countable and uncountable nouns board game

Countable and uncountable Nouns

Countable and uncountable Nouns

... water Rain=a drop of rain Music=a piece of music Ns that can be Countable and Uncountable Countable There are two hairs in my coffee! Uncountable hair There are two lights in light our bedroom Shhhhh! ... front no a/an or No with of countable Ns uncountable Ns I eat an apple every day I eat rice every day Add (s) to make a countable N plural There is no plural form for an uncountable N I eat an apple ... you 3 only use many & few with plural countable Ns only use much & little with uncountable Ns Many elephants have been hunted There are few elephants in England I don't usually drink much coffee...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 05:10

11 913 4
Countable and uncountable Nouns_ex

Countable and uncountable Nouns_ex

... she was wearing necklace • a necklace • 15 I think volleyball is very good game • a very good game Some nouns are uncountable • • • • • • • • • Accommodation Advice Baggage Behavior Bread Chaos ... chaos/ a total chaos • Total chaos • 11 I had to buy a/ some bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches • Some • 12 Bad news don’t/ doesn’t make people happy • Doesn’t • 13 Your hair is/ your...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 05:10

7 478 2
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Nouns and articles

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Nouns and articles

... Singular, plural, uncountable: cornrnon phrases COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE in severa1 common phrases nouns that are commonly countable are used as uncountables, and vice versa: Countable nouns used uncountably: ... be immediately obvious whether nouns are countable or uncountable (see Section 2), and some uncountable nouns in English are countable in other languages Logic and grammar seem to produce contradictions ... a chair and a table in the room There is a chair and two tables in the room There are two tables and a chair in the room UNCOUNTABLE OR COUNTABLE PLURAL? Some nouns that are ofien uncountable...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

16 525 1
Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P1 pptx

Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P1 pptx

... the quality of games How arcade-style games dissolved in the eyes of the personal computer The competition between game consoles and the personal computer The revolution of 3D games and their progress ... Computer Game Artist The Birth of the Computer Game Artist In the early 1980s, the game industry was booming The affordable home consoles and new computer systems such as Tandy, Commodore, and Apple ... for personal-computer games unstoppable More and more people demanded super-hot titles, which in turn fueled the need for better and more suitable video cards to handle these games More important...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:15

50 707 0
Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P2 docx

Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P2 docx

... space, and choose Import Then browse to G-LoK.tsc file and click OK You should end up with a configuration that looks like the one shown in Figure 3.4 G-LoK, by the way, is my game artist ‘handle’, ... process: Plan the model’s dimensions and poly count, and build reference plane Build the muzzle Build the barrel Build the grip Build the hoops and hose Optimize and triangulate Export the model ... an orthogonal view, such as Left, and right-clicking and dragging until the plane is rotated so it stands upright in your scene Use the Move tool (Z on your keyboard) to move the plane up so the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:15

50 551 0
Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P3 doc

Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P3 doc

... of the cuff and sweep it several times, adjusting the width to conform to a hand shape as I have done in Figure 4.35 Select a pad of faces on the inside of the hand and move, rotate, and/ or scale ... isolated and unfolded; let’s pack them together and set them aside using the Packing and Type section in the Command Panel Click on the Rectangle (Medium) option in the Type section, and then ... Extrude tool to display a doubleended control handle, perpendicular to the face of your shape, and then click and drag on the endpoint of one handle to extrude the base of the foot slightly as...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:15

50 462 0
Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P4 doc

Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P4 doc

... Slogre with DeepUV Figure 6.26 Select and cut away one of the hands in the Front view Figure 6.27 Apply Planar mapping to the hand The top and bottom of the hand itself are what you’re interested ... Faces option, and create another rectangular selection around the hand Do this in the 3D view, and not in the Material view That way, you’ll get all the points on the back of the hand and not on ... kept Max and the slogre model open during this entire procedure) 15 When the update is complete, switch to 3D Studio Max and expand the Editable Mesh item in the Modifier stack Select Edge and, in...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:15

50 436 0
Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P5 pdf

Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P5 pdf

... camera and go to town Literally Group and work with textures in sets Don’t work randomly Don’t make any texture stand out unless it needs to Blend it nicely with its surroundings Be patient A game s ... color information for a typical game engine to handle (although some game engines, like the Torque engine, will accept it) The programmers of games like Half-Life and Unreal force artists to palletize ... steps and the other tusk, stack them, and set them aside (see Figure 6.36) The remaining cluster of points at the top-left of the Material map represents the entire head and body Select that, and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:15

50 703 1
Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P6 docx

Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P6 docx

... interesting when properly placed Creating Randomly Tileable Sets Many game engines allow you to create and import a sequence of textures that the game will randomly tile on the wall, floor, or whatever ... texture (and the original image) is very hazy and bright, and should be adjusted before you continue Press Ctrl+L to open the Levels dialog box, and slide the Midtones slider to the right a bit, and ... Click Edit, Preferences, Units and Rulers, and change both Rulers and Type to Pixels Then, under Edit, Preferences, Guides and Grid, change Gridlines to every 21 pixels, and Subdivisions to I had...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:15

50 585 0
Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P7 ppt

Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P7 ppt

... textures can be hand-made, taken from photograph, and more often than not, a composite of both What I find most striking about texturing metal is how sharp and effective beveling styles and displacement ... drop shadows, and styles in general: Assume, when making textures, that the global light for your game is a light source positioned high overhead and not off at an angle—unless your game company ... 8.189 Fun with adding wires Rivets and Screws Rivets and screws are just about the same thing, and are fairly simple to create If I were you, I’d set up a handful of actions to automatically...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:16

50 371 0
Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P8 doc

Tài liệu 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P8 doc

... the two board layers when finished (see Figure 8.200) Figure 8.200 Rotate and align the boards with a slight gap Let’s tear up and then apply a 3D effect to the left and right edges of the boards ... Photoshop Figure 8.199 Copy and paste two boards from the picture into your new image (I’m using the two vertical boards on top.) Rotate the two boards horizontally and align them so they are ... layers except for one board layer, including the background layer, and press Ctrl+E to merge them You should end up with one isolated board on its own layer, and the rest of the boards all on the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:16

50 397 0

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