Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 13:20
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2014, 12:21
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P2
... 89 2 372 80 ) 12. a2: 89 237cd0 sdbus!SdbusInterrupt (KINTERRUPT 89 237c80) 13. rimmptsk+0x 682 E (KINTERRUPT 89 237a00) 14. rimsptsk+0x 6 78 0 (KINTERRUPT 89 2 377 80 ) 15. rixdptsk+0x 682 0 (KINTERRUPT 89 2 375 00) ... USBPORT!USBPORT_InterruptService (KINTERRUPT 88 7f5 280 ) 6. 62: 88 7f5a50 USBPORT!USBPORT_InterruptService (KINTERRUPT 88 7f5a00) 7. USBPORT!USBPORT_InterruptService (KINTERRUPT 88 7f5000) 8. 72 : 86 1137d0 ataport!IdePortInterrupt ... (KINTERRUPT 86 11 3 78 0) 9. 81 : 89 2 370 50 i8042prt!I8042KeyboardInterruptService (KINTERRUPT 89 2 370 00) 10. 82 : 86 113a50 ataport!IdePortInterrupt (KINTERRUPT 86 113a00) 11. 91: 89 2 372 d0 i8042prt!I8042MouseInterruptService...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P3
... 10: 58: 03. 373 ] thread 88 496620 7. 11 85 53b8f8 4f4db 783 00000330 [ 5/19/20 08 15:56:46 .86 0] thread 85 53b 87 0 8. 85 404be0 4f4db 783 00000330 [ 5/19/20 08 15:56:46 .86 0] thread 85 404b 58 9. 16 89 a1c0a8 a62 084 ac ... 15:56: 47. 015] thread 88 985 d 78 15. 22 88 d0 074 8 542b35e0 00000330 [ 5/19/20 08 15:56:55.022] thread 88 d006c0 16. 89 976 4c0 542b35e0 00000330 [ 5/19/20 08 15:56:55.022] thread 89 976 4 38 17. 86 1f8b70 ... 5/19/20 08 15:56:55.022] thread 86 1f8ae8 18. 86 1e71d8 542b5cf0 00000330 [ 5/19/20 08 15:56:55.023] thread 86 1e7150 19. 26 8 87 0 ee00 45ec1 074 00000330 [ 5/19/20 08 15:56:31.120] thread 8 87 0 ed 78 20....
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 20:15
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P4
... Handles Run Process Explorer, and make sure the lower pane is enabled and configured to show open handles. (Click on View, Lower Pane View, and then Handles). Then open a command prompt and ... watermark. 1 47 18. +0x030 OpenProcedure : 0x822137d3 long nt!PspProcessOpen+0 19. +0x034 CloseProcedure : 0x8221c3d4 void nt!PspProcessClose+0 20. +0x0 38 DeleteProcedure : 0x8221c1e2 void ... Here’s how: 1. Launch Windows Media Player and Process Explorer, and then view the handle table (by clicking View, Lower Pane View, and then Handles). You should see a handle containing CheckForOtherInstanceMutex....
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 20:15
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P5
... 001d 982 8 12. Base TimeStamp Module 13. d80000 479 18ea2 Jan 19 00:46:10 20 08 C: \Windows\ notepad.exe 14. 76 f10000 479 1a7a6 Jan 19 02:32:54 20 08 C: \Windows\ system32\ntdll.dll 15. 76 bd0000 479 1a76d ... Jan 19 02:31: 57 20 08 C: \Windows\ system32\kernel32.dll 16. 76 b00000 479 1a64b Jan 19 02: 27: 07 20 08 C: \Windows\ system32\ADVAPI32.dll 17. 75 950000 479 1a751 Jan 19 02:31:29 20 08 C: \Windows\ system32\RPCRT4.dll ... processor 0 7. Not impersonating 8. DeviceMap 9aa0bdb8 9. Owning Process 89 e1ead8 Image: windbg.exe 10. Wait Start TickCount 24620 588 Ticks: 12 (0:00:00:00.1 87 ) 11. Context Switch Count 77 2193...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P6
... | 7. PinViewList | UseCount | 8. 9. 10. | 91d3e0 58 | 1000 | 3000 | 9de81000 | 86 11dd11 | 975 c6 87 0 9cfdbd54 | 11. 91d3e060 91d3e060 | 0 | 12. | 975 c6 87 0 | 1 380 00 | 4000 | 9dfb8000 | 86 11dd91 ... 1 380 00 | 4000 | 9dfb8000 | 86 11dd91 | 9 675 6 2 78 91d3e0 58 | 13. 975 c6 87 8 975 c6 87 8 | 0 | The output shows the addresses of the two views that the hivelist command reported for the hive in the ViewAddress ... 10. | 9c1a80 08 | 374 000 | 9c0b3000 | 2000 | 9c1a81bc | 174 | 11. 0 | 0| 9c 080 000 | :\Users\Abby\ntuser.dat 12. | 9cfdba30 | 219000 | 9ce 770 00 | 1000 | 9cfdbbe4 | 103 | 13. 0 | 0| 9c0f8000 | \Microsoft \Windows\ UsrClass.dat...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P7
... 2a0000 4 6 78 a41e Jun 19 23:50:54 20 07 C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for 14. Windows\ windbg.exe 15. 77 7d0000 4549bdc9 Nov 02 05:43: 37 2006 C: \Windows\ system32\Ntdll.dll 16. 76 4c0000 4549bd80 ... the !process command as follows: 1. lkd> !process 2. PROCESS 8 575 f030 SessionId: 1 Cid: 08d0 Peb: 7ffd9000 ParentCid: 0360 3. DirBase: 1a81b000 ObjectTable: e12bd4 18 HandleCount: 66. 4. ... run in session 0 and therefore share the window station with the interactive services. However, in Windows Vista and Windows Server 20 08, only processes owned by the system and Windows services...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P9
... _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x81d09 4 78 - 0x87f55030 ] 5. +0x0 18 ProcessListHead : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x87a08dd4 - 0x8 679 284 c ] 6. +0x020 JobLock : _ERESOURCE 7. +0x0 58 TotalUserTime : _LARGE_INTEGER 0x0 8. +0x060 ... prefix, and its various components are separated with hyphens: 1. S-1-5-21-14634 372 45-122 481 280 0 -86 384 21 98- 11 28 In this SID, the revision number is 1, the identifier authority value is 5 (the Windows ... : 0 25. +0x0b8 EndOfJobTimeAction : 0 26. +0x0bc CompletionPort : 0x87e3d2e8 27. +0x0c0 CompletionKey : 0x07a895 08 28. +0x0c4 SessionId : 1 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P10
... 0d6c Peb: 7ffda000 ParentCid: 0ecc 4. DirBase: cc9525e0 ObjectTable: afd755 18 HandleCount: 18. 5. Image: cmd.exe 6. VadRoot 85 328e 78 Vads 24 Clone 0 Private 1 48. Modified 0. Locked 0. 7. DeviceMap ... Level: Identification 78 . TokenType: Primary 79 . Source: User32 TokenFlags: 0x0 ( Token in use ) 80 . Token ID: 71 1 076 ParentToken ID: 0 81 . Modified ID: (0, 71 1 081 ) 82 . RestrictedSidCount: ... SessionId : Uint4B 12. +0x 0 78 UserAndGroupCount : Uint4B 13. +0x07c RestrictedSidCount : Uint4B 14. +0x 080 VariableLength : Uint4B 15. +0x 084 DynamicCharged : Uint4B 16. +0x 088 DynamicAvailable :...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15
Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P11
... [86 4e3d 78] irpStack: ( e,20) 86 171 3 48 [ \Driver\AFD] 0x864dbd90 7. 86 2d45 18 [86 5f7600] irpStack: ( d, 0) 86 1563 28 [ \FileSystem\Npfs] 8. 86 2d4 688 [8 671 33f0] irpStack: ( 3, 0) 86 1563 28 [ \FileSystem\Npfs] ... 915f84 18 HandleCount: 403. 6. Image: csrss.exe 7. Handle table at 98 177 000 with 403 Entries in use 8. 00f8: Object: 88 b99930 GrantedAccess: 193b0022 (Protected) Entry: 915fd1f0 9. Object: 88 b99930 ... ce21e 080 ObjectTable: 964c06a0 HandleCount: 1 98. 4. Image: services.exe 5. VadRoot 86 2b13 58 Vads 71 Clone 0 Private 466. Modified 14. Locked 2. 6. DeviceMap 8b0 087 d8 7. 8. THREAD 86 a1d2 48 Cid...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15
Tài liệu Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P12 doc
... intelppm.sys v0.0(0000) 0x84ac9ee8 0x84ac9e30 0x82bc6000 0x0000f000 17. msisadrv.sys v0.0(0000) 0x848da8 58 0x848da7a0 0x82253000 0x000 080 00 18. 19. Total: 1 library loaded 7. 4.2 KMDF Data Model ... v0.0(0000) 0x8656d9d8 0x8656d920 0x8f5 270 00 0x0000f000 14. umbus.sys v0.0(0000) 0x84bfd4d0 0x84bfd4 18 0x829d9000 0x0000d000 15. HDAudBus.sys v0.0(0000) 0x84b5d9 18 0x84b5d860 0x82be2000 0x00012000 ... 0x805ce18c 3. 4. LIBRARY_MODULE 8 472 f4 48 5. Version v1 .7 build(6001) 6. Service \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Wdf01000 7. ImageName Wdf01000.sys 8. ImageAddress 0x8 077 80 00...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P13 docx
... 000000 07 Flags 00001050 5. Vpb 84 a642 28 Dacl 8b1a8 674 DevExt 84 a6 483 8 DevObjExt 84 a64930 Dope 84 9fd8 38 DevNode 6. 84 9d59 38 7. ExtensionFlags (0x0000 080 0) 8. Unknown flags 0x0000 080 0 9. ... (2095616 MB) 74 . 0x00000D: [00000F] 75 . Name : Volume1 76 . Object Id : 0x0005 77 . Volume state: ACTIVE 78 . Size : 0x017FB800 (12 279 MB) 79 . GUID : b5f4a806 -75 8d-11dd-b7f0-c297f01 08 80 . Drive ... 37. Disk Id : b5f4a7fe -75 8d-11dd-b7f0-000c297f010 38. 0x0000 07: [000005] 39. Name : Disk2 40. Object Id : 0x0003 41. Disk Id : b5f4a801 -75 8d-11dd-b7f0-000c297f010 42. 0x0000 08: [0000 07] ...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P14 ppt
... FailureCount : 0x81f48ec4 -> 3 14. +0x014 Vm : 0x81f4e7e0 _MMSUPPORT 15. +0x0 18 TotalSystemPtes : 1 2 78 4 16. +0x01c TotalFreeSystemPtes : 4234 17. +0x020 CachedPteCount : 4 97 18. +0x024 PteFailures ... nt!MiFindContiguousMemory+0x63 33. eda8e000 1 ca nt!MiFindContiguousMemory+0x63 34. efb23d 68 f80 6 78 88 2 mrxsmb!BowserMapUsersBuffer+0x 28 35. efac5af4 f8b15b 98 2 ndisuio!NdisuioRead+0x54/nt!NtReadFile+0x566 ... DriverUnload : 0x8 172 0c71 void +ffffffff8 172 0c71 45. +0xdc0 PagedPool : _POOL_DESCRIPTOR 46. +0x1df4 PageTables : 0x8631a000 _MMPTE 47. +0x1df8 SpecialPool : _MI_SPECIAL_POOL 48. +0x1e20 SessionPteLock...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P15 pdf
... 26. 86 88c2e8 ( 1) 540 8bf 0 Mapped READONLY 27. 86 7e2a 68 ( 4) 8c0 14bf 0 Mapped READONLY 28. 86 90ad20 ( 5) 14c0 156f 0 Mapped READONLY 29. 87 3 85 1a8 ( 3) 15e0 15ef 8 Private READWRITE 30. 86 390d20 ... 35. 86 c7f3 18 ( 6) 2100 24ff 0 Mapped READONLY 36. 88 394ab0 ( 5) 73 b40 73 b81 4 Mapped Exe EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 37. 86 90b1b0 ( 3) 74 da0 74 f3d 15 Mapped Exe EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 38. 88 b917e8 ( 5) 75 100 ... 42. 86 c4a0 58 ( 4) 76 89 0 76 902 5 Mapped Exe EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 43. b138eb10 ( 5) 76 9a0 76 9a8 2 Mapped Exe EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 44. 87 7 debb8 ( 3) 76 9b0 76 9fa 3 Mapped Exe EXECUTE_WRITECOPY 45. 87 1 8c0c0...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P16 pptx
... Links : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x81d7c0c8 - 0x81d7c0c8 ] 6. +0x0 08 MappingCount : 0x810 7. +0x00c Reserved : 0 The output shows that the system has only one VACB array with 2,064 (0x810) active VACBs. ... the Windows file mapping functions. Note Cache coherency in this case refers to coherency between user-mapped data and cached I/O and not between noncached and cached hardware access and I/Os, ... remove this watermark. 78 6 1. lkd> x nt!*ccdbg* 2. 81 d7c09c nt!CcDbgNumberOfFailedMappingsDueToVacbSpace = <NO&NBSP;TYPE&NBSP;INFORMATION> 3. 81 d7c0a8 nt!CcDbgNumberOfVacbArraysAllocated...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P17 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P18 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Windows Internals covering windows server 2008 and windows vista- P19 doc
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15