cracking the toefl ibt with audio cd 2008

Preview Cracking the TOEFL IBT with Audio CD, 2019 Edition The Strategies, Practice, and Review You Need to Score Higher by Princeton Review (2019)

Preview Cracking the TOEFL IBT with Audio CD, 2019 Edition The Strategies, Practice, and Review You Need to Score Higher by Princeton Review (2019)

... 184 Part III: Cracking Each Section of the TOEFL 193 Cracking the Reading Section 195 Cracking the Reading Section: Basic Principles 198 Cracking the Reading Section: Basic ... learn a new word, look at the etymology in the dictionary and see if the word uses one of these roots If it does, add it to your card! 184 | Cracking the TOEFL iBT Then, review your cards every ... in the middle of your paper Circle the roots you see in that word: (TI|)^ar)ate Then, look for another word in the group that uses one of the same roots as the one you started with Write the

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2021, 19:39

196 42 0
Cracking the toefl ibt part 18

Cracking the toefl ibt part 18

... instead of giving them the food directly And finally, they kept the lynx together in a big pen so they know how to get along with other members of their species, The professor describes the results ... right?—into the wild The first time they tried it, the cats died of starvation—they didn't know how or where to hunt This time, they kept the animals longer and let them mature They also forced the animals ... clouds—and carry them some distance away They then place the stones high up in a tree, which symbolizes the height of the clouds in the sky Or, for another example, there is the fairly comman

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 15:15

15 303 0
Cracking the toefl ibt part 19

Cracking the toefl ibt part 19

... (TEMPLATE #2) Listen to Track 5’ on the accompanying audio CD- ROM After the narrator reads the question, the track is finished, so you should pause the CD Here's the question Trang 6 3 SUMMARIZE ... (TEMPLATE #1) Listen to Track 4 on the accompanying audio CD- ROM After the narrator reads the question, | thie track is finished, so you should pause the CD Here’s the question Trang 5 2 CHOOSE ... audio to read the passage and either time yourself or ask a friend to time you After 45 seconds, resume the audio to listen to the conversation After the narrator reads the question, the track is

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 02:15

15 307 0
Cracking the toefl ibt part 20

Cracking the toefl ibt part 20

... CRACKIN6 THE TOEFL Trang 12 Cracking the Writing Trang 13 The final section of the TOEFL measures your ability to communicate in an academic environment There are only two writing tasks, and they ... your essays for the TOEFL As with the Speak- ing section, the graders are not expecting perfection They realize that you are essentially writing the first draft of an essay In the limited amount ... have some familiar- ity with the keyboard before you take your TOEFL The word processor used for the TOEFL is very simple; it only has cut, paste, and delete functions For the first task, you will

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 00:15

15 274 0
Cracking the toefl ibt part 21

Cracking the toefl ibt part 21

... need to stop the audio to read the passage and either time yourself or ask a friend to time you with a stopwatch or some other timing device After 3 minutes, resume the audio for the listening ... However, the reading contends that (the main idea of the reading) IV Thesis statement The professor’s lecture casts doubt on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to (the main ... prompt like the following: Summarize the points made in the lecture, explaining how they support the reading This task is simply the opposite of the first one The template is fairly similar Paragraph

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 00:15

15 272 0
Cracking the toefl ibt part 22

Cracking the toefl ibt part 22

... the main point of the reading and the lecture, and the first sentence of the third paragraph is not men- tioned in either the reading or the lecture ® The response is also rather short, only 118 ... reasons: ® The writer keeps the essay focused on the topic Everything relates to the thesis se The writer goes into a good amount of detail for each of the reasons ¢ The essay is just the right ... everything When the stu- dents leave the school, they will rot have the teacher around to guide them, A student needs ta know how to Judge the things they find So tt is neceeeary for them to question

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 00:15

15 269 0
Cracking the toefl ibt part 27

Cracking the toefl ibt part 27

... “a — 11 What will the class do next? (A) Look at scans of the brain : (BỊ Discuss what will be tested on the final Trang 10 LISTENING 3 Trang 12 436 WB CRACKING THE TOEFL Trang 13 ye ... flexibility of their joints THE PRINCETON REVIEW TOEFL iBT PRACTICE TEST Ml 437 Trang 15 NEAR MLS ra ene ee gg Giới aah 13 What is special about fibrous joints? 4 + (A) They don't move 4 (B) They havea ... They havea large number of ligaments ; (C) They are not found in human beings (D) They are the most common joint type THE PRINCETON REVIEW TOEFL iBT PRACTICE TEST MI 439

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 00:15

15 288 0
Cracking the toefl ibt part 23

Cracking the toefl ibt part 23

... Northern Europe to the Eastern Seaboard of what is now the United States to the islands of the Pacific Despite the lack of contact among these regions, the veneration of trees united them The ... Northern Europe to the Eastem Seaboard of what is now the United States to the islands of the Pacific Despite the lack of contact among these regions, the veneration of trees united them The ... Northern Europe tothe Eastern Seaboard af what is now the United Siates to the istands:of the Pacitic Despite the lack:of cantact among these regions, the veneration of hees.united them: The

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 07:15

15 248 0