... Finally, Sections and describe the conclusion and the acknowledgment respectively Methodology the connection for each PV module separately, a controlling unit is designed to allow the user to connect ... Environment Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA), 2016 4th International Symposium on, IEEE, 2016, September, pp 1e6 [3] V Sharma, S.S Chandel, Performance and degradation analysis for long ... International Workshop on Teaching in Photovoltaics (IWTPV'16), vol 7, 2016, April, p [12] M.A Munoz, M.C Alonso-Garcia, N Vela, F Chenlo, Early degradation of silicon PV modules and guaranty conditions,
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2017, 22:17
... CF- and WF-CADZ On the other hand, grain growth (or recrystallization) occurs for HF-CADZ and for HF-HB For CF- and WF-AlBC, slightly strained microstructural formations can be seen To understand ... Okayasu) Peer review under responsibility of Vietnam National University, Hanoi alloys with high dislocation density and fine microstructure, containing solid solutions, have been proposed The mechanical ... to precipitation hardening and grain boundary strengthening [7] The effect of grain size on yield stress was examined in polycrystalline copper and CueAl alloys at 77 and 293 K, and the yield
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2017, 20:13
A review on solar cells from Si-single crystals to porous materials and quantum dots
... solar energy conversion, thin film technology, corrosion and corrosion inhibition He is an active member of the Egyptian Corrosion Society (ECS) and is a Max Planck Fellow and Alexander von Humboldt ... and pore morphology and size depend on three important parameters The first is the etching medium and its concentration The second is the oxidizing agent and its concentration and the third is the ... can convert one photon of the solar spectrum into only one electron–hole pair with the rest being lost as thermal by-product [25,37] They can reduce heat waste and convert up to three electrons
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 23:20
Influence of packaging materials and storage duration on quality of flower strings of Polianthes tuberosa Linn. cv. Prajwal
... thousand metric tonnes and loose flower is about 1656 thousand metric tonnes, respectively (Anonymous, 2015-2016) In West Bengal, flower crops area is about 25.63 thousand hectares and production ... decoration, making bouquet, gajra, mandap decoration, bridal beds decoration as well as ceremonies and social functions India has a long floriculture history and flowers are growing in an old enterprise ... packaging materials and storage duration on flower quality, postharvest life & consumers‟ acceptability of tuberose strings In order to study the interaction effect of packaging materials i.e containers
Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2020, 11:08
Effect of packaging materials and storage temperature on shelf life attributes of ready to reconstitute enteral formula
... of 27°C and 4°C for 60 days at an interval of 30 days The effect of packaging materials and storage temperatures on change in moisture content, free fatty acid content, peroxide value and microbial ... Enteral Formula and High Energy Enteral Formula stored in three different packaging materials (Aluminium foil laminated pouch, polyethylene terephthalate container and airtight glass container) under ... Packaging Materials and Storage Temperature on Shelf Life Attributes of Ready to Reconstitute Enteral Formula Premila L Bordoloi*, Mridula Saikia Barooah, Pranati Das, Moloya Gogoi and Mansi
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2020, 01:00
Fabrication and investigation on microsphere laser based on Er-doped silica glass : M.A. Thesis. Nano Materials and Devices
... VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HANOI COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY HOANG QUANG HUNG FABRICATION AND INVESTIGATION ON MICROSPHERE LASER BASED ON ER-DOPED SILICA GLASS Major: Nano Materials and Devices ... creation o f lasers with submicrowatt thresholds [21] Before the use o f ultra-high-Q microresonators for photonics applications could advance, the problem o f efficient excitation and extraction ... storage times, exceeding a microsecond This allowed the realization o f low threshold optical micro- cavity effects, such as lasing and nonlinear wave generation [19] Furthermore, the low optical
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 23:07
Standardization of prepackaging materials and storage environment on post harvest shelf life of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
... (1% ventilation) and T6 - Control (without any packing) and two treatments in factor two, Refrigerated condition (S1) and Ambient condition (S2) The data were analyzed statistically and interpreted ... cloth bag, T5- CFB box (1% ventilation) and T6- Control (without any packing) and two treatments in factor two Viz., Refrigerated condition (S1) and Ambient condition (S2) The results revealed that, ... experiments were conducted to study the influence of pre packaging materials and storage environment on shelf life of bitter gourd Materials and Methods The laboratory experiment was conducted during
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2020, 22:24
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) fabrication and investigation on microsphere laser based on er doped silica glass m a thesis nano materials and devices
... VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HANOI COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY HOANG QUANG HUNG FABRICATION AND INVESTIGATION ON MICROSPHERE LASER BASED ON ER-DOPED SILICA GLASS Major: Nano Materials and Devices ... creation o f lasers with submicrowatt thresholds [21] Before the use o f ultra-high-Q microresonators for photonics applications could advance, the problem o f efficient excitation and extraction ... storage times, exceeding a microsecond This allowed the realization o f low threshold optical micro- cavity effects, such as lasing and nonlinear wave generation [19] Furthermore, the low optical
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 09:48
A review on organic spintronic materials and devices: II. Magnetoresistance in organic spin valves and spin organic light emitting diodes
... on the future of organic spintronics by using organic single crystals and aligned polymers 2 Basic concepts In this section, we will review the basic concepts on spin in-jection/detection and ... depth depends on the organic and FM materials used and the evaporation conditions Since the concept of epitaxial growth does not so far exist in OSCs, the contact be-tween organics and FM electrodes ... polarization manipulation: a direct hybridization of the electron orbital between organics and metals, and tunneling barrier inclusion between a FM electrode and organics (i) First, although the conductivity
Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2021, 11:49
A review on organic spintronic materials and devices i magneticfield effect on organic light emitting diodes
... most OSC materials and it relies on the existence of HFI and/or SOC fields and their randomization [53,55,62e67] These interactions induce electron spin flips, leading to the interconversion between ... PP; and (4) exciton formation and emission formation, the dissociation and recombination rate constants, as well as the triplet-singlet mixing via the intersystem crossing (ISC) interaction If ... MFEM(B) response, which results in a strong MFE(B) modulation response at B ¼ BLC The combination of the monotonous MFEM(B) and MFELC(B) components at B~0 explains, in principle, the USMFE response
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:09
A review on organic spintronic materials and devices ii magnetoresistance in organic spin valves and spin organic light emitting diodes
... outlook on the future of organic spintronics by using organic single crystals and aligned polymers Basic concepts In this section, we will review the basic concepts on spin injection/detection and ... especially in the organic spintronics We note that the notion of strong SOC and well-defined band transport in organics are absent, the optical spin injection/detection in these materials is inhibited ... in controlling and optimizing the effective spin injection/detection in OSVs and in providing the reproducibility of the MR magnitude and even the sign of the MR response [14,44] (ii) The second
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:11
Effects Of Triphenyl Phosphate (Tpp) And Nanoclay On The Mechanical Properties, Thermal Degradation Of Polymer Nanocomposite Materials And Coating Based On Epoxy Resin.pdf
... Plastics Flammability Handbook 2nd edition”, Hanser Publishers [9] W.K Patrick Lim (2012), “Effect of intumescent ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and melamine cyanurate (MC) on the properties of epoxy/glass ... (2002), “Preparation and Properties of Biodegradable Thermoplastic Starch/Clay Hybrids”, Macromol Mater Eng, 287, Tr 553-558 [15] Charalampos Katsoulis, Everson Kandare, Baljinder K Kandola (2011), ... epoxy systems containing non-reactive DOPO based phosphorus additives”, Roma [26] Siqi Huo, Pingan Song (2021), “Phosphorus-containing flame retardant epoxy thermosets: Recent advances and future
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2023, 14:03
Research On The Durability Of Injection Molding Products With Plastic Composite Materials And Fly Ash.pdf
... influence of fly ash content on plastic elongation The second chart illustrating the influence of fly ash content on the elongation of PA6 As the fly ash content increases, the elongation of PA6 decreases ... applications ● Research and expand development directions: Continuing to research and expand the mentioned development directions, your graduation thesis will contribute to the understanding of ... on the influence of materials on the durability of Composite products The main problems have evaluation and comments At the same time, the application and use of technical tools and professional
Ngày tải lên: 01/10/2024, 10:19
Luận án tiến sĩ: Characterization on effective optical parameters of anisotropic materials and turbid media using Stokes polarimeter
... discussions above have considered only Configuration #3 of the optical fiber, similar findings were obtained for Configurations #1, #2 and #4.)7.3.2 Construction of free-space condition using ... parameters All four configurations are tested and only data in Configuration # 3 is shown in this paper For Configuration #3, the standard deviation values of the orientation angle of LB (a), ... the four considered configurations The length of all configurations is around 47 cm The way to make Configuration #1 is just to bend a single mode fiber Similarly, Configuration #2 and #3 were
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2024, 01:19
... (water, land, and air). Then, they enter to the bodies of plants and animals and return into the abiotic environment. The movement of these materials and nutrients between the living and nonliving ... The processes of condensation and precipitation are responsible for the return of water from the atmosphere into the land and other bodies of water. The water from the land and other bodies of ... the nonliving environment: air, water, and soil. Then, these substances are taken in by the producers and are passed on through several consumers. They are returned to the nonliving environment
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 08:20
Tài liệu Course Materials and Preparation pdf
... Preparation Checklist that is included with the trainer course materials ! Review all contents on the Trainer Materials compact disc ! Review the Trainer Preparation Presentation on the Trainer Materials ... lab ! Identify how each demonstration and lab supports the module topics and reinforces the module objectives ! Identify examples, analogies, demonstrations, and additional delivery strategies ... complete working solution of this scenario is located in the \WebServicesSolution folder Demonstrations and walkthroughs There are code files associated with the demonstrations and walkthroughs in
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 15:15
Tài liệu Course Materials and Preparation pptx
... manage and maintain databases, configure and manage security, monitor and optimize databases, and install and configure SQL Server Introduction (continued) Certification Description MCP ... hours for working on labs ! Estimated time and duration of meals and breaks ! Restroom location ! Parking facilities and policies ! Location and availability of telephones and Internet messaging ... Microsoft Certified Professional Program Facilities Introduction 1 Introduction ! Name ! Company or organization affiliation ! Title and job function ! Job responsibility ! Development experience
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu Composite Materials and Mechanical Design P2 docx
... Offshore and Onshore Oil Exploration and Production Equipment Oil exploration and production equipment requirements place severe demands on materials To func- tion successfully in these environments, ... equipment; offshore and onshore oil exploration and produc- tion equipment; dimensionally stable components; biomedical applications; sports and leisure equip- ment; marine structures and miscellaneous ... 9.22) Other engine components under evaluation are carbon/carbon pistons; MMC connecting rods and piston wrist pins; and CMC diesel engine exhaust valve guides 9.5.5 Transportation Composites are
Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 01:18
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Study on Iris Localization and Recognition on Mobile Phones" potx
... Rakshit and D. M. Monro, “Iris image selection and localiza- tion based on analysis of specular reflection,” in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Applications for Public Se- curity and ... inner and outer iris boundaries to 256 pixels by stretching and lin- ear interpolation. In conventional iris recognition, low, and mid-frequency components are mainly used for authentica- tion instead ... Article A Study on Iris Localization and Recognition on Mobile Phones Kang Ryoung Park, 1 Hyun-Ae Park, 2 Byung Jun Kang, 2 Eui Chul Lee, 2 and Dae Sik Jeong 2 1 Department of Electronic Engineering,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
hydrothermal properties of materials experimental data on aqueous phase equilibria and solution properties at elevated temperatures and pressures
... Hg Concentration: Basic quantities used in defi nitions of concentration in aqueous solution are based on mass, chemical amount of substance and/ or volume and are designed by the traditional ... A narrow constriction of each tube allowed for the conven- tional separation of liquid solution and solid phase after inverting the tubes. There are two limitations in application of this ... (Zotov and Keppler, 2000; Fulton et al., 2000; Schmidt and Rickers, 2003; Bassett et al., 2000; Mayanovic et al., 2003) to study salt solubility, metal ion hydration, complexation and oxidation...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:22
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