... water quality criteria for the protection of human health, EPA 822-B-00-005. US EPA (2002). Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the iron and steel ... effluent guideline, but just from other countries’ standards (Ragas et al., 2005). As a legal enforcement, effluent standards have been designed to regulate the end-of-pipe wastewater dischargers. ... water quality standards mostly get effluent standards 10 times higher than water quality standards (Ministry of Environment in Korea, 2001). This is one way of setting the effluent standards from...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15
... Web service from scratch. WHAT ARE DESIGN PATTERNS? Design patterns are loosely described as time-tested, established solutions to recurring design problems. Formal design patterns are highly structured ... substitute for embedded type information. CHAPTER 3 ■ DESIGN PATTERNS FOR BUILDING MESSAGE-ORIENTED WEB SERVICES 51 701xCH03.qxd 7/17/06 12:54 PM Page 51 Step 2: Build the XSD Schema File for the ... access the designer, sim- ply add a new XSD schema file to a project. Visual Studio provides both a visual design view and an XML design view. Figure 3-3 illustrates the visual design view for StockTrader.xsd, which...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
Design Patterns for Building Service-Oriented Web Services
... " + q.Previous_Close.ToString()); For more information on building loosely coupled clients, please refer to Chapter 3. CHAPTER 4 ■ DESIGN PATTERNS FOR BUILDING SERVICE-ORIENTED WEB SERVICES ... site at http://www.apress.com) for full code listings. Figure 4-5. Client console application for the StockTraderContracts Web service CHAPTER 4 ■ DESIGN PATTERNS FOR BUILDING SERVICE-ORIENTED ... class for the StockQuoteExternalService external Web service. Listing 4-9 shows the code listing for the service agent, including the complete listing for its RequestQuote method. CHAPTER 4 ■ DESIGN...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
Design Patterns for SOAP Messaging with WS-Addressing and Routing
... MSMQ for Reliable Messaging Consider the following application design for a StockTrader application for mutual fund trades, which cannot be executed until after the stock exchange closes for the ... path. EndPointReference Stores endpoint reference information, which is binding information for a service. Continued 3901c09_final.qxd 6/30/04 3:19 PM Page 222 Design Patterns for SOAP Messaging with WS-Addressing ... references do not replace message information headers because they are focused on describing binding information for the endpoint, not spe- cific operation information. You do not get to choose...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints
... 5.4 Design Recommendations, 126 5.4.1 Introduction, 126 5.4.2 Design Recommendations—Fasteners, 128 5.4.3 Design Recommendations—Connected Material, 138 5.4.4 Design Recommendations for Bearing ... References 33 3.4 BASIS FOR DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS The behavior of individual rivets subjected to different types of loading condi- tions forms the basis for design recommendations. This ... presentation of the strength and deformation statements in their most fundamental and basic forms made the guide directly useful for those using the limit states design formats that emerged in the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 04:15
Design Issues for Enterprise Deployment of Application Servers
... and therefore different solutions for increasing scalability. Thus, in most large enterprises, there is a group of individuals within IT responsible for performance testing of platforms and ... running the EJB client code on the application server platform will obviously cause extra work for the application server platform. Therefore, there is a trade-off between client and network overhead ... authorization of that user or system to perform a given task is performed. Authorization can be performed both at system access and application levels. For example, a particular user may be granted...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 07:20
Tài liệu Design Considerations for Cisco PanGo Asset Tracking pptx
... PanGo Locator. 37 Design Considerations for Cisco PanGo Asset Tracking OL-13268-01 Design and Deployment Best Practices Enabling broadcast forwarding and selecting a forwarding method are ... unicast or multicast forwarding method. Note that when specifying a multicast forwarding method, a multicast forwarding address must also be specified. 42 Design Considerations for Cisco PanGo ... PanOS Server version 4 is a location management platform for enabling, managing, and integrating location and related device mobility information. Designed and built around a service-oriented architecture...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16
Tài liệu Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening doc
... reference. Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening 17 • Credit sources using a structured format (e.g., author, title). • Give precise, formal credit for others’ ideas, images or information ... when appropriate. A. Establish the purpose for reading a type of text (literature, information) before reading. B. Select texts for a particular purpose using the format of the text as a guide. ... interviews. • Participate in a formal interview (e.g., for a job, college). • Organize and participate in informal debate around a specific topic. Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Pro .NET 2.0 Code and Design Standards in C# docx
... the standards in a common format that makes it easy for you to see if it is what you want, for your situation. The Format of the Standards The standards are presented using an intuitive format ... book does the work for you by cataloging a set of standards that are common to the C# community and broad in scope: code, design, and design pattern stan- dards. Code and design standards are presented ... unintuitive. Second, by using a standard, an organization can design and develop with uniformity. Conforming to a uniform way of designing and coding applica- tions minimizes risks and problems...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 10:20
... health promotion in hospitals The need for standards for health promotion in hospitals Format and application of standards The way forward Standards for health promotion in hospitals Standard ... March 2004). References Standards for Health Promotion in Hospitals Standards for Health Promotion in Hospitals Standards for Health Promotion in Hospitals STANDARDS FOR HEALTH PROMOTION IN ... Health promotion is a core quality issue for improving health and sustaining quality of life, however, a review of existing standards for quality in health care for references to health 5 promotion...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR Tuberculosis Care docx
... The Standards are also intended to serve as a companion to and support for the Patients’ Charter for Tuberculosis Care. INTRODUCTION 13 44 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TUBERCULOSIS CARE ... INH, EMB daily, 6 months 3 STANDARDS FOR TREATMENT STANDARD 8 31 10 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TUBERCULOSIS CARE (ISTC) JANUARY 2006 To meet the requirements of the Standards, approaches and ... adverse drug reactions. STANDARDS FOR TREATMENT STANDARD 10 / 11 37 38 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TUBERCULOSIS CARE (ISTC) JANUARY 2006 default and then return for treatment and patients...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc
... TheStanMarkprojectbringstogetherresearchersandpolicy‐makerstodevelopasetof standards for marketingfoodsandbeveragesconsistentwiththeresolutionoftheWorldHealthAssembly. Objectives ConveneaseriesofmeetingsinEuropeandtheUSAtobringtogetherkeymembersofthescientific researchcommunityandpolicy‐makingcommunitytoconsiderhowmarketingfoodandbeverages mayaffectchildren’shealth. Identifycurrent‘bestpractice’approachestothecontrolofmarketing,includingmeasuresnot specificallyaddressingfood andbeveragemarketing,ornotspecificallydirectedtotheprotectionof children. Exploretheuseof standards andmarketingcodestoinfluencecommercialactivity,including standards fromotherindustrialsectors. Proposeasetof standards toformthebasis for across‐bordercodeofmarketingoffoodsand beverages. Developweb‐basedresources for policydevelopmentconcerningfoodandbeveragemarketingto childrenandrelatedmaterialstosupportpolicydevelopment. Projectpartners ... No Whichmedia? Companiesdifferintheextentoftheircoverage for self‐regulatingtheirmarketing messagestochildren,withsomeincludingproductplacement,useoflicensedcharacters andtheirownbrandedsitesinthedefinitionofmarketing.Thedefinitionofwhat constituteschild‐targetedmediavaries: for exampleNestlé 25 definesmarketingtochildren asbeing‘amarketingactivitywhereadultsupervisionisnotpresent’andcommunicationin media‘whereadultaudienceisnotpredominant’. Thetablebelowshowssomeexamplesofthecoverageofcompanypledgesacrossmedia includedunderself‐regulation.Notethat for somemediathecompanies imposecertain 22 UKOfficeofCommunications(Ofcom)2007.See http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/foodads_new/statement/andsee http://collections.europarchive.org/tna/20100927130941/http://food.gov.uk/healthiereating/advertisingtochi ldren/nutlab/nutprofmod 23 DevelopedbytheSwedishNationalFoodAdministrationtodefinehealthierfoodproducts,andnowusedin Sweden,NorwayandDenmark.Seehttp://www.slv.se/en‐gb/Group1/Food‐and‐Nutrition/Keyhole‐symbol/ andseehttp://www.norden.org/en/news‐and‐events/news/first‐anniversary‐nordic‐consumers‐want‐more‐ keyhole‐food 24 FederalTradesCommission(2011)InteragencyWorkingGroupSeeksInputonProposedVoluntaryPrinciples for MarketingFoodtoChildren.Seehttp://www.ftc.gov/opa/2011/04/foodmarket.shtm 25 Seehttp://www.conar.org.br/html/livro/REF49NESTLE%20‐ %20EU%20Pledge%20Nestle%20Commitment.pdf StanMark Standards for marketing to children TheStanMarkprojectbringstogetherresearchersandpolicy‐makerstodevelopasetof standards for marketingfoodsandbeveragesconsistentwiththeresolutionoftheWorldHealthAssembly. Objectives ConveneaseriesofmeetingsinEuropeandtheUSAtobringtogetherkeymembersofthescientific researchcommunityandpolicy‐makingcommunitytoconsiderhowmarketingfoodandbeverages mayaffectchildren’shealth. Identifycurrent‘bestpractice’approachestothecontrolofmarketing,includingmeasuresnot specificallyaddressingfood andbeveragemarketing,ornotspecificallydirectedtotheprotectionof children. Exploretheuseof standards andmarketingcodestoinfluencecommercialactivity,including standards fromotherindustrialsectors. Proposeasetof standards toformthebasis for across‐bordercodeofmarketingoffoodsand beverages. Developweb‐basedresources for policydevelopmentconcerningfoodandbeveragemarketingto childrenandrelatedmaterialstosupportpolicydevelopment. Projectpartners ... weaklyorinconsistentlyenforced Thisreportwillnotexploretheissuesofmonitoringandenforcement,althoughtheseare seriousconcernsthatneedtobeaddressedbypolicy‐makers.Atpresent,monitoringand complaint‐handlingbodiesdonotenforcecompany‐ledinitiatives.Alackofanindependent complaintmechanismcanleaveconsumersfrustrated,andalackofenforcementallows company‐ledinitiativestoberolledbackatanytime.Ifamonitoringandcomplaint‐ handlingbodywereestablisheditwouldneedtogainconsumerconfidence, for whichit wouldneed(a)tobetransparentinoperationwithroutineregularpublicationsoftheir activities;(b)tobeindependentandfreefromindustryinfluence,andseentobeso;and(c) toensurethattheirservicesareeasilyandinexpensivelyaccessedbyconsumers.Penalties mustbecommensuratewiththesizeofthemarketingbudgetsinvolvedandwiththe estimatedexposureofchildrentotheoffendingcommercialmessages. Afurtherconcernistheneedtoensurethat,whateverthedifferencesindefinitionsor approaches,allcompaniesshouldmakesomecommitmenttoofferself‐restraint.Inthe Europeanregiononly11companieshavejoinedthescheme,alongwiththeEuropean SnacksAssociation.Severalmajorcompanies,includingMcDonald’s,KFCandHaribo,and manysmalleronesarenotincluded. Problemsofdefinitions Companieschoosetherulestoimposeuponthemselves.Asaresulttherearelikelytobe discrepanciesandinconsistencies.Hereweshalllookatsuchproblemsencounteredwithin thepledgesandpromisesandactivitiesundertakenbycompaniesintheEuropeanUnion. Whatageisachild? Thetablebelowprovidesexamplesofdefinitionsoftheage‐range for ‘child’bycompanies participatingintheEUpledgescheme.Pleasenotethattheinterpretationofacompany policycanbecomplex,andreadersareadvisedtocheckthecompanystatements for themselves(hyperlinksareprovided). 7 Table1AgedefinitionsincompanyEUpledges(clickhyperlink for details) Organization Age for nomarketing Age for marketingofspecifiedproducts...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu European Communities (Labelling and Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat) Regulations 2004 ppt
... European Communities (Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat) Regulations 2002 and in force immediately before the commencement of these Regulations continues in force after such commencement as ... European Communities (Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat) Regulations 2002 and in force on immediately before the commencement of these Regulations continue in force after such commencement ... destruction was carried out. of the court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or to both. Revocation 13. The European Communities (Marketing Standards for Poultrymeat)...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu A junk-free childhood 2012 - The 2012 report of the StanMark project on standards for marketing food and beverages to children in Europe pptx
... Explore the use of standards and marketing codes to influence commercial activity, including standards from other industrial sectors. Propose a set of standards to form the basis for a cross-border ... www.eu-pledge.eu/sites/eu-pledge.eu/files/reports/EU_Pledge_2011_Monitoring_Report.pdf StanMark Standards for marketing to children The StanMark project brings together researchers and policy-makers to develop a set of standards for marketing foods and beverages ... in company EU pledges (click hyperlink for details) Organisation Age (years) for marketing restrictions of all products Age for marketing restrictions for company-specified products Coca-Cola...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu quality systems and standards for a competitive edge ppt
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 08:20
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Examples of the Standards for Students’ Writing 2009: English Language Arts Grade 9 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20