current issues in asia pacific region



... FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC IN THE ASIA- PACIFIC REGION 2008 PROSPECTS DEVELOPMENTS KEY ECONOMIC AND 4 China seeks growth with sustainability China continues to be beset by its inability to rein in ... steady. In contrast, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand have been easing rates. Rising food prices have put upward pressure on inflation in developing coun- tries in the region, and internationally. ... declining consumption in that country. Economies in the Asia- Pacific region remain highly reliant on exports, both directly and indirectly through supplying intermediate inputs for Chinese exports....

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:20

40 477 0
Gender-based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Looking at the Health Sector Response in the Asia-Pacific Region doc

Gender-based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Looking at the Health Sector Response in the Asia-Pacific Region doc

... schools. e intervention also helped in improving condence. After participating in the initiative, students reported feeling more condent in protesting and registering complaints against unwanted ... are being utilised in the region include integrating GBV into primary health care, reproductive health care, or family planning services. ere are also NGO-led models, as in Papua New Guinea ... as keypoints to cutting the cycle of violence and achieving SRHR. ey have to be meaningfully involved in policy making, programme planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluating at all...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

16 708 0
Tài liệu Cancer Anorexia-Cachexia Syndrome: Current Issues in Research and Management ppt

Tài liệu Cancer Anorexia-Cachexia Syndrome: Current Issues in Research and Management ppt

... NPY feeding systems are dysfunctional in anorectic tumor-bearing rats. NPY injected intrahypo- thalamically stimulated feeding less potently in rats bearing methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma than in ... al. Leptin-regulated endocannabinoids are involved in maintaining food intake. Nature 2001;410:822-825. 125. Tanaka Y, Eda H, Fujimoto K, et al. Anticachectic activity of 5′-deoxy-5-fluorouri- dine in ... signal. 76,77 Convergent information suggests that CRF may be involved in triggering changes in gastrointestinal motility observed during stress exposure. CRF may induce delayed gastric emptying and gastric...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 04:20

20 425 0
Straddling Economics and Politics - Cross-Cutting Issues in Asia, the United States, and the Global Economy.pdf pot

Straddling Economics and Politics - Cross-Cutting Issues in Asia, the United States, and the Global Economy.pdf pot

... be- tween income inequality and economic growth, apparently resolving this long- Foreword vii insufficiency of domestic savings, rather than the excess of investment. In hindsight, the investment ... definitions include the following, more or less in order of in- creasing complexity: “[Globalization is] the intensification of worldwide social rela- tions in such a way that local happenings ... growth have, in the aggre- gate, been similar for the rich, poor, and the general population, re- sulting in widened income disparities (hence, increases in such in- equality measures as Gini coefficients...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

228 598 1
Doing Business in 2006- East Asia and Pacific Region

Doing Business in 2006- East Asia and Pacific Region

... following pages present the summary Doing Business indicators for the East Asia and Pacific Region. Further information is available in the full report Doing Business in 2006: Creating Jobs , ... the Doing Business in 2006 Report, please visit and click on “Now Available: Doing Business in 2006”. East Asia and Pacific Re g ion Hiring and Firing Workers: ... reforming in the region? East Asia and Pacific Region —Compared to Global Best / Selected Other Countries Number of reforms that improve a set of Doing Business Indicators Source: Doing...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15

39 449 0
Protection against South American leaf blight of rubber in Asia and the Pacific region pptx

Protection against South American leaf blight of rubber in Asia and the Pacific region pptx

... quarantine installation in a non-SALB endemic country outside Asia- Pacific region ❍ All packaging material, including the containers, from origin country has to be replaced with a new one in the intermediate ... measures in the Asia- Pacific region and safeguard against the incursion of South American leaf blight of rubber into countries in the region. It is a compilation of four separate documents intended ... for plant quarantine officials in rubber growing countries in the region. It is one of the many measures that the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) is putting in place to prevent...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

112 560 0
Establishment of Effluent Standards for Industrial Wastewaters in Korea: Current Issues and Suggestions for Future Plan

Establishment of Effluent Standards for Industrial Wastewaters in Korea: Current Issues and Suggestions for Future Plan

... solely, monitoring and reporting requirements are necessary to be imposed on the industries. In part, the role of local governments might be increased in gathering and arranging data from industries ... concentrating on the wastewater characteristics. Areal classification could be modified into direct and indirect discharge area, without including the drinking water protection area. For indirect ... obtained so far according to the kind of pollutants and industries was investigated. This paper focused on the current state of effluent standards in Korea and the considerations to be used in...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

15 546 0
World Vision’s Little Book of Maternal and Child Health in the Asia Pacific pdf

World Vision’s Little Book of Maternal and Child Health in the Asia Pacific pdf

... outcomes” Replace=MiddleMiddle/focusModuleID=130/focusContentID=16499/ tableName=mediaRelease/overideSkinName=newsArticle-full.tpl “India, China hold key to world meeting millenium development goals: UNICEF” meeting-millenium-development-goals-unicef_10080148.html ... children suffering existing malnutrition or wasting are extremely vulnerable to diseases like cholera, gastric infections and malaria. 26 Alexandrina is a trained midwife who qualied in Indonesia ... for anyone with an interest in maternal and child health, but in particular for people who can play a role in strengthening it. As well as a resource for collating and comparing statistics, it...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

48 673 0
1.2 PREFACE One the many challenges facing the countries in the Asia-Pacific potx

1.2 PREFACE One the many challenges facing the countries in the Asia-Pacific potx

... 17 What are the key issues in intellectual property rights protection in the Internet? 18 Are there international initiatives to protect intellectual property in the Internet? What Internet-specific ... List linking involves enrolling a target in dozens-sometimes hundreds-of e-mail listings. 4. Spoofing is faking the e-mail sender’s identity and tricking the target recipient into believing that ... delivery, targeting, and measuring advertising over networks.” In November 1999, DoubleClick filed a suit against L90 Inc. in the Eastern District of Virginia for its method of delivering advertising on...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

45 554 0
Enhancing Elderly Care Services in Asia and the Pacific pptx

Enhancing Elderly Care Services in Asia and the Pacific pptx

... facilities remains a challenge. Enhancing Elderly Care Services in Asia and the Pacific Outcome Document of the Regional Forum on Elderly Care Services in Asia and the Pacific 21-22 ... older women in all settings - at home, in community and in institutions.  Governments should address religious and cultural norms in consultation with their faith communities, taking into account ... stakeholders on ageing, including Government focal points, NGOs, academia and international organizations, with the aim of supporting the implementation and monitoring of the Madrid International...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

7 504 0
Towards Inclusive Financial Development for Achieving the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific pptx

Towards Inclusive Financial Development for Achieving the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific pptx

... resulting in women owning more assets, having a more active role in family decisions, and increasing investment in family welfare. 20 TowardsinclusivefinancialdevelopmentforachievingtheMDGs in Asia andthe Pacific ... 13 TowardsinclusivefinancialdevelopmentforachievingtheMDGs in Asia andthe Pacific 5.8 Financial innovation The growing use of branchless banking – via the use of the internet and ... Development Indicators. 9 TowardsinclusivefinancialdevelopmentforachievingtheMDGs in Asia andthe Pacific 1. INTRODUCTION Financial development, broadly defined to include...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

45 446 0

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