creative ways to teach students how to write a thesis statement

Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Manual on how to teach Air Pollution to Students of Grade 7–9 ppt

Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Manual on how to teach Air Pollution to Students of Grade 7–9 ppt

... rural and urban based on space and area. 5 Air Pollution Teaching Toolkit Air pollution can threaten the health of human beings, trees, rivers, crops, and animals. Abundant amounts of air ... Hazardous Air Pollutants Definition The commonly found air pollutants for which Air Quality Standard are available are known as criteria or major air pollutants. Hazardous Air Pollutants are ... vomiting, diarrhea, and black stools. Severe exposure can cause nervous system damage, with symptoms such as intoxication, coma, respiratory arrest, and even death. Lead accumulates in the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

74 409 0
How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to Double Its Satisfactions pot

How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to Double Its Satisfactions pot

... sympathetically expanded and easily tall. Walk in the same way and sit in the same way. Let there be a certain exhilaration and a sense of satisfaction. How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to by ... body, take a deep breath and co-ordinate harmoniously as many parts as can be brought into sympathetic activity. Stretch the arms upward and the feet downward as far as possible, and repeat at least ... elastically and sympathetically tall, and also sympathetically expanded, man must stand as if held up from above rather than from below, expanded and elevated by feeling and thought rather than...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20

70 414 0
How to teach reading (lớp 12)

How to teach reading (lớp 12)

... Teach Task 1 (vocabulary) before reading  Motivate students to read  Give them a focus of reading: Read and locate the words (key vocab.)  Make them curious by asking questions  they can ... socializing? What is verbal communication? What is non-verbal behavior?  Unit 14 – International Organizations: What are these organizations? WHILE-YOU-READ  Help students to understand the text ... – Seagames: Seagames Fact Quiz  Build students knowledge of the topic  Unit 2 - Cultural Diversity: What is cultural diversity?  Unit 3 – Ways of Socializing: What is socializing? What is...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 01:25

10 638 0
Tài liệu How to Write a Thesis - SECOND EDITION pdf

Tài liệu How to Write a Thesis - SECOND EDITION pdf

... ã How to Write a Thesis How to Write a Thesis Rowena Murray Murray How to Write a Thesis provides a down-t o- earth guide to help students shape their theses. It offers valuable advice as well ... Scotland, Germany and the USA: As a graduate of a Scottish university I made a deliberate choice to enter a PhD programme in what is often disparagingly referred to as ‘the American system’, as ... and tactics that we can use and adapt. They can teach us that we can fit writing into our lives and still ‘have a life’. More importantly, they can show us different ways of learning how to do...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 19:20

320 766 0
Tài liệu How to Teach This Module pdf

Tài liệu How to Teach This Module pdf

... able to configure a DataAdapter to retrieve information, populate a DataSet by using a DataAdapter, configure a DataAdapter to modify information, persist data changes to a server, and manage ... create a custom DataSet by using inheritance, define a data relationship, modify data in a DataTable, find and select rows in a DataTable, and sort and filter a DataTable by using a DataView. ... data models, create physical databases, create data services by using Transact- SQL, manage and maintain databases, configure and manage security, monitor and optimize databases, and install...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

16 516 0
How to Teach  TOEFL® TOEIC® IELTS®  and Other Standardized Examinations  ppt

How to Teach  TOEFL® TOEIC® IELTS®  and Other Standardized Examinations  ppt

... Have students do a communicativetaskonthetopic (communicativeoutput) Wheninstructorshavetheopportunity to developpartorallofthe coursecurriculum,theycandevelop a seriesofcontextsbasedonthe realworldtasksthat students willneed to performusingthelanguage, andthen teach grammarandvocabularyinrelation to thosecontexts. Forexample, students whoplan to travelwillneed to understand publicaddressannouncementsinairportsandtrainstations. Instructorscanuseaudio‐tapedsimulations to provideinput; teach  thegrammaticalformsthattypicallyoccurinsuchannouncements; andthenhave students practicebyaskingandansweringquestions aboutwhatwasannounced.   How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore  ...   How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore    How to Teach TOEFLTOEICIELTSandMore 50 AssessingGrammarProficiency  AuthenticAssessment Justasmechanicaldrillsdonot teach students thelanguage, mechanicaltestquestionsdonotassesstheirability to useitin authentic ways. Inorder to provideauthenticassessmentof students  grammarproficiency,anevaluationmustreflectreal‐lifeusesof grammarincontext.Thismeansthattheactivitymusthave a purpose otherthanassessmentandrequire students to demonstratetheirlevel ofgrammarproficiencybycompletingsometask. To developauthenticassessmentactivities,beginwiththetypesof tasksthat students willactuallyneed to dousingthelanguage. Assessmentcanthentaketheformofcommunicativedrillsand communicativeactivitieslikethoseusedintheteachingprocess. Forexample,theactivitybasedonaudiotapesofpublicaddress announcementscanbeconvertedintoanassessmentbyhaving students respondorallyorinwriting to questionsabout a similartape. Inthistypeofassessment,theinstructoruses a checklistorrubric to evaluatethestudent’sunderstandingand/oruseofgrammarin context. Mechanicaltestsdoserveone purpose:Theymotivate students to memorize.Theycanthereforeserveas prompts to encouragememorization ofirregularformsandvocabulary items.Becausetheytestonlymemory capacity,notlanguageability,theyare bestusedasquizzesandgiven relativelylittleweightinevaluating studentperformanceandprogress. ... Overviewofthetest TheIELTS(InternationalEnglishLanguageTestingSystem)testprovides anevaluationofEnglishforthosewhowish to studyortrainatthe tertiarylevelinEnglish.Itisverysimilar to theTOEFL(TestofEnglishas a ForeignLanguage).IELTSis a jointlymanagedtestbytheUniversityof CambridgeESOLExaminations,BritishCouncilandIDPEducation Australia.Thetestisacceptedbymanyprofessionalorganizationsin TheUK,Canada,AustraliaandNewZealand. B.WhattakingtheIELTStestislike Photocopyandtakethefirstbaselinetestinthemanualthatyou purchased(see How to Select a StudyBookintheprevioussection). Takethetestunderstandardizedconditions,takingonlytheallotted amountoftimeforeachsection.Aftertakingthetest,computeyour scoreandthinkabouttheoveralltestingexperienceandsuggest strategiesforimprovingyouroverallandsectionalscores. ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

97 2,1K 5
How to teach countable and uncountable nouns to the 1st year non- English majors of Hai Phong Private University

How to teach countable and uncountable nouns to the 1st year non- English majors of Hai Phong Private University

... They, however, seem to pay attention to English grammar. This is due to the fact that all of them have to learn in order to pass the examination. 4) Teaching and learning condition. At Hai Phong ... the teachers also have different classrooms to teach with projectors which are larger and equipped with more appliances. It is the reason why students have more chances to get approached to facilities ... way teaching English grammar and techniques to teach. - Chapter 2; ―The study on learning and teaching English at Hai Phong Private University‖ refers to the survey questionnaire and analyzed...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 17:21

83 783 1
How to teach listening potx

How to teach listening potx

... Preparation is vital. T has to  listen to the tape in advance  predict any problems Ss may have  think of ways to get ready for them HOW TO TEACH listening Listening exercises - Example Listen ... hear. 1. can can’t 3. can can’t 2. can can’t 4. can can’t Teaching listening - Principles 4. Encourage Ss to respond to the content of a listening. Examples Example 2 ã Listen to Liz talking ... talking about what she can do and can’t do. Complete the chart. Can Can’t 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. Whats special about listening? When we read ã we can read at our own pace. ã we can reread...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20

19 626 1