development of a statewide source water protection system swps

A preliminary research on development of a fibre composite, curved FDM system

A preliminary research on development of a fibre composite, curved FDM system

... Proceedings of the International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, Singapore, 2007 Ian Gibson, Savalani Monica Mahesh, Muhammad Tarik Arafat and Liu Yuan, The use of multiple materials in Rapid ... market, spread out over all classes of material such as plastics, metals and ceramics Compared to those available to standard manufacturing technologies, RP/RM material still has a long way to go ... material itself On the other hand, the reality of RM is that the advantages of materials only give a blueprint There are only a few dozens of RP/RM materials commercially available in the market,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 09:47

96 429 0
Báo cáo " Development of a spectrometry system Using lock-in amplification technique " doc

Báo cáo " Development of a spectrometry system Using lock-in amplification technique " doc

... example, Raman Spectra of Vietnam petrol extracts excited by a 30mW He-Ne laser instead of Ion Argon laser The Raman excitation by He-Ne laser showed many advantages in comparison with Argon laser ... and may contain any number of embedded space characters A command to the SR830 consists of a four characters command mnemonic, arguments if necessary, and a command terminator The SR830 has a 256 ... and resolution and many advantages for studying Raman and Fluorescence spectra We succeeded in obtaining Raman spectra of petrol extracts by 30mW He-Ne laser excitation The high sensitivity of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20

6 524 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Current Research in the Development of a Spoken Language Understanding System using PARSEC*" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Current Research in the Development of a Spoken Language Understanding System using PARSEC*" ppt

... feedback about impossible word candidates • We have been able to incorporate the durational information from Bear and Price quite easily into our framework An advantage of our approach is that ... prosodic information is added as constraints instead of incorporating it into a parsing grammar Because CDG is more expressive than context-free grammars, we can produce prosodic rules that are more ... Harper Parsec: An architecture for parallel parsing of constraint dependency grammars In Submitted to The Proceedings o/the ~9th Annual Meeting o.f ACL, June 1991 [3] H Maruyama Constraint dependency...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20

2 359 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Cognitive interviewing methodology in the development of a pediatric item bank: a patient reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) study" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Cognitive interviewing methodology in the development of a pediatric item bank: a patient reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) study" docx

... "feeling bad" and "my life has been bad." There was a significant degree of difference in interpretation because of the word "badly." How severe was your asthma? My asthma was really bad Four out of ... They are able to comprehend varying response options on a categorical scale, and can accurately respond to items using a 7-day recall period Feedback from the children who participated was valuable ... conceptualization and operationalization of this research prior to his death This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant 1U01AR052181-01...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

10 480 1
Development of a liposomal nanodelivery system for nevirapine ppsx

Development of a liposomal nanodelivery system for nevirapine ppsx

... was added and placed on a carbon coated grid The excess water was absorbed using a filter paper and uranyl acetate stain was added The grid was then washed with water to remove excess uranyl acetate ... myristate loaded liposomes J Pharmazie 2005, 60:840-843 37 Uma Maheswari K, Ramachandran T, Rajaji D: Interaction of cisplatin with planar model bilayers - Dose dependent change in electrical characteristics ... Pharmacological Sciences 2005, 26:2558-2264 13 Fiala M, Murphy T, MacDougall J, Yang W, Luque A: HAART drugs induce mitochondrial damage and intracellular gaps and gp120 causes apoptosis J Cardiovascular...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21

9 359 0
development of a remote medical image browsing and interaction system

development of a remote medical image browsing and interaction system

... human interaction and collaboration 10 Chapter Remote Image Browsing Capability More and more people complain that hospitals or clinics are too far away from the medical imaging examination laboratories ... image viewing and sharing area, several industrial software leading corporations are also focusing on developing interactive medical image browsing systems Let us take a look at some most advanced ... and many attractive features enable a very wide range of applications based on JPEG 2000: from portable digital cameras to web browsing, image archiving and medical imaging [1] 4.2 Comparison of...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 20:06

74 371 0
Development of a subcortical emphasized physical human head model for evaluation of deep brain source contribution to scalp EEG

Development of a subcortical emphasized physical human head model for evaluation of deep brain source contribution to scalp EEG

... sLORETA free academic software would compute the dipole source locations in a brain atlas 25    CHAPTER Electrical Characteristic Study of the Artificial Brain Material Brain occupies most of a human ... and real-time displayed using asalab™ EEG acquisition software 24    Collected data were off-line examined and processed using asa™ signal analysis software 3.5 Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic ... preparation of the brain material was depicted in Figure The sample gelatin solution prepared by distilled water and gelatin powder was firstly transferred to a beaker and the beaker was placed...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:02

115 288 0
Development of a graphic user interface based on OpenGL for a drop on demand micro bio fabrication system

Development of a graphic user interface based on OpenGL for a drop on demand micro bio fabrication system

... contrast to typed command labels, text-based interfaces or text navigation, a GUI has established a model containing the information and actions, and also supplied availabilities of operation to a ... future similar systems can be based on Experiments on drop impact dynamics, optimization of material printing parameters and fabrication of multiple material capacitors on various substrates will ... object-oriented language [22], exists as part of Visual Studio NET, a package that contains a platform for developing application for the Windows family of operating systems Unlike other programming languages,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:46

78 383 0
Development of a high frequency ambient noise data acquisition system

Development of a high frequency ambient noise data acquisition system

... conduct my appreciation to Dr Venugopalan Pallayil and Mr Mohanan Panayamadam for the administrative and field trip support, Mr Mandar Chitre and Dr Matthias Hoffmann-Kuhnt for proof reading the ... that can be rapidly and flexibly deployed in various configurations It has simultaneous sampling analog channels (up to 5MSa/s aggregate) and is capable of beamforming in 3D space using a tetrahedral ... shallow water is crucial Existing highbandwidth acoustic data acquisition systems are large and complex This project has developed a novel stand-alone, portable, and compact cylindrical package...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:46

125 284 0
Development of a telepresence manipulation system

Development of a telepresence manipulation system

... the cameras to focus The HEM can carry a camera/ lens payload of up to kg, and weighs a maximum of kg (based on a total combined weight including camera and wiring weight) Tilt Axis Motor Pan Axis ... Electromagnetic, Optical, Acoustical, Inertial and Mechanical Most of these devices are available commercially, while those developed in laboratories are often mechanical in nature Electromagnetic ... minute) and are sensitive to vibration Mechanical armatures can be used to provide fast and very accurate tracking Such armatures may look like a desk lamp (for tracking a single point in space– PHANToM...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:52

108 579 0
Development of a windows based computer aided die design system for die casting

Development of a windows based computer aided die design system for die casting

... Du Xiaojun, Cao Jian, Saravanakumar Mohanraj, Atiqur Rahman and Low Leng Hwa Maria Financial assistance in the form of research scholarship from the National University of Singapore is also sincerely ... 2.4.3 Integration of CAD and CAE systems 16 CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW In recent years, attention had also been paid to the integration of CAD and CAE systems The integration of CAD and CAE systems ... element analysis, thermal analysis and flow analysis A number of papers had also been published in the fields of numerical simulations Tai et al [4] explored a computer integrated system application...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:52

121 649 0


... dose of the aptamer, hence an antidote was created that consisted of a short RNA complementary to a large section of the aptamer This antidote was able to neutralise more than 95% of the anticoagulation ... consideration as a field-ready rapid diagnostic kit for Malaria [McNamara et al, 2004] In this work, we were thus motivated to show a Proof -of- Concept in the application of e-SRS as a potentially rapid ... relevant levels of parasitaemia, and the false negatives of certain strains that epitope diversity may lead to, especially in MRDTs that use monoclonal antibodies [Murray et al, 2008] Another major...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:52

299 448 0
Development of a recommender system for the selection of software architecture methods

Development of a recommender system for the selection of software architecture methods

... thousand • usage of several thousands of applications and a huge IT-landscape • high demand on software architecture knowledge & management Florian Mittrücker - Master Thesis Background and motivation ... Scholar Analyse steps Title & Abstract screening, Number of citations potentially relevant (Y/N) Available (Y/N) Analysis of article content, for- / backward search  relevant (Y/N) Classification ... & separate phase Scant attention to the shaping of IT artefacts by the organizational context Fails that the artefacts emerges from interaction with the organization • • • Need for a research...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 15:36

22 276 0


... operation of the UART hardware is controlled by a clock signal, which runs at much faster rate than the baud rate Transmitting and receiving UARTs must be set at the same baud rate, character ... analyzing algorithms by Matlab The acceleration data are stored in the buffer of 20 to 40 samples with the sampling rate of 10 Hz Footer Page 35 of 113 23 Header Page 36 of 113 Figure 3-2– Fall ... Hence, we not care about any kinds of postures In this diagram, An is the average acceleration of three accelerations in x, y and z directions as below formula: An = A2 x + A2 y + A2 z , (1) where...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2017, 10:31

62 374 0
Development of a method to measure consumer emotions associated with foods

Development of a method to measure consumer emotions associated with foods

... chocolate, vanilla ice cream, fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy Pizza and chocolate produced the strongest emotions based on Analysis of Variance The terms active, adventurous, affectionate, ... included approximately equal percentages of males and females, and the age range was from 18 to 65 years of age Basically consumers are screened and recruited via internet and/or phone based on ... portion of the sample A 2–3 break between samples is enforced, as well as palate rinsing with filtered water, and unsalted crackers The amount of time required to evaluate each sample averaged 2–...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 21:07

10 782 3
Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

... Priorities and hazards for Economies  Variable levels of activity and management capability  Ships’ ballast water and hull fouling are the most important vectors  International shipping, aquaculture ... Framework - Introd uced Marine Pests Phase – Consultancy  Identified current management capabilities and approaches  Priorities and hazards for APEC Economies  Considerations for a Risk Management ... and biodiversity are most threatened values  Amount of commercial shipping and number of trading partners affecting pathway strength  A limited number of IMP have been identified in APEC Management...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 11:15

10 584 0


... groundwater and surface water in a watershed area Source protection means taking an ecosystem approach to watershed management — it may also mean a more cost-effective approach to providing clean, ... and regulation of water flows, drinking water and wastewater services, and authorization of the use and development of water resources They also have the authority to legislate in areas of water ... FOR WATER MANAGEMENT In Canada, a number of federal, provincial and municipal agencies are responsible for various aspects of water management Many laws and regulations exist to govern water protection...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20

92 222 0