... ArrayList, and Collection classes to the Stack and Queue classes and to the HashTable and the SortedList classes. The data structures and algorithms student can now see how to use a data structure ... 20:59 Preface The study of data structures and algorithms is critical to the development of the professional programmer. There are many, many books written on data structures and algorithms, but these ... Introduction to Collections, Generics, and the Timing Class T his book discusses the development and implementation of data structures and algorithms using C#. The data structures we use in this book...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 10:16
... of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? Goal Seeking (cont.) Tasks depend on each goal seeking problem: Determine what kind of data included in graph (format for nodes and ... or all solutions, if exists. Two of 92 solutions of Eight Queens Problem 36 What kind of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? Usage of an ADT’s Object In some compilers, - When ... any solution or all solutions, if exists. 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 What kind of data, and which data need to be push into the stack? Priority of operators Priority of the operators associated...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees pdf
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 9: Hashing pot
... 2008 Cao Hoang Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT Pseudorandom Pseudorandom Number Generator Key Random Number Modulo Division Address y = ax + c For maximum efficiency, a and c should be prime numbers 40 01 December ... 560010 → 66 Spreading the data more evenly across the address space 32 01 December 2008 Cao Hoang Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT Collision Resolution • Secondary clustering: data become grouped along ... 1 = 42 12 01 December 2008 Cao Hoang Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT Basic Concepts [17][9][5][1] BA B and A collide at 9 Collision Resolution Insert A, B, C hash(A) = 9 hash(B) = 9 hash(C) = 17 45 01...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20
Data Structures and Algorithms – C++ Implementation ppt
... Science and Engineering – HCMUT 0 count head After list list.count = 0 Data Structures and Algorithms – C++ Implementation Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Faculty of Computer Science and ... NULL; } Node( ItemType data) { Slide 14Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering – HCMUT Node( ItemType data) { this-> ;data = data; this->next = NULL; } ItemType data; Node<ItemType> *next; }; Nodes – ... Science and Engineering – HCMUT a b c head a b Result: Insert Node Algorithm Algorithm insertNode (ref list <metadata>, val pPre <node pointer>, val dataIn <dataType>) Inserts data...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 6 -Recursion pot
... Subprogram implementation Recursion Designing recursive algorithms Recursion removal Backtracking Examples of backtracking and recursive algorithms: Factorial Fibonacci The towers of ... picture and leave the detailed computations to the computer. 28 Subprogram implementation 5 Print List in Reverse 19 Recursion 14 Tree and Stack frames of function calls 6 Designing Recursive Algorithms 33 The ... same calculations over and over. The amount of time used by the recursive function to calculate F n grows exponentially with n. Simple iteractive program: starts at 0 and keep only three variables,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 8: Heaps pptx
... (heap is not full) AND (more data in listOfData) 1. listOfData.Retrieve(count, newData) 2. data[ count] = newData 3. ReheapUp( count) 4. count = count + 1 3. if (count < listOfData.Size() ) 1. ... current_position is exists) AND (parent.key > DataIn .key) 1. data[ current_position] = parent 2. current_position = position of parent 3. data[ current_position] = DataIn 4. count = count + ... (position-1)/2 2. if (data[ position].key > data[ parent].key) 1. swap(position, parent) // swap data at position with data at parent. 2. ReheapUp(parent) 2. return End ReheapUp 9 Select Algorithms Determine...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 10: Sorting docx
... at i >= pivot, i can be increased. • Otherwise, last_small is increased and two entries at position last_small and i are swapped: 49 Selection Sort 24 Straight Insertion Sort 12 Sorting 4 31 Straight ... Sort 6 Bubble Sort 41 23 Heap Sort 33 Exchange Sort efficiency 43 Shell Sort 16 Sorting 5 Divice -and- Conquer •Quick •Merge •Bubble •Quick •Selection •Heap •Insertion •Shell •Natural Merge •Balanced...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees doc
... make room. Pre node is pointer to node to contain data. newEntry contains data to be inserted. entryNdx is index to location for new data. Post data have been inserted in sequence. 1 shifter = ... Trees • Each node has m - 1 data entries and m subtree pointers. • The key values in a subtree such that : – >= the key of the left data entry – < the key of the right data entry. K 1 K 2 K 3 keys ... Pseudo code of algorithms for B-Tree Insertion 4 17 November 2008 Cao Hoang Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT M-Way Node Structure key data num entries entry key <key type> data < ;data type> rightPtr...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
Alfred v aho data structures and algorithms
... http://www.ourstillwaters.org/stillwaters/csteaching/DataStructuresAndAlgorithms/mf1202.htm (2 of 40) [1.7.2001 18:58:59] Data Structures and Algorithms: Table of Contents Data Structures and Algorithms Alfred V. Aho, ... possible. http://www.ourstillwaters.org/stillwaters/csteaching/DataStructuresAndAlgorithms/mf1201.htm (14 of 37) [1.7.2001 18:58:22] Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 1: Design and Analysis of Algorithms w of newclr and examine the ... http://www.ourstillwaters.org/stillwaters/csteaching/DataStructuresAndAlgorithms/mf1201.htm (4 of 37) [1.7.2001 18:58:22] Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 1: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Bibliographic Notes The...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:32
Godrich, tamassia, mount data structures and algorithms in c++
... For example, Dr. Goodrich has taught data structures and algorithms courses, including Data Structures as a freshman-sophomore level course and Introduction to Algorithms as an upper-level course. ... study of data structures and algorithms. We feel that the central role of data structure design and analysis in the curriculum is fully justified, given the importance of efficient data structures ... examples of data structure and algorithm analysi s. • We enhanced consistency with the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). • We incorporated STL data structures into many of our data structures. •...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:08
Data Structures and Algorithms pptx
... L a n g s a m , A u g e n s t e i n , T e n e n b a u m [ P r e n t i c e H a l l ] Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C By Mark Allen Weiss [Addison Wesley] Data Structures and Algorithms City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena ... source code and test case. Any problem in this course? I may contact you by email. If you prefer NOT to receive my email, please inform me as soon as possible. Data Structures and Algorithms City ... approaching to success. Data Structures and Algorithms City Univ of HK / Dept of CS / Helena Wong 0. Course Introduction - 3 http://www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/~helena Programming Language and Tools • We will...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21
data structures and algorithms using visual basic.net - michael mcmillan
Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 09:15
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