corporate governance issues in investment decisions

Tài liệu Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in China docx

Tài liệu Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform in China docx

... 3/15/02, 3:59 PM corporate governance in china of the institutions of corporate governance At the company level, IFC is playing an important role in bringing Chinese companies closer to international ... in the towns of Jinhua in Zhejiang province and Zhucheng in Shandong province; interviews with enterprise and government officials in Beijing, Chongqing, Chengdu in Sichuan province, Shunde in ... constraints began to emerge during this period.3 In relation to funds for investment in SOEs, budgetary financing and subsidies began to give way to bank financing and to financing from retained...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:22

185 419 0


... company finance and corporate governance Bank financing is understood to be more suited to low-risk investment in capital-intensive, incrementally innovating manufacturing companies Market based finance, ... seen in table 5, households in Germany in fact increased the allocation of their savings into stocks and mutual funds (including stock funds) in the late 1990s, reaching a high of a combined ... Another indicator showing long-term continuity is the number of companies obtaining new listings on the stock market, or IPO (initial public offering of shares) This indicator is important, since...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20

18 529 1
analyse the importance and impacts of corporate social responsibility (csr) in business towards the social and environmental issues in vietnam

analyse the importance and impacts of corporate social responsibility (csr) in business towards the social and environmental issues in vietnam

... giving The European model is much more focused on operating the core business in a socially responsible way, complemented by investment in communities for solid business case reasons I think ... waste, including hazardous waste is becoming environmental problems and social imperative in the country and in Hai Duong Now, waste treatment was ineffective and causing public opinion in the ... death In China on 2008, at least six children died and 300,000 others fell ill after drinking melamine contaminated Industrial chemicals were added to milk products to make them seem to increase...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

64 783 4
Banking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City docx

Banking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City docx

... Banking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City Contents Report Page Summary Introduction Remuneration in the banking sector Introduction Salary levels in the banking sector ... redefined? Links between auditors and the FSA Conflicts of interest Going concern Financial reporting Fair value accounting Fair value accounting in the banking crisis Fair value accounting and ... finally what role (if any) the media has played in affecting the course of the crisis Our report is intended to feed into the independent review of corporate governance within the UK banking industry,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:20

118 479 0
Cooperative Financial Institutions Issues in Governance, Regulation, and Supervision potx

Cooperative Financial Institutions Issues in Governance, Regulation, and Supervision potx

... ignored in the legislation that exists today in developing countries even if it was initiated by cooperative-minded and well-intentioned individuals In hindsight, the consequences were unsurprising: ... evolve When CFIs join in an alliance the first-tier nodes entering into the arrangement give up control of the distribution of pay-off of the joint activity In doing so they incur in what is known ... parties with diverging interest depending upon their position in the contracts Two modeling currents that coincide with two key contracts in the bundle, have dominated These two main currents correspond...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

74 449 0
Corporate Governance In Slovenia 2011 pptx

Corporate Governance In Slovenia 2011 pptx

... provisions in the law requiring institutional investors to disclose their voting policies, or procedures for deciding on the use of voting rights Investment fund managers (including the investment ... 35 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REVIEW with respect to their investments, including the procedures that they have in place for deciding on the use of their voting rights 2) Institutional investors acting ... pertaining thereto, including board nominations; be responsible for gathering centralised information on government holdings; measuring and reporting performance; and developing and enforcing...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20

71 347 0


... Soft-budgeting Excess investment Delay in restructuring Delay in entering new business areas Delay in restructuring Change of Corporate Governance in Japan employment and seniority wages contribute to investment ... the investment of stakeholders in developing and maintaining Wrm-speciWc capabilities Corporate governance has played an important role in facilitating these long-term investments and promoting ... of institutional change as being tightly linked to a growing diversity of corporate governance practices across Wrms In developing this answer, section 1.1 begins by brieXy introducing the main...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

468 337 0
adaptation and convergence in corporate governance to international norms in pakistan

adaptation and convergence in corporate governance to international norms in pakistan

... examining the international norms and corporate governance issues in Pakistan In particular, a comparative approach is used widely in the thesis to highlight corporate governance issues in Pakistan ... example, corporate governance has been defined in the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance in its broader sense: in its preamble, it defines the concept as corporate governance includes a ... good corporate governance in Pakistan This process will help to develop corporate governance issues in Pakistan for discussion in the following chapters 2.2 Corporate governance The word governance...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 16:48

365 431 0
balasubramanian et al - 2010 - the relation between firm-level corporate governance and market value - a case in idian [icgi]

balasubramanian et al - 2010 - the relation between firm-level corporate governance and market value - a case in idian [icgi]

... 319–340 339 Investment Climate, India Business Investor Dialogue sponsored by the Global Corporate Governance Forum and the Securities & Exchange Bureau of India, and the India–China Corporate Governance ... Forum-Asian Centre for Corporate Governance International Conference on Corporate Governance: Role of Corporate Governance in Improving India's N Balasubramanian et al / Emerging Markets Review 11 ... structure index Board independence subindex BdIn.1 Board contains at least 50% independent directors BdIn.2 Board contains over 50% independent directors BdIn.3 CEO is NOT chairman of the board BdIn.4...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33

22 516 0
love and rachinsky - 2007 - corporate governance, ownership and bank performance in emerging markets - evidence from russia and ukraine [rcgi]

love and rachinsky - 2007 - corporate governance, ownership and bank performance in emerging markets - evidence from russia and ukraine [rcgi]

... results in about one-third of one standard deviation change in ROE We also find the net interest income to be significantly related to governance in Ukraine but not in Russia In Ukraine better governance ... relating corporate governance (measured by an index that focuses on specific corporate governance provisions) to performance in banking institutions A separate strand of literature examines relationship ... average number of shareholders is 50 in Russia and 47 in Ukraine, the average Herfindahl index is 0.32 in Russia and 0.28 in Ukraine The survey included information on ownership categories: 75-100,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33

37 451 0
kowalewski et al - 2007 - corporate governance and dividend policy in poland [pcgi-tdi]

kowalewski et al - 2007 - corporate governance and dividend policy in poland [pcgi-tdi]

... implies that an increase in corporate governance index by one point results in an increase of dividend-to-cash flow by 0.91 points The regressions (2)-(5) present a worst-to-best change in the TDI ... the corporate governance practices in the company In this case corporate governance reflects the power of minority shareholders in the company The severity of agency costs is likely to be inversely ... subindices The subindices present large variation in corporate governance standards across listed companies in our sample The high value of the TDI subindex Disclosure reflects good corporate governance...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33

26 399 0
silva and leal - 2005 - corporate governance index, firm valuation and performance in brazil [bcgi]

silva and leal - 2005 - corporate governance index, firm valuation and performance in brazil [bcgi]

... sample 11 Revista Brasileira de Financas v n 2005 ¸ Table Corporate governance rating Rating “Good” Corporate Governance “Medium” Corporate Governance “Poor” Corporate Governance CGI 15 14 13 12 11 ... accounting information comes from the Economatica database, which contains financial statements and time series data of companies for the main Latin American countries Corporate Governance Index, ... 2002, while average ROA increased from 5.58% in 1998 to 8.49% in 2002 The mean of CGI increased from 5.78 in 1998 to 5.90 in 2002, while the median of CGI is 6, indicating a relatively symmetric...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33

18 376 0
thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

thang nguyen ngoc - 2011 - corporate governance and its impact on the performance of firms in emerging countries - the evidence from vietnam [cg]

... training for all stakehoders in corporate governance Third, integrating corporate governance improvements with broader reforms is recommended It should be recognized that making corporate governance ... compared the corporate governance practices score of the financials industry with those of all other nonfinancial industries, the financial industry (45.8) performed better in corporate governance ... willing  to  good corporate pay  more  for  shares  in governance is an companies  that  are  increasingly perceived as conforming to  important factor higher  corporate for investment governance ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33

8 437 1
góis - 2009 - financial reporting quality and corporate governance in portugues

góis - 2009 - financial reporting quality and corporate governance in portugues

... presenting the argument that when the leverage is high, there is a greater likelihood of the managers exploiting the accounting discretion Achieving these findings can be explained in line with ... INTRODUCTION The aim of this paper is to contribute to the study of the influence of the type of corporate governance on the financial reporting quality in countries with a tradition of continental ... important functions of corporate governance is to ensure the quality of the financial reporting process According Sloan (2001) the financial information is the first source of independent and true,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33

25 343 0
lin and liu - 2009 - the determinants of auditor switching from the perspective of corporate governance in china

lin and liu - 2009 - the determinants of auditor switching from the perspective of corporate governance in china

... DETERMINANTS OF AUDITOR SWITCHING FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN CHINA costs of raising capital and hiring a low-quality auditor to maintain the gains from the opaqueness of corporate ... disentangle these two incentives, thus allowing us to pinpoint the association between a firm’s internal corporate governance mechanism and its auditor switching decisions Third, the Chinese Institute of ... auditors in China in the early 2000s in order to improve the transparency of the Chinese auditing market, thus allowing the possibility of identifying high-quality auditors in the Chinese market An investigation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43

16 325 0
lin and liu - 2010 - the determinants of auditor switching from the perspective of corporate governance in china

lin and liu - 2010 - the determinants of auditor switching from the perspective of corporate governance in china

... Liu / Advances in Accounting, incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26 (2010) 117–127 125 Table Internal corporate governance mechanisms and switching to a smaller auditing firm test ... The McKinsey Quarterly McKinsey & Company (2002) Corporate governance develops in emerging markets McKinsey on Finance, 3, 15−18 Menom, R M (2003) Earnings management in response to the introduction ... lack of sound corporate governance, it would be difficult to prevent the firm's managers or 120 Z.J Lin, M Liu / Advances in Accounting, incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26 (2010)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43

11 586 0
bebchuk et al - 2009 - what matters in corporate governance [cgs-e-index]

bebchuk et al - 2009 - what matters in corporate governance [cgs-e-index]

... included in the E index Finally, we find that the corporate governance provisions not included in the E index have no explanatory power, above that already provided by the E index, for returns during ... provisions in the E index matter but those in the O index not, including the latter in the governance measure could contribute a significant amount of noise IV ENTRENCHMENT AND FIRM VALUE In studying ... variable in most regressions is the log of industry-adjusted Tobin’s Q, where industry-adjusted Tobin’s Q is a firm’s Q minus the median Q in the firm’s industry in the observation year We defined...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:46

62 355 0