Data Access and Networking
... hand and two text columns containing the nickname and notes about the hand 146 CHAPTER ■ DATA ACCESS AND NETWORKING ... /> < /data: DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> < /data: DataGridTemplateColumn>
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 03:20
... 16 EIA-232/V.24 has been a long standing electrical and mechanical data communication interface standard EIA-232/V.24 defines the narrowband, serial binary data communications channel used between ... industry standard for many reasons Users and vendors of EIA-232, V.35, EIA-422 and EIA-449 data communications equipment are migrating to EIA-530 to take advantage of the higher data rate and the ... TD (pins and 14), TC (pins 24 and 23), RD (pins and 19), RC (pins 17 and 18), and XTC (pins 15 and 16) • Unbalanced indicators (referenced to pin 7) monitor RTS (pin 4), CTS (pin 5) and DCD (pin...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15
... CLOSING A DATA FILE KEEPING DATA FILES COMPRESSED SERIES 3C AND SIENA DATA FILES AND THE DATA APPLICATION SERIES DATABASE HANDLING 11 THE SERIES DATABASE ... document SERIES 3C AND SIENA DATA FILES AND THE DATA APPLICATION The files you use with the Data application (listed under the Data icon in the System screen) often called databases or database files ... detailed description of the use of new and changed database commands and ‘Database OPX’ in the ‘OPX.pdf’ document SERIES DATABASE HANDLING 11 OPL THE SERIES DATABASE MODEL As has been stressed previously,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20
Data communications and Networking
... DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING McGraw-Hill Forouzan Networking Series Titles by Behrouz A Forouzan: Data Communications and Networking TCPflP Protocol Suite Local Area Networks Business Data ... chapters: Chapter and Chapter Chapter In Chapter 1, we introduce the concepts of data communications and networking We discuss data communications components, data representation, and data flow We ... of Congress Cataloging-in~Publication Data Forouzan, Behrouz A Data communications and networking I Behrouz A Forouzan - 4th ed p em - (McGraw-HilI Forouzan networking series) Includes index ISBN...
Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2014, 17:08
business data communications and networking a research perspective
... Cataloging-in-Publication Data Business data communications and networking : a research perspective / Jairo Gutierrez, editor p cm Summary: "This book addresses key issues for businesses utilizing data communications ... Hammami, Chahir, & Chen Figure Data mining process from data Evaluation and validation Knowledge Data- mining Model Selection and pre-processing Data. for.Mining Database X2(s), …, Xp(s)] that ... Groningen, The Netherlands Fernando Beltrán, University of Auckland, New Zealand Section.II:.Mobility Chapter.VI Mobile.Multimedia: .Communication. Technologies,.Business.Drivers, Service .and. Applications...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 01:19
Tài liệu Functional Specification of JPEG Decompression. and an Implementation for Free ppt
... DCTransformed and upsampled by the functions de ned in subsection 4.3 type DataUnit = type DataSpec = Mat Int (Dim, QuaTab, Tree Int, Tree (Int,Int)) dataunit :: DataSpec -> Int -> StFun Bits (Int,DataUnit) ... is detached from the state again, and in which the Dim and DataSpec parameter are tupled together: units' units' :: (Dim,DataSpec) -> Int -> StFun Bits (Int,DataUnit) = sf'curry uncurry units ... luminance information is not downsampled, and chrominance components are downsampled by factors 2 and 4, respectively Then we need 16 luminance units, and and chrominance units to make up one MCU...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 15:15
Tài liệu Introduction for the security : Networks and exchanges of data Computer security The risks ppt
... Introduction for the security Networks and exchanges of data Computer security The risks Networks and exchanges of data For the exchange of the data, we've changed the technology The ... Profitability Networks and exchanges of data The connection between Internet and the company's network open a large way with a lot of persons They can use this solution and they obtain a lot ... time Communications most effectives Distribution of the information is better The interconnection for all these networks use Internet for the simple reasons : Data shared with the clients and...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:22
Tài liệu Java and XML Data Binding Brett McLaughlin Publisher ppt
... between data- driven and business-driven APIs and explains when one model is preferable over the other It then explains how constraint modeling fits into the data binding picture and how data binding ... open source data binding API, and this chapter details its ins and outs You'll see that Quick offers ideas and processes that are entirely different from most data binding frameworks and you'll ... Command lines and options that should be typed verbatim Names and keywords in Java programs, including method names, variable names, and class names XML element names and tags, attribute names, and...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 11:15
Tài liệu Data Streams Models and Algorithms- P7 ppt
... Introduction Data streams pose a unique challenge to many database and data mining applications because of the computational and storage costs associated with the large volume of the data stream ... dimensional stream of data points Many problems in the data stream scenario are inherently multidimensional, and may in fact involve hundreds or thousands of independent and simultaneous data streams ... to perform on the database D For example f (V) may represent the mean or sum of one of the attributes in database D We note that a random sample S from database V defines a random variable f (S)...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Data Streams Models and Algorithms- P12 ppt
... Wang, and P S Yu On demand classification of data streams In KDD, 2004 [4] B Babcock, S Babu, M Datar, R Motwani, and J Widom Models and issues in data stream systems In I n Principles o Database ... 16,22,23,24,30, and 31 are in site A Nodes 2,6,7, 11, 17,18,25,26, and 32 are in site B Nodes 3,8, 12, 19,20, and 27 are in site C Nodes 4,9, 13, 14,21, 28, and 29 are in site D A dataset with 80,000 ... watermark 330 DATA STREAMS: MODELS AND RCGORITHMS [lo] P Gibbons and S Tirthapura Estimating simple functions on the union of data streams In ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Telecommunications and Networking ppt
... will: Explain and understand the OSI model Identify network hardware Understand LAN topologies Know basic protocols - routing and routed Understand IP addressing scheme Understand subnet masking ... Physical • Data Link • • • • • Network Transport Session Presentation Application CBK REVIEW - August E Data Link Layer • Provides data transport across a physical link • Data Link layer handles ... • Connectionless (CL) – Each piece of data independently routed – Sometimes called “datagram” networking – Each piece of data must carry all addressing and routing info – Basis of many current...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 06:24
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The isolation and characterization of cytochrome c nitrite reductase subunits (NrfA and NrfH) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 Re-evaluation of the spectroscopic data and redox properties ppt
... column, equilibrated and eluted in 0.1 M Tris/HCl, pH 7.6 and several common protein–protein dissociation salts (1 M sodium chloride, M urea and M guanidinium chloride) and ionic detergents (CHAPS, ... intense band of 61 kDa (NrfA) and a band of weak intensity of 19 kDa (NrfH), confirming its hetero-oligomeric nature (Fig 1, lane 1) However, in the absence of boiling (Fig 1A, lanes and 4) high ... and 4) high molecular mass bands of approximately 110 kDa and > 200 kDa were visible, as well as a faint band at 37 kDa, suggesting the presence of dimers All of the bands stained positively for...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20
Data Structures and Algorithms – C++ Implementation ppt
... Science and Engineering – HCMUT data link dataType key field1 field2 … fieldN end dataType Slide Nodes – Implementation in C++ struct Node { int data; Node *next; }; node data ... Node(); p- >data = 5; coutdata; Node *q = p; coutdata; Node *r = new Node(); r- >data = 10; q->next = r; coutnext- >data; Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering ... to receive deleted data Post data have been deleted and returned to caller Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering – HCMUT Slide 35 Delete Node Algorithm dataOut = pLoc -> data if (pPre = null)...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20
Pervasive Computing and Networking ppt
... lecture and give keynote speeches worldwide His research interests are: wireless communications and networks, telecommunications and Networking systems, security of network, information and computer ... computer and telecommunication systems, mobile and wireless networks, pervasive and mobile computing and autonomic networks Dr Denko was a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM and SCS Dr ... Yet to Come xii PART THREE Contents PERVASIVE NETWORKING AND COMMUNICATIONS 14 Autonomic and Pervasive Networking Thabo K R Nkwe, Mieso K Denko, and Jason B Ernst 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Ubiquitous/Pervasive...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21
Central Bank Interventions, Communication and Interest Rate Policy in Emerging European Economies ppt
... published in this series may be subject to further publication Central Bank Interventions, Communication and Interest Rate Policy in Emerging European Economies Balázs Égert, Oesterreichische Nationalbank; ... Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences KTI/IE Discussion Papers are circulated to promote discussion and provoke comments Any references to discussion papers should clearly state that the paper is ... X Nanterre; the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan and ISBN-10: 963-9588-89-X ISBN-13: 978-963-9588-89-9 ISSN 1785-377X Publisher:...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data: Gender and tobacco control: a policy brief ppt
... smoke -free when workplace and public place laws are implemented (Borland et al., 1999) More specifically, smoke -free homes protect children and other family members from secondhand smoke and further ... Specific textual and pictorial health warnings for men and for women should reflect sex and gendered effects and patterns of tobacco uptake and cessation 1.5 Increase availability and access to ... staff associations and women’s groups, can help by providing information and education on secondhand smoke, and advising their members and the public on how to negotiate smoke -free homes successfully...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20
An Overview of Consumer Data and Credit Reporting ppt
... highlights the contents and scope of the data in the sample A close examina[note: 11] Most credit and other r tion of the data reveals that the information is not complete in all regards and at times contains ... (commercial banks and savings associations), finance companies and credit unions, retailers, and ''other.'' The retail category includes department stores and jewelry, computer, camera, and sporting ... creditor action The data also distinguish (albeit imperfectly) between federal, state, and local tax liens and other liens Otherwise, unlike credit account data, the public record data not provide...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20