description of the study area in research

Báo cáo hóa học: " Evaluation of quality of life and description of the sociodemographic state in adolescent and young adult patients with phenylketonuria (PKU)" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Evaluation of quality of life and description of the sociodemographic state in adolescent and young adult patients with phenylketonuria (PKU)" docx

... Quality of life measured with the Profile of Quality of Life in the Chronically Ill (PLC) revealed mean values for capacity of performance in the patient group in the same range as in the control ... training at the time of the inquiry in contrast to approximately one third in the general population. The labour force status (table 6) in the patient collective resembled the status in the general ... measured with the Profile of Quality of Life in the Chronically Ill (PLC). In this ques- tionnaire the two aspects of QoL, performance capacity and well being, are weighted equally resulting in an eval- uation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

7 418 0
Báo cáo y học: "Aplasia and Agenesis of the Frontal Sinus in Turkish Individuals: A Retrospective Study Using Dental Volumetric Tomograph"

Báo cáo y học: "Aplasia and Agenesis of the Frontal Sinus in Turkish Individuals: A Retrospective Study Using Dental Volumetric Tomograph"

... frontal sinus reaches half the height of the orbit and extends just above the top of the most-anterior ethmoid cells. By the age of 8 years, the top of the frontal sinuses is at the level of the ... craniotomy because of the proximity of the sinus to the orbit and the anterior skull base [5]. The frequency of bilateral absence of the frontal sinus has been reported in 3-4% to 10% of several popula- tions ... This study investigated the prevalence of agenesis of the frontal sinuses using dental volumetric tomography (DVT) in Turkish individuals. The frontal sinuses of 410 patients were examined...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:04

5 578 0
Tài liệu Central bank rates, market rates and retail bank rates in the euro area in the context of the recent crisis docx

Tài liệu Central bank rates, market rates and retail bank rates in the euro area in the context of the recent crisis docx

... since the start of the crisis. Conversely, in the case of the model estimated using the OIS, both the increase and decrease in the retail interest rate are principally due to the shock to the ... offering banks the possibility of front loading – the Eurosystem managed to stabilise Eonia around the main refinancing rate in the first phase of the crisis. During this period, the cycle of interest ... bank rates in the euro area in the Context of the reCent Crisis (1) The bootstrap method supplies a certain number of indications regarding the estimates obtained from a sample by using “new...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 05:20

26 1K 0
Benchmarking the Competitiveness of the United States in Mechanical Engineering Basic Research pot

Benchmarking the Competitiveness of the United States in Mechanical Engineering Basic Research pot

... by the National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. The Institute ... determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the ... restrictions, or the opinions of their peers, they were asked who would be the 10-20 speakers that must be a part of the imaginary session. A summary of the area results of the VWC (percentage of U.S....

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20

119 338 0
A Study of the Noun Phrase in Spoke andWritten English pptx

A Study of the Noun Phrase in Spoke andWritten English pptx

... have such a kind of ability to express the information. 6 Conclusion: According to the sampler of Christine corpus and the sampler of Susanne in TIGERSearch software the frequency of pronoun-headed ... most important elements in the message, whereas, in writing we can find them in the 3 EXAMPLE initial position is the most important position since elements with a linking function are placed there. Such ... part of information come towards the end of the structure. She thinks the concept of end focus and end weight are closely connected with the principle of given and new information. Given information...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20

12 815 6
Temi di discussione: An empirical analysis of national differences in the retail bank interest rates of the euro area doc

Temi di discussione: An empirical analysis of national differences in the retail bank interest rates of the euro area doc

... matrices of their determinants. The matrices X i,t and Z i, t include the same covariates in the regressions of the 5 categories of deposit interest rates; in the regressions of the 5 categories ... concentration the Herfindahl indexes in each country instead of the share of the 5 largest credit institutions in total assets. The results have remained the same, even if at a lower level of significance. ... controlling for the national factors influencing the level of interest rates. The final section summarizes our findings. 2. The data and a descriptive analysis of the cross-country dispersion of...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20

62 506 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Study of the collagen structure in the superficial zone and physiological state of articular cartilage using a 3D confocal imaging technique" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Study of the collagen structure in the superficial zone and physiological state of articular cartilage using a 3D confocal imaging technique" pptx

... AC in vivo [28-30]. Although the staining technique used in this study is not clinical appli- cable, our current study on the investigation of clinical viable staining techniques for imaging the ... the proteoglycans in the AC than the unidi- rectional collagen fibres. Peeling off the surface membrane corresponding to the lamina splendens is mainly attributed to the tensile strength of the ... sectioning and dehy- drating the AC, the 3D collagen network revealed in this study closely represents the natural character of the colla- gen network in AC. Therefore, the changes observed in the 3D...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

11 476 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Study of the vertical transport in p-doped superlattices based on group III-V semiconductors" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Study of the vertical transport in p-doped superlattices based on group III-V semiconductors" pdf

... been given in earlier studies, and it is mainly based on the solution of the Boltzmann equation [4-6]. The use of SLs i s important since increasing the disper- sion relation of the minibands for ... behavior. At the beginning, the first miniband is only partially occupied; once the band filling increases, i. e., as the Fermi level goes up to the first miniband value, the conductivity increases. ... value rises continuously as E F spans the interval between the bottom and the top of this miniband. For E F smaller than the minimum (Min) of this miniband, nE q, ()  eff F remains constant. A straightforward...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

6 360 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Second-Order Contingent Derivative of the Perturbation Map in Multiobjective Optimization" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Second-Order Contingent Derivative of the Perturbation Map in Multiobjective Optimization" doc

... conclusion is obtained and the proof is complete. Remark 4.8. If the C-domination property of Px is not satisfied in Theorem 4.7,then Theorem 4.7 may not hold. The following example explains the case. Example ... Min C D 2 F  x 0 ,y 0 ,u,v   x  , 3.24 and the proof of the proposition is complete. The following example shows that the C-domination property of Px in Proposi- tion 3.8 is essential. Example 3.9 Px does not satisfy the C-domination ... concerning the behavior of the perturbation map, and Shi 9 studied some quantitative results concerning the behavior of the perturbation map. Li 10 discussed the continuity of contingent...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

13 396 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Sensitivity-Based Pole and Input-Output Errors of Linear Filters as Indicators of the Implementation Deterioration in Fixed-Point Context Thibault Hilaire1 and Philippe Chevrel2" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Sensitivity-Based Pole and Input-Output Errors of Linear Filters as Indicators of the Implementation Deterioration in Fixed-Point Context Thibault Hilaire1 and Philippe Chevrel2" pot

... the binary-point position of the states and the intermediate variables [8]. This gives us a bound on the L 2 -gain of the transfer functions from the input u to the states x and intermediate ... considered. controlling a plant in a feedback scheme. The problem has an important practical interest in the context of robust control theory [30], when considering the model uncertainties of the process ... wordlength of the fractional part (it determines the position of the binary-point). They are fixed for each variable (input, states, output) and each coefficient, and implicit (unlike the floating-point...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20

15 303 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Kinetic Roughening in Nanostructured Gold Films on SiO2" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Kinetic Roughening in Nanostructured Gold Films on SiO2" ppt

... area and volume of the Au nanometric grains forming the film can be obtained. The XEI software for the analyses of the AFM images allow to obtain the distribution of the grains radii, R, and of ... of the grains areas S by a procedure consisting in the definition of each grain area by the surface image sectioning of a plane that was positioned at the half grain height. As a consequence, the ... obtained the roughness r for each sample by the corresponding AFM images using the XEI software. In particular, the value of r for each sample was calculated by averaging the values obtained...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 01:20

7 295 0


... beginning and end of satellite life respectively. The main filtering of the band is performed in the SAR transponder block using a SAW filter operating in the uplink frequency band. The ... shown in Figure 3.6. The antenna is RHCP with an on-axis gain of 12.3 dB. The transmit line loss between the power amplifier and the antenna terminal is 1.7 dB. Therefore, the effective gain relative ... preamplifier is 1.9 dB. Therefore, the effective gain relative to the preamplifer input is 8.1 dB. The receive antenna has a maximum axial ratio of 3 dB. The relative gain pattern for the GOES SAR transmit...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 04:20

48 369 0
Research report: "The structure of the noun phrase in English" docx

Research report: "The structure of the noun phrase in English" docx

... story, etc. Another class of pre-modifiers is the type of denominal adjective often meaning “consisting of , “involving”, or “relating to”. These items must come next before the head and can ... and (for the most part) other kinds of congruence with the rest of the sentence outside the noun phrase. This is exemplified in: The only girl in this class is hardworking. All of the beautiful ... positions that they can have in relation to determiners and to each other. The first class of the closed-system pre-modifiers, pre-determiners, is unique in occurring before the determiners. They are:...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 14:20

10 692 7
introduction of the study on financial instruments accounting for nonfinancial firms in vietnam

introduction of the study on financial instruments accounting for nonfinancial firms in vietnam

... resulting in the confusion and inconsistence in the reporting of firms’ financial situation, affecting the trustworthiness and comparativeness of the indexes in the financial reports. Based on the ... derivatives Recognition of the main assets The author recommends classifying the accounting for financial assets into 4 20 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ACCOUNTING FOR NON-FINANCIAL ... financial instruments Most of the studies agree on the main features of a financial instrument, which 1 information on financial instruments should also be included in the Interpretation of...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 20:31

22 382 0