... company's profit and hence, survival Adjusting the price has a profound impact on the marketing strategy, and depending on the price elasticity of the product, often it will affect the demand and sales ... owners understand the importance of marketing but they can’t distinguish between marketing and advertising Marketing has vast boundaries and advertising is just a part of it All forms of marketing ... partners, and society at large Marketing is communicating the value of a product, service or brand to customers, for the purpose of promoting or selling that product, service, or brand II Importance of...
Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2015, 12:39
Textile fibers - Definition of Fiber and Textile Fibers
... from varieties of rocks properties It is fibrous form of silicate of magnesium and calcium containing iron and aluminum and other minerals It is acid proof, flame proof and rust proof Its particles ... acid and acetic anhydride in the presence of sulfuric acid Acetate Fiber Characteristics Luxurious feel and appearance Wide range of colors and lusters Excellent drapability and softness ... one of the cheapest natural fibres and is second only to cotton in amount produced and variety fibres are composed primarily of the plant cellulose and lignin Properties Jute is a long, soft,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2015, 13:08
Definition of coal and coal mining
... hundreds of feet thick Over geologic time, sand coal Note how a thick section of peat is compressed by heat and pressure into a thin and clay sediments covered this peat More and section of coal ... the amount of energy in a single match It takes about 2,000 Btu’s to make a pot of coffee One pound of Colorado coal has about 10,000 Btu’s, or the equivalent of making five pots of coffee Igneous ... of energy given off by coal is defined by the heat value measured in British thermal units, or Btu’s A single Btu is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of one pound of...
Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2016, 15:46
Give definition of marketing and explain why marketing is so important . What things are include in marketing ? Suggest some best marketing methods or techniques.
... Price and Promotion Part Popular marketing method +Hooray for Free Advertising + The Bottom Line I.Marketing definition The activity of institutions The purpose of promoting or Delivering and ... long and firmly on the market - Marketing helps for business flexibility in the business to capture time, customer needs II.Importance of marketing Socially maintains and raises the standards of ... reputation marketing plays an important role by building a brand’s name in the market II.Importance of marketing 3.In the course of business of the organization The business Marketing is the bridge...
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 15:08
WOCAT a framworks for documentation and valuation of soil and water conservation
... Mixed: mixture of land use types within the same land unit • Agroforestry: crops and trees • Agropastoralism: cropland and grazing land • Agrosilvopastoralism: cropland, grazing land and forest • ... (China) SOTER: Global and National SOils and TERrain Digital Database SOTER is an internationally endorsed and standardised methodology for storage and mapping of soil and terrain data (ISRIC ... compaction: deterioration of soil structure by trampling or the weight and/ or frequent use of machinery Pk sealing and crusting: clogging of pores with fine soil material and development of a thin impervious...
Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2017, 15:46
... Coastal plain and (e) The Meghna flood plains The high probability zone, moderate probability zone and low probability zone of arsenic contaminated area are together cover almost about 60% of the total ... mitigation of arsenic problem of Bangladesh Establishment of Quality assurance in the analysis of soil and water samples related to Arsenic problem is very important d) Essential to findout the exact and ... fine sands, and muds occur at an interval of 3-4.9m (upper muddy layer) Sands are composed of well sorted quartz grains accompanying significant mica flakes Tourmaline and zircon are...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
... Government, 2004) Points of Flow measurement and Water sampling OUTLINE OF SURVEY Soil Points of Soil sampling Akadama soil Water flow Pit sand 0.45m 5cm 3.5m 3.5m Experimental field and soil penetration ... Tank A consisted of Tank A Infiltrated two types of soil, cm deep Akadama soil in the top water layer and 40 cm deep pit sand in the bottom layer Tank B consisted of only pit sand Soil replacement ... data and actual measurement data of pollutant load in soil Gross water flow and gross pollutant load of road surface runoff, overflow water, flow into soil, infiltrated water and water held in soil...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08
Effect of Calcium and Magnesium Addition on Arsenic Leaching from Paddy Field Soil of Bangladesh
... analysis of As, Fe, Ca, Mg and P contents of the filtrate The amount of Ca and Mg adsorbed per gram of soil was calculated from the difference of Ca and Mg concentration in the initially added Ca and ... (mg/L) (mg/L) of Ca and Mg added Amount of Ca and Mg added (mg/L) (a) (b) Adsorbed Ca, Mg (mg/g) Fig - Concentration profiles of (a) As and (b) Fe in leachate with the addition of Ca and Mg in different ... Concentrations of Ca and Mg Fig 1(a) clearly shows a decrease in the leaching of As with an increase in the added amount of Ca and Mg In the absence of Ca and Mg, leached As was 51.1 µg/L - 331 - Journal of...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Age-related changes of the dental aesthetic zone at rest and during spontaneous smiling and speech pptx
... of the tooth crowns On the spontaneous smiling and speech records, the display of teeth and gingiva was measured In the maxilla and mandible, a central and lateral incisor, a canine, a first and ... elastic and less mobile As a result of this, older people are reported to show less of the maxillary and more of the mandibular teeth during smiling (Shillingburg et al., 1997) Dong et al (1999) and ... during spontaneous smiling and was part of the aesthetic zone The mandibular anterior teeth formed part of the aesthetic zone especially during speech in 93 per cent of the participants P VAN...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
ssessment of soil nutrient balance approaches and methodologies docx
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20
Bell & Howell Information and Learning 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 USA 800-521-0600UMI.The Potential of Soil Survey Data in a Quantitative Evaluation of Surficial Geology Mapping in Northern Maine by Rosalia EvansThesis submitted t pptx
... horizon Small islands formed of recent alluvium occur in the river and consist mainly of very fine sand and silt (Arno, 1964) Soil formation is also a reflection of the length of time the soil has been ... as a soil profile A welldeveloped soil profile reflects the environment under which it formed The character of the soil profile is influenced by external factors of climate (precipitation and ... the relief or lay of the land; and time (1964) The kind of soil that develops depends on the interaction of these five factors Since parent material is one of these factors, soil survey maps may...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo "The effect of Cu concentration in soil and phosphorous fertilizer on plant growth and Cu uptake by Brassia juncea L. grown on contaminated soils " doc
... height and biomass of Brassica juncea L.) with increasing concentration of Cu in soil The accumulation of heavy metal in plant tissues of Brassica juncea L is reflected the concentration in soil ... accumulation in plant, and also the role of phosphate in reducing the uptake of Cu by Brassica juncea L 2.2 Sampling and chemical analysis Plant and soil samples were taken and analysed at the harvest time ... Cu in soil and plant tissues, Cu2+ (HNO3 0.43N) in soil was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Materials and methods Results and discussion 2.1 Pot experiments Alluvial soils...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20
... implications (e.g., during dredging operations) of land disposal of waste material, of acid precipitation, of redox changes in subsoil, and of ingestion of polluted urban dust, can be qualitatively ... which goes hand in hand with the preparation of sediment and soil reference materials that are certified for their contents of extractable trace element, following standardized single and sequential ... extraction of disturbed, homogenized, and sieved soil samples of well-aggregated, acidic soils, particularly when anthropogenically polluted, and probably overestimated in soils with organic fillings and...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:56
Effect of cd and as in soil on growth availability to plant
... yield of the edible part of chinese cabbage, radish, and lettuce grown at the Cd treated soils Contents of As and Cd in edible part of chinese cabbage, radish, and lettuce The contents of As and ... concentrations of As and Cd was used in the experiment Physico-chemical properties of the soil were measured by the standard methods of soil chemical analysis (NIAST, 1988) and were shown in Table Soil ... of As and Cd on the growth of chinese cabbage, radish and lettuce and to establelish the critical level of elements in chinese cabbage, radish and lettuce Materials and Methods A silty loam soil...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07
Báo cáo " Ar‐Ar age of metamorphic and mylonitic rocks in northern part of the Kon Tum massif: evidence for the Indosinian movement along shear zones between Kon Tum massif and Truong Son belt " doc
... basement consists of mainly argilite, sandstone and some bands of limestone and this material are metamorphosed and now found in the form of gneiss, micaschist, quartzite and marbles. ... In the western part of this series of shear zones, the direction of whole shear zones and regional foliation of metasediment basement changes from E‐W to NW and joins to Po Ko shear zone. In the East of Tra Bong ... Tam Ky, Tra Mi and Tra Bong shear zones (Fig. 1). One of the main deformation zone, Tra Bong shear zone including two ductile faults (Tra Bong and Tra Tan), located at southern‐most of studied ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
Effects of cattle and poultry manures on organic matter content and adsorption complex of a sandy soil under cassava cultivation (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) doc
... The particles size distribution of the soil indicated very sandy soils under the control, sandy under the cattle manure, sandy on the top horizon (0 - 22 cm) and sandy-clay on the sub horizon (22 ... Sci Technol Table Initial soil physical and chemical (carbon, nitrogen and organic matter content) properties at - 22 and 22 - 55 cm soil layers in the ferrallitic soil of the Toumodi area, Côte ... Total nitrogen (Nt) and organic nitrogen (Norg) were calculated as the sum of Kjeldahl-N and NO3 N and as the difference between Nt and the inorganic nitrogen (sum of NH4+-N and NO3-N), respectively...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20
SITUATION MODELS AND LEVELS OF COHERENCE: Toward a Definition of Comprehension potx
... MODELS AND LEVELS OF COHERENCE Toward a Definition of Comprehension SITUATION MODELS AND LEVELS OF COHERENCE Toward a Definition of Comprehension Isabelle Tapiero University of Lyon University of ... Activation of Emotional Knowledge: An Automatic Process 175 8.3 Influence of Reader’s Emotions on Text Understanding: Induction of Emotional States 176 8.4 Readers’ Emotions and Text Understanding: ... kinds of things The study of thinking started with puzzles of various kinds, not with the kind of inferences that are made in reading The reason is, of course, obvious: Investigators were put off...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20
Control of Dioxins (and other Organochlorines) from the Pulp and Paper Industry under the Clean Water Act and Lead in Soil at Superfund Mining Sites: Two Case Studies in EPA''''s Use of Science potx
... the EPA Office of Water/Office of Science and Technology/Standards and Applied Science Division To conduct the assessment required estimates of several factors The factors and the sources of the ... Humans, Terrestrial and Avian Wildlife, and Aquatic Life to Dioxins and Furans from Disposal and Use of Sludge from Bleached Kraft and Sulfite Pulp and Paper Mills Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, ... over-estimation of the cancer risks of dioxin, went on to become the leading voice of a revisionist camp of environmental journalism 33 Dioxin from Pulp and Paper and Lead in Soil at Mining Sites 24 of four...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20
The relationships of forest and watershed characteristics to soil water retention, storm, runoff, erosion, and wave attenuation in vietnam
... susceptibility of soil to erosion, potential erosivity of rainfall and runoff, and soil protection afforded by plant cover (Renard et al., 1997) In practice, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation ... Vietnam; and to determine peak discharge of these watersheds by the predictors of initial flow, rainfall, and rain intensity c) to identify the roles of forest cover on soil erosion prevention; and ... interception of precipitation, evapotranspiration and physical properties of soil (Shukla et al., 2003) Soil water retention which is an important soil hydrological property is influenced by soil structure...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:22