development an accident of history

Tài liệu Transformation through Integration An Activity Theoretical Analysis of School Development as Integration of Child Care Institutions and the Elementary School ppt

Tài liệu Transformation through Integration An Activity Theoretical Analysis of School Development as Integration of Child Care Institutions and the Elementary School ppt

... between teachers and recreation pedagogues? How have these images and meanings been shaped and influenced by the history of the societal view of each profession? Unlike Calander, Hansen takes a ... leisure-time center Organization, content, and methods in three integrated groups are compared and analyzed The analysis is based on staff and parent understanding and evaluation of methods and content ... longer was an agent for change As Cuban claims, it had become the problem rather than the solution In Sweden there is a long history of attempts to enhance collaboration and integration of the compulsory...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33

336 322 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Collecting a Why-question corpus for development and evaluation of an automatic QA-system" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Collecting a Why-question corpus for development and evaluation of an automatic QA-system" pdf

... 2005; Soricut and Brill, 2006), as have the human-powered question sites such as, Yahoo Answers and Google Answers, where individuals can post questions and receive answers from peers ... selection of natural questions The articles varied in topic, degree of formality and the amount of details; from ”Horror film” and ”Christmas worldwide” to ”G-Man (Half-Life)” and History of London” ... dynamic and inexpensive method of collecting a corpus of questions and answers using the Amazon Mechanical Turk framework We have provided to the community a corpus of questions, answers and corresponding...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20

9 611 1
An Outline of the Development OF THE Internal Commerce of the United States 1789-1900 pot

An Outline of the Development OF THE Internal Commerce of the United States 1789-1900 pot

... means of land transportation and many rude earth roads were built to replace the old Indian trails These roads were unspeakably poor, sloughs of mire during the thaws of winter and spring and ... rise of manufacturing The radical change in tariff policy, the rapid expansion of the home market due to the tremendous growth of agriculture and the spread of railroads, and the presence of an ... "golden age" of American history, noted for the absence of both pauperism and great riches, this period saw the development of the extremes of poverty and wealth, and, furthermore, an ever-growing...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

43 528 0
Thermionics Quo Vadis? An Assessment of the DTRA’s Advanced Thermionics Research and Development Program pot

Thermionics Quo Vadis? An Assessment of the DTRA’s Advanced Thermionics Research and Development Program pot

... understanding of the technical and programmatic history of past thermionic activities, of the technology’s successes and failures, and of programmatic and national policy issues is essential for planning ... emissivity converter development Nuclear power in-core Subelement Design and proof of concept Russian research facilities Microminiature thermionic converter (MTC) Proof of performance and theory Low ... assigned management responsibility for the remnants of the thermionics research and development programs of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and the U.S Air Force The major thrust of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20

85 418 0
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume doc

Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume doc

... Mahawanso Outline of the Mahawanso Turnour's epitome of Singhalese history Historical proofs of the Mahawanso Identity of Sandracottus and Chandragupta Ancient map of Ceylon (note) List of Ceylon ... December Annual quantity of rain in Ceylon and Hindustan (note) Opposite climates of the same mountain Climate of Galle Kandy and its climate Mists and hail Climate of Trincomalie (text and note) ... In the hands of Arabs and Persians v4 Ceylon as described by Cosmas Story of his informant Sopater Translation of Cosmas The gems and other productions of Ceylon "a gaou" (note) Meaning of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20

381 518 0
An Overview of South African Human Resources Development ppt

An Overview of South African Human Resources Development ppt

... conditions and geographies shaped by history These constrain and enable the parameters of choice and decision-making, and they are critical to an analysis of failure to balance supply and demand Here ... language of ‘supply and demand’ is the concept of the market The market analogy is implicit in and assumed in discussions of teacher supply and demand, and yet this analogy is often fallacious Within ... understand better the tenacity of the conception of the problem of teacher supply and demand as one of redistribution rather than investment and expansion Until we understand and address this appropriately,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 04:20

56 361 0
The Report of the Task Force on Financial Mechanisms for ICT for Development - A review of trends and an analysis of gaps and promising practices ppt

The Report of the Task Force on Financial Mechanisms for ICT for Development - A review of trends and an analysis of gaps and promising practices ppt

... balance of the Fund’s capital comprises US$85-million of subordinated debt from development finance institutions (FMO of the Netherlands, Development Bank of Southern Africa and DEG of Germany) ... Development (EBRD) - the Asian Development Bank (ADB) - the African Development Bank (AFDB) - the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and - the European Investment Bank (EIB) Table provides ... best understanding of the broad and constantly changing scope of the ICT sector and the use of ICT in the developing world from a financing and development perspective In the report of the Task...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

125 1,3K 0
An application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Analysis of Agricultural Development-Induced Changes in Land Use: A case study in Lao PDR pdf

An application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Analysis of Agricultural Development-Induced Changes in Land Use: A case study in Lao PDR pdf

... differences in the state of an object or phenomenon by observing it at different times (Singh, 1989) The change detection of land use and land cover of the study area was analyzed by cross-classification ... and market-oriented farms These transformed sometimes happens in improperly ways and induced to change in land use and land covers by despoilment of forest covers and traditional farming system ... lack of an appropriate tool in terms of integrated spatial data on land use/land covers However, recently GIS and remote sensing has been using in several types of works in both government and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

24 897 0
Hazards of Nature, Risks to Development An IEG Evaluation of World Bank Assistance for Natural Disasters ppt

Hazards of Nature, Risks to Development An IEG Evaluation of World Bank Assistance for Natural Disasters ppt

... Coordination and the World Bank Economies in Transition: An OED Evaluation of World Bank Assistance The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Community-Based and Driven Development: An OED Evaluation ... Policies and Programs: Implications for Financing and Evaluation Lessons of Fiscal Adjustment Lesson from Urban Transport Evaluating the Gender Impact of World Bank Assistance Evaluation and Development: ... Performance Outputs and Outcomes of Projects Hazard Management in the Bank Disasters and Bank Strategy 23 24 24 25 Predictability of Disasters Planning Implications for the World Bank Disaster Planning...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

236 274 0
the development and application of an antibody based biosensor

the development and application of an antibody based biosensor

... characteristics, and fate Petroleum is formed from the ancient remains of marine plant and animal life under extreme heat and pressure in an anaerobic environment Depending on the composition of the organic ... bonds, Van der Waals forces, or electrostatic forces, quantitative assessments of affinity can be measured The affinity, or strength of interaction between an antigen binding site on an antibody and ... selection and production of highly specific (monoclonal) antibodies in vitro From an immunochemical standpoint, an antiserum represents the sum total of antibodies from potentially tens to hundreds of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 14:01

163 401 0
Due process and the development of financial accounting standards An exploration of comment letters and their influence on financial accounting standards

Due process and the development of financial accounting standards An exploration of comment letters and their influence on financial accounting standards

... ABSTRACT Due Process and the Development of Financial Accounting Standards: An Exploration of Comment Letters and Their Influence on Financial Accounting Standards by Douglas P Letsch ... action is indicated (¶ 9) Each of these purposes represents an integral part of the development of financial accounting standards and the fulfillment of the mission of the FASB Embedded in the second ... a financial accounting standard where comments letters were used and compares the change in this financial accounting standard to an additional randomly selected financial accounting standard...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 13:59

168 500 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and application of a biomarker assay for determining the pharmacodynamic activity of an antagonist candidate biotherapeutic antibody to IL21R in whole blood" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and application of a biomarker assay for determining the pharmacodynamic activity of an antagonist candidate biotherapeutic antibody to IL21R in whole blood" pptx

... al., Development and application of a biomarker assay for determining the pharmacodynamic activity of an antagonist candidate biotherapeutic antibody to IL21R in whole blood Journal of Translational ... Ig and analyzed the data, and KA and SA performed the experiments on monkeys dosed in vivo with Ab-01 or IgG1TM ERL performed data analysis and review and participated in the drafting of the manuscript ... on human samples reported here, analyzed the data and co-wrote the manuscript SJ and AAW performed all the pilot studies in humans and monkeys that identified the candidate biomarkers, and they...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

13 529 0
báo cáo sinh học:" An experience of virtual leadership development for human resource managers" ppt

báo cáo sinh học:" An experience of virtual leadership development for human resource managers" ppt

... more than 1900 participants in more than 45 countries in Africa, Asia, the Eastern Mediterranean and Latin America and the Caribbean as of December 2008 Its premise is simple: bring teams of managers ... professionals and HR managers are leading and managing public and private health organizations and systems with little or no formal management and leadership education and experience Because strong management ... individual to an off-site workshop or course, can be slow and costly, and may disrupt services Other disadvantages of traditional approaches include a theoretical rather than practical focus and participation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

3 327 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of the Brazilian version of the Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire (AAQ): An example of merging classical psychometric theory and the Rasch measurement model" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of the Brazilian version of the Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire (AAQ): An example of merging classical psychometric theory and the Rasch measurement model" pptx

... in developing quality of life measures [16,17] This includes translation and back-translation of the items and instructions by distinct professionals, as well as semantic and formal examination ... perception of health status (50% healthy ones and 50% unhealthy ones), gender (50% female) and age (60–69 years of age, 70–79 years of age and over 79 years of age) Subjective perception of health ... the impact of multidimensionality using item fit statistics and principal component analysis of residuals Journal of Appl Meas 2002, 3(2):205-231 Bland JM, Altman DG: Multiple significant tests:...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

10 871 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of an Eating Disorders Symptom Impact Scale (EDSIS) for carers of people with eating disorders" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of an Eating Disorders Symptom Impact Scale (EDSIS) for carers of people with eating disorders" doc

... researchers based on quantitative and qualitative work with carers and reviewed by a panel of "expert carers" [12,16,26,27] The panel was made up of a psychiatrist (one of the authors of this paper), ... receiving treatment, and the scales of EDSIS, ECI-negative and GHQ-12 were low, and most were non significant Significant correlations were found between type of diagnosis and Dys- Table 3: Correlations ... conceived and designed the study, oversaw all stages of data collection and analysis, and drafted the manuscript JW conducted focus groups, provided clinical advice on design and did qualitative analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

9 528 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Development and validation of the Brazilian version of the Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire (AAQ): An example of merging classical psychometric theory and the Rasch measurement model" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Development and validation of the Brazilian version of the Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire (AAQ): An example of merging classical psychometric theory and the Rasch measurement model" docx

... in developing quality of life measures [16,17] This includes translation and back-translation of the items and instructions by distinct professionals, as well as semantic and formal examination ... perception of health status (50% healthy ones and 50% unhealthy ones), gender (50% female) and age (60–69 years of age, 70–79 years of age and over 79 years of age) Subjective perception of health ... the impact of multidimensionality using item fit statistics and principal component analysis of residuals Journal of Appl Meas 2002, 3(2):205-231 Bland JM, Altman DG: Multiple significant tests:...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

10 737 0
An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology part 108 pptx

An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology part 108 pptx

... machines 417 transfer printing (pottery) 194 transformers 371 transistor radios 728 transistors 42, 419, 703 transmission cables 371–2 transplanting 773 transporter bridges 496, 518 trapetum 263 Travels ... 41, 727, see also diode; triode Wankel rotating disc 328 Van Harinxma Canal 492 Van Starkenborgh Canal 492 Vanguard rocket 656 wagons 434, 440 wainscot 902 Walkman (cassette player) 725 wall coverings ... OF TOPICS roller mill (corn) 257 roller printing (textiles) 835 rolling mills 28, 152, 180, 381 Roman cement 888, 889 Roman mill 19, 20 Romanesque architecture 874, 875, 876 Romans 18 baths and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 01:20

11 557 0
An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology part 1 potx

An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology part 1 potx

... Isles France The Low Countries Germany The Rhine Italy Greece Sweden The Soviet Union Eastern Europe Spain and Portugal The Suez Canal Japan Canada The United States The Panama Canal Canal and river ... Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2002 Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge a division of Routledge, Chapman and Hall, ... Technology History I McNeil, Ian 609 T15 ISBN 0-415-01306-2 (Print Edition) Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data An Encyclopaedia of the history of technology/edited by Ian McNeil...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 01:20

10 427 0