... essential to dates and times in SAS because SAS does not store dates and times in an easily recognizable form, as we discussed in Chapter SAS has many built-in formats to display dates, times, and datetime ... Macro Variables and Dates 108 5.1.1 Automatic Macro Variables 108 5.1.2 Putting Dates into Titles 109 5.1.4 Using %SYSFUNC() to Create Dates, Times, and Datetimes in Macro ... 110 5.1.4 Using CALL SYMPUT( ) and SYMGET() with Dates, Times, and Datetimes 111 5.2 Shifting SAS Date and Time Intervals 113 5.3 Graphing Dates 122 Table of Contents...
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:01
... now You should say: - What it looks like - How and when you use it - How and when you first got it And say if you could live without it or not, and why Talk about an English book you have read ... you stayed there - What the advantages and disadvantages of that place were And say whether you would like to stay in a similar place in the future or not, and why Describe an historical place ... of transport you used - What the good things and bad things about the journey were And say whether you would like to go on the same journey again and why Describe a place you want to go but have...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:45
Tài liệu Lab 10.2.5 Well-Known Port Numbers and Multiple Sessions docx
... another command prompt Step Start a fourth Telnet session to router by opening another command prompt Step 10 Check the number of sessions on the host a Open another command prompt on the host and type ... port numbers 3-5 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3.0 - Lab 10.2.5 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc Erasing and reloading the router Enter into the ... with the proper IP address, subnet mask and default gateway Step Allow HTTP access to the router a Allow HTTP access by issuing the ip http server command in global configuration mode Step Use...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Lab 10.2.5 Well Known Port Numbers and Multiple Sessions pptx
... number of sessions on the host a Open a command prompt on the host and type netstat /? at the DOS prompt b What options are available for the netstat command? ... access by issuing the ip http server command in global configuration mode Step Use the workstation browser to access the router a Open a browser on Host and type http://ip-address of Router GAD ... information from the privileged exec command mode GAD# copy running-config startup-config Step Configure the host with the proper IP address, subnet mask and default gateway Step Allow HTTP access...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu The Life and Times of an Object pdf
... code and to the garbage collection process, and makes your program run more slowly If your program does not contain any destructors, the garbage collector does not need to perform Steps and in ... override Finalize yourself and you can't call Finalize yourself Why Use the Garbage Collector? In C#, you can never destroy an object yourself There just isn't any syntax to it, and there are good reasons ... collector guarantees the following: • • • Each object will be destroyed and its destructors run When a program ends, all oustanding objects will be destroyed Each object is destroyed exactly once...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15
Tài liệu Terrace Heroes The life and times of the 1930s professional footballer ppt
... fear and pleasure, sadness and joy are produced and perhaps resolved by the setting of pastimes Different moods are evoked and perhaps contrasted, such as sorrow and elation, agitation and peace ... Game Sport and politics in South Africa Douglas Booth Sport in Latin American Society Past and present Edited by J.A Mangan and Lamartine P DaCosta Cricket and England A cultural and social history ... Australasian Society Past and present Edited by J.A Mangan and John Nauright The Games Ethic and Imperialism Aspects of the diffusion of an ideal J.A Mangan Terrace Heroes The life and times of the 1930s...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 00:20
algebraic numbers and fourier analysis - salem
... Ph and y j = Pth, and, since I a ;" + cq*n I < 2, Take now for m the smallest integer such that h being a positive integer such that ~ l + ~ ! + ' ' + y k - < i l + Since a = 7-I and and the numbers ... the definitions and the results (though elementary) borrowed from algebra and from number theory I wish to express my thanks to Dr Abram L Sachar, President of Brandeis University, and to the Department ... THEOREM set o all numbers having the preceding property is denumerable PROOF We again write A& = 4, + en where a, is an integer and c, I = (1 XOn 11 We have and, since we have and an easy calculation...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:08
introduction to p-adic numbers and p-adic analysis - a. baker
... CONGRUENCES AND MODULAR EQUATIONS Proposition 1.4 The set Z/n with the operations + and × is a commutative ring and the n n function πn : Z −→ Z/n is a ring homomorphism which is surjective (onto) and ... first summand is {±1} and the second can be taken to be Now for a general n we have n = pr1 pr2 · · · prs s where for each i, pi is a prime with and ri p1 < p < · · · < p s Then the numbers pi ... (a) ≡ r p2r−1 p Then there exists a ∈ Z such that f (a ) ≡ p2r+1 and a ≡ a r p and a ∈ Z, CHAPTER The p-adic norm and the p-adic numbers Let R be a ring with unity = 1R Definition 2.1 A function...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:19
Hebrew Life and Times doc
... gifts of the fat of lambs and libations of blood and wine, and the god to give them in return good crops of wheat and oil, and figs and grapes, and an abundance of silver and gold If Jehovah would ... singers and a band of instrumental players, "with harps and lyres and cymbals." In the worship of the temple at Jerusalem music from this time on had an important place And all up and down the land ... occupation plenty of time in which to think and dream of God and man and love and duty Very often, however, the dreamer's reveries were interrupted, and at such times there was no lack of excitement...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20
Wiley 101 excel 2013 tips tricks and timesavers jun 2013
... to select a command by using the Ribbon, I describe the command by using the tab name, the group name, and the command name: for example, Choose Home➜Alignment➜Wrap Text This command translates ... here: ➤ Popular Commands: Displays commands that Excel users commonly use ➤ Commands Not in the Ribbon: Displays a list of commands that you cannot access from the Ribbon ➤ All Commands: Displays ... add a command that’s not on the Ribbon or add a command that executes a macro In all other situations, it’s much easier to locate the command on the Ribbon, right-click the command, and choose...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 21:09
quant session 2 (classroom)- 75 questions - numbers and inequalities - solutions
... IN NUMBERS statement (1) let's just PICK A WHOLE BUNCH OF NUMBERS WHOSE GCF IS and watch what happens let's try to make the numbers diverse say, and 6 and 8 and 10 10 and 12 and 10 and 14 and ... 3, 2, and and share only as a factor and share only as a factor and share only as a factor and share only as a factor There are four positive integers, therefore, that are both less than and share ... is A S and t are different numbers on the line segment, Is s+t=0? We need to know where s and t are in the line segment Using BDACE Grid , says is between s and t In a line segment s and t are...
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2014, 16:55
Báo cáo sinh học: " Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" ppt
... q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials Duke Math J 15, 987–1000 (1948) [2] Carlitz, L: q-Bernoulli and Eulerian numbers Trans Am Math Soc 76, 332–350 (1954) [3] Kamano, K: p-adic q-Bernoulli numbers and ... q-Bernoulli and q-Euler numbers and polynomials and a class of generalized q-Hurwitz zeta functions Appl Math Comput 215(3), 1185–1208 (2009) [12] Kim, T: On the analogs of Euler numbers and polynomials ... eB(q)t k! and Gq (t) = Ek (q) k=0 tk = eE(q)t , k! where the symbol Bk (q) and Ek (q) are interpreted to mean that (B(q))k and (E(q))k must be replaced by Bk (q) and Ek (q) when we expanded the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Increased circulating leukocyte numbers and altered macrophage phenotype correlate with the altered immune response to brain injury in metallothionein (MT) -I/II null mutant mice" doc
... (white bars) and wild type mice (grey bars) standardised to injury area Neutrophil numbers (A) were determined by NIMP-14 immunoreactivity Microglial and monocyte derived macrophages numbers (B) ... fluorescence threshold (CT) GAPDH mRNA was used as the house keeping gene and MT-I and MT-II mRNA copy numbers were standardized to the copy number of the house-keeping gene, GAPDH Plasma cytokine ... Neutrophil numbers were greatly diminished at DPI and mostly absent from the injury site at DPI No significant differences were found between neutrophil numbers in the injury site of wild-type and MT-I/II...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" ppt
... q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials Duke Math J 15, 987–1000 (1948) [2] Carlitz, L: q-Bernoulli and Eulerian numbers Trans Am Math Soc 76, 332–350 (1954) [3] Kamano, K: p-adic q-Bernoulli numbers and ... q-Bernoulli and q-Euler numbers and polynomials and a class of generalized q-Hurwitz zeta functions Appl Math Comput 215(3), 1185–1208 (2009) [12] Kim, T: On the analogs of Euler numbers and polynomials ... eB(q)t k! and Gq (t) = Ek (q) k=0 tk = eE(q)t , k! where the symbol Bk (q) and Ek (q) are interpreted to mean that (B(q))k and (E(q))k must be replaced by Bk (q) and Ek (q) when we expanded the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Some results for the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials" doc
... integers can be represented by the q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers, and polynomials q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers and polynomials related to the Bosonic and the Fermionic p-adic integral on ℤp In this section, ... q-Bernoulli, q-Euler numbers, and polynomials In the complex case, we shall explicitly determine the generating function Fq(t) of qBernoulli numbers and the generating function Gq(t) of q-Euler numbers: ... (1991) doi:10.1016/0022-314X(91)90048-G 11 Choi, J, Anderson, PJ, Srivastava, HM: Carlitz’s q-Bernoulli and q-Euler numbers and polynomials and a class of generalized q-Hurwitz zeta functions...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some new identities on the twisted carlitz’s q-bernoulli numbers and q-bernstein polynomials" ppt
... Bn,ξ = and n = 1, n > 1, (5) with the usual convention about replacing Bn by Bn,ξ (see [17-19]) Recently, several ξ authors have studied the twisted Bernoulli numbers and q-Bernoulli numbers ... the twisted q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials related to q-Bernstein polynomials From these properties, we derive some new identities for the twisted q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials Final ... the twisted Carlitz’s q-Bernoulli numbers and q-Bernstein polynomials On the twisted Carlitz ‘s q-Bernoulli numbers In this section, we assume that n Î ℤ+, ξ Î Tp and q ∈ Cp with |1 - q|p < Let...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some identities on the weighted q-Euler numbers and q-Bernstein polynomials" pot
... q-Euler numbers and polynomials Proc Jangjeon Math Soc 14, 7–14 (2011) 14 Kim, T, Choi, J, Kim, YH: q-Bernstein polynomials associated with q-Stirling numbers and Carlitz’s q-Bernoulli numbers, ... T: The modified q-Euler numbers and polynomials Adv Stud Contemp Math 16, 161–170 (2008) Kim, T: Some identities on the q-Euler polynomials of higher order and q-Stirling numbers by the fermionic ... on ℤp and investigate some new identities on the weighted q-Euler numbers related to the weighted q-Bernstein polynomials q-Euler numbers with weight a In this section we assume that a Î N and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " q-Bernoulli numbers and q-Bernoulli polynomials revisited" docx
... http://www.advancesindifferenceequations.com/content/2011/1/33 Page of q-Bernoulli numbers and q-Bernoulli polynomials revisited In this section, we perform a further investigation on the q-Bernoulli numbers and qBernoulli polynomials given ... Acikgöz, Erdal and Araci derived some results by using Theorems 1-3 Hence, the other results are incorrect Now, we redefine the generating function of q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials and correct ... Bernoulli numbers from Definition for any q In particular, by (1) and (2), we get qDq (t, 1) − Dq (t) = t (7) Thus, by (7), we have qBn,q (1) − Bn,q = 1, if 0, if n = 1, n > 1, (8) and n n l−1...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20