... both researchers and commercial producers [12] The present studies entitled “Tilapia cage culture in Rwanda; Current status and prospects for future development” aimed to review the current situation ... 2 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NHA TRANG UNIVERSITY Institute of Aquaculture Fidele KAMPAYANA 54CH345 Tilapia cage culture in Rwanda: Current status and prospects of future development ... water bodies are in one hand, the production systems currently applied could not lead to profit maximization and in the other hand, a lack of farmer’s hands-on knowledge and skills would be a key...
Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 11:32
... Greater Accra region [11, 12, 13, 14 and 15] A total of nineteen fixed-dome digesters comprising six 15 m3 and two 30 m3 Deenbandhu digesters, and eight 10 m3 and three 25 m3 Chinese dome digesters ... difficult to engineer, construct and operate [23, 24 and 25] In Ghana, Tandem plants have been constructed to treat sewage by BTWAL, BCEL, IIR, and BCL Most common tandem digesters found in Ghana ... layout of tandem digesters as used by biogas service providers as opposed to the recommended layout Figure 13 (A) Tandem digester layout used by BTWAL, BCEL, and BCL, and (B) Appropriate and recommended...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10
Draft Report on Alternative (Non-Animal) Methods for Cosmetics Testing: current status and future prospects – 2010 doc
... fluids and coagulating glands), levator ani-bulbocavernosus muscle, 363 paired Cowper's glands and the glans penis 364 In order to establish whether a test substance can have androgenic or antiandrogenic ... 313 levels and a concurrent control should be used and a total of 20 litters are recommended at 314 each dose level Dams are tested to assess effects in pregnant and lactating females and may 315 ... parturition, lactation, and weaning, and the growth and 207 development of the offspring The study may also provide information about the effects on 208 neonatal morbidity, mortality, and preliminary...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Machine Translation: its History, Current Status, and Future Prospects Jonathan Slocum Siemens" pdf
... to work, for they are in fact being bought and used, and they save time and/ or money for their users Every user eXpresses a desire for improved quality and reduced cost, to be sure, but then the ... manuals Nippon Telegraph and Telephone is working on a system to translate scientific and technical articles from Japanese into English and vice versa [Nemura et al., 82], and is looking into the ... mid-EJ, and early 1984, and the system has been installed at the sponsor's site in Germany for further testing and final development of a translator interface The METAL dictionaries are being expanded...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:21
... hectares; + Land for public target will reach 211.55 hectares (including land for ttransportation, land for cultural facilities, land for educational and training facilities, and land for sports ... 2.1 Land for housing OTC 3350.35 14.71 2.1.1 Land for rural housing ONT 3307.03 14.52 2.1.2 Land for urban housing ODT 43.32 0.19 CDG 3690.24 16.20 2.2 Special land 2.3 Land for religious and ... industrial and infrastructure development areas By 2020, land for rural housing will increase to 90.45 hectares (including new land for housing and resettlement land) By 2020, Thanh Hoa city will expand...
Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Protein hyperthermostability – current status and beyond Sotirios Koutsopoulos pdf
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20
... MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS CURRENT STATUS AND STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE Janet E Joy and Richard B Johnston, Jr., Editors Committee on Multiple Sclerosis: Current Status and Strategies for the Future ... disease, causes, course, and treatments (Chapters 2, 5, and 6); (2) adaptation and management (combination of medical, technological, and psychosocial aspects) (Chapters and 4); and finally, (3) proposals ... of people with MS and to treat the fatigue and pain that so often accompany MS Ideas for the future are built on the review of current knowledge and gaps in the biomedical and social science...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20
Brazil''''s Capital Market: Current Status and Issues for Further Development pot
... public and private sector It then discusses what the key challenges are, and policy options for further development II BRAZIL’S CAPITAL MARKETS—ISSUES AND STATUS A Short-Term Maturity and Low ... investment and absorptive capacity in a context of prospects for sizable capital flows in the medium term Brazil’s savings and investment levels as a share of GDP are still low by international standards ... 17.6 Materials and Energy Communication Consumers Communication 21.8 Financials Industrial and Tech 21.6 10.8 Consumers 10.2 2.1 14.1 Materials and Energy Financials 13.5 Industrial and Tech 34.1...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:21
The health of Canada’s elderly population: current status and future implications pot
... nonarthritic back problems and heart disease, and among those 75 and older they were arthritis or rheumatism, heart disease, high blood pressure and cataracts Among both the elderly women and men, the proportion ... between health status and the use of general practitioners (GPs) With these observations as a reference point, we projected the future size of the elderly population, their health status and what this ... overall On the one hand many elderly people reported that their activities were restricted (Table 1), that they had disabilities and diagnosed chronic conditions (Tables and 4) and that they required...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:21
Air Force Physician and Dentist Multiyear Special Pay - Current Status and Potential Reforms ppt
... rigorous peer review to ensure high standards for research quality and objectivity Air Force Physician and Dentist Multiyear Special Pay Current Status and Potential Reforms Edward G Keating, ... readiness, and support of current and future aerospace forces Research is conducted in four programs: Force Modernization and Employment; Manpower, Personnel, and Training; Resource Management; and ... medical and dental officer incentive bonuses In the monograph, we present trends in accession, retention, and promotion in the Medical and Dental Corps and discuss Multiyear Special Pay (MSP) and observed...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20
Status and Prospects for Smallholder Milk Production A Global Perspective doc
... Nigeria and Uganda, whereas they are slightly better (1.0 to 1.5) in Australia, China, Chile, Ireland, Myanmar, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and ... Cameroon, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia and The Philippines > US$40: Canada, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Mozambique, Taiwan, South-Korea and Japan ... Thailand, Uganda and Viet Nam were subjected to detailed technical and economic analyses For industrialized countries, similar analyses were conducted for farms in Germany, New Zealand and the...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Shrimp GAP and BMP in Vietnam: Policy, current status and future direction " pdf
... standards8 and guidelines9 for semi-intensive and intensive shrimp culture, but as yet has not drafted technical standards and guidelines for extensive and improved extensive shrimp culture Standards ... finished and gazette by the end of 2009 is intended to provide the certification standards Current status of GAP, BMP and COC implementation: The three main international standards currently ... Ben Tre and Kien Giang provinces In September 2006, NAFIQAVED and regional centers No 4, 5, and field-tested and drafted Technical Standards of Good Aquaculture Practices for intensive and semi-intensive...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
... Pedro and João Pires Chapter 13 Modelling a Network Traffic Probe Over a Multiprocessor Architecture 303 Luis Zabala, Armando Ferro, Alberto Pineda and Alejandro Muñoz Chapter 14 Routing and Traffic ... generation systems and voice traffic With the current third generation and the arrival of the 4G, the number of mobile users in the world will exceed the number of landlines users Audio and video streaming ... the requirements of bandwidth and quality of service demanded by those applications The increase in data traffic is due to the expansion of the Internet and all kinds of data and information on...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20
Indonesia and Climate Charge: Current Status and Policies docx
... Suggestion for citation : PEACE 2007 Indonesia and Climate Charge: Current Status and Policies Kateren 1A ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WR DVVHVV WKH VWDWXV DQG WUHQGV RI SHU ... ZH XVH GDWD WR PDNH LW FRPSDUDEOH WR WKRVH RI WKH ,($ Page 20 Indonesia and Climate Change: Current Status and Policies (i) Kateren 1B LQWHUQDWLRQDO GDWD DUH EDVHG RQ SXEOLVKHG QDWLRQDO ... LQWHQVLW\ QRW *'3 WKXV WKH GLIIHUHQW YDOXH IURP 7DEOH 3OHDVH (ii) Indonesia and Climate Change: Current Status and Policies Page 19 Kateren 13B SUHFLSLWDWLRQ SDWWHUQV DQG LQFUHDVHG YXOQHUDELOLW\...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 02:20
Local E-Government in Norway Current Status and Emerging Issues doc
... Tvedestrand and Kristiansand, illustrate these two approaches While both municipalities have comparable escores, Kristiansand has a third more functions scoring or than Tvedestrand On the other hand, ... programs aiming at improving service quality and the availability of service to citizens and businesses To meet the demand for improvement and concurrently cope with limited resources, the municipalities ... Flak, D H Olsen & P Wolcott • 53 90 Tvedestrand 80 Kristiansand Aust-Agder Vest-Agder 70 Risør Lyngdal Lillesand 60 Åseral Iveland Vennesla Arendal Mandal eScore 50 Gjerstad Valle 40 Søgne Flekkefjord...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 05:20
Scientific report: "Current status and post-harvest losses of some agricultural products in Quang Ngai-Vietnam" docx
... and qualitative losses Findings were obtained by PLA method, Gwiner et al (1996) and quality attributes were analyzed in the laboratory of Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (Harris and ... was caused by improper handling technique and additionally most farmers did not pay attention to cleaning the fruits and fields while harvesting During transportation and storage melons are damaged ... should be cleaned, classified, and stored properly to prevent damage and spoilage 3.2 Sugarcane 3.2.1 Post harvest status Sugar cane was harvested 100% manually and the tools used are knife, axe,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:22
Báo cáo y học: "Ethnozoology in Brazil: current status and perspectives" pdf
... article as: Alves and Souto: Ethnozoology in Brazil: current status and perspectives Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2011 7:22 Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central and take full ... the new and different plants and animals that thrived in those lands In the centuries that followed these first contacts, explorers, chroniclers and naturalists from many disciplines and many ... their regional and scientific names and descriptions of their uses [15] Nevertheless, the scientific research in the area has been intensifying in recent years, and Brazil is currently one of...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22
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