... The variable $? contains the return code of the previous executed command or application Success ≠0 Failure The exit n command will cause the script to quit and assign the value of n to the ... Aug /usr/bin/passwd The Saigon CTT Redirecting Input and Output Sometimes the output of a command is a list (ex: ls) and we wish to execute another command on each of the entries, use xargs ... The Saigon CTT Objectives Identify differrent Linux shell environments Understand the redirection of input Understand and utilize command substitution Write and configure...
Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:25
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15
Addressing Air Emissions from the Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standard Rulemaking pptx
... Address startup, shutdown and malfunction (SSM) provisions What are Uniform Standards? ► ► EPA developed consistent emission source standards to replace existing standards across the chemical and refinery sectors They ... review and revise these standards of performance, as necessary, to reflect improvements in methods for reducing emissions ► MACT – Section 112(d)(6) requires EPA to review the MACT standard every ... Pulp and PaperOnshore Oil and Gas Production 2% 4% Other Oth 4% Other Sectors Other Oil and Gas Systems 3% Unspecified Stationary Combustion 11% Source: Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Mandatory Reporting...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 11:20
flesh and the devil clarence brown technical devices and cinematic movements of 1920s in the construct
... The harsh whiteness of the paper contrasts the general bleakness of the setting, while the content conflict with the action of the film and the undertones of the minister's impromptu sermon The ... innuendo within the sequence The use of props within the mise en scene effects a characters portrayal and heightens the dramatic and visual aspects of the sequence The hand written note is the first ... near the end of the sequence within the mise en scene Only the head of the statue is shown, and it is always seen in darkness and out of focus Although it is situated above the people and above the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:02
The JCT 05 Standard Building Contract Law and Administration pot
... into their own standard form contract This type of standard form is normally issued unilaterally However, for the party intending to use the standard form of another (unilateral standard form) there ... complexity; and to the extend that the industry can be said to adopt a norm, the administrative principles of the JCT Standard Form appear to be the nucleus of that norm However, use of the Standard ... 2.4.6 Standard of skill and care expected of the Architect 2.4.7 Liability of the Architect to the employer 2.4.8 Liability of the Architect to the Contractor and other third parties 2.5 The Quantity...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20
Free for All How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut the High-Tech Titans pot
... all of the other free software from Berkeley, the GNU project, and thousands of other garages around the world, there would be little for the Linux kernel to Officially, Linus Torvalds is the final ... LinuxGT, Linux- Kheops (French), Linux MLD ( Japanese), LinuxOne OS, LinuxPPC, LinuxPPP (Mexican), Linux Pro Plus, Linux Router Project, LOAF, LSD, Mandrake, Mastodon, MicroLinux, MkLinux, muLinux, ... Meanwhile, on the other coast, the lawsuit tied up Berkeley and the BSD project for several years, and the project lost valuable energy and time by devoting them to the legal fight In the meantime,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20
... of: The purpose and scope of the ISA, including how the ISA relates to other ISAs • The subject matter of the ISA • The respective responsibilities of the auditor and others in relation to the ... taken together, provide the standards for the auditor’s work in fulfilling the overall objectives of the auditor The ISAs deal with the general responsibilities of the auditor, as well as the auditor’s ... evidence has been obtained, and whether more needs to be done to achieve the objectives of the ISAs and thereby, the overall objectives of the auditor • 14 The nature, timing and extent of audit procedures...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Of gastro and the gold standard: evaluation and policy implications of norovirus test performance for outbreak detection" ppt
... enhanced hand hygiene, etc.) positive identification of NVG as the etiology of an outbreak may contribute to the understanding of the burden and epidemiology of these infections, pinpoint the outbreak ... conceived and participated in the design of the study, contributed to test development and laboratory testing of specimens, and contributed to the drafting of the manuscript All authors read and approved ... contributed to the drafting of the manuscript ALG participated in the design of the study and contributed to the drafting of the manuscript GB contributed to test development and laboratory testing of...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Understanding and assessing the impact of treatment in diabetes: the Treatment-Related Impact Measures for Diabetes and Devices (TRIM-Diabetes and TRIM-Diabetes Device)" pdf
... designed the study, conducted all interviews, assisted in the analysis and drafted the manuscript MH and TC assisted in the design of the study and in the drafting of the manuscript SL assisted in the ... analysis of the data and the drafting of the manuscript DMB prepared the analysis plan, conducted the analyses and assisted in the preparation of the manuscript All authors read and approved the final ... some" on the overall item is 10.6 points The standard deviation of the higher (lower impact) score is 19.0 Onehalf of this standard deviation is 9.5 points As specified in the SAP, using the 1/2...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Comparison of a minimally invasive posterior approach and the standard posterior approach for total hip arthroplasty A prospective and comparative study" doc
... along the corridor and use stairs without physiotherapist’s assistance Furthermore, the Oxford Hip Score [23], the SF-36 Score [24] and the WOMAC Score [25] were all recorded pre-operatively and then ... conceived of the study, participated in its design and coordination and drafted the manuscript AM participated in the study and analyses of the study MSS participated in the design of the study and performed ... during the operation) and patients who were not able to comply with the standardized pain medication The groups consisted of 52 females and 48 males with an average age at the time of the operation...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Understanding and assessing the impact of treatment in diabetes: the Treatment-Related Impact Measures for Diabetes and Devices (TRIM-Diabetes and TRIM-Diabetes Device)" ppt
... designed the study, conducted all interviews, assisted in the analysis and drafted the manuscript MH and TC assisted in the design of the study and in the drafting of the manuscript SL assisted in the ... analysis of the data and the drafting of the manuscript DMB prepared the analysis plan, conducted the analyses and assisted in the preparation of the manuscript All authors read and approved the final ... some" on the overall item is 10.6 points The standard deviation of the higher (lower impact) score is 19.0 Onehalf of this standard deviation is 9.5 points As specified in the SAP, using the 1/2...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20
... compact set and F is a continuous function on Ᏹ Then, there exists x0 ∈ Ᏹ such that F(x0 ) = minx∈Ᏹ F(x) The proof is based on the application of the necessary condition given in the preceding theorem ... [0,1] Thus, the theorem has been proved Theorem 2.10 If y1 ≥ y2 ≥ y3 ≥ · · · ≥ yn ≥ 0, then p p m y2 + √ s y2 ≤ n−1 s y2 p+1 , m y2 p+1 + √ n−1 (2.73) 14 Inequalities on the mean and standard deviation ... differentiable If the function J has at u a relative minimum with respect to the set U and if the constraints are qualified, then there exist numbers λi (u), ≤ i ≤ m, such that the Kuhn-Tucker conditions...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 21:20
the linux process manager the internals of scheduling interrupts and signals
... executing These are collectively known as exceptions, and the handlers for them are the subject matter of Chapter 11 The other main source of interrupts is hardware devices attached to the computer Handlers ... by the C expression representing that operand A colon separates the assembler template from the first output operand, and another separates the last output operand from the first input operand ... detail of the book As there are many of these structures in existence at the same time, their organisation and manipulation is the subject matter of Chapter The Linux Process Manager The Internals...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:32
the linux process manager the internals of scheduling interrupts and signals
... executing These are collectively known as exceptions, and the handlers for them are the subject matter of Chapter 11 The other main source of interrupts is hardware devices attached to the computer Handlers ... by the C expression representing that operand A colon separates the assembler template from the first output operand, and another separates the last output operand from the first input operand ... detail of the book As there are many of these structures in existence at the same time, their organisation and manipulation is the subject matter of Chapter The Linux Process Manager The Internals...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:35
Báo cáo toán học: " Bijective proofs of the hook formulas for the number of standard Young tableaux, ordinary and shifted" pptx
... is the set of cells that are either in the same row as ρ and to the right of ρ, or in the same column as ρ and below ρ, ρ included The dots in Figure 1.c indicate the hook of the cell (2, 1) The ... for the set X, the signed weight w, the subsets XL and XR , and the involutions iL and iR Of course, OL and OR should correspond to XL and XR , respectively, the latter being subsets of the ... on the main diagonal, cell (j, j) say, then also all the cells of the (j + 1)-st row belong to the hook of λ The dots in Figure 1.d indicate the hook of the cell (1, 2) The hook length hρ (in the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Swedish snus and the GothiaTek® standard" doc
... standard The standard was based on the mentioned research and development efforts dating back to the early 1970s The different components were phased into the production during the 1980s and 1990s ... toxicologists at the Swedish Food Authority and the company responsible for all snus production at the time was pivotal for the development of the standard and was facilitated by the fact that both ... within the EU The selection of constituents regulated in GothiaTek® and the corresponding MLs were pragmatic; the standard included the toxicants that, at the time, were considered to be the quantitatively...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
The linguistic devices making wittiness in the English and Vietnamese humorous stories A study of contrastive discourse analysis
... time to tell the jokes It is better for them to offer the student with the HS when they are tired and bored at the lessons Another good time is at the beginning of the lesson, then the students ... understand the stories and interpret the jokes In the stories, we find that there are linguistic and non-linguistic contexts The term woodeater, is the linguistic context and it is related to the ... wittiness and then help us to understand/explain why people laugh when reading EHS and VHS - The role of context in the HS, then readers can understand the jokes by the context when reading them -...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52
Bank documentation the standard terms governing current accounts in singapore the customers duty of care, the unauthorised debit and the allocation of risk
... reveal the judicial distaste for standard terms; they create a tension between freedom of contract on the one hand and abuse of a dominant contractual position on the other Over the years, standard ... lengthy Standard terms have advantages, saving time and costs They also pose problems: the party producing the terms is familiar with them and has probably had them prepared by experts while the other ... The focus here is on these contractual terms in Singapore in the context of the unauthorised debit, how they are used and how they modify the common law; whether their use is legitimate, whether...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:11
Architecture and the UML
... class diagram shows the existence of classes and their relationships in the logical view of a system UML modeling elements in class diagrams - Classes and their structure and behavior - Association, ... provide to the actor when the use cases is executed Typical contents - How the use case starts and ends Normal flow of events Alternate flow of events Exceptional flow of events 10 Uses and Extends ... and its subclasses There are two ways to find inheritance: - Generalization - Specialization Common attributes, operations, and/ or relationships are shown at the highest applicable level in the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:37