definition of strategic sales process

Modeling and Simulation of Microbial Depolymerization Processes of Xenobiotic Polymers

Modeling and Simulation of Microbial Depolymerization Processes of Xenobiotic Polymers

... analysis of PEwax showed that small molecules were con- sumed faster than large ones in the depolymerization processes of PE. 283 Modeling and Simulation of Microbial Depolymerization Processes of ... Simulation of Microbial Depolymerization Processes of Xenobiotic Polymers 12.5 Discussion The degradation rate λ ()M of the exogenous depolymerization model is the ratio of the total weight of ... Modeling and Simulation of Microbial Depolymerization Processes of Xenobiotic Polymers of xenobiotic polymers with experimental data introduced into analysis . Proceedings of the 7th Biennial...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 08:20

26 522 0
Tài liệu A Comparative Analysis of Individual Communication Processes in Small docx

Tài liệu A Comparative Analysis of Individual Communication Processes in Small docx

... influence of cultural I-C and group composition on communication processes (i.e. the influence of input on processes). Second, the theory seeks to predict the relationship between communication processes and ... loyalty (Hofstede, 1991, p.260). Although the contrast of cultural I-C has been used to explain and organize a wide variety of behaviors in a number of different cultures, the use of cultural ... turn-taking, and speaking time distribution. The results of this study indicate that: (a) the cultural dimension of I-C is a predictor of the number of turn-takings and the speaking time duration, (b)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 16:15

16 522 0
Tài liệu 77 Introduction to the TMS320 Family of Digital Signal Processors docx

Tài liệu 77 Introduction to the TMS320 Family of Digital Signal Processors docx

... simplified form the key features of the TMS320C25. The major parts of the DSP processor are the memory, the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the ports, and the peripherals. Each of these parts will be examined ... 64K words of data memory and 64K words of program memory. Except for what resides on-chip, the rest of the memory is external, supplied by the designer. The CPU is the heart of the processor. ... generation (‘C5x for short) of fixed-point devices, and the TMS320C4x (‘C4x) of floating-point devices. Customizable and fixed-function extensions of this family of processors will be also discussed. Texas...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 06:16

37 508 1
Tài liệu Bond Market Structure in the Presence of Marked Point Processes doc

Tài liệu Bond Market Structure in the Presence of Marked Point Processes doc

... theory of bond market has to include an integration of measure- valued processes with respect to jump-diffusion processes with values in some Banach space of continuous functions. Some versions of ... extension of a result of Shirakawa (see [28]). Note that we allow for more than one Wiener process, whereas the proof in [28] depends critically on an assumption of only one Wiener process. In ... side ϕ in a dense subset of the image space. The purpose of this section is to present a class of models, for which we can give an explicit characterization of the class of hedgeable claims. Assumption...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 02:20

42 581 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Structural Definition of Affixes from Multisyllable Words" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Structural Definition of Affixes from Multisyllable Words" docx

... "The Nature of Affixing in Written English," an algorithm for the structural definition of affixes was developed and applied to data consisting of all the words of the form CVCVC ... two-vowel-string words. This paper summarizes the results of applying a modified form of the operational definition to data consisting of all the four-, five-, six-, and seven-vowel-string words ... classification of the weak suffixes by degree of weakness as a means of approaching the suffix-in- context problem. Table 2, which reviews the prefixes and suffixes de- fined by Resnikoff and Dolby,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20

4 508 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Finite-State Model of Human Sentence Processing" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Finite-State Model of Human Sentence Processing" docx

... composed of features like POS, the number of complements, category of each complement, and the position of comple- ments. In their view, structural disambiguation is simply another type of lexical ... issues, University of Geneva University of Toronto:109–135, 2002. J. King and M. A. Just. Individual differences in syntactic processing: The role of working mem- ory. Journal of Memory and Language, ... pair of sentences. Comparatively faster or larger drop of probability is expected to be a good indicator of comparative processing difficulty. Probability re- ranking, which is a simplified model of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:21

8 446 0
Tài liệu Analytical Measurement Solutions for Optimization of your Brewing Process pot

Tài liệu Analytical Measurement Solutions for Optimization of your Brewing Process pot

... safety. Segment coupler Profibus ® PA Profibus ® DP ® PROFIBUS ® is a registered trademark of Profibus International SIMATIC ® is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG Full PROFIBUS PA integration of METTLER ... Imperative Measurement of dissolved oxygen content The quality and vitality of the yeast strongly influence the stability of the flavor of a beer. Fluctuations during the yeast cultivation and fermenta- tion processes ... concentration during the fer- mentation process ensures the de- sired concentration of aromas and of those substances which prevent premature aging of the beer. Measurement of residual oxygen content in...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

16 563 1
Tài liệu Instrumentation in the brewing industry Automation of the brewing process pot

Tài liệu Instrumentation in the brewing industry Automation of the brewing process pot

... calibration of flowmeters using mobile flow rig On-site calibration of pressure devices Laboratory calibration of level instruments On-site calibration of analysis devices On-site calibration of temperature ... art sensor technology supports the brewing process. Rising accuracy of process sensory, along with high repeatability enables the user to run a process in the most efficient manner. Optimized ... stable quality of beer, and even more, it must taste the same all year, each and every year, to fulfill the expectation of the customer. To follow this moving target, a lot of experience is...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

16 573 1
Tài liệu Application of Computers in Process Control pptx

Tài liệu Application of Computers in Process Control pptx

... 1 of 7 ECET- 462 Application of Computers in Process Control Purdue University, Calumet [LABORATORY 8] Tuning of a PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols Method Page 6 of ... Form of the PID Compensator Page 7 of 7 Conclusion: 1) Follow the steps describe above to tune the PID controller. 2) Find the values of K P , T I , T D. 3) What is the effect of changing ... Page 2 of 7 Tuning of a PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols Method LAB 8 Objective: 1) To demonstrate the use of PID controller using LabVIEW. 2) Finding the values of K P and...

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 03:20

7 407 0
Handbook of petroleum refining processes

Handbook of petroleum refining processes

... of Use as given at the website. Collected by BEHTA MIRJANY, STC. Co. Email : As in every process, certain minor process inefficiencies, times of misoperation, and periods of ... adequately. The potentially offensive nature of the streams produced in this process as well as the inherent hazards of HF acid has result- ed in the development of effluent management and safety ... operation of existing polymerization plants. The importance of the HF Alkylation process in the refining situation of the 2000s has been increased even further by the scheduled phase-out of MTBE...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2014, 09:55

847 6,1K 9
Theory of Gas Injection Processes Franklin M. Orr, Jr. Stanford University Stanford ppt

Theory of Gas Injection Processes Franklin M. Orr, Jr. Stanford University Stanford ppt

... exchange [102], diagenetic alteration of porous rocks [34, 63] and to leaching of minerals [9]. Many of these ideas also apply to the area of geologic storage of carbon dioxide [85], or CO 2 sequestration, ... (t), of the porous medium bounded by a surface, S(t). A material balance on component i in the control volume can be stated as Rate of change of amount of compo- nent i in V (t) = Net rate of in- flow ... in- flow of component i into V (t) due to flow of phases + Net rate of in- flow of component i into V (t) due to hydrodynamic dispersion 5 3.1. THERMODYNAMIC BACKGROUND 25 The chemical potential is of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

293 817 0


... terms of methodology, most of the studies analyzing the effect of bank consolidation on performance tend to follow two main kinds of empirical methods. On the one hand there are a number of studies ... countries 10 several aspects of banks’ risk and revenue profile are considered. Banks’ estimates of potential loan losses are included to measure the quality of assets via the ratio of loan loss provision ... a variety of strategically relevant characteristics (such as risk profile, marketing expenditure or efficiency), they can be considered to be strategically similar. To capture the strategic orientation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22

37 654 0