development of agriculture and its impact on landscape functions

Tài liệu The Transformation of Banking and Its Impact on Consumers and Small Businesses docx

Tài liệu The Transformation of Banking and Its Impact on Consumers and Small Businesses docx

... Source: Summary of Deposits, National Information Center Database II IMPACT OF THE CHANGES ON CONSUMERS Consumers have traditionally relied on nearby banks and branches for many of their banking ... >$100b Size of organization (1999 dollars) Source: Reports of Condition and Income, National Information Center Database deposit share has come at the expense of regional and super-regional banking ... “Capital Market Frictions and Deposit Constraints on Banks,” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, February Kashyap, Anil K., and Jeremy C Stein 1995 “The Impact of Monetary Policy on Bank Balance...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20

29 498 1
Trade-concentration and its impact on commerce and traders of a Mexican city

Trade-concentration and its impact on commerce and traders of a Mexican city

... formation of associations The Trade-Concentration Model To understand retail development, in this dissertation, I employ the model of tradeconcentration The concept of trade-concentration has been ... emerging economies Then, the status of trade-concentration in Citlalicalli is evaluated Once the presence of retail trade-concentration is established, causes of its occurrence and its effects on the ... Reardon and Berdegué 2002; Reardon and Swinnen 2004; Reardon, et al 2003; Schwentesius and Gόmez 2002; Traill 2006) These articles examine the proliferation of supermarkets and its impact on the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:21

232 343 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Challenges in access to health services and its impact on Quality of Life: a randomised population-based survey within Turkish speaking immigrants in London" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Challenges in access to health services and its impact on Quality of Life: a randomised population-based survey within Turkish speaking immigrants in London" ppt

... aim of this study was to explore the ongoing challenges in access to health care services and its impact on Quality of Life of immigrants Material and Methods: This cross-sectional population-based ... effects of low income and poor community integration on perceived overall Quality of Life (WHOQOL) of the participants Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate how the health and well-being ... least for one year TSCs are heavily concentrated in the London boroughs of Haringey, Enfield, Edmonton, Waltham Forest, Islington and Hackney There are a large number of Turkish enterprises and Turkish...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

28 647 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Karhunen-Lo` ve-Based Reduced-Complexity Representation e of the Mixed-Density Messages in SPA on Factor Graph and Its Impact on BER" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Karhunen-Lo` ve-Based Reduced-Complexity Representation e of the Mixed-Density Messages in SPA on Factor Graph and Its Impact on BER" ppt

... t) ∈ I and Ex,k [·] stands for the expectation over the set of iterations (we can consider an arbitrary subset of all iterations) and the observation vector Once the autocorrelation function is ... algorithms and it must be rectified by a proper translation 3.3 Empirical Correlation Function Measurement The evaluation of the autocorrelation function rxx (s, t) is the key issue of the evaluation of ... both Fourier and KLT message representations It shows that the relation of both BER and MSE of the phase estimation and MSE of the approximated message is not generally proportional as one might...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

11 389 0
Báo cáo y học: " Induction of galectin-1 expression by HTLV-I Tax and its impact on HTLV-I infectivity" ppt

Báo cáo y học: " Induction of galectin-1 expression by HTLV-I Tax and its impact on HTLV-I infectivity" ppt

... and HTLV-I infection requires cell-cell contact for several cell types, we investigated the pattern of expression of galectin-1 in infected cells and its possible impact on HTLV-I transmission ... activities of gp46 occurring on the surface of HTLV-I virions upon infection Infection of Jurkat E6.1 cells by the pseudotyped virions was increased by 1.6 fold in the presence of μM of galectin-1, ... cytoskeleton at the site of cell-to-cell contact and the accumulation of viruses at the cell junction [7] GLUT-1 has been reported to be part of this receptor and to be involved in the first step of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:21

15 325 0
thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

... and senior executives of firms; ii) clarification of the legal roles and responsibilities of Board of Management members and senior executives of firms; iii) improve the role of the Inspection ... Law on the State Bank in 1997 and the Law on Credit Institutions of 1997, amendments to both laws in 2003 and 2004 respectively; the new Law on the State Bank of Vietnam 2010; and the new Law on ... phenomenon in more detail Next, to provide a more thorough understanding of the crucial dimensions and the effectiveness of corporate governance practices, a comparison of return on equity (ROE) and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33

8 437 1
thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

... and senior executives of firms; ii) clarification of the legal roles and responsibilities of Board of Management members and senior executives of firms; iii) improve the role of the Inspection ... Law on the State Bank in 1997 and the Law on Credit Institutions of 1997, amendments to both laws in 2003 and 2004 respectively; the new Law on the State Bank of Vietnam 2010; and the new Law on ... phenomenon in more detail Next, to provide a more thorough understanding of the crucial dimensions and the effectiveness of corporate governance practices, a comparison of return on equity (ROE) and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:47

8 396 0
The Policy on Education of the Disabled in Vietnam - The Gaps and Its Impact on the Persons with Disability

The Policy on Education of the Disabled in Vietnam - The Gaps and Its Impact on the Persons with Disability

... provinces and two case studies were selected - one on special education and one on inclusive education in Danang and Vinh Long respectively Data collection The survey was conducted with qualitative and ... United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [2] National Law on Disability [3] Decree Nr.28/NĐ-CP on 10 April 2012 guiding the implementation of the National Law on Disability ... to monitor the implementation of disability support policies in general and in education for particular PWD, organizations of and for PWD need to be involved in the monitoring and evaluation of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2015, 16:52

10 728 0
Corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries  The evidence from Vietnam

Corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries The evidence from Vietnam

... and senior executives of firms; ii) clarification of the legal roles and responsibilities of Board of Management members and senior executives of firms; iii) improve the role of the Inspection ... Law on the State Bank in 1997 and the Law on Credit Institutions of 1997, amendments to both laws in 2003 and 2004 respectively; the new Law on the State Bank of Vietnam 2010; and the new Law on ... phenomenon in more detail Next, to provide a more thorough understanding of the crucial dimensions and the effectiveness of corporate governance practices, a comparison of return on equity (ROE) and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:42

9 421 1
Sludge concentration dynamic distribution and its impact on the performance of UNITANK

Sludge concentration dynamic distribution and its impact on the performance of UNITANK

... variations of' substrates Especially in decisive reactor, the conditions of sludge concentration and oxygen should be strictly controlled Steady sludge concentration and aerobic situation are ... units 240 No Sludge concentration dynamic distribution and its impact on the performance of UNITANK ~~~~ Influent quality was considered stable during the tested half-cycle 2.3.1 Variations of ... condition The HRT and lengths of half-cycle and feeding period should b e well controlled The performance of UNITANK is influenced strongly by sludge distribution Unsteady sludge concentration...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2015, 10:34

7 323 1
A critical examination of the new economy and its impact on youth culture studies

A critical examination of the new economy and its impact on youth culture studies

... short consideration of the denotations and connotations attached to the concept of "youth", and moves on to examine a series of research surveys focussing on three broad areas in the literature on ... survey of various denotations and connotations attached to the concept of "youth", and moves on to examine a series of research texts focussing on three broad categories in the literature on youth ... address the conditions and expectations underlying these assumptions, about how the respective modes of institutionalised knowledge are conventionally represented in opposition, and the kinds of cultural...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 21:33

275 443 0
Status of phase change memory in memory hierarchy and its impact on relational database

Status of phase change memory in memory hierarchy and its impact on relational database

... contribution This thesis mainly focuses on two contributions of PCM: using PCM as a SSDbuffer to increase its write efficiency, and impact of PCM on relational database As the first and main contribution ... performance and density characteristics of DRAM, PCM, NAND flash memory and hard disks Table 2.2 compares the read/write characteristics of Flash SSD and PCM Units of write and read operations for flash and ... to contain the bit-map of the content of the nodes This way insertion for a key will only 12 need to refer the bit-map and find an empty location Deletion will need to modify the bit-map only...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:35

75 289 0
The Mass Media and its Impact on Economics_ Meredith M. Price_ The University Of Southern Mississippi

The Mass Media and its Impact on Economics_ Meredith M. Price_ The University Of Southern Mississippi

... Department of Employment Security % The Mass Media and its Impact on Economics May Hancock Harrison Jackson June Hancock Harrison Jackson July Hancock Harrison Jackson August Hancock Harrison Jackson ... Media and its Impact on Economics 26 could have caused more harm than good on the perception of the local economies Limitations: The case study of how media’s coverage of Deepwater Horizon and ... this connection of feedback from the different consumers there would be a lack in information development and in construction information selection This model is important in the understanding of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2017, 19:51

29 343 0
Tài liệu Access to Credit and Its Impact on Welfare in Malawi ppt

Tài liệu Access to Credit and Its Impact on Welfare in Malawi ppt

... Economy and Microfinance Institutions in Malawi Survey Design and Description of the Data Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Access to Credit on Household Welfare Results of the Econometric ... cultivated land and its allocation among crops in the 1994/95 season, by credit program membership 10 Fertilizer acquisition and relative importance of different methods of acquisition and source of financing ... invaluable contribution of the research staff of the Bunda College of Agriculture, University of Malawi, and without the contribution of many others in Malawi, at IFPRI, and at other institutions Foremost,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20

169 434 0
fossil fuel consumption co2 and its impact on global climate

fossil fuel consumption co2 and its impact on global climate

... level of CO2 concentration obtained in various stations in the earth, it is calculated that 52% of the 14 billion tones of carbon dioxide is being retained in the atmosphere per year; and 37% ... irrigation of land that was previously not very productive." and the combustion of fossil fuels is that major source of the increase in atmospheric CO2 Moreover, as the amount of fossil fuels consumed ... level of carbon dioxide has been increasing Measurements of the CO2 concentration have been carried out at an observatory on Mauna Loa, whose data is most quoted and most complete Observations...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:02

3 422 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Possible active origin of replication in the double stranded extended form of the left terminus of LuIII and its implication on the replication model of the parvovirus" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Possible active origin of replication in the double stranded extended form of the left terminus of LuIII and its implication on the replication model of the parvovirus" pptx

... excision and DNA replication These results suggest that LuIII Lt-Lt was capable of excision and replication when pGLu883∆Xba or pCMVNS1 was provided in trans and that only NS1 viral functions appear ... Replication of Parvovirus LuIII Proposed Model for the Replication of Parvovirus LuIII A model for the replication of the (+) and the (-) strand of LuIII is shown The NS1 nick site and its complementary ... hairpin of LuIII in double stranded form The smaller of the two bands, of greater intensity, may represent the left hairpin with an alternate conformation A faint band of similar migration is observed...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

11 678 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Possible active origin of replication in the double stranded extended form of the left terminus of LuIII and its implication on the replication model of the parvovirus" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Possible active origin of replication in the double stranded extended form of the left terminus of LuIII and its implication on the replication model of the parvovirus" ppt

... excision and DNA replication These results suggest that LuIII Lt-Lt was capable of excision and replication when pGLu883∆Xba or pCMVNS1 was provided in trans and that only NS1 viral functions appear ... Replication of Parvovirus LuIII Proposed Model for the Replication of Parvovirus LuIII A model for the replication of the (+) and the (-) strand of LuIII is shown The NS1 nick site and its complementary ... hairpin of LuIII in double stranded form The smaller of the two bands, of greater intensity, may represent the left hairpin with an alternate conformation A faint band of similar migration is observed...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

11 580 0
Stress variability around large structural features and its impact on permeability for coupled modelling simulations pdf

Stress variability around large structural features and its impact on permeability for coupled modelling simulations pdf

... W., and Teufel, L W Effect of Reservoir Stress Path on Compressibility and Permeability of Sandstones SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D.C.(1992) [20] Ta, Q D., and ... during the uniaxial compaction of reservoir sandstone The observation of increasing permeability is only matched when sample two of the Berea Sandstone core is at failure and generates more fissures ... C., and Yassir, N A.Estimation of horizontal stress at the depth in faulted regions and their relationship to pore pressure variation SPE Formation Evaluation (1996) [2] Ambastha, A K., and Meng,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 13:20

11 267 0
Báo cáo y học: "Aerobic exercise and its impact on musculoskeletal pain in older adults: a 14 year prospective, longitudinal study" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Aerobic exercise and its impact on musculoskeletal pain in older adults: a 14 year prospective, longitudinal study" doc

... Authors' contributions 21 BB performed statistical analyses, interpretation of data, and drafting of the manuscript; JFF participated in study design, interpretation of data, and drafting of the ... and there was a higher proportion of females with a history of arthritis and a lower proportion of females with a history of fractures in the community controls and Never-Runners compared to their ... female community controls and 116 male community controls who completed all questionnaires In addition to time, group, and gender, presence of arthritis (p < 0.001) and education years (p = 0.036)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20

8 545 0