create xml from database table java

Retrieve XML from SQL Server 2000

Retrieve XML from SQL Server 2000

... or copy it from other chapters. Here is the code for the function: Function BuildCnnStr(ByVal strServer As String, ByVal strDatabase As String) As String 12.4 Retrieve XML from SQL Server ... Sometimes I have to pull data from my SQL Server database into an XML document format. How do I do that with SQL Server 2000? Technique To accomplish this task, you will create a Command object ... look like this: SELECT * FROM Customers FOR XML RAW To execute the SQL statement in this case, you use the method ExecuteXMLReader. When you use this method, an XMLReader is returned. You...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 21:15

4 287 0


... you. */ import java. io.OutputStreamWriter; import java. io.PrintWriter; import java. io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import org .xml. sax.AttributeList; import org .xml. sax.HandlerBase; import org .xml. sax.Parser; import ... parser. Resources – XML parsers Java • IBM’s parser, XML4 J, is available at /xml4 j. • James Clark’s parser, XP, is available at /xml/ xp. • Sun’s XML parser can ... see -xml- faq.html. Python • For information on parsing XML documents in Python, see /xml/ . Section 4 – The Simple API for XML (SAX) Tutorial – XML Programming...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 10:09

59 826 4
XML trong Java - Tiếng Anh

XML trong Java - Tiếng Anh

... you. */ import java. io.OutputStreamWriter; import java. io.PrintWriter; import java. io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import org .xml. sax.AttributeList; import org .xml. sax.HandlerBase; import org .xml. sax.Parser; import ... you. */ import java. io.OutputStreamWriter; import java. io.PrintWriter; import java. io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import org .xml. sax.AttributeList; import org .xml. sax.HandlerBase; import org .xml. sax.Parser; import ... parser. Resources – XML parsers Java • IBM’s parser, XML4 J, is available at /xml4 j. • James Clark’s parser, XP, is available at /xml/ xp. • Sun’s XML parser can...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 09:33

59 913 3
Java Database Connectivity

Java Database Connectivity

... định)  ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE Java Database Connectivity 3 Giới thiệu Giới thiệu  Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) là một API được sử dụng để truy cập các CSDL quan hệ trong các ứng dụng Java Java Database ... nhau JDBC Java Application Driver CSDL Java Database Connectivity 5 JDBC Drivers JDBC Drivers  Type I: “Bridge”  Type II: “Native”  Type III: “Middleware”  Type IV: “Pure” Java Database ... Java:  class Connection  setAutoCommit(boolean)  setSavePoint(String)  releaseSavepoint(Savepoint)  commit()  rollback() / rollback(Savepoint)  class Savepoint Java Database Java Database...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 11:16

27 500 3
Java database connectivity

Java database connectivity

... Microsoft's database can tailor for their own database. After starting Access: 1. Select " ;Database Wizard" so Access will help you create a database. 2. Select the "Blank Database& quot; ... the database you have created and await invocations on it. As long as the incoming queries specify the "ElectionDatabase" database, they will be dispatched to the database and from ... entire tables. This table is like a local variable. It disappears from memory if we don't use it right away. Using JDBC, this results table is saved for us to retrieve the results data from...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 08:20

25 275 0
java database connectivity

java database connectivity

... DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:SQL","sa","sa"); Statement st = con.createStatement(); String sql = "Select * from Customers"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql); while( ... liệu bằng đối tượng Connection, bạn có thể sử dụng phương thức createStatement để trả về đối tượng Statement bằng cú pháp: con.createStatement(); Phạm Hữu Khang COMPUTER ... tượng Statement, bạn sử dụng cú pháp như sau: Statement st = con.createStatement(); Hay Statement st = null; st = con.createStatement(); Thực thi phát biểu SQL Sau khi mở kết nối...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 00:20

10 369 3
KẾT NỐI CSDL- Java Database Connectivity

KẾT NỐI CSDL- Java Database Connectivity

... mã java Database Database Network Interface Server Aplication Aplication JDBC Driver Client JDBC Driver Client Network Interface Disk Disk Client JDBC Driver Server JDBC Driver Server Native Database ... định dạng dữ liệu java và thể hiện trong ứng dụng. Loại 4: Proprietary-Protocol Net • 100% java •Cókhả năng giao tiếp trực tiếp với hệ CSDL không cần chuyển đổi Database Database Network Interface Server Aplication Aplication JDBC ... con.createStatement(); : : : : Chương IX KẾT NỐI CSDL Java Database Connectivity Tổng quan • JDBC cung cấp tập các lớp và interface cho phép chương trình Java có thể nói chuyện được với hệ CSDL •Tập...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 16:20

23 665 5
Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial

Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial

... Contents jaxp.jar ● javax .xml. parsers ● javax .xml. transform ❍ javax .xml. transform.dom ❍ javax .xml. transform.sax ❍ javax .xml. Interfaces crimson.jar ● org .xml. sax ❍ org .xml. sax.helpers ❍ ... and output (result). javax .xml. transform.dom Classes to create input (source) and output (result) objects from a DOM. javax .xml. transform.sax Classes to create input (source) from a SAX parser and ... alternative for Java developers who need to manipulate XML- based data. For more information on DOM4J, see JAXM: Java API for XML Messaging http:/ /java. /xml/ jaxp-1.1/docs/tutorial/overview/3_apis.html...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15

494 493 0
Java Database Programming Bible- P8

Java Database Programming Bible- P8

... appended to the XML elements as text nodes. Listing 15-7: JavaBean that returns a ResultSet as XML package JavaDatabaseBible.ch15; import java. io.*; import java. sql.*; import javax.sql.*; ... derived from a single table. To create a more detailed page, information must be combined from several different tables. The tables accessed for the detail page include the Vehicles table, which ... page language=" ;java& quot;%> <%@ page language=" ;java& quot;%> <jsp:useBean id="DetailPageXMLBean" class="JavaDatabaseBible.ch15.DetailPageXMLBean"/>...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

50 366 0
Create a Simple XML Web Service Using Parameters

Create a Simple XML Web Service Using Parameters

... 13.2 Create a Simple XML Web Service Using Parameters I have seen how to create a Web Service using the sample that Microsoft provides. This was instructive but not very useful. How do I create ... going to create the start of a security Web Service. This security Web Service is going to take in two parameters: Login Name and Password. It will then check against a table that you will create ... security levels. The method you will create first will then pass back True or False if the name and password are found. Looking at the Security Table The security table is included in the Web Service's...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 13:15

5 498 0
XML programming in Java

XML programming in Java

... nodes. import com.sun .xml. parser.Parser; import com.sun .xml. tree.XmlDocumentBuilder; XmlDocumentBuilder builder = new XmlDocumentBuilder(); Parser parser = new com.sun .xml. parser.Parser(); parser.setDocumentHandler(builder); builder.setParser(parser); parser.parse(uri); doc ... you. */ import java. io.OutputStreamWriter; import java. io.PrintWriter; import java. io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import org .xml. sax.AttributeList; import org .xml. sax.HandlerBase; import org .xml. sax.Parser; import ... parser. Resources – XML parsers Java • IBM’s parser, XML4 J, is available at /xml4 j. • James Clark’s parser, XP, is available at /xml/ xp. • Sun’s XML parser can...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 15:15

59 390 0

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