de thi trinh do b tieng anh

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 1

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 1

... make at (B) bring to (C) give for (D) spend on 11 My father is man A (A) an old (B) a old (C) not young (D) not an young 12 Millions of cigarettes every year C (A) is smoke (B) are smoking ... (D) are smoke B 13 Gold, as well as silver in price, he said (A) have fallen (B) has fallen (C) fall (D) are falling 14 They quarelled the choice of a house (A) on B (B) over (C) for ... to 15 Fred was a really silly boy when we were in high-school I still remember very stupid questions A (A) his asking (B) him to ask (C) asking him (D) his being asked 16 I like the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 826 10
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 2

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 2

... suffered a very bad headache B (A) of (B) from (C) by (D) at 16 Always honest in whatever you B (A) to be (B) be (C) are (D) is A 17 Did you your pocketbook? (A) lose (B) loosen (C) loose ... brother Tim's (B) Tim's brother (C) brother Tim (D) brother is Tim 12 - What would you like for your birthday? - will A (A) Anything (B) None (C) Something (D) Somebody 13 - What 's your ... which (B) what (C) when (D) how I speak French Jenny B (A) more well that (B) better than (C) more good than (D) better as 10 Mirana remembered to phone the doctor = C (A) She remembered...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 502 3
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 3

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 3

... married C (A) he isn't (B) doesn't get (C) isn't (D) isn't be the bus to work B (A) Always Roberts catches (B) Roberts always catches (C) Roberts catches always (D) Roberts does always catches ... convincing but she's just a fast A (A) talker (B) eyes (C) one (D) ride 15 I've never heard such a load of cock and in my life B (A) pack (B) bull (C) fishy (D) business 16 The built ... built onto the back of the house provided valuable extra space (A) extension (B) expansion (C) development (D) growth 17 The bank is on side of the street C (A) another (B) other (C) the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 398 3
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 4

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 4

... he said "I think the bus already." C (A) went (B) was going (C) has gone (D) goes 12 We wondered who was going to pay for the window (A) broken (B) breaking (C) broke (D) break 13 The ... release (B) will release (C) will have been released (D) will be released 18 This book is C (A) belonged to Som (B) belong to Som (C) Som's (D) of Som 19 Suda told the whole story B (A) ... 16 I bought her a new pencil sharpener B (A) it is very expensive (B) which was very expensive (C) hose colour was black (D) it will be vey expensive 17 The news as soon as possible...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 546 3
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 5

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 5

... succeed (A) Be (B) Being A B D C (C) To be (D) Are 15 He's not the sort of person to trust He's a bad D (A) talker (B) snake (C) eel (D) egg 16 He died hunger and cold B (A) by (B) of (C) ... (C) inside (D) among You must get the bus here B (A) of (B) off (C) out (D) from Are these books ? B (A) your or John's (B) yours or John's (C) your's or John's ... 17 Eric now rides his bike to work instead of by bus C (A) travel (B) travelling (C) trvels (D) to travel 18 The reason he's late is that he had an accident D (A) which (B) in which (C)...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 590 4
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 6

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 6

... holding Smith went abroad last year abroad before A (A) He had never been (B) He had been never (C) He never went (D) He went never Would you mind the door? C (A) open (B) to open (C) opening ... opening 10 your glasses on the table? B (A) Is (B) Are (C) These (D) This 11 - A: you? - B: Yes, please get my luggage from the car (A) Do < /b> I help (B) Have I help (C) Can I help (D) Am ... other (B) No others (C) None other (D) Nothing other 13 Yesterday we did nothing but D (A) talking (B) talked (C) talk (D) had talked 14 We haven't heard the result was (A) what (B) which...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 419 3
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 7

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 7

... What does he for a living C (A) make (B) does (C) (D) makes 17 He was of all his money B (A) stolen (B) robbed (C) removed (D) taken 18 The murderer was yesterday C (A) hanging (B) ... (A) has been (B) was (C) were (D) have been 14 The doctor showed the new nurse to (A) what (B) that A A D (C) how (D) as 15 Frede came to the meeting but Charles (A) isn't (B) hasn't ... be returned (C) can good be returned (D) are goods being returned 10 Frank when he noticed a large packing case lying on the floor (A) has about to leave (B) had about to leave (C) is about...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 523 2
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 8

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 8

... there would be no life on Earth B (A) Except (B) Without (C) If there is no (D) Despite 16 They said they had the European rights for the product but it was a lie They were acting under false ... pretences (B) eel (C) egg (D) wool 17 Your father usually has lunch at home, he? C (A) hasn't (B) does (C) doesn't (D) didn't 18 - What instructions did your boss give you? - He required that Bill ... Will you be kind as to help me with this heavy box? B (A) as (B) so (C) very (D) enough 12 the price, they are prepared to pay C (A) However (B) Whichever (C) Whatever (D) Whoever 13...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 328 3
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 9

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 9

... the corner B (A) brick house old large (B) large old brick house (C) old brick large house (D) brick large old house 12 The first of a book is sometimes very valuable C (A) copy (B) type (C) ... sister doesn't like to go swimming, but she wishes she (A) likes (B) did (C) will like (D) goes 14 It's a lovely day, but I staying at home with you (A) don't mind (B) haven't mind A B (C) ... your birthday? A (A) when (B) whose (C) why (D) how's He took cheese D (A) all of (B) all (C) the all (D) all of the 10 I have got two brothers names are Antony and Steven C (A) They (B) ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 430 3
Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 10

Đề luyện thi trình độ A tiếng Anh số 10

... won't go to Cambridge if it tomorrow C (A) rain (B) would rain (C) rains (D) raining 12 He is my brother name is Bill B (A) He (B) His (C) Her (D) She 13 - What you think of his presence ... (B) are (C) (D) has A I to her since last Wednesday morning (A) haven't talked (B) don't talk (C) didn't talk (D) am not talking 10 They in Warsaw for about ten years D (A) live (B) ... (A) will go (B) going (C) to go (D) go 16 - Which city did you like most? - I enjoyed all of the cities on the tour, but the city I enjoyed most was Miami, Florida B (A) what (B) that (C)...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

3 344 5
Đề thi chứng chỉ b tiếng anh đề số 9

Đề thi chứng chỉ b tiếng anh đề số 9

... of all?" a) harder b) the hardest c) most hard d) the most hardly 52 "This castle", the guide said " in 1265" a) is built b) has been built c) was built d) have been built 53 "This coupon fifty ... Europe Britain and Europe will be a) mixed b) joined together c) rejoined d) combined 78 It would be possible to build a platform A platform a) could build b) must have been built c) could be built ... years of age a) been disabled b) bathed by himself c) taken care of himself d) been in the hospital 38 The (bobby-soxers) applauded their favorite actor a) niggers b) spendthrifts c) adolescent girls...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 23:52

20 2,4K 1
70 đề thi chứng chỉ B tiếng anh

70 đề thi chứng chỉ B tiếng anh

... wound d group b bamboo c damage d mamba b chemist c parachute d psychology b embroider c bark d bomb b jean c jam d just Find the mistakes On October 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrenders his army ... b with c on d in d 27 The trade talks which had begun between many countries were……….when the war began a broken down b broken in c broken off d broken out c 28 This is ... window b prayer c fare d player b flow c how d show 45 > c a full > b a country > b a discipline > b a myth > b b dull c pull d bull b ceiling c recover d economy b vision...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2014, 08:03

501 5K 6
Đề thi trình độ B chọn từ sai Revised 2011

Đề thi trình độ B chọn từ sai Revised 2011

... architects began to conserve space by designing skyscrapers A By the mid-nineteenth century B such expensive C conserve D by designing 39 The Board of Realtors doesn't have any informations about the ... instead bone A differ from B other fish C are made D instead 128 John's wisdom teeth were troubling him, so he went to a dental surgeon to see about having them pull A were troubling B to see about ... TRÌNH B: TÌM T /C M T SAI B different C shaped D from 70 Before his death in 1943, in an effort to encourage less dependence on one crop by the South, George Washington Carver is responsible for developing...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2015, 08:05

29 233 0
Đề thi trình độ B đọc hiểu revised 2011

Đề thi trình độ B đọc hiểu revised 2011

... name 'Booker' B decided to include the name 'Booker' C decided to keep the name 'Booker-McConnell' D decided to use only the name 'Booker' 185 Books can be submitted _ A by publishers B by writers ... sugary tasting 129 What could be another title for this story? A "All About Blueberries" B "How to Cook with Blueberries" C "Eating Blueberries" D "All About Strawberries" 22 TEST 22 Restaurant ... the new name, keeping ‘Booker’ Publishers can submit books for consideration for the prize, but the judges can also ask for books to be submitted they think should be included Firstly, the Advisory...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2015, 08:05

64 1,3K 1
Đề thi trình độ B ngữ pháp Revised 2011

Đề thi trình độ B ngữ pháp Revised 2011

... doesn't want to build factories!" A Mr Bascomb said not to vote for Otis because he doesn't want to build factories B Mr Bascomb asked us to don't vote for Otis because he doesn't want to build factories ... listen to Mr Bascomb because he is not an honest person D Anne told to us to don't listen to Mr Bascomb because he is not an honest person Mr Bascomb said, "Don't vote for Otis because he doesn't ... A us to be B us for being C that we were D our being 25 Jenny leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born A was able to B could C can D is able to 26 The car broke down and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2015, 08:05

40 294 0
Đề thi trình độ B từ vựng Revised 2011

Đề thi trình độ B từ vựng Revised 2011

... rest A renewed B renovated C refreshed D remade 115 The bank planned to escape in a stolen car A thieves B bandits C burglars D robbers 116 He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to ... problems A simple TRÌNH 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 B: T V NG B straight C plain D pretty He had made his money by developing a profitable travel A commerce B shop C affair D business The boy ... of money A deal B quantity C amount D level 32 Many of the jobs which have been created in this area can be directly to tourism A supported B dedicated C attracted D attributed 33 He saw...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2015, 08:05

23 329 1
Tài liệu Đề thi và đáp án tiếng anh trình độ B - Đề 4 ppt

Tài liệu Đề thi và đáp án tiếng anh trình độ B - Đề 4 ppt

... (D) fashionable 22 18 The tenants were not to disturb other tenants after 1p.m D (A) appealed (B) demanded (C) informed (D) requested 19 This house five rooms B (A) consists (B) consists ... you? It just doesn't make to me C 13 (A) reason 14 (B) right 15 (C) sense 16 (D) truth 17 17 If something is out of order, it is A 18 (A) not in working condition 19 (B) old-fashioned ... sitting 11 Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature D 10 (A) taking 11 (B) to take 12 (C) take 13 (D) taken 14 12 The ticket agent said that the plane would be boarding at C...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 18:20

4 2,9K 70
Tài liệu Đề thi và đáp án tiếng anh trình độ B - Đề 5 potx

Tài liệu Đề thi và đáp án tiếng anh trình độ B - Đề 5 potx

... necessary connection between a dollar and what can be purchased for a dollar; the value of money is and can be by supply and demand A 15 (A) arbitrary altered 16 (B) predetermined overruled ... result of the debility (D) with the tenaciousness 14 Her feeling of ebullience was so contagious that all the other patients B (A) began to weep (B) were soon smiling (C) became very anxious ... bus, you must pay a B 16 (A) tip 17 (B) fare 18 (C) fee 19 (D) commision 20 17 we had driving in the country! C 21 (A) How wonderful day 22 (B) What wonderful day 23 (C) What a wonderful...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 18:20

4 2,2K 66
Tài liệu Đề thi và đáp án tiếng anh trình độ B - Đề 6 pdf

Tài liệu Đề thi và đáp án tiếng anh trình độ B - Đề 6 pdf

... achieved 10 (B) managed 11 (C) facilitated 12 (D) enabled 13 16 They arrived at the destination B 14 (A) safe 15 (B) safely 16 (C) save 17 (D) savely 18 19 17 The public debates were often ... (B) lengthy (C) hopeless (D) vital 19 If he lucky, he can get the job A (A) is 10 (B) had been 11 (C) would be 12 (D) would have been 13 20 If I the flu I would have gone with you B ... finally deteriorating into mudslinging contests B 20 (A) informative 21 (B) bitter 22 (C) theoretical (D) inspiring 18 Despite the fact that they had clinched the divisional title long before...

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 18:20

4 5K 171

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