... Measuring Medical Care Economic Risk Sarah Meier and Barbara Wolfe Incorporating Data on Assets into Measures of Financial Burdens of Health Jessica Banthin and Didem Bernard An Assessment of Data Sources ... Medical Care Economic Risk: Measuring Financial Vulnerability from Spending on Medical Care Medical Care Economic Risk Measuring Financial Vulnerability from Spending on Medical Care Panel ... measure of medical care economic risk that would assess the family’s ability to financially access available medical care needed to maintain health or for the treatment of a health crisis The economic...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 10:20
... reliability of these domains was assessed using two measures: 1) the KMO measure of sampling adequacy and 2) Cronbach’s Alpha, a measure of internal consistency A value of greater than 0.7 is desirable ... measure of this type and has potential for use as a research tool and as an international quality benchmark Additional material Additional file 1: Results of inter-rater reliability testing Acknowledgements ... diverse range of countries, and a review of care Table Sampling adequacy and internal consistency of domains after 3rd iteration of exploratory factor analysis Domain Number of items KMO statistic...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:23
Luận Án TS y học: Developing a model of client satisfaction with a rehabilitation continuum of care
... time, medical care and the evaluation of healthcare quality were being examined at a physician-patient level of interaction One indicator of the quality of medical care was the restoration of function ... emphasis of the measure is an important aspect of measuring patient satisfaction The measure may emphasize care or the overall quality of the healthcare process or may focus more the treatment ... outcomes for facilities and consumers of healthcare (Urden, 2002) Health care satisfaction and outcomes In any medical or healthcare setting, patient satisfaction has become an important quality outcome...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2015, 18:36
Emerging Infrastructure Policy Issues in Developing Countries: A Survey of the Recent Economic Literature
... Because all multilateral and most bilateral donors use cost-benefit analysis to estimate such returns, a potentially large database is available to assess the robustness of macroeconomic information ... with a view toward increasing accountability—at least political, if not always analytical—to facilitate research by academics, and sometimes to advocate their policy visions In contrast to more academic ... high accountability for the validity of the policy messages emerging from academic research Academic journals also have a disadvantage For a variety of reasons, most policy issues are seldom treated...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2016, 08:07
Developing a system of exercises to improve public speaking skill in interpreting for the 4th year students of english at vinh university
... stage The table shows the percentage of students caring about their appearance before going to stage As an overall trend, we can see that all of students at Vinh University have a good preparation ... preparation of appearance before being a public speaker As can be seen clearly from the table, 100% of students care about their appearance when speaking in front of many people This is understandable ... questionnaire Question 9: Do you often care about your appearance when you speak in front of many people? Answer Yes No Choices 59 Percentage 100% 0% Table 9: Students’ care about appearance before...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 20:21
Developing a system of games to enhance short term memory for interpreter students at vinh university
... demonstrated that the elements of games, such as play, rules, and competition, all fail to adequately define what games are Wittgenstein concluded that people apply the term game to a range of disparate ... is accompanied by the awareness of a different reality Crawford (2003) defined game as: an interactive, goal-oriented activity, with active agents to play against, in which players (including active ... presentation of an utterance in a source language” ( p.11) In professional parlance, interpreting can be understood as “the facilitating of communication from one language form into its equivalent,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 20:21
Developing a sytem of abbreviation and symbols for note taking in interpreting
... Administration Advantage Adventure Adverb Advertisement After Agriculture Always Answer Apartment Approximately April Arrive Association Atmosphere August Automatic Avenue Beauty Brother Captain Abbrs ... displace A sts All of the methods above are used in the specific situation and provide for interpreters a clear note and easy to read back Each of method has its own advantages and disadvantages, ... Abbrs Abbr 125 Acct 127 Achiev 129 Ack 131 Adj 133 Admin 135 Adva 137 adven 139 Adv 141 Ad 143 Aft 145 Agri 147 Alw 149 Ans 151 Apart 153 Appro 155 Apr 157 Arri 159 Asso 161 Atmos 163 Aug 165 auto...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 20:21
Child Health And The Quality Of Medical Care by Sarah L. Barber University of California, Berkeley ppt
... is a set of constraints at the community-level, and z and p are the quality and price of all available medical care A key implication of this conceptualization is that analyses—is a measure of ... of medical care, such as age and education, and those that only affect health through their influence on which and what type of medical care to obtain Factors such as medical care prices, travel ... enumeration areas chosen from a nationally representative sample used in the 1993 SUSENAS National North Sumatra, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20
the word as scalpel a history of medical sociology may 2002
... disciplinarians and hearing memorized recitations of ancient languages or mathematics There was no academic career, salaries were low, and as President Eliot [of Har vard] remarked in 1869, few men of ... Social Trends, are described in detail to show that the sociology of medicine, as an approach, was already developed to a high level at that time and was much more than an academic activity, playing ... establishment of the Section on Medical Sociology of the American So ciological Association (ASA) and with the creation of several journals, including the of cial ASA sponsorship of the Journal...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:27
báo cáo hóa học: " Behaviour of motor unit action potential rate, estimated from surface EMG, as a measure of muscle activation level" potx
... the location in time where a similar shape occurred) and a scale factor that is related to the amplitude and width of the wavelet The CWT of each single signal is calculated for a range of different ... tendon, aligned with the muscle fibre direction Morphological, electrical and physiological parameter values were based on data of the biceps brachii (default values of the software package) For a ... detection area was assumed to be circular The radius of the detection area (10 mm) was estimated based on [16] and [17] The simulated location of the electrode array was between the innervation zone and...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
báo cáo hóa học:" The validity of self-rated health as a measure of health status among young military personnel: evidence from a cross-sectional survey" pot
... healthcare needs of all military healthcare beneficiaries and to target specific health issues For instance, the Health Care Survey of DoD Beneficiaries [8] assesses a broad range of healthcare ... important to military health and fitness, self-rated health Page of (page number not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2006, 4:57 appears to be a valid measure of health ... summary, a single-item self-assessment of health was consistently related to a variety of health parameters important to the military Used at a population level, this brief health status measure may...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Weighted Estimates of a Measure of Noncompactness for Maximal and Potential Operators" pot
... 34, page that the measure of noncompactness of T is greater than or equal to limn → ∞ en T In the sequel, we assume that X is a Banach space which is a certain subset of all Haarmeasurable functions ... integrals,” Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, vol 1, no 1, pp 35–43, 2003 G G Oniani, “On the measure of non-compactness of maximal operators,” Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, ... fractional integrals,” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol 192, pp 261–274, 1974 20 E T Sawyer, A characterization of a two-weight norm inequality for maximal operators,” Studia...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: " Predator/prey ratios: a measure of bark-beetle population status influenced by stand composition in different French stands after the 1999 storms" pps
... proportion of pines (PROP_PIN) around the 10 bottle-traps of each site The comparison of predator/prey ratios between sites and years was carried out using a two-way analysis of variance of the angular ... compare barkbeetle and predator abundances from year to year (GLM analysis in SPSS 11.5) 2.2 Data analysis In each site, maps of the stands where the traps were set-up and of the neighbouring stands ... 302 N Warzộe et al Table I Location and characteristics of the study sites Site Location (department) Elevation (m) Area (ha) Age (year) HA Hanau (Moselle) 260 25 110130 ST Steinbach (Bas-Rhin)...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Musings on genome medicine: the slow but inexorable process of medical care reform in the United States" pptx
... deficiency of medical access, the province introduced a state-sponsored healthcare system to provide care for its citizens Other provinces with inadequate medical access looked at Saskatchewan and decided ... 2009, 361:1227-1230 Gawande A: Annals of medicine The cost conundrum: What a Texas town can teach us about health care New Yorker May 25, 2009 Relman AS: Doctors as the key to health reform N Engl ... control can only be achieved by behavioral changes President Obama is a great educator We have to pray that he can teach this course successfully The curriculum will require a lot of time and patience...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo y học: " Construct development: The Suicide Trigger Scale (STS-2), a measure of a hypothesized suicide trigger state" pdf
... which assesses the presence of “thoughts of death,” was also used in the analysis Statistical Analysis Reliability was assessed through Cronbach’s alpha, which was used as a measure of internal ... retrospective review of suicidal ideation and behavior Demographic and clinical data are presented in Table Axis I diagnosis was unavailable for 15 subjects due to unavailability of their charts for review ... Hamilton SP: Panic as a marker of core pathological processes Pyschopathology 2001, 34:278-288 Katz CE, Mojtabai R, Camacho K, Samuel J, Galynker I: Panic attack and suicide risk: A multivariate logistic...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Fighting addiction''''s death row: British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Ian Pitfield shows a measure of legal courage" pot
... of addiction as a healthcare issue in the years to come Government of Canada The Attorney General of Canada hired a formidable legal adversary, John Hunter, Q.C of Hunter Litigation Chambers as ... scientific articles and has written articles on the SIF published in leading medical journals including the Lancet, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association and ... a national medical journal publicly stating that the research evaluation on Vancouver's SIF indicated that the healthcare program had reduced harms associated injection drug use and that no adverse...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
Research on building a list of drugs, medical equipment, militant medical kits, and a mode of medical supply for policemen of K20 = Nghiên cứu xây dựng danh mục thuốc, trang thiết bị y tế, cơ số thuốc chiến đấu và phương thức đảm bảo cho K2
... floor area of 350m 2, a health examination room, a treatment room, a laboratory, a fundamental medicine storage guaranteeing medical examination and treatment at K20 infirmary - Regarding human ... their tasks and combats Methods of guaranteeing medical materials for K20 are built based on acquiring previous medical guarantee methods that are to guarantee medical materials both in cash and ... Surveying the reality of the disease model and the task of guaranteeing medical materials of K20, namely: - Analyzing the reality of medical examination and treatment, the ratio of wounded soldiers,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2014, 16:23
... who have had a Latin education Dashes A useful piece of punctuation A pair can act in the same way as a pair of commas (The patient, who appeared smartly dressed – with a collar and tie and a yellow ... professional colleagues, local politicians, or the Guardian-reading public – many fall uncomfortably between a number of audiences, pleasing none and costing a fair amount of money and aggravation ... Geoff Watts, Geert-Jan van Daal, Don Rowntree, Margaret Hallendorff, Mary Banks and Michèle Clarke The person who has suffered most for my art, as always, has been my wife Barbara, to whom I offer...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 16:27
Suitability of insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF1) as a measure of relative growth rates in lingcod
... multivariable analysis of variance (ANOVA) (PERMANOVA, SUITABILITY OF IGF1 253 FIGURE Location of lingcod collections near Friday Harbor inside and outside marine protected areas (MPAs) Area names are as ... information not provided by traditional metrics Multivariate analyses clearly showed that spatial patterns of IGF1 and traditional biological measurements are different In our data, it appears that ... females compared with 97 males) and the lack of females collected in some sites, rather than a comment on lack of spatial variation In addition to examining spatial variation of IGF1, we wanted...
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2015, 17:15