... converted into 10-mark scale as traditional way of marking 2.2 Data collection instruments Concerning the aims at answering the five research questions, both quantitative and qualitative approaches ... representing meaning, negotiating meaning with the speaker and responding, and creating meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy” It is no doubt that different scholars have different ideas to ... of listening It is believed that listening is a significant and essential element of communication and interaction in a native language and in second language as well In fact, there have been...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:05
... Spain Women attend this kind of centre for obtaining primary care from family physicians These centres are part of the National Health Service and they not have any particular religious affiliation ... stage as about those acting at stage or This might have bias the respondents in the way as to considering methods active at stage or as something bad Previous research indicated moral considerations ... related to stage or are rather frequent, whereas anecdotal information points towards only rare reservations against methods working before fertilization [2,9] We thus refrained from adding a...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20
Teacher’s attitudes towards and practice in cognitive reading strategies instruction = Nhận thức và thực tiễn của giáo viên về chiến lược dạy đọc hiểu theo nhận
... predominately grammartranslation method to more communicative approaches which encourage students‟ interaction The innovative change in language approaches inclusively affects the teaching and learning ... note-taking, summarization, imaginary, making inferences Cognitive strategies aid the reader in constructing meaning from the text (Salataci & Akyel, 2002) In general, studies in both first language ... reading strategies were explored Findings indicated that teachers believed reading strategies played an important role in reading comprehension and that it was necessary to teach reading strategies...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:29
Student’s attitudes towards the integrated approach to grammar teaching, a quasi-experimental research on the first year students at hanoi college of economics andtechnology
... What are the reasons for a change in approach to grammar teaching to students at Hanetco? (2) What are students’ expectations towards grammar teaching and learning? (3) What are the students’ attitudes ... been regarded as crucial to the ability to use a language In other words, grammar gains a prominence in language teaching, as much as without a good knowledge of grammar, learners’ language development ... Theoretical background of grammar teaching 1.2.1 Definitions of grammar and the place of grammar in English language teaching 1.2.2 The brief view of grammar teaching approaches 1.2.3 Stages of a grammar...
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40
An investigation into English major freshmen's perceptions on, attitudes towards and perferences for teacher's written corrective feedback at Hanoi University o
... 23 Data analysis methods 23 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 24 3.1 Data analysis of questionnaires 24 3.1.1 Students’ general information ... VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDY FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ ĐAN QUẾ AN INVESTIGATION INTO ENGLISH MAJOR FRESHMEN’S ... 1.1.1 Definition of writing 1.1.2 The importance of teaching writing 1.1.3 An overview of approaches to teaching writing The product-oriented approach to teaching...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:21
An investigation into English major freshmen's perceptions on, attitudes towards and perferences for teacher's written corrective feedback at HU
... data collection methods and procedure, data analysis methods of the study Chapter 3: Data analysis and findings – analyzes data from instruments of the study, discusses findings and pedagogical ... problematic tasks that any L2 writing teachers have to regularly face Over the past two decades, there has been a dramatic shift in the paradigms of teaching writing with an importantly increasing focus ... writers and their complex composing process As a result, the role of teacher in providing feedback has changed from a judge and evaluator” to a consultant, assistant and facilitator” (Zamel,...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50
A survey on urban high school teacher's and students' attitudes towards communicative language teaching = Khảo sát thái độ của giáo viên và học sinh trung học n
... Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies FACULTY OF Post- graduate STUDIES VŨ THỊ HOÀNG ANH A SURVEY ON URBAN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES ... 1.1 The main characteristics of the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)…… …6 1.2 Definition of communicative language teaching (CLT)………………………… 10 1.3 Defining communicative competence…………………………………………… ... Instruments for Data Collection ……………………………………………… ….24 2.4 Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………………….26 2.5 Findings…………………………………………………………………………… 27 2.6 Teachers’ Attitudes and Classroom Practices...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:58
A survey on urban high school teacher's and students' attitudes towards communicative language teaching = Khảo sát thái độ của giáo viên và học sinh trung học n20150227
... the major British Approach to teaching English as a foreign language, while Audiolingualism was dominant in America In Situational Language Teaching, language was taught by practising basic structures ... communicative language teaching is accepted by many linguists and language teachers as an effective approach and is hailed as the dominant theoretical model in ELT, no matter what teaching situation ... play an important role in learning and teaching the second/foreign language Understanding of their attitudes towards 27 language and language learning helps to gain insights into what they in...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:58
Students' attitudes towards teachers' corrective feedback in writing at the Boarding High school for Ethnic Minority students in Tuyen Quang = Thái độ của học s
... all errors at the same time In other words, teacher should be as a reader in the early drafts, then a reader and a writing consultant to offer advice about structure and organization and finally, ... instruments, data collection and data analysis has been discussed in particular The chapter also pointed out major findings and discussion The following chapter will focus on recommendation and ... timeconsuming The findings of teachers‟ beliefs in giving corrective feedback above revealed teachers‟ great concerns on this area of teaching and learning English in L2 text as many researchers have...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:02
A STUDY ON HOW ORAL GRAMMAR PRACTICE CAN CHANGE TRAN NGUYEN HAN 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning
... 2.3.1 Oral grammar practice creating teaching techniques Eagly and Chaiken (1993) all claimed that students’ attitude in language learning in general and grammar in particular may be influenced ... greater and greater result in language learning in general and in grammar learning in particular whereas negative attitudes will hinder their learning 2.3 Ways that help to change students’ attitudes ... role of oral grammar practice in grammar teaching 11 2.5.1 Definition of oral grammar pracice 11 2.5.2 Classification of oral practice activities in teaching and learning grammar 13 2.6...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01
A study on how oral practice can change TNH 10th graders' attitudes towards grammar learning
... 2.3.1 Oral grammar practice creating teaching techniques Eagly and Chaiken (1993) all claimed that students’ attitude in language learning in general and grammar in particular may be influenced ... greater and greater result in language learning in general and in grammar learning in particular whereas negative attitudes will hinder their learning 2.3 Ways that help to change students’ attitudes ... preference in oral grammar practice in the coming time Graph 19: Reasons for continuing oral grammar practice in the coming time Graph 20: Reasons for not continuing oral grammar practice in the coming...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46
TOEIC listeningreading testpreview
... attendees: Optimum Software attendees: Katharine Morandi Chom Tai Ujjwal Ahmed Yusra Singh Peter Bodell AGENDA Ujjwal Ahmed Introductions Review objectives Katharine Morandi Advantage Power Systems: ... foggy It is clear It is snowing lightly It is stormy What time of day is this announcement being made? (A) (B) (C) (D) 74 At a train station At a travel agent’s office At an airport At a coffee shop ... effectively Companies that are able to this can reap significant payoffs in productivity and profitability 14 156 What is the article mainly about? (A) (B) (C) (D) Corporate marketing plans New developments...
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 22:34
Motivating student's interest in english listening lessons at thai hoa high school
... in and positively participated in class interesting activities such as games or extra listening for entertainments Teachers and students pay much attention to teaching and learning grammar, reading ... as extroversion, introversion, risk-taking, independence and empathy - Learning strategies: As in all school topics, learning strategies are a factor of second language learning Different learning ... crucial for second language learning, and it is essential to understand what our students’ motivations are’ As a result, motivation should be paid attention in teaching and learning second languages...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:46