... importance of caregivers as change agents of the child, in turn, children are reciprocally change agents of the caregiver and of family life in general Caregivers of children in the Ritalin LA subgroup, ... both baseline and endpoint, the number of children who missed or more days of school was lower at endpoint compared to baseline In addition at endpoint, there was a decrease in the number of missed ... endpoint, the mean (SD) score was 85.4 (17.4), indicative of a change in mean from baseline of 17.3 and a percent improvement from baseline of 25.4% Subgroup analyses revealed that improvement in...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06
... Region: Can occur in any part of the body and may involve single or multiple body parts Common complaints: • Extremity pain • Abdominal pain • Back pain Pain due to swelling in hands and feet from ... the evaluation of sickle pain, and in the differentiation between sickle pain and other etiologies of pain Management of pain must be individualized to each patient and plans of care should be ... for reducing pain and maintaining function Chronic Neuropathic Pain • Pain in back, lower extremities, other sites • Spontaneous • Lancinating • Burning • Older adults: disc disease, infections...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Mechanical Ventilation for children with Lung Disease: ALI, ARDS, and Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure. docx
... opening and closing leads to increase in proinflammatory cytokines Ware 2000 Alveolar opening/closing Pressure Haitsma 2003 Ventilating in a safe zone •Lower Inflection Point -Alveolar closing ... High Volume or Pressure relating to increased permeability and edema in the injured lung Capillary stress failure from over distention Cyclic opening and closing of atelectatic alveoli Alveolar ... Bernard 1994 Epidemiology of ALI in Children • 2-4% of all PICU pts have ALI • MV Children (>12-24h) ARDS: 2-7% ALI: 6-10% • LRTI most common trigger • Indirect Lung Injury from Sepsis, with worse...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Understanding Controversial Therapies for Children with Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Other Learning Disabilities docx
... INTRODUCTION Chapter INTRODUCTION Children with disabilities are at risk for experiencing problems in many aspects of their lives, including becoming independent in daily living skills, meeting ... directly or indirectly as a result of use of any information contained in this book Chapter THINKING OUT OF THE BOX An Overview of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approaches Medicine can ... developed in ancient India and is now practiced primarily in the Indian sub-continent Rather than addressing the symptoms of illness and disease, it focuses on helping patients to achieve and maintain...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 07:20
Treatment Choices for Men With Early-Stage Prostate Cancer doc
... type of incontinence is passing a small amount of urine from the stress of coughing, laughing, or sneezing A small number of men may have more serious incontinence that can last the rest of their ... certain hormone Incontinence (in- KAHN-tih-nens): Inability to control the flow of urine from the bladder (urinary incontinence) or the escape of stool from the rectum (fecal incontinence) Intensity-modulated ... specializes in diseases of the urinary organs in females and the urinary and sex organs in males Watchful waiting (WACH-ful WAY-ting): Closely monitoring a patient’s condition but not giving treatment...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20
báo cáo hóa học: "The New Jersey Institute of Technology Robot-Assisted Virtual Rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with cerebral palsy: a feasibility study " docx
... volume of Occupational Therapy following botulinum toxin therapy and a corresponding increase in parent ratings of spontaneous use of the involved arm and hand We hypothesize that the integration of ... patterns and to maintain approximately 50% of continuous participation for the 60 minute training session Task parameters from the final trial of the previous session were used to initiate training ... remainder of the sixty minute session This resulted in an average of 23 minutes of activity during the 60 minute sessions for S1 and S2 Games were modified gradually to increase difficulty in...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Dissertation summary for doctoral philosophy program in education: Methods to develop communication skills for children with autism 3 4 years old
... supporting CwA in inclusive preschools management, research, pre-service and in- service training preschool teachers had done by Cole.E.B., Ling D, Nguyễn Thị Diệu Anh, Nguyễn Tinh Vân and information ... education at preschool Leading by Ministry of Education and Training, seeing; Organizing activities at home in oder to develop communication management system of education for children with disabilities ... methods of development of CS for CwA Since detection, intervention to how inclusive caring and teaching in inclusive classes, create advantage environment for education organizing for CwA in order...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 20:28
báo cáo khoa học: " A cluster randomized controlled trial comparing three methods of disseminating practice guidelines for children with croup [ISRCTN73394937]" pptx
... addressing the management of children with croup We have completed a draft of the guidelines Remaining steps prior to completion of croup clinical practice guideline When the guidelines are in final ... mailing of printed educational materials (PEMs) (low intensity intervention); b) mailing PEMs plus a combination of interactive educational meetings, educational outreach visits, and reminders (intermediate ... reducing or maintaining the number of uncommon, severe clinical events such as intubation, respiratory and cardiac arrest, anoxic brain injury, or death ▪ by reducing, (in a prospective cohort of...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22
Báo cáo y học: "Cost effectiveness of community-based therapeutic care for children with severe acute malnutrition in Zambia: decision tree model" pptx
... educator and two volunteers Nurses were trained to diagnose SAM in children under years of age, by measuring mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) and examining children for bilateral pedal pitting oedema ... Chintu C: Intestinal and systemic infection, HIV, and mortality in Zambian children with persistent diarrhoea and malnutrition J Ped Gastr Nutr 2001, 32:550-554 UNICEF: State of the World's Children ... production (which was already accounted for), and included administration, training, research, local and international travel, and consultancy For each line item of expenditure, the proportion attributable...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:22
Báo cáo y học: "The clinical effectiveness of different parenting programmes for children with conduct problems: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials" ppt
... compared parent training with an alternative form of parent training only (no control comparison group) and 11 studies compared parent training with alternative parent training and a control comparison ... comparing more than one parent-training programmes contributed to relative effectiveness analysis (parent-training vs alternative parent training) Figure Inclusion and Exclusion of Studies Inclusion ... support training, friendship liaison or treatment of depression, was included in the intervention in 8/28 studies comparing two or more parenting programmes In studies, children Page of 10 (page...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21
Tài liệu Understanding Growth Failure in Children With Homozygous Sickle-Cell Disease doc
... growth and development Vitamin and mineral deficiencies including vitamin D, calcium, vitamin A, and zinc should be especially considered when evaluating diet and making recommendations Vitamin D ... skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2009c) Vitamin D is essential for promoting calcium absorption in the gut and maintaining adequate serum calcium and ... benefit of increasing fat, protein, and carbohydrate intake It is the role of both the registered nurse and advanced practice nurse to carefully assess and evaluate children s nutritional intake and...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Growth and nutritional status of children with homozygous sickle cell disease ppt
... impairment in SCD In an American study of 170 children (aged 2–12 years) with SCD, 22% were ,5th centile in height and/ or weight,96 and the serum levels of zinc, retinol, pre-albumin and retinol binding ... blood levels of thyroxine, thyroxine-binding capacity and the free thyroxine index were not significantly different in 90 SS children (1– 15 yrs) than in AS and AA controls.88 Interest in growth ... occurs early in life Booker et al.25 reported weight deceleration starting at about 4–6 months of age, coinciding with the onset of crises and infections and continuing during the 1st years of life...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: "Adalimumab - an effective and promising treatment for patients with fistulizing Crohn’s disease: a case series" pdf
... results in the significant and complete healing of draining fistulas in active FCD Furthermore, the long-term healing of draining fistulas was maintained over two years from the baseline of the ... for the induction and maintenance of remission in patients with moderate to severe CD, and safe and efficacious in regaining a medical response in patients intolerant or non-responsive to infliximab ... efficacious and safe in all of the three cases Page of Remission of active luminal and fistulizing disease was achieved soon after the initiation of adalimumab and sustained thereafter with maintenance...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:23
Báo cáo y học: "Expression profiles of hydrophobic surfactant proteins in children with diffuse chronic lung disease" pptx
... quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding Anal Biochem 1976, 72:248-254 Heukeshoven J, Dernick R: Improved silver staining procedure for fast staining ... M, et al.: Involvement of napsin A in the C- and N-terminal processing of surfactant protein B in type-II pneumocytes of the human lung J Biol Chem 2003, 278:49006-49014 Ueno T, Linder S, Na ... respiratory distress and in comparison groups of normal children and children with chronic obstructive bronchitis (Fig 1) The major findings are the presence of mature SP-B and SP-C in all children, except...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:21
Báo cáo y học: "Characterization of HIV-1 subtype C envelope glycoproteins from perinatally infected children with different courses of disease" ppsx
... play a role in the disease for both adults and children, but the function of neutralizing antibody responses in delaying disease progression or preventing HIV-1 infection, especially in children, ... later time points, in combination with the observed accumulation of amino acid substitutions in putatively exposed regions of the glycoprotein indicate that selective pressures, including humoral ... (1084 infant) or months (infant1157 and 1984) Our results (Table 2) indicate that the level of infant baseline Nab against infant first viral isolates was lower than the maternal baseline, implying...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo y học: "Renal failure in the intensive care unit: acute kidney injury compared to end-stage renal failure" pptx
... Ikizler A, Paganini EP, Chertow GM, for the Program of Improve Care in Acute Renal Disease: Spectrum of acute renal failure in the intensive care unit: the PICARD experience Kidney Int 2004, 66:1613-1621 ... significantly lower ICU and hospital mortality and shorter stay in ICU compared with patients with advanced AKI (Table 1) In both groups the ICU mortality rate rose with increasing number of associated ... failures during their stay in the ICU; 75.4% of patients with AKI on RRT and 54.5% of patients with advanced AKI not on RRT had two or more other failed organ systems, in contrast to only 25.6% of ESRF...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:23
Báo cáo y học: " Model of end stage liver disease (MELD) score greater than 23 predicts length of stay in the ICU but not mortality in liver transplant recipients" ppt
... values of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST); incidence of primary graft nonfunction and retransplantation, incidence of rejection ... reflected by increased incidence in viral and bacterial infections, activation of inflammatory and coagulation pathways, and immunologic reactions [45-47] In patients after liver transplantation, intraoperative ... study was undertaken to determine the major ICU problems in such patients and to outline and predict major clinical risk factors regarding length of stay in the ICU and mortality Therefore, data...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 20:22
Guidelines for the Nutritional Management of Children With Renal Disease pot
... nutritional requirements in: • • • • Chronic Renal Failure in infants and children Acute Renal Failure in infants and children Nephrotic Syndrome Renal Transplantation Nutrition in Renal Disease Author: ... Requirements in Acute Renal Failure 3.1 Infants 3.2 Children and Adolescents 3.2.1 Enteral Feeding 3.2.2 Vitamins and Minerals Nutritional Requirements in Nephrotic Syndrome 4.1 Initial Dietary Management ... guideline has been developed for dietitians and medical staff to assist in the nutritional management of infants and children with renal disease within Yorkhill Division Specifically these guidelines...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20
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