creating an interactive and visual predictive model

Silverlight 4 Business Intelligence Software docx

Silverlight 4 Business Intelligence Software docx

... Predict Future Behavior 301 Part 1: Creating the UI and Applying a Static Predictive Model 303 Part 2: Creating an Interactive and Visual Predictive Model 311 Lessons Learned ... business management concept It is not about having analysts crunch numbers and then pass them off to an executive who can understand and derive a decision from them BI 2.0 puts the information and ... with the demand of the changes that rapidly happened in business For example, changes in accounting practices or an acquisition could rapidly change the analytic landscape for an organization Some...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:20

577 1,4K 0
Portfolio optimization and performance analysis

Portfolio optimization and performance analysis

... Yaari [506] and Kihlstrom and Mirman [327] The notions and definitions of “riskiness” based on stochastic dominance were suggested by Rothschild and Stiglitz ([435] and [436]) and Diamond and Stiglitz ... American-Style Derivatives; Valuation and Computation, Jerome Detemple Financial Modelling with Jump Processes, Rama Cont and Peter Tankov An Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling, Christian Bluhm, ... equivalence, and concavity Stochastic dominance Kahneman and Tversky functions 11 20 31 2.1 2.2 Pdf and cdf with VaR Gaussian and Stable...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2013, 23:54

451 434 0
young, driggers, jacobs  -  signal processiong and performance analysis for imaging systems

young, driggers, jacobs - signal processiong and performance analysis for imaging systems

... imaging system performance modeling over the past 10 years than any other researcher, and his help was critical to the success of the project Keith Krapels and Jonathan Fanning both assisted with ... performance modeling Image performance prediction and the role of image performance modeling are also discussed in Chapter 3 1.3 Introduction Signal Processing: Basic Principles and Advanced Applications ... classifications of wavebands are the radiowave, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavebands Figure 1.5 shows further subdivided wavebands for broadband sensors [3] For...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 12:06

323 441 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Virtual Prototyping and Performance Analysis of Two Memory Architectures" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Virtual Prototyping and Performance Analysis of Two Memory Architectures" docx

... performance, power consumption, quality, cost, and so forth Virtual prototyping can be used early in the development process to better understand hardware and software partitioning decisions and ... Essentially, VisualSim is a modeling and simulation CAD tool used to study, analyze, and validate specification and verify implementation at early stages of the design cycle This paper is organized ... hierarchies, and speed can be varied and by analyzing simulation results engineers can study the various trade-offs until they reach an optimal solution or an optimized design The key advantage of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20

12 385 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Design and Performance Analysis of an Adaptive Receiver for Multicarrier DS-CDMA" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Design and Performance Analysis of an Adaptive Receiver for Multicarrier DS-CDMA" doc

... (t) is defined as the rectangular pulse waveform with unit amplitude and duration τ, ωq and φq are the frequency and random phase of the qth subcarrier, respectively, and c(k) (t) is the spreading ... transmitted signal ∞ where x is themaximum integer less than or equal to x Assuming a passband null-to-null bandwidth, the transmission bandwidth for the SC-DS-CDMA is 2/Tc Maintaining this bandwidth, ... Communications and Networking ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments REFERENCES [1] L Hanzo, L.-L Yang, E.-L Kuan, and K Yen, Single- and Multi-Carrier...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

10 436 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Supporting QoS in MANET by a Fuzzy Priority Scheduler and Performance Analysis with Multicast Routing Protocols" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Supporting QoS in MANET by a Fuzzy Priority Scheduler and Performance Analysis with Multicast Routing Protocols" docx

... International Conference on Computer and Communication (ICCC ’02), pp 144– 160, Bandra, Mumbai, India, August 2002 [4] E Royer and C E Perkins, “Multicast ad hoc on demand distance vector routing (MAODV),” ... MANET and performance analysis with mixed traffic,” in Proc 11th National Conference on Communication (NCC ’05), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, January 2005 [14] C Gomathy and ... geographic distances The remaining distance is the distance between a chosen next hop and a destination Round-robin scheduling maintains per-flow queues The flow can be identified by a source and destination...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

11 362 0
Characterization and performance analysis of bifacial solar cells and modules

Characterization and performance analysis of bifacial solar cells and modules

... structures and their illumination methods (left) 113 Figure 7.6 (a) Measured reflectance and transmittance and (b) absorptance for glass/ cell/glass and glass/cell module structures and IQE ... vast and can be studied in separation This work focuses on the characterisation and standardisation of bifacial solar cells and modules and the performance of bifacial PV modules in indoor and ... of an established indoor measurement standard to characterise bifacial solar cells and modules This thesis focuses on characterisation and standardisation of bifacial solar cells and modules, and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:13

179 945 0
Algorithms and performance analysis for indoor location tracking systems

Algorithms and performance analysis for indoor location tracking systems

... Garg and Prof Marc Andre Armand, for their time and efforts in assessing my research work, for the valuable suggestions and critical questions during my qualification examination I must thank NUS ... love and care, during the ups and downs of the past four years I would like to thank the lab officers, Mr Song Xianlin, Mr Goh Thiam Pheng, and Mr Siow Hong Lin, Eric, for their help and assistance ... of such ToA and TDoA based trilateration methods are dominated by the system bandwidth [16], [17], [18] Although Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) receivers [19] and wideband receivers with enhanced sampling...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:24

127 1,5K 0
Design and performance analysis of efficient wireless systems

Design and performance analysis of efficient wireless systems

... research Many thanks go to Zhu Yonglan, Lin Xuzheng, Yuan Haifeng, Zhang Jianwen, Kang Xin, Chen Qian, He Jun, Jiang Jinhua and Siow Hong Lin, Eric I am grateful to Ghasem Naddaf, Dong Xiangxu, Han ... those requirements can be an SNR threshold of an AF relay or an error probability threshold of a DF relay [31–36] Besides AF and DF, a relay can also transmit a compressed and quantized version of ... the delay This is a practical and general model for the design and performance analysis of actual feedback systems Based on this model, we develop both the ABEP-based and the BEOP-based power control...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:25

195 377 0
Some fundamental issues in receiver design and performance analysis for wireless communication

Some fundamental issues in receiver design and performance analysis for wireless communication

... also very grateful for his understanding when I face difficulty in work and life I would like to thank Dr Yu Changyuan, Prof Mohan Gurusamy and Prof Marc Andre Armand for serving as my Ph.D qualification ... Jiang Jinhua, Cao Wei, Elisa Mo, Zhang Shaoliang, Lin Xuzheng, Pham The Hanh, Shao Xuguang, Zhang Hongyu and many others for their help in my research and other ways I would also like to thank ... channel model and receiver knowledge [1–6] As the channel model may change due to mobility, there exists the need for a robust and simple receiver that applies to all channel models and is easy...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

199 315 0
Phy layer and mac layer protocol design and performance analysis for opportunistic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks

Phy layer and mac layer protocol design and performance analysis for opportunistic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks

... organized as follows Chapter outlines the non-cooperative and cooperative spectrum sensing strategies, the spatial and temporal OSA mechanisms, the guaranteed access and random access models, and ... models: guaranteed access model and random access model 2.3.1 Guaranteed Access Model Guaranteed access model arranges each SU to access the channel in an orderly manner or following some rules, ... is the instantaneous channel gain from Ui to U0 , and the fading i coefficient hi is a CGRV with zero mean and unit variance For given h1 , y0 is a CGRV with zero mean because hpi ’s and ni ’s...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:53

188 340 0
Design and performance analysis of quadratic form receivers for fading channels

Design and performance analysis of quadratic form receivers for fading channels

... general baseband space–time coded system model The multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver create a MIMO channel, denoted by an NT × NR matrix H The channel coherence bandwidth is assumed ... themselves, and thus conserve bandwidth resources They can provide a substantial improvement in error performance over the QR, and in fact, their error performance approaches that of the CR as the channel ... with NT transmit antennas and NR receive antennas given in (2.4), Marzetta and Hochwald justified USTM in [21, 45] for the scenario where the channel is unknown to both the transmitter and the receiver...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 11:19

291 1,3K 0
Stochastic optimal control and performance analysis of wireless ad hoc networks

Stochastic optimal control and performance analysis of wireless ad hoc networks

... Optimization simultaneously ệ ẵẵ è ì ì ẵẵ ểềỉệ Use Stability Properties: Foster-Lyapunov, Geometric Drift Conditions Other Contributions: Decentralized Model- free Algorithm, Handle Partial Observability ... ề ỉểệ ì ẹé ỉểệ ễệ ì ềỉ ệ ề ì ìì ẵ ìẹẹ ệ ị ì ễỉ ệ Wireless Queueing Model for time-varying channel & topology Assumption: Channel State & Topology State Processes as Irreducible Aperiodic Markov ... Stability? How to Control & Optimize? How to Derive Bounds? Model- Based: DP Irreducibility, Regularity, V-Uniform Ergodicity, Drift Conditions Model- Free: NDP/RL, Policy Gradient Main Contribution:...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 12:46

217 477 0
Design and performance analysis of MIMO space time block coding systems over general fading channels

Design and performance analysis of MIMO space time block coding systems over general fading channels

... for Ricean channels with identical Ricean K-factors and non-identical channel variances γ = 15 dB In Fig 2.2, Ricean channels with identical Ricean K-factors and non-identical channel variances ... 2.3: Analytical BEP (2.28) for Ricean channels with identical channel variances and non-identical Ricean K-factors γ = 15 dB Fig 2.3 considers Ricean channels with identical channel variances and ... System Model and Receiver Structure 2.2 System Model and Receiver Structure We consider a communication system with MT transmit and NR receive antennas The transmit/receive antennas can be co-located...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:05

162 272 0
An adaptive algorithm for direct conversion receivers architecture and performance analysis

An adaptive algorithm for direct conversion receivers architecture and performance analysis

... denotes the equivalent transceiver I/Q mismatch induced signal; and mI ( n ) and mQ ( n ) denote its real and imaginary parts, respectively Then mI ( n ) and mQ ( n ) can be modeled by using a matrix ... consideration Assume that α and β denote the amplitude gains of the I and Q channels, respectively; φ denotes the phase splitter mismatch and is split equally between the I and Q channels for symmetry; ... Canceller Performance of DC Offsets Canceller Performance of Mismatch Canceller and DC Offsets Canceller Performance of CDFE Performance of the Internal Iterations Comprehensive Performance of the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 13:21

84 222 0
The dynamic role and performance of baitul maal wat tamwil  islamic community based microfinance in central java

The dynamic role and performance of baitul maal wat tamwil islamic community based microfinance in central java

... institutional structure and attributes, (c) regulation and supervision, (d) modus operandi and (e) equally to examine the BMT model in the context of Indonesian microfinance and Islamic banking Second, ... position of the rural bank in the banking landscape Equally, the role and performance of cooperative microfinance and several leading non-bank and communitybased microfinance institutions are ... agriculture, mining, manufacture, energy, property, trade and tourism, transportation and communication, finance and services The microenterprise sector can be classified into rural and urban bases In...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 14:02

326 314 0
Long-term Performance and Community Analysis of Spirodela Polyrrhiza–bacteria Association Treating Phenol-contaminated Water

Long-term Performance and Community Analysis of Spirodela Polyrrhiza–bacteria Association Treating Phenol-contaminated Water

... labels a, b, and c are PCR-DGGE banding patterns of 16S rRNA gene in test systems A, B, and C, respectively; d, e, and f are PCR-DGGE banding patterns of C12O gene in test systems A, B, and C, respectively; ... solution and analyzed for the PCR-DGGE banding pattern The PCR-DGGE banding pattern was scanned using a Scion Image beta 4.02 (Scion Corp., Maryland, USA) Bacterial community similarities were analyzed ... an effective and stable treatment technology for organic pollutants REFERENCES Al-Nozaily F., Alaerts G and Veenstra S (2000) Performance of duckweed-covered sewage lagoons-I Oxygen balance and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

12 476 0
Analysis and performance of high efficiency synchronous reluctance machines

Analysis and performance of high efficiency synchronous reluctance machines

... Cruickshank, A.J.O., and Menzies, R.W and Anderson, A.F Theory and Performance of Reluctance Motors With Axially Laminated Anisotropic Rotors Proc IEE, 118(7), pp 887-894, 1971 [4] Cruickshank, ... improved performance The inductances and the performance of one such machine is also given when driven as a variable speed drive References [1] Lawrenson, P.J and Agu, L.A Theory and Performance of Polyphase ... Chalmers, B.J and Mulki, A.S Design and Performance of Reluctance Motors with Unlaminated Rotor IEEE Trans, PAS-91, No 4, pp 1564-1569, 1972 [9] Finch, J.W and Lawrenson, P.J Synchronous Performance of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

8 628 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Opinion and Generic Question Answering Systems: a Performance Analysis" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Opinion and Generic Question Answering Systems: a Performance Analysis" ppt

... Vegas, Nevada, USA Fangtao Li, Zhicheng Zheng, Tang Yang, Fan Bu, Rong Ge, Xiaoyan Zhu, Xian Zhang, and Minlie Huang THU QUANTA at TAC 2008 QA and RTE track In Proceedings of Human Language Technologies ... Empirical methods in Natural Language Processing (HLT/EMNLP), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2008 Bo Pang, and Lilian Lee, Opinion mining and sentiment analysis Foundations and Trends R In Information ... expressions of opinions and emotions in language Language Resources and Evaluation, volume 39, issue 2-3, pp 165-210, 2005 Alexandra Balahur, Ester Boldrini, Andrés Montoyo, and Patricio Martínez-Barco,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20

4 278 0