... “made assets,” such as houses andcomputers,butalsorenewableresources, such as timber or the fertility of land, and nonrenew- able assets, such as oil and mineral resources. It is important to ... n.a. Recreational land and water (public) 46 n.a. n.a. –.9 .9 n.a. n.a. Forests and other wooded land 47 285.8 28.8 n.a. –.6 29.4 314.6 NONPRODUCED/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS Uncultivated biological resources ... classes of land (e.g., agriculture, for- est, and recreation land), on timber, on fisheries, and on agriculturalassets such as grain stocks and livestock. Phase III would address environmental resources, including,forexample,air,uncultivated biologicalresources,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 09:20
... pulp and paper mills should be viewed as under-used resources for the production of renewable energy and fuels. Washington could benefit from energy policies that recognize and reward current and ... pulp and paper, renewable energy, and renewable fuels making it more cost effective than if stand alone facilities were constructed. Mill managers will need to be confident that prices for renewable ... State pulp and paper mills and the potential for these boilers to provide additional renewable energy and renewable fuels. The specific objective of the project is to assess the current energy...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20
Rethinking of Non-traditional Water Resources in Residential Developments of Rural Towns, Western Australia
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38
Define Tables and Fields
... types-nchar, nvarchar, and ntext-rather than their non- Unicode counterparts. Also, use the variant length type data types whenever possible. Doing so will save disk space and save you from having ... Fixed-length non- Unicode character data with a maximum length of 8,000 characters. varchar Variable-length non- Unicode data with a maximum length of 8,000 characters. text Variable-length non- Unicode ... will create the tables for the users, and they will fill the data into the tables using your applications. When the user fills in the data, the application and SQL Server control what type of...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 19:15
1801-1807 - the other post-Kantian Jacob Friedrich Fries and non-Romantic Sentimentalism
... Hegel arrived in Jena). After , he and Jacobi became friends, and Jacobi remained an admirer of Fries’s work. Fries’s own career was rather checkered, and he and Hegel developed a distaste for ... private and public in a variety of ways for their entire lives. Fries nonetheless established his views as one of the major options in the post-Kantian debate, and, in many ways, Fries, Schelling, and ... process); Fries argued on the contrary that our only possible understanding of nature had to be mathematical and mechanical, and that reflection on nature shows that “all material forces have to...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, And Create Unstoppable Energy in Your Life.
... boost in your energy and health. These drinks are made from UN-PROCESSED foods and they SUPER alkalize and energize your body. How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, And Create ... MHz, and high in acid. You create an energy deficit and an alkaline deficit! Oh oh… look out, here comes dis-ease. How to Free Yourself of ANY Disease, Stop Fatigue, And Create Unstoppable Energy ... your energy levels would go up or down? What if this electrical charge went thru the roof? Would your energy and health go thru the roof as well? You bet, and you’ll learn more about it and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 21:15
Tài liệu Define Defaults and Constraints pptx
... use defaults and constraints to their full potential and how to create them in Visual Studio .NET. You have started down the path of handling your business rules by creating tables and setting ... make life easier for your users and suggest what values they could use, and more importantly, what values are acceptable. How do you do this by defining defaults and constraints? Technique By ... 2.5 Define Defaults and Constraints One of the main concepts to keep in mind when you're creating databases...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16
Tài liệu Chapter 8: Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy doc
... hallmark of non- conservative forces. (8-4) Chapter 8 Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy In this chapter we will introduce the following concepts: Potential Energy Conservative and non- conservative ... from the kinetic energy of the block to a type of energy called thermal energy. This energy transfer cannot be reversed. Thermal energy cannot be transferred back to kinetic energy of the block ... mechanical energy of the bob-earth system remains constant. As the pendulum swings, the total energy E is transferred back and forth between kinetic energy K of the bob and potential energy...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 00:16
... com- parable nonconglomerate firms (see, e.g., Graham, Lemmon, and Wolf (2002) and Campa and Kedia (2002)). Consequently, conglomerates will tend to trade at a discount relative to stand-alone firms (the ... expected income is unchanged, he now has more resources available to consume and transfer to investors J in states LL and LH, while in states HL and HH he has fewer resources. The effect of this change ... 1/2of“succeeding” and returning an amount H > 0, and a probability 1 − q h of “failing” and returning L ∈ [0, H). 9 We write ω h for the random variable corresponding to the output of project h, and ¯ω h for...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A knowledge-based potential function predicts the specificity and relative binding energy of RNA-binding proteins ppt
... structure. Some RRM and KH domains in complex with single strand DNA (PDB codes: 2UP1, 1WTB, 1X0F, 1ZZI and 1ZZJ) were also included in the test set because recognition of single stranded RNA and DNA are ... statistical potential and experimental binding free ener- gies (logK d ) for mutants of the Fox-1 protein. (B) The intramolecular hydrogen bond between uracil 1 and cytosine 3, and the non- Wat- son–Crick ... structures (e.g. 1CVJ_1 and 1CVJ_2 represent the first and sec- ond Poly A binding protein domain of structure 1CVJ, respectively), and the two domains were con- sidered structurally and thermodynamically...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Allergic and Non‐Allergic Sinusitis for the Primary Care Physician: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Treatment pdf
... )wasforchildren12years oryounger.(5‐7)Aprimarydiagnosisofacuteorchronicsinusitisaccountedfor58.7%ofallexpenditures($3.5 billion).(5‐7)Itisestimatedthat2.2billiondollarsisspentyearly onprescription and nonprescriptionmedication. (5‐7)About12%eachofthecostsforasthma and chronicotitismedia and eustachiantubedisorderswere 45 Allergic and Non AllergicSinusitisforthePrimaryCarePhysician: Pathophysiology,Evaluation and Treatment CHAPTER4 ALLERGY AND SINUSDISEASE INTRODUCTION AccordingtotheAmericanAcademyofAllergy,Asthma, and Immunology(AAAAI),over50million Americanssufferfromsomeformofallergiesthatgreatlyimpactstheirqualityoflifeaswellashealthcarecoststhat areestimatedatapproximately20billiondollarsayear.( 1)Allergicrhinitisaloneisestimatedtoaffect20to30 millionAmericanseachyear and accountsforanestimated3%ofallmedicalofficevisits and ranksasthesecond mostcommonreasonpatientsseekprofessionalhealthcare.(1)InmanygeographicareasoftheUnitedStates, allergiesplay asignificantroleascontributoryfactorsofsinusdiseaseaswellassecondarycauseofsinusinfections. Itisofgreatvaluetothepractitionertounderstandtheunderlyingimmunologicfactors,availablediagnostictests and treatments.(2‐8) Itisespeciallyvaluableforthepractitionertobewellversedin allergybecausemanypatientsareconfused aboutthedifferencebetweensinusitis ... causesarevaried.Inallergicrhinitis,aninhalantallergenisthecause.Otherssuffer frominfective rhinitisduetoabacteriaoravirus,whilesomehavegustatoryrhinitis–triggeredbyeating.Some commonmedicationsmaycauserhinitis(“drug‐inducedrhinitis”).Othershavearunnynosetriggeredbya substanceintheirworkplace.Stillothersareaffectedbycoldweatherorexercise(“VasomotorRhinitis”).Whatever the cause,precisediagnosisisthekeytoeffectivetreatment.Fortunately,mostpatientswithchronicrunnynose willbenefitfromsimple,targetedmedicaltreatments.(7,12‐16) SMELL AND TASTEDYSFUNCTION Smell and tastesensationgohandinhand.Patientswholosetheirsenseofsmellprobablyalsofindthat foodisblandortasteless.Althoughannoying,thiscanactuallybeamoreserious ... 9 Thesinusescommunicatewiththenasalcavityvianarrowopeningscalledostia.(11)Ostiadrainintospaces withinthenosecalledmeatiwhichareborderedbyverticallyorientedbonesknownasturbinates.Thetearduct (naso‐lacrimalduct)drainsintotheinferiormeatus(whichisborderedbytheinferior turbinatebone).Thisisone reasonwhyournosedripswhenwecry.Themaxillary,frontal, and ethmoidsinusesdrainintothemiddlemeatus, whichisborderedbythemiddleturbinatebone(FIGURE2).Someoftheethmoidsinusesalsodrainintothe superiormeatus,whichisaspacedefined bysuperiorturbinatebone.Whilethemaxillary,frontal, and sphenoid sinusesaresolitary,well‐definedcompartments,theethmoidsinusis–inactuality–acollectionofseveralsmall sinuses,structuredlikeabeehive.Itisforthisreasonthattheethmoidsinuseshavevarieddrainagepatterns.The sphenoidsinusdrains intothespheno‐ethmoidalrecess,locatedbetweenthesuperiorturbinatebone and thenasal septum.(3,11,12) Air and mucusenter and exitthesinusthroughthesinusostia.Thefunctionsofthenose and sinusesinclude olfaction(senseofsmell),respiration, and defense.(3,11,12) Thenose and sinusesproducemucustokeepthe nasal and upperrespiratorypassagewaysmoist, and haveaneffectonvocalresonance.Amongtheimportant physiologicalrolesofthesinusesarethehumidification and warmingofinspiredair, and theremovalofparticulate matterfromthisair.Humidification and warmingof inspiredairareaccomplishedbythewaterysecretionsofthe serousglands,whichcanproduceupto1–2litersofsecretionsperday. ...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20
... Yes No None trained 5.4.7. Social workers Yes No None trained 5.4.8. Speech and Language Therapists Yes No None trained 5.4.9. Teachers Yes No None trained 5.4.10. Other: Yes No None trained 5.5. ... and devel- opmental needs of children. So, countries with a longer history of service development and resources, such as, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, ... Yes No None trained 5.4.2. Pediatricians Yes No None trained 5.4.3. Primary care physicians Yes No None trained 5.4.4. Nurses Yes No None trained 5.4.5. Health care workers Yes No None...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:20
Permitted water pollution discharges and population cancer and non-cancer mortality: toxicity weights and upstream discharge effects in US rural-urban areas doc
... non- white Hispanic, percent Asian American, percent other non- white race (percent white serving as the referent), metropolitan county, and non- metropolitan adjacent county (non- metropolitan and ... the lower Mississippi River and in Table 3 Multiple regression coefficients, standard errors (SE), and p-values. Metropolitan Adjacent non- metropolitan Non- adjacent non- metropolitan Coeff. (SE) ... analyses spe- cific to metropolitan, and adjacent and non- adjac ent non- metropolitan areas. We are particularly interested here in whether or not death rates in non- metropolitan areas may be related...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20
... 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders,(Amendment) Act, 1976) The Constitution (Jamrnu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes order. 1956. The Constitution (Andarnan and Nicobar Islands) ... SC/ST/OBC candidates are eligible for reservation and relaxation of age. ã The reservation for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and Ex-serviceman is on horizontal basis and the selected candidates ... The candidate must not belong to creamy layer/socially advanced sections The name of caste and community of the candidate must appear in the ‘Central list of Backward classes’ The candidate...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Linear and Non-linear Operators, and The Distribution of Zeros of Entire Functions
... where α ≥ 0 and ϕ 1 (z) has genus 0 or 1, and g(z) = m k=1 (z+α k ) be an even polynomial with non- negative real coefficients and at least one non- real zero. Then for all z ∈ R and all non- negative ... Borcea and P. Brăanden characterized all linear operators that preserve hyperbolicity. Theorem 90 (J. Borcea and P. Brăanden [8]). A linear operator T : R[x] → R[x] preserves hyper- bolicity if and ... In particular, Bleecker and Csordas [6], and Piotrowski [55] investigated the Hermite polynomials; Forg´acs and Piotrowski [36], as well as Brăanden and Ottergren [14] investigated the Laguerre...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 16:15
... MADL1AGE, MADL2AGE, where F and M are shortcuts for female and male respectively, ADL1 and ADL2 shortcuts for instrumental and personal disabilities in daily living respectively and AGE for the age of ... age and dependency enter in the model both as independent variables and semi-continuous or dummy cross terms with gender. These variables are labelled as MADL1, MADL2 and FADL1AGE, FADL2AGE and ... 3 calculate resources needed by 2030. The model uses detailed service specific information on the resources needed and unit costs. Assuming that more workforce per institutionalised client and more...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20
Comparision between background concentration of arsenic in urban and non urban areas of florida
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:22
Valuing Traded and Non-traded Commodities in Benefit-Cost Analysis pptx
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20
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