creating your own templates part 2

Creating Your Own Drawing Space - Tạo không gian Vẽ riêng của bạn

Creating Your Own Drawing Space - Tạo không gian Vẽ riêng của bạn

... your home for your creative activities When you consider potential locations for your studio, take your surroundings into account, such as its proximity to your computer, phone, and windows Your ... customizing your very own drawing space Visit some furniture, stationery, art supply, business, and department stores SHEDDING LIGHT ON YOUR ART To see your drawings properly, and prevent your eyes ... designing your studio With a serious commitment and adequate space in your home, comes an opportunity to add additional items to your creative space Seating: A comfortable, adjustable chair saves your...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 11:15

5 488 0
Tài liệu [ Team LiB ] Creating Your Own Command Bars ppt

Tài liệu [ Team LiB ] Creating Your Own Command Bars ppt

... create a single custom toolbar When you're creating hyperlink buttons, drag any button from the Commands list or choose one with an icon that will match your hyperlink, such as a document icon if ... name you gave your custom toolbar isn't descriptive or is misspelled, select the toolbar by name from the Tools, Customize, Toolbars tab list and choose the Rename button, as shown in Figure ... down the Commands list and look for the flag commands Drag each of the flag color commands to the Flags toolbar Drag the Clear Flag and Add Reminder commands to the toolbar (see Figure 16. 12) ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 04:20

3 292 0
Tài liệu Creating Your Own Command Bars doc

Tài liệu Creating Your Own Command Bars doc

... create a single custom toolbar When you're creating hyperlink buttons, drag any button from the Commands list or choose one with an icon that will match your hyperlink, such as a document icon if ... name you gave your custom toolbar isn't descriptive or is misspelled, select the toolbar by name from the Tools, Customize, Toolbars tab list and choose the Rename button, as shown in Figure ... down the Commands list and look for the flag commands Drag each of the flag color commands to the Flags toolbar Drag the Clear Flag and Add Reminder commands to the toolbar (see Figure 16. 12) ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 04:20

3 274 0
alpha publishing the complete idiot's mini guide to creating your own blog

alpha publishing the complete idiot's mini guide to creating your own blog

... continual improvement and growing your social audience 21 The Complete Idiot’s Mini Guide to Creating Your Own Blog Updating Your WordPress Blog and Growing Your Audience Even the greatest ... can join hyper-specific groups where the 22 The Complete Idiot’s Mini Guide to Creating Your Own Blog other members would probably find your material interesting In all instances, ... simply a server that hosts your website and offers everyone on the Internet safe access to your unique domain name 7 The Complete Idiot’s Mini Guide to Creating Your Own Blog If...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:36

24 497 0
Joomla! Template Design: Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide ppt

Joomla! Template Design: Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide ppt

... Schemes Defining the Graphic Style 5 7 9 10 11 11 12 16 16 20 20 23 Slice 'n' Dice Putting It All Together Summary 25 27 28 Chapter 3: Coding It Up 29 Got Joomla!? Joomla! Servers WYSIWYG Editors: ... Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide Copyright © 20 07 Packt Publishing All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, ... Reference Your Markup and Joomla!'s What You Can and Can't Control mosLoadModule $style Control Options 99 99 100 1 02 109 110 114 115 115 115 117 Menu Options Your CSS File 119 120 IDs 120 [ ii...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20

227 426 0
amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 1 doc

amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 1 doc

... Programming 25 Frogbotic: Build Your Own Robotic Frog 51 Serpentronic: Build Your Own Robotic Snake 117 Crocobot: Build Your Own Robotic Crocodile 191 Turtletron: Build Your Own Robotic Turtle 27 1 vii ... the Main Controller Printed Circuit Board 22 2 Putting It All Together 22 6 Constructing the Remote Control Transmitter 22 8 PIC 16C71 xii 23 2 Contents Creating the Remote Control Printed Circuit ... Turtletron: Build Your Own Robotic Turtle 23 4 23 9 27 1 Turtles and Tortoises 27 1 Overview of the Turtletron Project 27 2 The History of Robotic Turtles 27 3 Mechanical Construction of Turtletron 27 5 Assembling...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 281 0
amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 2 pdf

amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 2 pdf

... :1001C0000 120 25088C008D010630840 020 300 120 9C :1001D00006304E20A70FD 528 08000130A800640083 :1001E0000B3 028 020 318FF2 824 088C008D010630EC :1001F000840040300 120 06304E20A80FEF28080070 :10 020 0000130A90064000B3 029 020 318 122 925 08C7 ... :1000500003197 628 2B283F2003010C1 820 088E1F37 :1000600 020 088E0803190301900F3 828 80061F28E6s :100070003 928 000 022 28FF3A841780057 628 0D08C9 PROGRAM 3 .2 frog-test.hex program listing 39 Amphibionics PROGRAM 3 .2 frog-test.hex ... microcontrollers :100000007B28A0003B200C080D0403197 628 7 020 E3 :10001000841 320 08800664000D280E288C0A03191A :100 020 008D0F0B2880067 628 8F0 022 08840 020 0977 :100030003C2084138F0803197 628 F03091000E08B5 :1000400080389000F03091030319910003198F0359...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 326 0
amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 3 docx

amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 3 docx

... aluminum stock inches 1/4-inch diameter nylon feet 6/ 32 ϫ 1 /2- inch machine screws 39 6/ 32 ϫ 3/4-inch machine screws 6/ 32 nuts 23 6/ 32 lock washers 23 6/ 32 locking nuts 16 Standard R/C servo–modified ... E and F are 2- 1/4 inches in length Drill the holes with a 5/ 32- inch drill bit where indicated in Figure 4 .22 The finished pieces are shown in Figure 4 .23 71 Amphibionics FIGURE 4 .22 Cutting and ... resistor C1 0.1 µf capacitor C2, C3 22 pf JP1–JP5, JP8 3-post header connector 2. 5 mm spacing JP6, JP7 2- post header connector 2. 5 mm spacing Battery 2- post header connector 2. 5 mm spacing connectors...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 257 0
Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 4 pot

Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 4 pot

... :10 024 000640 020 0 821 0403193 829 0130AA00640041 :10 025 00007302A 020 3183 329 9630A8009F30A900DE :10 026 0003 921 AA0F2 729 6430A800C830A9003 921 F4 :10 027 000E 828 0130AB00640010302B 020 318 522 92B :10 028 00 028 088C008D010630840040300 120 2908A8 ... :1001F000840040300 120 06304E20A80FEF28080070 :10 020 0000130A90064000B3 029 020 318 122 925 08C7 :10 021 0008C008D010630840 020 300 120 06304E20F5 :0A 022 000A90F 022 9080063001 329 4A : 024 00E00F53F7C :00000001FF PROGRAM 4 .2 Frog-test.hex ... :10 028 00 028 088C008D010630840040300 120 2908A8 :10 029 0008C008D010630840 020 300 120 06304E2075 :1002A000AB0F3B2908000130AC0064000B302C 027 E :1002B00003186 529 28088C008D0106308400403 021 :1002C0000 120 06304E20AC0F5 529 08000130AD004A :1002D00064000B302D 020 3187 829 29088C008D0149...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 232 0
Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 5 pptx

Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 5 pptx

... :100110008C0A03198D0A08008313031383 126 400E9 :100 120 000800831685010330860083 120 5118316AB :10013000051183 128 5118316851183 122 7083B2030 :1001400 028 083B2 029 083B202A083B202B083B207D :100150002C083B200130AD00640008302D 020 3184C ... :1001E0000130AE00640015302E 020 31 825 2 927 08BF :1001F0008C008D010630840004300 120 28088C001A :10 020 0008D010630840008300 120 29088C008D01 02 :10 021 0000630840080300 120 2A088C008D010630D1 :10 022 000840040300 120 2B088C008D0106308400B2 ... 12 Next timer Return PROGRAM 5 .2 snake-test.hex file listing 168 :100000009 128 A0003F200C080D0403198C288 620 9D :10001000841 320 08800664000D280E288C0A03191A :100 020 008D0F0B2880068C288F0 022 08840 020 0961...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 271 0
Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 6 pps

Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 6 pps

... :1001A000851183 126 400061CF 328 323 06 420 640039 :1001B000061CDC28D 728 F 328 0530A2001030A00048 :1001C00078308E0004301 420 5A308E00 023 01 420 13 :1001D00064308E00 023 01 420 6E308E0004301 420 03 :1001E000 323 06 420 B 329 9C2164002B08013C031D9C ... :1001F0001A2905158316051183 128 5158316851195 :10 020 00005308312A2001030A00064308E0004304C :10 021 0001 420 5A308E00 023 01 420 B430AC00E 821 93 :10 022 0007830AC00E 821 B60A6400361C1 929 3F2159 :10 023 0001A296 321 05118316051183 128 51183166E ... :100 120 000800831685010330860083 120 5118316AB :10013000051183 128 5118316851183 122 C083B202B Chapter / Serpentronic: Build Your Own Robotic Snake :100140002D083B202E083B202F083B2030083B2069 :1001500031083B20B60 128 30AA001930B400013 024 ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 292 0
Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 7 doc

Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 7 doc

... :10 022 000640005181 429 1 029 06 128 31606 128 3 127 9 :10 023 00086 128 31686 128 3 128 6148316861083 120 2 :10 024 00086158316861183 120 1308F002C303B20D7 :10 025 000640085182C2 928 2986108316861083 129 D :10 026 0008611831686118312A40FFF280130A40083 :10 027 0006400063 024 020 3186F290616831606 123 E ... :1001E0008518F 328 EF2886108316861083 120 611CF :1001F000831606118312A40FC 628 0130A4006400E0 :10 020 000063 024 020 3183 629 0616831606 128 312B6 :10 021 0008616831686 128 3 120 1308F002C303B2005 :10 022 000640005181 429 1 029 06 128 31606 128 3 127 9 ... :10 027 0006400063 024 020 3186F290616831606 123 E :10 028 00083 120 6178316061383 120 1308F002C3059 :10 029 0003B20640005184D294 929 06 128 3160612D1 :1002A00083 120 6138316061383 128 6148316861090 :1002B00083 128 6158316861183 120 1308F002C302D...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 287 0
Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 8 ppt

Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 8 ppt

... :1001F0000 120 45300 120 2E088C001930 622 09E001D :10 020 0002E088C00BE306 720 A0001E08840 020 0845 :10 021 0007C20A000A1002D088C001930 622 0A200D3 :10 022 0002D088C00BE306 720 A40 022 08840 024 081A :10 023 0007C20A400A50 020 0 821 04840 024 0 825 04B3 ... :10 021 000061383 128 6 128 31686 128 3 128 6108316A3 :10 022 000861083 120 6118316061183 128 611831617 :10 023 00086118312C 828 0616831606 128 3 120 61 723 :10 024 0008316061383 120 1308F002C307 120 640056 :10 025 00005182B2 927 2906 128 31606 128 3 120 61366 :10 026 0008316061383 128 6148316861083 120 615CE ... :100000008C28 920 02A0884000930930003100D20E8 :10001000 920 C930B0 728 03140D288413A71D1C288A :100 020 00000 828 0 427 1D280680008417000 828 04DB :10003000031C2806800 027 28000 828 04031C280 623 :1000400 027 1 928 068000841 728 09800 527 2 827 0DEE :1000500006398C003 020 8D008C0A3 020 00004E289C...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 232 0
Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 9 pdf

Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 9 pdf

... :10 020 00 028 1C0 429 2A210 529 8 821 0 721 F 328 0616FC :10 021 000831606 128 3 120 6178316061383 128 6149A :10 022 0008316861083 120 61583160611 323 083 124 8 :10 023 0006C2006 128 31606 128 3 120 6138316061309 :10 024 00083 128 6108316861083 120 61183160611F8 ... :10 027 000031D3 629 322 0A800640 028 08413C031DD4 :10 028 0004C29E 521 24088C0 025 088D008F010830B9 :10 029 000CC20031D3 029 8D21640 028 08 423 C031D19 :1002A000 522 9C 321 640 028 08433C031D5 829 B 221 68 :1002B000640 028 08443C031D5E29D 421 640 028 08FA :1002C000453C031D6F290530A2000830A0007330A3 ... :10 022 0002C088C00BE306 720 A40 022 08840 024 081B :10 023 0007C20A400A50 020 0 821 04840 024 0 825 04B3 :10 024 0008 320 A400A500640 024 0 825 040319 322 9 92 :10 025 0000630AA000130A8000430A7005A300 120 5F :06 026 00046300 120 9 428 45...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

39 279 0
Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 10 ppsx

Amphibionics build your own biologically inspired reptilian robot - part 10 ppsx

... 21 7 21 8, 23 3 23 4 PIC 16C71 in, 23 2 23 4, 23 2 power switch wiring for, 21 5, 21 5 programming for, 23 9 26 9 radio transmitter and receiver modules for, 22 0 22 1, 22 1, 22 4 23 9, 22 5, 22 6, 23 8, 23 9 receive-test.bas/receive-test.hex ... in, 22 6 22 8, 22 7, 22 8 control stick for, 23 1, 25 7 26 9 controller board for, 21 6 22 6, 21 6, 22 2, 22 3, 22 4 crocobot-switch.bas/crocobot-switch.hex for, 23 9 24 1 crocodilian biology and, 191–193, 1 92 ... 3 42 :10000000CB28A4008417800484138E010C1C8E005E :1000100 023 200319C 628 2 320 0319C 628 2 320 C 628 15 :100 020 00A4005 920 0C080D040319C 628 C 020 84130D :1000300 024 08800664001C281D288C0A03198D0FD3 :100040001A288006C 628 24088E0601308C008D01EF...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:21

34 225 0
Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 1 ppt

Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 1 ppt

... Schemes Defining the Graphic Style 5 7 9 10 11 11 12 16 16 20 20 23 Slice 'n' Dice Putting It All Together Summary 25 27 28 Chapter 3: Coding It Up 29 Got Joomla!? Joomla! Servers WYSIWYG Editors: ... Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide Copyright © 20 07 Packt Publishing All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, ... Reference Your Markup and Joomla!'s What You Can and Can't Control mosLoadModule $style Control Options 99 99 100 1 02 109 110 114 115 115 115 117 Menu Options Your CSS File 119 120 IDs 120 [ ii...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

23 445 0
Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 2 ppsx

Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 2 ppsx

... be included in your list When you begin work on your design in Photoshop, you'll want to compare your mock‑up against your module checklist and make sure you've designed for all your modules Refining ... you'll need to create it yourself from scratch Whichever road you take, as you continue to design and build Joomla! templates, you'll find over time that you have your own "master" template—files ... icon set you purchase.) • Find your icons at Open Clip Art offers illustrations in a native vector SVG format They're easy to edit into your own creations with a vector or...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

22 376 0
Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 3 pptx

Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 3 pptx

... enter 25 0px into the first height property with the !important value and enter 25 6px into the second height property The code should look like this: #top_inner { padding: 2px; height: 25 0px !important; ... cost-effective to roll back to your last good stopping point and try again You can set your preferences in some editors, like HTML-kit, to auto save backups for you in a directory of your choice However, ... browser windows gets annoying and slows you down You will quickly get in the habit of using "Alt+tab or Ctrl+number?" to jump right to your Joomla! template, your Joomla! Administration page, and so...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

22 195 0
Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 4 doc

Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 4 doc

... property to 25 0px Now, use Alt+tab, and Refresh to check your template Figure 3 .21 Checking the header again Congratulation! You now have your completed Joomla! template If you'd like to compare your ... Figure 3 .22 Your new template base Set your new template as the default, assigned to all pages, as we did before with the other template and hit Save You can test this by refreshing your template ... presentational markup in your XHTML Every element in your XHTML merely aids in describing the type of text and data displayed and all your presentation styles come from your style sheet The Transitional...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

22 224 0
Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 5 ppt

Joomla! Template Design Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide phần 5 ppt

... get your math right and keep it right, no matter what design additions may come later You can set your own main container divs in your template and then load in your Joomla! modules using the -2 ... of your final layout and save it to be about 20 0 to 20 5 pixels wide Place your image in your template's root directory structure so that it's next to your templateDetails.xml file The thumbnail ... #leftSide{ width: 20 0px; border: 2px; padding: 10px; } This is clearly going to give you problems in quirks mode IE, because the div will stay at 20 0 pixels wide and "smush" your border and padding...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20

22 206 0