... of Corollary and Observation that the set of min -max fair and utility-optimal power and In Figure we illustrate the saddle point property of a min -max fair and utility-optimal power and weight ... networks and characterizes the cases of existence of allocations combining min -max fairness and utility optimality In Section we prove that any min -max fair and utility-optimal power and weight ... provide a simple extension of the Collatz-Wielandt min -max formula for the Perron root The Collatz-Wielandt formulae are two characterizations, in min -max and max- min problem forms, of the spectral...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
... regularity and the a-invariant in combinatorial and algebraic terms On the other hand, a clutter being Ehrhart will enable us to prove combinatorial properties, like when certain clutters have the max- flow ... have the max- flow min -cut property This property is of central importance in combinatorial optimization [6] and so we define it here: the clutter C is said to have the max- flow min -cut property (or ... Combinatorics and Computation, Birkh¨user, 2000 a [14] I Gitler, E Reyes and R H Villarreal, Blowup algebras of square–free monomial ideals and some links to combinatorial optimization problems, ...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22
Báo cáo hóa học: "A general composite iterative method for generalized mixed equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems and optimization problems" pot
... as special cases, fixed point problems, optimization problems, variational inequality problems, minmax problems, Nash equilibrium problems in noncooperative games, and others; see [2,4-6] Recently, ... mixed equilibrium problems, variational inequality problems and optimization problems Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2011 2011:51 Submit your manuscript to a journal and benefit from: ... equilibrium problems, fixed point problems and variational inequality problems Taiwan J Math 12, 1401–1432 (2008) Ceng, L-C, Yao, J-C: A hybrid iterative scheme for mixed equilibrium problems and fixed...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Some Iterative Methods for Solving Equilibrium Problems and Optimization Problems" potx
... improve and extend the recent ones announced by S Takahashi and W Takahashi , Iiduka and Takahashi 14 , Marino and Xu , Chen et al 15 , Y Yao and J.-C Yao 16 , Ceng and Yao 22 , Su et al 17 , and ... method For the convergence analysis and applications of this method, see the works of Noor and Y Yao and J.-C Yao 16 Numerous problems in physics, optimization, and economics reduce to find a solution ... and Optimization and Their Applications (Haifa, 2000), D Butnariu, Y Censor, and S Reich, Eds., vol of Studies in Computational Mathematics, pp 473–504, North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article A General Iterative Approach to Variational Inequality Problems and Optimization Problems Jong Soo Jung" ppt
... , and h is a potential γf x for all x ∈ H For this kind of optimization problems, function for γf i.e., h x N see, for example, Deutsch and Yamada 11 , Jung 10 , and Xu 12, 13 when Ω i Ci and ... Theory and Applications Feasibility and Optimization and Their Applications (Haifa, 2000), vol of Studies in Computational Mathematics, pp 473–504, North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2001 ... w ≥ 0, for all u ∈ C}, and define Tv ⎧ ⎨Av ⎩∅, NC v, v ∈ C, v / C ∈ Then T is maximal monotone and ∈ T v if and only if v ∈ VI C, A ; see 18, 19 2.9 Fixed Point Theory and Applications We need...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20
... interesting optimization problems such as code assignment and packet scheduling, we not consider this class of problems here and we refer for instance to Minn and Siu (2000), Agnetis et al (2003), and ... practical relevance and for its immediate relation to classical combinatorial optimization problems This wide production has been analyzed and organized in a number of surveys and books (Aardal ... integrated and computationally efficient approach to coverage and capacity planning for third and fourth generation cellular systems Extensions of the classical set covering and maximum coverage problems...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 16:56
Regret models and preprocessing techniques for combinatorial optimization under uncertainty
... [113]), and u 1.1 Motivation and Literature Review 13 machine scheduling (Alidaee et al [5]) Several graph problems, such as the maxcut and the maximum clique problems can be reformulated as QUBO problems ... scenarios Optimization with the CVaR measure has been used in portfolio optimization [103] and inventory control [3] among other stochastic optimization problems Combinatorial optimization problems ... linear and quadratic combinatorial optimization problems under uncertainty Firstly, we propose a new probabilistic model for minimizing the anticipated regret in combinatorial optimization problems...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:29
Metaheuristics for NP hard combinatorial optimization problems
... FOR NP-HARD COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS Dinh Trung Hoang National University of Singapore 2008 Abstract Combinatorial Optimization problems (COPs) are highly theoretical and of practical ... The 1.1 Background and Motivation subsequent subsection will give more formal definitions for combinatorial optimization problems Combinatorial Optimization If F has combinatorial features, ... and characteristics 23 and/ or Operations Research routines or using group theory and landscape theory to characterize and construct efficient and useful local structures of solution space of optimization...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:19
Bayesian optimization for image segmentation, texture flow estimation and image deblurring
... computer vision problems Common techniques including linear regression, alternating optimization (expectation maximization) and belief propagation for solving such optimization problems are presented ... Alternating Optimization or Expectation Maximization only guaranteed to converge to local minima/maxima, while solutions found by linear regression are always global minima/maxima In alternating optimization, ... with X and Θ are constants and Y is a random variable Again, the parameters can be divided into two disjoint subsets {P (Y|X , Θ)} and {Θ} Hence, the EM algorithm is a two step alternating optimization...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:03
Investigation of metal flow and preform optimization in flashless forging of a connecting rod
... define a new preform design based cn t h e optimization results and verify the applicability of this optimization method Previous Studies in Preform Optimization Before 3D FEM simulations were ... large end section and that of small end section not strongly interfere with each other ii) The number of shape parameters is reduced and the optimization process becomes easy to handle iii) Simulation ... parameters, and are shown in Fig 14 They are named BT0, BT1, and BT2 respectively BT0 is the original preform and is represented by the dotted line in those figures The diameter d2 and the segment...
Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2016, 18:08
... global economic integration, promoting import and export activities is considered as the biggest priority of Vietnam to expand and occupy regional and international markets Besides encouraging ... of foundation and development, strategic orientation and organizational structure to understand more the matters which the company is being coping with 1.1 History of foundation and development ... establishment and development Our society is progress rapidly in accompany with the development of science and technology, sophisticated and highly susceptible microprocessor based on electronics and data...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2013, 09:11
Undaria pinnatifida Habitat Loss in Relation to Sea Urchin Grazing and Water Flow Conditions, and Their Restoration Effort in Ogatsu Bay, Japan
... seaweed and aquaculture Midori Press, Tokyo, pp 133 - 144 Turner, M G., Gardner, R H and ÓNeill R V (2004) Landscape ecology in theory and practice: Pattern and process, Nakagoshi, N and Hara, ... surveys of the water velocities at randomly selected ten U pinnatifida habitats and twenty unvegetated areas in Line and Line were conducted in September 2004 and August 2005 Each area for the ... from the bottom and thus, allowing the recovery of U pinnatifida and other non-encrusting macroalgae Both buoyed reefs were made of wood and their length was 1.0 m with 1.0 m width and 16 cm height...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38
CFD for hydrodynamic efficiency and design optimization of key elements of SHP
... The hydrodynamic flow configuration and the design of special hydraulic structures and devices, such as control discharge structures and valves to control the flow behavior and regulate the pressure ... blocks the flow section (Figure 7) which causes the flow trajectories contracting and gives rise to new flow separation and thus to energy losses The formed vortices, which detach and disintegrate ... reaches the maximum value, and diminish from the runner to the outlet From the runner to the outlet the flow is rotational At the runner outlet and the draft tube’s first stretch and bend, the flow...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58
Cooling load and COP optimization of an irreversible Carnot refrigerator with spin-1/2 systems
... of the hot and cold reservoirs are ωh and ωc , respectively, and the creation and annihilation operators of ˆ+ ˆ− ˆ+ ˆ− thermal phonons for hot and cold reservoirs are bh , bh , bc and bc , respectively ... temperatures of hot and cold reservoirs and other parameters As the result of effects of internal friction and heat leakage, the maximum dimensionless cooling load ( R Rmax,µ =0,Ce = )max < From Figure ... ≠ , the dimensionless cooling load has a maximum and the COP also has a maximum The internal friction µ affects strongly R Rmax,µ = 0,C =0 and COP ε , and both the dimensionless cooling load both...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
Teaching english speaking skills to the tenth form students at dinh chuong duong high school problems and prroposed solutions
... this year Ministry of Education and Training asks schools to reduce lessons and improves quality of teaching and learning So some units are cut and some long and difficult units are added with ... words in a sentence have stronger stress and are pronounced longer and other words are weaker and shorter This pattern of strong and weak stress and short and long pronunciation gives English its ... the skill and language learners should recognize three areas of knowledge: Mechanics, Functions and Social and cultural rules and norms The first aspect includes pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:49
Tài liệu Max Flow
... of flow = 27 capacity of cut = 30 29 Maxflow-mincut theorem Augmenting path theorem A flow f is a maxflow iff no augmenting paths Maxflow-mincut theorem Value of the maxflow = capacity of mincut ... Can improve flow f by sending flow along this path Thus, f is not a maxflow 31 Maxflow-mincut theorem Augmenting path theorem A flow f is a maxflow iff no augmenting paths Maxflow-mincut theorem ... any flow f ' ≤ capacity of (A, B) = value of f Thus, f is a maxflow weak duality 30 Maxflow-mincut theorem Augmenting path theorem A flow f is a maxflow iff no augmenting paths Maxflow-mincut...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:48
... notations and conventions Chapter I Determinants Historical remarks: Leibniz and Seki Kova Cramer, L’Hospital, Cauchy and Jacobi Basic properties of determinants The Vandermonde determinant and its ... Bernoulli numbers and Sn (k) 4.4 Theorem Let u = S1 (x) and v = S2 (x) Then for k ≥ there exist polynomials pk and qk such that S2k+1 (x) = u2 pk (u) and S2k (x) = vqk (u) Problems Solutions ... and det A = if and only if Vi ⊥ Vj whenever i = j Problems 26 Involutions CONTENTS 26.2 Theorem A matrix A can be represented as the product of two involutions if and only if the matrices A and...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Shrimp culture Problems and aspects doc
... Chuyển đổi tảo thành vi khuẩn ổn đònh Photograph: Dr Ponlert Chandratchakun Cách Cho n nh Hưởng Đến FCR FCR Variation at 174 farms in Thailand (Tacon 1993) 35 Percent of Farm s 30 25 20 15 10 1.0-1.2 ... - 3 Americas - - - - 147 180 225 271 332 Africa 10 - - - - - China 10 140 188 252 266 293 Thailand 300 280 240 120 80 - - 10 190 245 Malaysia 18 18 19 20 20 - - - - - Indonesia 94 104 113 90 ... tan thấp, tảo phát triển mạnh, tôm lột xác nhiều, nhiệt độ nước cao thấp Photograph: Dr Ponler Chandratchakun Kết sau tuần nuôi thử nghiệm bể composite Nghiệm thức Lần cho ăn 3+ 4+ Tỷ lệ sống (%)...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 17:20
... and .31 Figure 4-6 IP Flow Export Statistics .32 Figure 4-7 NetFlow version Flow Template 33 Figure 4-8 NetFlow version Flow Record 33 Figure 4-9 NetFlow ... information and an export mechanism that can send NetFlow data to a remote collector such as the Cisco NetFlow Collector NetFlow operates by creating a NetFlow cache entry for each active flow and maintains ... WAN and Application Optimization Solution Guide considered a different flow NetFlow operates by creating a NetFlow cache entry that contains information for each active flow Figure 4-3 NetFlow...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20
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