creating the 3d head

Creating the project office 10

Creating the project office 10

... others to do the same. • Get explicit commitments from people to support the goals of the program— then they are more likely to follow through. • Take action, first to articulate the needs, then ... is at the heart of the huge success being enjoyed by HP in the computer business. The woman who initiated the process continues taking on new development efforts within the company. Another situation ... prevent succumbing to the worse. The first intriguing factor about the break-out discussions was what sins they would pick. Would they pick the same ones or all different ones? Well, there was a small...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

10 285 0
Creating the project office 11

Creating the project office 11

... them that the program provides means to meet organizational needs; participants have more fun; the experience is stimulating; you help them more than others; they get constructive feedback; they ... skills of these professions and apply them daily. Position the project office within the power base of the organization. There is no one right answer to where the PO should report. Seek an energetic, ... communicating them through all appropriate means. Ef- fective program managers embrace the notion that they are salespersons, politicians, and negotiators. Take the time to learn the skills of these...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15

10 408 0
Creating the project office 12

Creating the project office 12

... alike—even if they are part of the same cate- gory. The functions described separately may fuse together into different forms. For instance, the staff functions of the PSO and the PMCOE might ... help get feedback about the design. The problem was that most of the participants expected a pilot to be almost ready to go, the first implementation of the final product, so they were horrified about ... Resources management In a further breakdown, the survey classified detailed activities by “sets” ac- cording to the frequency in which they appeared. 94 Creating the Project Office sites are needed:...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15

10 427 0
Creating the project office 13

Creating the project office 13

... PMOs emerged in the mid-1990s. Based on the growth patterns that resulted from the 98 Creating the Project Office a focus on planning for success using the value-added component as the benefit hook. ... options related to the context, the organization and people, the support functions, and the project execution responsibility. Once the right concept is hatched, then involve stakeholders in the movement ... organization Thereafter, the PO was tasked with organizational responsibilities, including reporting on the project portfolio so the executive team could receive the infor- mation necessary to manage the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15

10 309 0
Creating the project office 14

Creating the project office 14

... dev- astating. They needed to have their own act together first before marketing them- selves and the project office concept to others. If the answer to the first question was yes and the second question ... others it pointed up the lack of them. These efforts helped various organizations within 3M identify their strengths and weaknesses, their position in their marketplaces, and suggested how the ... question was no, then their job changed, because the organization was not ready to hear what they had to offer yet.They found they needed to intelligently bide their time and help the organization...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15

10 269 0
Creating the project office 15

Creating the project office 15

... to shine, whether a manager, project leader, or other colleague. • The efforts of the project office must be additive, not obstructionist. PO staff take the good ideas they find as they work with ... this. In the case where the project office is in the line organization and does not have project leaders within the office, but distributed out in their functional areas, the project leaders themselves ... organizations, and if they cannot get their basic understanding and buy-in from this, then they realize that they are not ready to launch a PO yet. The second and third sections explore the range of functions...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15

10 315 0
Creating the project office 16

Creating the project office 16

... it is built with every contact; the more personal and respectful the contact, the more trust. 132 Creating the Project Office supplying clarity to other people in the organization. From your preparation ... model for others. The effect is more control over the environment and more order in it. To engage others, recognize the problem of entropy the degradation of mat- ter and energy in the universe ... managers on these topics first, then roll out the training across the organization. The project office may also want to offer, or broker, consulting to help people implement the steps learned in the training....

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15

10 318 0
Creating the project office 17

Creating the project office 17

... WORKING TOGETHER: THE PESSIMIST’S VIEW. The movie The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is about another triad: Blondie (the Good) learns the name of the grave under which the gold is buried, Angel (the Bad) ... in certain aboriginal tribes. For these tribes, the in- troduction of the steel ax degraded their life as they experienced it. In the society of the Yir Yoront, the process of making a stone ax ... working session, the prioritized requests were then reprioritized based on benefit to the organization. The result became the priorities for IS project work and the beginning of the need for portfolio...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15

10 356 0
Creating the project office 18

Creating the project office 18

... for projects around the cut line. Note that headcount resources are the constraining factor in this example. Other cases may use total dollars or other units pertinent to the business. The cut line ... meeting. The project office facilitator drove the process and kept the managers on track to achieve a plan they would all support. One man- ager openly questioned if the other would stick to the plan. ... add the product of the multiplication across the rows. • The end of each row is a total priority score; indicate or sort the relative rank- ings. The examples present a spreadsheet approach to the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15

10 314 0
Creating the project office 19

Creating the project office 19

... warnings of prob- lems and give the team a sense that they matter and are listened to. • Integrate team personnel with people from other parts of the organization to expose them to new ideas and practices ... Management came to believe there should be help for project managers to improve their efficiency, facilitate getting the right tools, and align services with the needs of the project environment. Communication ... with the client and within the delivery organization are key to the project delivery process. Difficulties increase when the culture does not support project work. Project managers often find themselves...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15

10 285 0
Tài liệu The Ideal Headend Evolution to Carrier Class ppt

Tài liệu The Ideal Headend Evolution to Carrier Class ppt

... to doing the “heavy lifting” for the network. If the power fails, the network fails. If the network fails, customers look elsewhere for more reliable service. In the ideal headend, the right ... scrambling to get fiber capacity to the home, MSOs already have the large pipe they need. Their focus now should be on ensuring they have the proper equipment in the headend to deliver those services. ... “ideal headend.” Path to the ideal headend In the most basic terms, an ideal headend is the key to enabling MSOs to grow their system without major rebuilds each time new services are added. In the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 18:15

4 422 0
Tài liệu Creating the Green Data Center pdf

Tài liệu Creating the Green Data Center pdf

... Decisions in the DataCenter Introduction Page 5 There are many other initiatives that can be implemented to improve airflow throughout the data center and reduce energy costs. These include the following: ... greenhouse gases from the power company. These simple solutions include the following: • Plugunnecessaryventsinraisedoorperforatedtiles. • Plugotherleakagesin the raisedoorbysealingcable ... years the IT industry has promoted the benefits of increased rack and cabinet density. Servers are smaller than ever and more can fit into the same space. The rationale has always been to make the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 19:15

8 412 1
Tài liệu Creating the project office 20 ppt

Tài liệu Creating the project office 20 ppt

... physical location for the office at the beginning of the project and hung up a poster with the words “Project Office” above the phys- ical space designated for the office. The advantages were that ... “create the basement for the building.” The first 174 Creating the Project Office The big question Bucero had to deal with was, “Why do we need a project of- fice at all?” He explained to the management ... with the main objectives. Since most people staffing the PMO were outsourced, he provided them with internal training to get them more involved and prepared in terms of tools and 176 Creating the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15

10 477 0

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