P4 pdf

... 88 CHAPTER 4 Basic Binary Image Processing (a) (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 4.16 Open and close filtering of the binary image “cells.” Open with: (a) B ϭ SQUARE( 25) ; (b) B ϭ SQUARE(81); ... points are discovered. 4 .5 BINARY IMAGE REPRESENTATION AND COMPRESSION In several later chapters, methods for compressing gray level images are studied in detail. Compressed images are representations ... wavelet image compression algorithms (Chapters 17 and 18). 4 .5. 2 Chain Coding Chain coding is an efficient representation of binary images composed of contours. We will refer to these as “contour images.”

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 500 0
An introduction to digital image processing with matlab

An introduction to digital image processing with matlab

... i An Introduction to Digital Image Processing with Matlab Notes for SCM 251 1 Image Processing 1 Semester 1, 2004 Alasdair McAndrew School of Computer ... 1.2. WHAT IS IMAGE PROCESSING? 3 (a) The original image (b) After removing noise Figure 1.2: Removing noise from an image (a) The original image (b) After removing the blur Figure 1.3: Image deblurring ... integer values, so the image shown in figure 1.13 will have and ranging from 1 to 256 each, and the brightness values also ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white) A digital image, as we have

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 00:24

233 614 0


... Morphological Operations, 455 Edge Detection 15. 1 15 .2 15. 3 15. 4 15. 5 15. 6 15. 7 16 IMAGE ANALYSIS Topological Attributes, 623 Distance, Perimeter and Area Measurements, 6 25 Spatial Moments, 631... ... CONTENTS 19 Image Detection and Registration 19.1 19 .2 19.3 19.4 651 Template Matching, 651 Matched Filtering of Continuous Images, 655 Matched Filtering of Discrete Images, 6 62 Image Registration, ... Detection, 50 6 Luminance Edge Detector Performance, 50 8 Color Edge Detection, 52 2 Line and Spot Detection, 52 9 Image Feature Extraction 16.1 16 .2 16.3 16.4 16 .5 16.6 419 Binary Image Connectivity,

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:22

81 387 1


... (6 .5- 2b) After multiplication of the series,... General N4 Column processing N3 Row processing N3 Row and column processing Separable row and column processing matrix form 2N3– N2 2N3 153 ... the output image vector p to the input image matrix F by the equation (6.2-4) Furthermore, from Eq. 6.1-4, the output image matrix P is related to the input image vector p by (6.2 -5) Combining ... )O ( n... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 W K Pratt, “Vector Formulation of Two Dimensional Signal Processing Operations,” Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 4, 1, March 19 75, 1– 24 J O Eklundh,

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20

81 345 0


... 60, 7, July 1972, 842– 853 H C Andrews, ? ?Digital Image Restoration: A Survey,” IEEE Computer, 7, 5, May 1974, 36– 45 382 IMAGE RESTORATION TECHNIQUES B R Hunt, ? ?Digital Image Processing, ” Proc IEEE, ... Trans Image Processing, 12, 12, December 2003, 159 1– 159 8 41 O D Faugeras, ? ?Digital Color Image Processing Within the Framework of a Human Visual Model,” IEEE Trans Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, ... PAMI-2, 2, March 1980, 1 65? ??168 37 A Polesel et al ? ?Image Enhancement via Adaptive Unsharp Masking,” IEEE Trans Image Processing, 9, 3, March 2000 ,50 5? ?51 0 38 A Rosenfeld, Picture Processing by Computer,

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20

81 287 0


... Signal Processing, S Haykin, Ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989 20 M Vrhel, “Color Image Resolution Conversion,” IEEE Trans Image Processing, 14, 3, March 20 05, 328–333 PART 5 IMAGE ... image manipulation: image mosaicing and image blending Image mosaicing involves the spatial combination of a set of partially overlapped images to create a larger image of a scene Image ... Bernstein, Digital Image Processing of Earth Observation Sensor Data,” IBM J Research and Development, 20, 1, 1 976 , 40? ?56 17 D A O’Handley and W B Green, “Recent Developments in Digital Image

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20

81 255 0


... Heart 1.867 5. 052 1.4 35 8. 052 27.340 5. 702 – 15. 483 Rotated heart 1.866 5. 004 1.434 8. 010 27.126 5. 650 –14.788 Magnified heart 1.873 5. 710 1.473 8.600 30 .57 5 6.162 0 .55 9... 1 Image- oriented ... 4,337.90 2,149.18 2,143 .52 2,211. 15 1,092.92 1,071. 95 1,008. 05 1,140.43 Magnified heart 34 ,52 3.13 17,130.64 17,442.91 8,762.68 8, 658 .34 9,402. 25 4,608. 05 4,442.37 4,669.42 5, 318 .58 Minified heart 2,104.97 ... spade 8,2 15. 99 4,186.39 3,968.30 2,149. 35 2,021. 65 1,949.89 1,111.69 1,038.04 993.20 973 .53 Heart 8,616.79 4,283. 65 4,341.36 2,1 45. 90 2, 158 .40 2,223.79 1,083.06 1,081.72 1,1 05. 73 1, 156 . 35 Rotated

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20

81 247 0
Digital image processing third edition

Digital image processing third edition

... follows Chapter 1: A few figures were updated and part of the text was rewritten to correspond to changes in later chapters Chapter 2: Approximately 50 % of this chapter was revised to include new images ... opportunity to bring into Chapter a number of image processing applications that were scattered throughout the book For example, image averaging and image subtraction were moved to this chapter to illustrate ... some of its most important uses in digital image processing Chapter 5: The major revision in this chapter was the addition of a section dealing with image reconstruction from projections, with

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2018, 15:00

122 289 1
Digital Image Processing [GONZALEZ R C WOOD] COVERS

Digital Image Processing [GONZALEZ R C WOOD] COVERS

... Algorithms 53 4 9 .5. 1 Boundary Extraction 53 4 9 .5. 2 Region Filling 53 5 9 .5. 3 Extraction of Connected Components 53 6 9 .5. 4 Convex Hull 53 9 9 .5. 5 Thinning 54 1 9 .5. 6 Thickening 54 1 9 .5. 7 Skeletons 54 3 9 .5. 8 ... 54 3 9 .5. 8 Pruning 54 5 9 .5. 9 Summary of Morphological Operations on Binary Images 54 7 9.6 Extensions to Gray-Scale Images 55 0 9.6.1 Dilation 55 0 9.6.2 Erosion 55 2 9.6.3 Opening and Closing 55 4 9.6.4 Some ... Detection 58 5 10.2.1 Local Processing 58 5 10.2.2 Global Processing via the Hough Transform 58 7 10.2.3 Global Processing via Graph-Theoretic Techniques 59 1 10.3 Thresholding 59 5 10.3.1 Foundation 59 5 10.3.2...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 17:24

22 1,2K 3

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