... access to databases. A database user account provides access to one and only one database that SQL Server manages. Each user, therefore, will need an account with each 11.8 Create a Database ... Server. Each SQL Server database maintains an internal registry of user accounts that are permitted into the database. This information is stored in the table named sysusers within the database. ... the database user account. I have been authenticated and logged into SQL Server and now I need to access data that is stored within a SQL Server database. Without a specific database user account,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17
... OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim dtDisplay As New DataTable() Try ' Take the txtSQLString text and create a data table; then set the ' data source of the data grid. odaDisplay = ... not only creating a point-and-click query tool that will allow the users to examine all tables in the database, but also for using the Windows Form in an application without modification. Technique ... example describes how to create a point-and-click query interface using a Windows Form and display fields from individual tables as they are chosen. In just about every application you create, ...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20
MCITP Exam 70-444 Optimizing and Maintaining A Database Administration Solution by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 pot
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services in Action ppt
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 08:20
Giáo trình SQL Server 2005
... nhất và lớn nhất c a các khách hàng select min(year(getdate())-year(BIRTHDAY)) as MINAGE, max(year(getdate())-year(BIRTHDAY)) as MAXAGE, avg(year(getdate())-year(BIRTHDAY)) as AVGAGE from customers Thống ... như sau: 5 1 Giới thiệu về SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 là một hệ thống quản lý cơ sở dữ liệu (Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) ) sử dụng Transact -SQL để trao đổi dữ liệu gi a Client computer ... định ngh a bảng. Create table Nhanvien ( MANV NVARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, HOTENNVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, GIOITINH BIT, NGAYSINH SMALLDATETIME, NOISINH NCHAR(50), HSLUONG DECIMAL(4,2), MADV INT ) 2.3.6...
Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2012, 09:48
Expert SQL Server 2005 Development
... UI-related entities in a database. Doing so certainly makes sense for many applications. What I am warning against instead is not drawing a distinct enough line between user interface elements and ... retrieving data from, inserting data into, and updating data in the database. A set of database interfaces should comply with the same basic design rule as other inter- faces: well-known, standardized ... encapsulated interfaces between the database system and the objects. I call this the Database- as-API mindset. An application programming interface (API) is a set of interfaces that allows a system...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 14:02
Slide Giới thiệu SQL Server 2005
... cao RDBMS and Data Management/ Session 3/26 of 30 Kiến trúc cơ sở dữ liệu quan hệ Relational Engine OLE DB Storage Engine Local Database Local Database Local Database Relational database ... tự Collation điều khiển sự tổ chức lưu trữ dữ liệu ký tự trong SQL Server 2005 Employee Name Employee Location James Columbia Pamela China Allan Alaska Employee Location EmployeeName Alaska Allan China ... Allan China Pamela Columbia James Employee Location Employee Name Alaska Allan Columbia James China Pamela Săp xếp theo thứ tự tăng dần c a trường Employee location Theo Tiếng Anh Theo tiếng Tây Ban...
Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2012, 09:09
Cài đặt MS SQL Server 2005
... to install a default instance or a named instance. 12. If you are installing on a Windows cluster, enter cluster configuration information. 13. Enter service account information for the SQL Server ... space for a minimal installation, or 130 MB for a typical installation. If you choose to install SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, you will require an additional 5.5 MB of disk space for a ... features, including: ã Failover clustering ã Database mirroring ã Snapshot databases ã Mirrored backups ã Online page and file restore ã Distributed partitioned views ã Heterogeneous replication ã...
Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2012, 09:45
Cơ sở dữ liệu SQL Server 2005.
... JOIN LoaiPhieu ON HoaDon.MaLoai = LoaiPhieu.MaLoai WHERE HoaDon.MaLoai = 'PX' AND DATEPART(MONTH,HoaDon.NgayBan) = @Thang AND DATEPART(YEAR,HoaDon.NgayBan) = @Nam GROUP BY Dia.MaDia, ... Dia ON CTiet_HD.MaDia = Dia.MaDia INNER JOIN TheLoaiDia ON Dia.MaTL = TheLoaiDia.MaTL INNER JOIN HoaDon ON CTiet_HD.MaHD = HoaDon.MaHD INNER JOIN LoaiPhieu ON HoaDon.MaLoai = LoaiPhieu.MaLoai WHERE ... HoaDon.NgayBan FROM Dia INNER JOIN TheLoaiDia ON Dia.MaTL = TheLoaiDia.MaTL INNER JOIN CTiet_HD ON Dia.MaDia = CTiet_HD.MaDia INNER JOIN HoaDon ON CTiet_HD.MaHD = HoaDon.MaHD WHERE Dia.MaDia NOT IN ...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2013, 21:07