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American english file 3 sb 3 phần 1 pdf

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 1 pdf

... long. I was w __ (what kind of a boss ). W __ , you'll find out tomorrow. ~ US English apartment e UK English flat GII!IlII MultiROM Is food a pleasure for you? Yes, definitely, I love ... rules and do the exercises. - 5 LISTENING a Have you ever tried English food? What did you think of it? b 1.5 Kevin Poulter, an English chef, has a restaurant in Santiago, the capital of Chile. ... do? THE STORY SO FAR 1.13 Listen to the story of Mark and AlIie. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Mark met AlIie in London two years ago. 2 He's American and she's British. 3 They work for MTV. 4 He invited her to San Francisco for a vacation. S...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

17 3,7K 26
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 5 pdf

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 5 pdf

... who is pretending, but sometimes they can't! 2 _ Jessica Winters is a 26-year-old librarian. She studied English literature at a university before getting a job at her local library. She didn't know it, but two of her ... calor they painted my __ . e Which of the treatments would you choose to have? Meetings PRACTICAL ENGLISH GIVING OPINIONS a 5.18 Cover the conversation. Listen to AlIie, Mark, and Jacques discussing promotion for ... 0 Communication What do you think? A p.117 B p.120. In small groups, give your opinion. SOCIAL ENGLISH Why is she smiling? a 5.20 Listen. Who do they see in the Louvre? b Listen again and answer the questions. I...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

16 2,5K 8
American english file 4 student book

American english file 4 student book

... IT? I learn English 1. to watch American TV 2. because I like it; it’s a beautiful language 3. because I work with the foreigners in my company 4. to graduate 5. to understand how English people ... you teach this conversation? TASK Describe your good habits and/or bad habits as a learner of English . CHARACTERISTICS GOOD CLASSROOM LEARNERS SHARE o be a good listener o take risks in...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:14

13 3,6K 6
American English File  Student Book 3

American English File Student Book 3

... smoke mEII American English File Student Book 3 Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of English File 1 (pub. 1996) and English File 2 ... on . CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Can you ? Yes (.r) talk about different things you can do with money say how long you've been living in this town and learning English compare traveling ... nU. ,u,,! H_ ã. . ," Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No I Clare, a student from Ireland 2 Paul, an American business man in China 3 Andrea, an American from Chicago 4 Marcos, an economist from Latin America b Listen again and answer the questions. I...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 14:19

162 9,8K 126
american english file 1 workbook

american english file 1 workbook

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 08:51

80 10,7K 11
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 3 ppt

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 3 ppt

... Live) I've started learning English at least ten times. I've been to classes, I've had a private teacher, I've used a self-study course, but 5 anything in English. I even had an American girlfriend once, but she learned Portuguese before I managed to improve my English, so we always spoke in Portuguese. I travel a lot for my job and 6 ... ) the sentence which says what the article is about. D The English have very good manners. D The English and Russian ideas of good manners are different. D The English are polite but insincere. D Russians ... respect local customs? 7 Does Marcos feel that all American tourists are like this? a 3.4 Listen to four people answering the question, ''Are Americans polite?" Do they answer ôyes" or "no"? 6 SPEAKING Look at the five...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

16 2,5K 4
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 4 docx

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 4 docx

... you a tennis club. 2 I'm sure she's not American. She doesn't have an American accent. She American, she doesn't have an American accent. 3 I can't go out tonight. I ... nuts, etc.) No, h __ on. I have an idea. Do you think you could p __ do me a favor? ~ US English restroom E UK English toilet GDlMultiROM An informal letter WRITING Amancla went to the US and stayed with SlI!phanie and David in New Jersey. After she had gone home. she wrote to thank them. a ... p.136 Grammar Bank 4A. Read the rules and do the exercises. e Choose five sentence beginnings from the list below and make true sentences about yourself. Then tell your partner. I won't stop studying English until I I'd like to retire when I'll leave home as soon as I'll be really annoyed if ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

16 1,5K 3
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 6 pot

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 6 pot

... Costa Rica April 30 The Olympic Committee is looking for dedicated, enthusiastic, and energetic people to work in different areas for the forthcoming Olympic Games. There are vacancies in the following areas: ã Administration ã Translation and language services ã Hospitality and catering ã Medical support All applicants must be appropriately qualified and a good level of English is essential. Send your resume and a cover letter (in English) to: Job applications: The Olympic Committee, PO Box 2456 Avenida America 50 Cartago, Costa Rica Home: 506-555-6389 Cell: 506-555-6742 Costa Rican E-mail Nationality: Telephone Address Lucas Mendez English (TOEFl: 600) I have a good level of written and spoken English. I have been studying English at a private language school for the last three years. German (fluent). My mother is German. 4 ... Costa Rica April 30 The Olympic Committee is looking for dedicated, enthusiastic, and energetic people to work in different areas for the forthcoming Olympic Games. There are vacancies in the following areas: ã Administration ã Translation and language services ã Hospitality and catering ã Medical support All applicants must be appropriately qualified and a good level of English is essential. Send your resume and a cover letter (in English) to: Job applications: The Olympic Committee, PO Box 2456 Avenida America 50 Cartago, Costa Rica Home: 506-555-6389 Cell: 506-555-6742 Costa Rican E-mail Nationality: Telephone Address Lucas Mendez English (TOEFl: 600) I have a good level of written and spoken English. I have been studying English at a private language school for the last three years. German (fluent). My mother is German. 4 ... [ have been working at a rehabilitation center here since January 2006. I have a good level of English. and 'my German is great / [speak German fluently. 4[ enclose / I'm sending you my resume...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

16 1,6K 4
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 7 potx

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 7 potx

... killed her husband? Carlo Trevisan, an important international lawyer, is found dead on a train in It.aly. Inspector Bnmetti goes to interview Signora Trevisan. the wife of the victim. Donna Lean is an American aime writer whose deteclNe novels are all set in Venice. Her detective is Inspector Brunetti. "ID ''I'd ... in compound nouns? c In pairs, try to answer al1the questions in two minutes with a compound noun from Files 1 6. Compound noun race 1 What do you use to pay for things you buy on the Internet? 2 Where ... up right now? 2 How do you feel when a plane takes off? 3 AIe you going to keep on <ludving English next year? 4 What are you most looking forward to right now? 5 Have you ever tried to go to...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

16 1,3K 1
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 8 docx

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 8 docx

... expect the English to be good cooks. Interviewer Is your chef English? Kevin No, he's Chilean - but I've taughl him to make some English dishes. Interviewer What kind of English dishes do you have on your menu? Kevin ... we serve traditional English breakfasts, eggs, sausage, toast and so on, and then we have a lot of English desserts at lunchtime, for example, trifle - that's a popular English dessert made with ... asked me where I was from. When I said I was American, he started getting really aggressive. He said that he didn't Americans and that all Americans were loud and pushy. He went on and on - he just wouldn't...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

16 1,2K 1
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 9 potx

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 9 potx

... people who they come from the same town as me. &1!lIII MultiROM www.oup.comjeIVamericanenglishfilej3 GRAMMAR BANK 2A a Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. I've never saw Star Wars. I've ... were a teenager? 9 El He so thin. In fact, he was very overweight before. GlDliII MultiROM www.oup.comjeltjamericanenglishfilej3 GRAMMAR BANK 3A a Circle the correct form. You don't have to lemust not)drink ... want. 8 They find a house yet. They're still looking. GII!IiII MultiROM www.oup.comjeltjamericanenglishfilej3 7A third conditional third conditional sentences: if+ had + past participle, would+...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

16 1,6K 2
American english file 3 sb 3 phần 10 pps

American english file 3 sb 3 phần 10 pps

... chi. Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. o p.10 GmI MultiROM Student Book ã Motivating, real-world texts and tasks get students speaking ã Practical English lessons with integrated video focus on everyday language ã ... quizzes and tests for each file, plus entry, mid-term, and final tests Website ã Student website with interactive exercises and games ã Teacher website with extra resources ... buy eyes y shy motorcycle height 19b flight frightened bike MulliROM WWW.oup.comtelVamericanenglishfiIe/3 English sounds SOUND BANK ã voiced ã unvoiced ã vowels followed by Irl ã diphthongs 1...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:21

17 966 2
American english file 2 workbook

American english file 2 workbook

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2015, 00:26

79 8,9K 194
American english file 3 students book

American english file 3 students book

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2015, 00:27

162 2K 37