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create your own hedge fund increase profits & reduce risk with etfs & options

create your own hedge fund increase profits & reduce risk with etfs & options

... become satisfied with the results and feel comfortable, you can always expand your hedging education. OR DO IT WITH HELP If you like the ideas taught in this book and want to run your own hedge fund, ... methodology, you essentially create and run your own hedge fund. And the best part is that it’s not complicated. You can readily learn to manage your investments your- self, but if you are a ... YOUR OWN STOCKS WHEN INVESTING? Do you believe that your stock-picking skills are excellent? Do you believe you have a trading system that allows you to do better than the market 10 CREATE YOUR...

Ngày tải lên: 03/05/2014, 13:00

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Joomla! Template Design: Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide ppt

Joomla! Template Design: Create your own professional-quality templates with this fast, friendly guide ppt

... review your Joomla! template's layout at a glance from within your local WYSIWYG editor. If you're used to working with a WYSIWYG editor to create Cascading Style Sheets for your layout, ... included in your list. When you begin work on your design in Photoshop, you'll want to compare your mock-up against your module checklist and make sure you've designed for all your modules. Refining ... work with your design mock-up. Make sure to note the specic le names that are going to be overwritten in your module check list so that you have them handy when it is time to export your...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20

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create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 1 pptx

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 1 pptx

... your own portfolio better and more ef- ficiently than professional money managers. Instead of paying someone else to provide for your future financial security, you get to own and oper- ate your ... methodology, you essentially create and run your own hedge fund. And the best part is that it’s not complicated. You can readily learn to manage your investments your- self, but if you are a ... their son become an author. 4339_P FM.qxd 11/19/04 12:14 PM Page v Create Your Own Hedge Fund Increase Profits and Reduce Risk with ETFs and Options MARK D. WOLFINGER John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4339_P...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

26 317 0
create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 2 docx

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 2 docx

... modify your ETF strategy by adopting the methods taught in this book, your chances of enhancing your returns become even greater. 4 If you still believe you can beat the market by selecting your own stocks, ... index, in its correct proportion. 12 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND But I Can Beat the Market If you still believe you have the ability to beat the market with your indi- vidual stock picks, don’t ... become satisfied with the results and feel comfortable, you can always expand your hedging education. OR DO IT WITH HELP If you like the ideas taught in this book and want to run your own hedge fund,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

25 308 0
create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 3 docx

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 3 docx

... the ac- count with no fees. If you manage your own portfolio, you can save all those fees. The methods taught in this book will enable you to manage your investments easily, and your chances of ... markets of the world. If owning stocks is con- sistent with your investment philosophy, but if you prefer to do so with re- duced risk, then you have come to the right place. If owning stocks is not for ... for paying the premium, the option owner gains certain rights. In return for receiving the premium, the seller accepts certain obligations. 56 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART3.qxd 11/17/04...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

25 288 0
create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 4 docx

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 4 docx

... expire, the company announces that earnings 74 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART3.qxd 11/17/04 1:16 PM Page 74 Comparing Stock Ownership with Call Ownership Table 9.1 compares these results. There ... used to compare the strike price of an option with the price of the underlying stock. The terms themselves give clues to their meanings. 62 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART3.qxd 11/17/04 1:16 ... Value ã The stock owner makes a larger profit (when measured in dollars) than the option owner because no premium ($200 in this example) is paid to own the stock. ã The option owner has the potential...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

25 291 0
create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 5 ppsx

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 5 ppsx

... strategy, start building your ETF portfolio and writing covered calls on your new investments. 96 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND TABLE 10.2 Which Option to Write Profit Downside Option Description ... It’s a strategy that you can use to enhance your investment returns. By all means, continue to select your own investments, but seri- 94 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART3.qxd 11/17/04 1:16 ... in-the-money puts. If your paramount consideration is the price at which you buy stock, then choose a put whose premium allows you to own the shares at your tar- 106 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART3.qxd...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

25 245 0
create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 6 pot

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 6 pot

... to build a portfolio that meets your require- ments, it’s time to think about the type of option strategy to adopt when managing your portfolio. 128 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART4.qxd 11/17/04 ... either growth or value stocks. 126 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART4.qxd 11/17/04 12:57 PM Page 126 131 CHAPTER 14 Finding Your Style Choosing an Option to Write Y ou now own a diversified portfolio ... that of simply owning stock and increases the chances of outperform- ing the market over an extended period of time. Just remember not to overextend your resources. 110 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART3.qxd...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

25 242 0
create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 7 ppt

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 7 ppt

... the Internet or if your broker does not provide that service, you must call your 146 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART4.qxd 11/17/04 12:57 PM Page 146 152 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND As predicted ... overall market, but this method increases your chances of beating the market when compared with picking stocks or mutual funds on your own. 140 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND 4339_PART4.qxd 11/17/04 ... consistent in your style—after you discover what it is. DETERMINE YOUR INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE If you invest without writing any covered call options, your potential gains are unlimited and you own your...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

25 216 0
create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 9 pps

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 9 pps

... having cash to back all your positions. As you become more acquainted with writing un- covered puts and the risks involved, 3 you may decide to borrow money from your broker and own uncovered put positions ... of owning each position. Notice the risk profiles are identical. The maximum potential profit and the down- side break-even point are the same. Neither position is riskier than the 196 CREATE YOUR ... collected. 204 4339_PART4.qxd 11/17/04 12:57 PM Page 204 206 CREATE YOUR OWN HEDGE FUND ã The option exerciser incurs the risk of owning a position—long if the option is a call and short if the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

25 226 0
create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 10 docx

create your own hedge fund increase profits and reduce risks with etfs and options phần 10 docx

... certain your advisor understands: ã Your desire to write covered call options on every ETF you own. ã Your desire to write new calls immediately (early Monday morning after expiration). ã Your desire ... unable to buy your ETFs at the discounted price, this strategy provides a constant income stream. Coupled with covered call writing, this strategy allows you to op- erate your own hedge fund—providing ... the money, 63 how does an option work, 56–58 intrinsic value, 63 owner’s choices, 67, 75 owner’s rights, 56–57 owning vs. stock ownership, 72–73 seller’s obligations, 56–57 selling, rationale...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 07:21

28 230 0