Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2013, 23:21
... th ứ ứ hai hai , , ta ta á á t ca t ca û û ca ca ù ù c c đỉ đỉ nh mơ nh mơ ù ù i ca i ca ù ù ch mo ch mo á á c c 2 2 ca ca ï ï nh sẽ nh sẽ đư đư ơ ơ ï ï c thăm va c thăm va ø ø đư đư ơ ơ ï ï c c đ đ a a ë ë t ... toa ù ù n n Breadth Breadth - - First Search First Search Algorithm BFS(v); Input:Một đỉnh v c a đồ thị Output:Một c ch gán nhãn cho c c cạnh đã “đư c khám phá” ho c “crossedge” Khởi tạo hàng đợi L 0 để chứa đỉnh ... đ đ o o à à thị thị Output: Output: Mo Mo ä ä t ca t ca ù ù ch ga ch ga ù ù n nhaõn cho ca n nhaõn cho ca ù ù c ca c ca ï ï nh nh đ đ ã ã “ “ đư đư ơ ơ ï ï c kha c kha ù ù m pha m pha ù ù ” ” hoa hoa ë ë c c “ “ backedge backedge ” ” for for ( ( mo mo ï ï i...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20
... AI c a thầy Ngô Hữu Ph c biên soạn. 2. “Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java”, Mark Watson. 3. C c website về Artificial Intelligence. Trang 11 Thuật toán Depth First Search- ... đích kết th c + Nếu không: ứng với c c đỉnh kề với đỉnh vừa bỏ ra, ta lại cho vào Stack. Depth First Search: Procedure Depth_ First_ Search; begin 1. Khởi tạo danh sách L chỉ chứa trạng thái ... PH C SV th c hiện : ĐÀO NG C ANH Lớp : TIN H C 5A HÀ NỘI, THÁNG 3 NĂM 2010 Thuật toán Depth First Search- Đào Ng c Anh – TIN H C 5A A. Thuật toán tìm kiếm theo chiều sâu (Depth First Search) ...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 22:17
vnz 1126 you can program in c++ a programmers introduction (2006)
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2014, 22:33
Nell dale c++ plus data structures, 3rd
... are actually correct. Topics covered include the concept of “life-cycle” verification; designing for correctness using preconditions and postconditions; the use of deskchecking and design/code ... templates are introduced in Chapter 4, however, inserts an unnecessary complexity into already complex code. Thus, when introducing a new construct such as a linked list or a binary search tree, we have chosen ... stress computer science theory and software engineering principles, including modularization, data encapsulation, information hiding, data 1 Johannes J. Martin, Data Types and Data Structures,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:11
Kruse, ryba data structures and program design in c++ 2000
... such as .C, .cpp, .cxx, or .cc. NAVIGATING THE DISK ForinformationonusingtheAcrobattoolbarandotherAcrobatcommands,consult the Help document within Acrobat. See especially the section “Navigating ... It takesplaceonanunbounded rectangular grid in which each cell can either be occupied by an organism or not. Occupied cells are called alive; unoccupied cells are called dead. Which cells are definitions alive ... gains increased confidence in the accuracy of the computer program listings appearing in the text. In fact, with just two exceptions, all of the programs developed in this book have been compiled and succesfully...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:10
Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp Using the Web Services Enhancements
... 2:52 PM Page 1 Introducing Service-Oriented Architecture 7 Services provide flexible binding: Services fully describe themselves using the WSDL contract. This information includes documentation ... sequenced chain of compo- nents in a workflow). This is a different approach to Web services coding than most of us are used to taking, because typically we place all processing code directly in ... to Indigo very smoothly. The summary of the chapters is as follows: Chapter 1, “Introducing Service-Oriented Architecture”: This chapter introduces the concepts behind service-oriented architecture,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:59
Functions _ Program Components in C++
... <iostream>4 5 using std::cout; 6 using std::endl;7 8 #include <iomanip> 9 using std::setw; 11 #include <cstdlib> // contains function prototype for rand 14 int main() { 16 int frequency1 = ... <ctime> ã Returns current time in seconds ã General shifting and scaling Number = shiftingValue + rand() % scalingFactor – shiftingValue = first number in desired range – scalingFactor ... func tio ns. 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 28 1 // Fig. 3.10: fig03_10.cpp 2 // Craps. 3 #include <iostream> 5 using std::cout; 6 using std::endl; 8 // contains function...
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 08:20
... subcategories. Linear collections can be either direct access collections or sequential access collections, whereas nonlinear collections can be either hierarchical or grouped. This section describes each ... System.Collections data structures. This chapter will introduce the reader to generic programming. Finally, this chapter introduces a custom-built class, the Timing class, which we will use in several ... TIMING CLASS C OLLECTIONS D EFINED A collection is a structured data type that stores data and provides operations for adding data to the collection, removing data from the collection, updating data...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 10:16
Data structures in c++ pdf
... #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void check(char[]); main(){clrscr();char s[100]; cin>>s;check(s); getch();} void check(char s[]){char c; int ... #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int size=10; int a[10],top=-1; int pop(); void r(int[]); void push(int[],int); main(){clrscr();int i,k; for(i=0;i<size;i++){cin>>k;push(a,k);} ... اهو 9) #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int size=10; int a[10],tail=-1,head=-1; int p_q(); void add_q(int[],int); void del(int[],int); main(){clrscr();int i; for(i=0;i<size;i++){if(tail==size-1){cout<<"...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20