cyclists in the road safety audit process

báo cáo khoa học: " Safe storage of methadone in the home - an audit of the effectiveness of safety information giving" ppt

báo cáo khoa học: " Safe storage of methadone in the home - an audit of the effectiveness of safety information giving" ppt

... within the home, of whom 95 (60.1%) had children either living in or visiting the home An assessment by these 95 patients of the risk of children knowing where the methadone was stored resulted in ... following the provision of written information to patients in addition to verbal information at the point that they commence their methadone treatment This will be reinforced at the point where ... the ability of others to access the storage site showed no significant difference between the group with children living in or visiting their home and those with no children living in or having...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:20

6 378 0
Improvement of nutrient removal and phosphorus recovery in the anaerobic/oxic/anoxic process combined with sludge ozonation and phosphorus adsorption

Improvement of nutrient removal and phosphorus recovery in the anaerobic/oxic/anoxic process combined with sludge ozonation and phosphorus adsorption

... phosphorus was then accumulated in the sludge in the subsequent oxic tank by normal oxygen-utilizing PAOs The residual phosphorus was removed in the final anoxic tank without oxygen Especially in Phase ... reducing the amount of sludge to be ozonated (9.4% of total MLSS in the reactor) improved the nitrification efficiency in Phase Ozonated sludge also acts as nutrient loading in the A/O/A process ... DISCUSSION The A/O/A process combined with the microbubble ozonation system and the phosphorus adsorption column was operated for 152 days Water quality in the effluent and MLSS concentration in the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

8 916 1
Characterization of the microbial community in the anaerobic/oxic/anoxic process combine

Characterization of the microbial community in the anaerobic/oxic/anoxic process combine

... not to the differences in the process types but to the differences in influent wastewater: these SBRs received synthetic wastewater containing acetate as the main organic carbon to enrich the PAO/DNPAO ... facility where the retention time of wastewater in the sewer line is lower than those in the UCT processes In sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), the PURs are higher than the others (Table 1) These high ... al., 2009) In the process, phosphorus was accumulated in the biomass by polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) in the oxic tank and denitrifying PAOs (DNPAOs) in the anoxic tank For the nitrogen...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

8 573 4
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Inorganic pyrophosphatase in the roundworm Ascaris and its role in the development and molting process of the larval stage parasites doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Inorganic pyrophosphatase in the roundworm Ascaris and its role in the development and molting process of the larval stage parasites doc

... Enzyme kinetic study The Km (Michaelis constant) and Vmax (maximum velocity) values were determined by incubating the diluted recombinant proteins in the standard reaction mixture in the presence ... determined as described in (A) in the presence of increasing concentrations of Mg2+ (C) pH dependency of the enzyme was examined as described above using several buffers with increasing pH values The ... hydrolysis, in the presence of increasing concentrations of NaF The PPase activated PPi hydrolysis rate was then calculated Larval molting inhibition assay To confirm whether the native PPase enzyme is involved...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

13 691 0


... Use of the Taxonomy in Janus By domain m o d e / w e mean the set of axioms encoded in NIKL regarding the constants The domain model serves several purposes in Janus Of course, in defining the constants ... deriving as many entities as possible using operators in the intensionai logic In this section we illustrate this point by showing how definitely referenced sets, information about kinds, indefinitely ... first-orderformuladefiningthe set of items that have ever been the actor in a flight Their definition is solely within NIKL using the QUA link [14], which is exactlythe set of fillers of a slot While having eve._...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

10 676 0
FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines docx

FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines docx

... to the existing road network FHWA Road Safety Audits Guidelines 23 CHAPTER 24 FHWA Road Safety Audits Guidelines Part B CHAPTER THE ROAD SAFETY AUDIT PROCESS 4.0 Conducting Road Safety Audits The ... • Providing safety audit training to the RSA teams and internal staff that will be involved in the RSA process • Gathering the information needed to conduct the audits Development of the Formal ... during existing road RSAs) FHWA Road Safety Audits Guidelines 31 CHAPTER The RSA team should examine the design drawings in detail, imagining how the road would appear from the perspective of road...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

87 522 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Case Revisited: In the Shadow of Automatic Processing of Machine-Readable Dictionaries" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Case Revisited: In the Shadow of Automatic Processing of Machine-Readable Dictionaries" ppt

... features Following the boot-strapping principle, we are starting with 750 genus verbs in the defining word list of LDOCE, then gradually expanding them to all the verbs defined in LDOCE There are ... Fillmore, The Ca~e ]or Case ,in Uni~ersab in Linguistic Theory, E Bach and R Harm (eds.), Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1968 [4] R Schank, Coneeptaal Information Processing, North-Holland Publishing ... within connectionist models From the prototypes, naive theories may be formed, and then converted into representations in the default layer Dynamic creation of Cases Initial representations in the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

2 247 0


... understanding of the safety of cyclists in the transportation system when conducting an RSA These Guidelines emphasize considering the context of the cycling environment from a “behind the handlebars” ... and Prompt Lists is to provide transportation agencies and RSA teams with a better understanding of the safety of cyclists in the transportation system when conducting an RSA.  These Guidelines present the RSA team with an overview of basic  principles of the safety of cyclists and potential issues affecting cyclists.    They also provide information on how to conduct an  ... detailed information pertaining to cyclists in the RSA process General information about RSAs, such as RSA policies and procedures and generalized prompt lists, are included in the FHWA Road Safety Audit...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

87 420 0
A201 Blackfriars Station Redevelopment: Permanent Highway Layout Road Safety Audit Interim Stage 3 doc

A201 Blackfriars Station Redevelopment: Permanent Highway Layout Road Safety Audit Interim Stage 3 doc

... Layout Interim Stage Road Safety Audit Report 4.0 ISSUES IDENTIFIED DURING THE INTERIM STAGE ROAD SAFETY AUDIT THAT ARE OUTSIDE THE TERMS OF REFERENCE Safety issues identified during the audit ... This results in users performing various manoeuvres including crossing three lanes of traffic within a very short section in which other traffic is often changing lanes, increasing the risk of ... cyclists and other traffic Cyclists performing this manoeuvre also ignored the stop lines and crossing facilities in order to ‘beat traffic’ The potential for conflict between cyclists and other...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20

12 239 0
model for geological risk management in the building and infrastructure processes

model for geological risk management in the building and infrastructure processes

... to obtain information and execute measurements according to the defined actions to obtain the necessary information Interpretation of results: Includes the processing and analysis of the data ... addressed to improve in the management of the final quality of the work and the recognition in the community of the administration by the company executing the project Should take into account material ... activity thereof Depending on the extent of the process may be interesting to divide the work of capture and analysis of information between different team members, the sources indicated in the model...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 23:32

33 280 0
Báo cáo toán học: "No Dense Subgraphs Appear in the Triangle-free Graph Process" potx

Báo cáo toán học: "No Dense Subgraphs Appear in the Triangle-free Graph Process" potx

... a.a.s the planar graph process contains a copy of any fixed planar graph after inserting just (1 + ε)n edges Main Results In the following we denote the edge set of Gn,i by Ei The vertex set of the ... w4 } Let Di be the set of vertices not in W that have more than neighbours in W in Gn,i Excluding the pairs with both vertices in W and the pairs with a vertex in Di the remaining pairs close ... closed Therefore, no copy of F can be completed later in the process Let us note that a related process, the random planar graph process (where at each step an edge is inserted if the graph remains...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:23

7 323 0
Experiences in Quality Control in the Audit Process and Audit Quality docx

Experiences in Quality Control in the Audit Process and Audit Quality docx

... every step We are reviewing all financial audit documentation templates We started using audit documentation software We have had lots of trainings (in accounting, auditing, project management ... of the state The Riigikontroll has to prepare an audit report, which is presented with the consolidated annual report of the state to the Parliament Audit report must contain an opinion of the ... Introduction • • • • • The consolidated annual accounts are prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards According to the State Budget Act the Riigikontroll has to audit the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 20:20

9 383 0
Improving the audit process of fixed assets in financial audits conducted by VACO auditing company limited

Improving the audit process of fixed assets in financial audits conducted by VACO auditing company limited

... assets Managing and preserving fixed assets during using period Organizing and managing in recording the value of fixed assets Recording the liabilities incurred in the investing process of fixed ... stored in the general audit file Therefore, auditors conducted the audit for the financial year ended on 31/12/2015 and they also will review the information on the units in the general audit ... Conversely, if the audit process is not built in a scientific way, the audit will not go in the right direction, which increases the cost for the firm Thus, building an audit process is regarded as the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2016, 15:58

89 533 6
Improving the audit process of fixed assets in financial  audits conducted by ac auditing and consulting    company limited

Improving the audit process of fixed assets in financial audits conducted by ac auditing and consulting company limited

... working in Financal audited Department of A&C Auditing and Consulting Company Limited for offering me the summer internship opportunities in their groups and leading me working on diverse exciting ... Sequence in auditing fixed assets in financial audits Process audit is an audit methods system to help the auditors collect sufficient audit evidence to achieve the audit objectives Audit fixed ... procedures: audit demonstrated the beginning balance, sampling the fixed assets to check the actual existence of the assets Ending balance: confirmed on the basis of the audit beginning balance and increased...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2016, 17:24

86 824 14
Báo cáo y học: " Safety and efficacy of undenatured type II collagen in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: a clinical trial"

Báo cáo y học: " Safety and efficacy of undenatured type II collagen in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: a clinical trial"

... Subject using other therapies for OA, such as exercise, heat/cold therapy, joint protection and physiotherapy/occupational therapy agrees to continue these therapies as normal avoiding changes in frequency ... Clinical judgment of physician Subjects were withdrawn from the study (without penalty) if, in the opinion of the treating physician, it was not in the patient’s best interest to continue For instance, ... instructed to take two “sugar pills” in the morning to protect blinding and two UC-II capsules in the evening accounting for a daily dose of 40 mg UC-II containing 10 mg of bioactive undenatured...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48

10 706 0


... dẫn:Th.S Trần Thị Minh Phương Phùng Thị Vân Báo cáo thực tập Kế hoạch sử dụng nhân lực lập theo tháng năm dựa kế hoạch kinh doanh, hợp đồng, dự án ký kết Công ty Kế hoạch nhân theo năm nhằm xác ... thuốc tinh thần kỳ diệu để tăng hiệu kinh doanh Công ty biết sử dụng Trong lao động, người lao động cần phải có tinh thần thoải mái, phải có đam mê, phải thấy say sưa với công việc việc kinh doanh ... nhân viên làm thêm vào ngày nghỉ theo quy định toán tiền lương theo tỷ lệ pháp luật lao động Khi có công việc phát sinh mà Công ty đòi hỏi nhân viên làm việc tùy theo mức độ phức tạp, thời gian...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2013, 23:00

68 662 0
Behavior of Nitrite Oxidizers in the Nitrification/Denitrification Process for the Treatment of Simulated Coke-Oven Wastewater

Behavior of Nitrite Oxidizers in the Nitrification/Denitrification Process for the Treatment of Simulated Coke-Oven Wastewater

... sedimentation tank Influent was 60L/day pH was 8.0-8.5 in the anoxic tank, and 7.0-7.5 in the aerobic tank The water temperature was 25oC-30oC The sludge retention time (SRT) was maintained at 50days ... Another was for FISH analysis and was stored at -80oC The extraction of DNA was performed with Fast DNA SPIN Kit for Soil (Qbuiogene, USA) according to the instruction by the manufacturer In the ... was added These trends can also be seen in Figure Yet, the amounts of Nitrobacter species in Run and Run differed in two orderes In Runs and 7, the nitrite oxidation activities were in the same...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

8 572 0
Domestic Wastewater Reclamation Coupled with Biofuel/Biomass Production Based on Microalgae: A Novel Wastewater Treatment Process in the Future

Domestic Wastewater Reclamation Coupled with Biofuel/Biomass Production Based on Microalgae: A Novel Wastewater Treatment Process in the Future

... key points of the novel process, which determine the wastewater treatment efficiency and the net energy production of the whole process Therefore, the key techniques of the novel process are indentified ... obtained after the filtration process In the novel process, nitrogen and phosphorus would not be removed through A2O method (anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process) as the conventional one does The inorganic ... ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NOVEL PROCESS Key techniques needed for the novel process At the moment, the novel process is just a concept, and there is limited research on its key techniques for both the wastewater...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

9 762 0
A study on modal adjuncts in the mental process in english and vietnamese newspapers

A study on modal adjuncts in the mental process in english and vietnamese newspapers

... each component into the shaping of the syntactics, semantics and pragmatics of MAs in the MenP: which element is the core of the e) Discussing the findings meaning of MAs and which is the specifier ... probability, intensity and certainty and were found to share the same semantic ingredients such as the status of the Chart 4.2: The Occurrence of MAs in the MenP in English information in the addresser’s ... Discussing the findings and suggesting some implications for teaching language and newspaper readers 11 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 MODAL ADJUNCTS USED IN THE MENTAL PROCESS IN ENGLISH...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:17

13 1K 1
Tài liệu Health and Safety in the Child Care Setting: Prevention of Infectious Disease pdf

Tài liệu Health and Safety in the Child Care Setting: Prevention of Infectious Disease pdf

... preventing the spread of disease in their child care setting Assist providers in establishing, developing and promoting written policies regarding health and safety in their child care setting Help ... curriculum is designed to assist the trainer in meeting the requirement and in providing sufficient information and resources to broaden the training to seven hours or more The amount and focus of material ... How the disease is spread • Breathing germs in the air • Contact with infected saliva and mucus Behaviors that spread • Coughing or sneezing into the air • Kissing on the mouth • Sharing mouthed...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

171 590 0