date functions in oracle sql with examples

advanced sql functions in oracle 10g

advanced sql functions in oracle 10g

... programming perspective to them. This book will allow the Oracle user to use SQL in new and exciting ways. This book contains nine chapters. It begins by reviewing some of the common SQL functions ... string has leading and trailing spaces ') FROM dual Which gives: TRIM('THISSTRINGHASLEADINGANDTRAILINGSPACES This string has leading and trailing spaces Both the leading and trailing ... function_illustrator WHERE lineno = 0 Which gives: POWER(VALUE,2) 81 Ordinary TrigonometryOrdinary Trigonometry Functions SQL s ordinary trigonometry functions include: SIN — Returns the sine of a value. COS...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 01:08

417 349 0
Advanced SQL Functions in Oracle 10g ppt

Advanced SQL Functions in Oracle 10g ppt

... categorize Oracle s SQL functions into simple SQL functions, numeric functions, statistical functions, string functions, and date functions. In this chapter, we selectively illustrate several functions ... string has leading and trailing spaces ') FROM dual Which gives: TRIM('THISSTRINGHASLEADINGANDTRAILINGSPACES This string has leading and trailing spaces Both the leading and trailing ... Aggregate Functions in SQL 111 RATIO-TO-REPORT 115 Windowing Subclauses with Physical Offsets in Aggregate Analytical Functions 120 An Expanded Example of a Physical Window 127 Displaying a Running...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

417 394 0
Tài liệu Use Variables and Functions in T-SQL pptx

Tài liệu Use Variables and Functions in T-SQL pptx

... vbCrLf strSQL &= "WHERE CustomerID = @Cust_Id and OrderDate = @Order _Date& quot; ' Store the SQL String Me.lblSQLString.Text = strSQL ' Use the SQL String to build ... setting the initial values, you are then ready to use the variables within the rest of your procedure, any way that you need them, again, by using the @varname syntax. Utilizing Built -In Functions ... nor are there necessarily as many. For instance, instead of a Date( ) function, which is used in Visual Basic, in T -SQL, you use the GetDate() function. Functions also will not necessarily return...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16

4 548 0
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P1 docx

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P1 docx

... Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples ! The title of this book was originally Oracle SQL Reference, but during the writing process, we set our hearts on the new title Oracle SQL Jumpstart with ... Chapter 17. XML in Oracle Oracle SQL allows for generation and manipulation of XML documents in Oracle Database. This chapter introduces various aspects of using XML in Oracle SQL. Chapter ... of SQL Why are we going backward in time looking at things no longer in use? In order to understand SQL code effectively, we need to understand the most basic forms of SQL, having much to do with...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 370 0
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P2 ppt

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P2 ppt

... possible in Oracle SQL with respect to SQL coding can now be coded and executed from within PL /SQL. PL /SQL is now fully syntactically equivalent with Oracle SQL. In other words, all Oracle SQL commands ... with Oracle Database 10 g . 2.1 New Features in Oracle Database 10 g Oracle Database 10 g contains the following SQL and PL /SQL features. 2.1.1 Oracle SQL Improvements in Oracle ... continuing line mode, type a period (.) alone on a line and press Enter. You will be returned to the SQL prompt so you can begin again. Another form of the SQL* Plus tool can be found within Oracle...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 437 1
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P3 docx

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P3 docx

... sorts in order of the second column, the third column, and the first column. What’s that in English? PLAYING_TIME by TITLE by RECORDING _DATE or RECORDING _DATE sorted within TITLE, sorted within PLAYING_TIME. ... the query and results in descending order of BAL- ANCE within ascending order by DUE _DATE. That covers the basics of sorting in ascending order, descending order, and using one or more columns. ... built -in SQL functions or even user- defined functions. This is the query used in Figure 6.8. Note: Using expressions in the ORDER BY clause can hurt performance. 1 SELECT RECORDING _DATE, ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 261 0
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P4 docx

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P4 docx

... report with summaries, breaks, custom- ized headings, and variables. Now let’s examine the report-generating possi- bilities in another SQL* Plus tool, iSQL*Plus. 8.4 Using iSQL*Plus As you know, iSQL*Plus ... 8.2 Using Scripts and Variables LINESIZE 132; to the end of the SQL* Plus configuration file called GLO- GIN .SQL in the $ORACLE_ HOME/sqlplus/admin directory. Rarely do I need to use other settings. ... using scripts and variables. 8.2 Using Scripts and Variables SQL* Plus supports a simple method of defining and prompting for variables using ampersand characters (&). Any string beginning with...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 315 0
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P5 docx

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P5 docx

... 9.2 Single-Row Functions  REMAINDER(n, m). This function is a remainder or modulus function specifically for binary floating-point numbers. The next section covers date functions. 9.2.3 Date Functions  ADD_MONTHS (date, ... to join tables or row sets together. Now let’s examine different join types in detail and by example. 10.3 Examining Different Types of Joins Let’s examine each type of join in turn using ... useful functions. As already stated, the remaining func- tions tend to be obscure and seldom used. In fact, some functions included in this chapter are obscure. Let’s begin with string functions. ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 341 0
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P6 pptx

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P6 pptx

... group functions available to use with the GROUP BY clause. Functions operating on groups of rows fall into the following cate- gories:  Aggregate Functions . Functions that summarize data into ... expression ]) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY expression [, expression ]). The first and last rank- ing row in a sorted group of rows. Grouping Functions Grouping functions are used with analysis ... self-join query following lists SONG_ID values appearing on more than one CD. Note that the line in the WHERE clause containing the ine- quality operator will prevent any song from being listed...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 390 0
Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P7 pdf

Tài liệu Oracle SQL Jumpstart with Examples- P7 pdf

... ]]]]) . Replaces a string within a string. Regular expression functions are much like their relative Oracle built -in string functions. See Chapter 9 for Oracle built -in string functions. 14.2.2 ... validate a set of columns against another set of columns in a WHERE clause or as a tuned FROM clause row filter (inline view), as shown in the two examples following. The first example following ... allows flashing back to the state that data was in at a previous point in time. Oracle Database 9 i allowed AS OF flashback queries back to a point in time using a timestamp or SCN. Oracle Database ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 12:17

50 342 0