... will be the trade-off theory, the agency cost theory and the pecking-order theory 2.2.1 THE TRADE-OFF THEORY The trade-off theory explains firms’ choice of leverage by a trade-off between the benefits ... short, the purposes of the research are: (1) An overview of the theory of capital structure in order to see the importance of an optimal capital structure, the rationale for the development of the ... 29.68%, lower than the 34.15% of the other company, and the maximum is 80%, lower than the 100% of the other companies Because it uses less short-term debt, so the averaged liquidity of the company...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 23:46
... includes the definitions of Banking, Board, Women in the boardroom and firm performance, and the descriptions of the theories used to explain the relationships between the two constructs Woman on the ... monitoring Then, based on these principles, the corporate governance framework should ensure the strategic guidance of the firm, the effective monitoring of management by the board, and the board’s ... other tier of the company, the management team is directly responsible for the day-to-day operations (and profitability) of the company * Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – As the top manager, the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 23:50
Creating the project office 10
... the worse The first intriguing factor about the break-out discussions was what sins they would pick Would they pick the same ones or all different ones? Well, there was a small mixture Among the ... ask others to the same • Get explicit commitments from people to support the goals of the program— then they are more likely to follow through • Take action, first to articulate the needs, then ... plus the intensity of the shared discussions furnished motivation for change The offsite meeting provided the opportunity for managers and engineers alike to discover the issues themselves and then...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15
Creating the project office 11
... them that the program provides means to meet organizational needs; participants have more fun; the experience is stimulating; you help them more than others; they get constructive feedback; they ... skills of these professions and apply them daily Position the project office within the power base of the organization There is no one right answer to where the PO should report Seek an energetic, ... communicating them through all appropriate means Effective program managers embrace the notion that they are salespersons, politicians, and negotiators Take the time to learn the skills of these professions...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15
Creating the project office 12
... percent of the organizations held the PSO accountable for project management results The remaining 79 percent structured the PSOs as purely support functions The functions carried out by the PSOs ... of the organization: • What is the size of the organization that the project office is to serve? Is it global or otherwise geographically widespread? Or is it local and concentrated? Or is the ... help get feedback about the design The problem was that most of the participants expected a pilot to be almost ready to go, the first implementation of the final product, so they were horrified about...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15
Creating the project office 13
... the major business unit, Australian Services, yet the PO maintained cross-organization responsibility 100 Creating the Project Office For the first year, the PO aimed primarily at increasing the ... related to the context, the organization and people, the support functions, and the project execution responsibility Once the right concept is hatched, then involve stakeholders in the movement ... organization Thereafter, the PO was tasked with organizational responsibilities, including reporting on the project portfolio so the executive team could receive the information necessary to manage the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15
Creating the project office 14
... before marketing themselves and the project office concept to others If the answer to the first question was yes and the second question was no, then their job changed, because the organization ... in others it pointed up the lack of them These efforts helped various organizations within 3M identify their strengths and weaknesses, their position in their marketplaces, and suggested how the ... employing their best communications and selling skills (core to a good project leader, by the way) to get the organization’s attention They tried these ideas to get the word out: 114 Creating the Project...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15
Creating the project office 15
... organizations, and if they cannot get their basic understanding and buy-in from this, then they realize that they are not ready to launch a PO yet The second and third sections explore the range of functions ... 120 Creating the Project Office to the bottom-line profits of an organization but also to the top line in the way that efforts are selected and managed, the more respect and positional power they ... this In the case where the project office is in the line organization and does not have project leaders within the office, but distributed out in their functional areas, the project leaders themselves...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15
Creating the project office 16
... role model for others The effect is more control over the environment and more order in it To engage others, recognize the problem of entropy the degradation of matter and energy in the universe ... managers on these topics first, then roll out the training across the organization The project office may also want to offer, or broker, consulting to help people implement the steps learned in the training ... your role in 134 Creating the Project Office supplying clarity to other people in the organization From your preparation work, described in earlier chapters, put these statements on the table for...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15
Creating the project office 17
... THE PESSIMIST’S VIEW The movie The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is about another triad: Blondie (the Good) learns the name of the grave under which the gold is buried, Angel (the Bad) rounds up everyone ... catalysts for others by the qualities they express while doing their work Those who accept such a challenge may accomplish much more as a result of their work than the performance results they are ... of the gold, and Tuco (the Ugly) knows the name of the cemetery where the gold is buried It’s a quest for money: man against man against man, and may the fastest draw win No one person knows the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15
Creating the project office 18
... meeting The project office facilitator drove the process and kept the managers on track to achieve a plan they would all support One manager openly questioned if the other would stick to the plan ... add the product of the multiplication across the rows • The end of each row is a total priority score; indicate or sort the relative rankings The examples present a spreadsheet approach to the ... projects around the cut line Note that headcount resources are the constraining factor in this example Other cases may use total dollars or other units pertinent to the business The cut line in...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15
Creating the project office 19
... are known by the quality of the questions they ask • To influence others, use hard data and big numbers; then describe in vivid word pictures how the future will be different when the program is ... approaches in their respective administrations As a result of the groundbreaking successes in the Brazil in Action program, the Brazilian government budget system was altered to better reflect the interdisciplinary ... educational level of the population and increase the skill level of the labor force • Reach US$100 billion in exports by 2002 • Become more competitive in the agribusiness sector • Develop the tourism...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15
... or motion sensors to Another ready means to improve cooling is removing block- dim the lights when no one is in the data center; lights ages under the raised floor The basic cable management ... aisles hot and the cold more cooling dollars in the data center There is probably an aisles cold Aisles designated for cold air situate servers and other active program for cleaning above the raised ... airflow throughout the data center and reduce energy costs These include the following: • Move air conditioning units closer to heat sources • During cooler months and in the cool of the evening time,...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Creating the project office 20 ppt
... belongs to the Business Operation group at HP Consulting They assigned a physical location for the office at the beginning of the project and up a poster with the words “Project Office” above the physical ... soon the team started to work to- gether and all the initial PMO services were defined, published, and distributed The elapsed time for Stage was four months As a team the group delineated the structure ... comments about their virtual world, arguing most projects are in remote sites The PMO, as the link between project managers and the rest of the organization, greatly facilitates the reuse of libraries,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Creating the project office 21 docx
... demonstrate support? They pushed the rest of the organization to use the PMO services and also use the PMO as an example They asked the PMO manager to attend management meetings to inform them about PMO ... on the intranet allowed the PMO to spread the word company-wide The participants in the PMO accepted ownership in the operation Bucero empowered team members but also coached them to help them ... able to develop and present the “solution proposal” to the customer The project office team relieves the consultant and the project manager of many tasks so they can use their time more effectively...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Creating the project office 22 ppt
... management and other organizations joined in Two months later, the organization changed The leader retired Then the initiative was stopped for some time Since the HP and Compaq merger, the new Consulting ... elements are involved in the report generation activities: the financial system, the status provider, the client status, the history and trends, and the project manager Each of the items mentioned ... responsibilities The PMO manager further supported the training with real-time coaching The effort toward establishing a global office benefited from a strong sponsor Then the sponsor left the organization,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Creating the project office 23 ppt
... to the process The program manager’s vote is the tiebreaker (and he usually leans in the direction of the customer) They meet weekly, and their deliberations focus on programmatic issues rather ... are the program manager (or his deputy in his absence), the USAFE PM, and the two squadron commanders Italy and the U.S Navy not vote, because they are the design and construction agents, but they ... to set the structures and processes in place, give the responsibilities to the right levels, and try and hold people accountable For the most part it works The leaders at all levels have their...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Creating the project office 24 doc
... part of the crash, I 214 Creating the Project Office want to be part of the takeoff.” The same applies to project management If I’m going to be part of the project, I’d like to be part of the project ... is the purview of the PMO Projects have clear priorities By focusing people on structure, practices, and processes, they get the job done A positive effect is creating bandwidth to take on other ... schedule milestones and what they signify, requirements, and the project review grading system This applies from the top sponsors to where the rubber meets the road at the project team member level...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Creating the project office 25 doc
... desire to work together Getting the right people and creating the environment for them to be successful will make or break a project office A 219 220 Creating the Project Office The tale we tell ... were the most effective at their work while sequential optimizers were the least capable Even the reasons given by employees for these assessments differed depending on how they defined the job The ... expertise and the lure of a big payoff The movie director made a conscious effort to have all the actors hang out together The movie producer noted that as the actors started spending time together away...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Creating the project office 26 pdf
... charts of all the projects being reviewed for analysis by the portfolio team 232 Creating the Project Office Since the “PMO is the heart of the system,” what does it pump out across the organization? ... assignment as a mission to change the way things are done, to right the wrongs perpetrated all these years They promise their friends on the line that they will answer their phone calls, not be a slave ... others in the organization They extend their impact by engendering enthusiasm in others through their example and the curricula they create and the programs they serve Staffing and operating a learning...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15
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