converting nouns and adjectives into verbs

Cambridge University Press Lexical Categories Verbs, Nouns, And Adjectives

Cambridge University Press Lexical Categories Verbs, Nouns, And Adjectives

... theory. They claim that verbs and prepositions take complements, and nouns and adjectives do not; this is like Jackendoff’s +/−obj feature. They also claim that adjectives and prepositions form ... nominals and verbalization 159 3.9 Are nouns universal? 169 4Adjectivesasneithernounsnorverbs190 4.1 The essence of having no essence 190 4.2 Attributive modification 192 4.3 Adjectives and degree ... only adjectives and adpositions can modify nouns (the man in the garden and the man responsible) and only they can be preceded by measure phrases (It is three yards long and He went three yards into...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:21

368 1,4K 4
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 10 pot

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 10 pot

... York: Garland. Munro, Pamela and Lynn Gordon. 1982. Syntactic relations in Western Muskogean. Language 58: 81–115. Murasugi, Keiko. 1990. Adjectives, nominal adjectives and adjectival verbs in ... Willem, 181 adjectives, 2n., 107 acquired late, 298 and determiners, 111–19, 121–23 and incorporation, 4, 152, 169n. and measure phrases, 106n. and morphological causatives, 53–56 and tense marking, ... in, 27 plurality in, 108 restructuring in, 29n. verbs versus adjectives in, 88, 249–50, 264 Mojave adjectives versus verbs in, 10, 255–56 tense and copula in, 47 morphological well-formedness...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

46 419 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 9 ppt

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 9 ppt

... assume that objects are designated by nouns, actions by verbs, and properties by adjectives. They then jump tothe conclusion thatthereare a few nouns, verbs, and adjectives in the language they are ... certainly not random either. The words meaning ‘rock,’ ‘dog,’ ‘child,’ and ‘tree’ are nouns in every language, and the words meaning ‘buy,’ ‘hit,’ ‘walk,’ and ‘fall’ are almost always verbs. Dixon ... showed long ago that even in languages with very few adjectives ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ ‘big’ and ‘little,’ ‘old’ and ‘new,’ ‘black’ and white’ are adjectives. Thefact that each category has a stable...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

52 494 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 8 pot

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 8 pot

... two-category system: a system that has verbs and “substantives,” the latter being usable as either nouns or adjectives. ) 248 Adjectives as neither nouns nor verbs (100) M-kango ndi w-a u-kulu. 3-lion PRED ... X— (verbs) —X–(A 1 s)—X–(A 2 s)———X– (nouns) —–X (Japanese?) c X— (verbs) —X————————- (nouns) ————–X (Chichewa? Quechua?) d X———— (verbs) ————————–X— (nouns) —X (Mohawk?) Languages of all these types (and ... divide the space into three categories: nouns, verbs, and adjectives, as shown in (86a). One might, however, perfectly well expect some languages to di- vide the same continuum into four or more...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

40 436 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 7 pdf

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 7 pdf

... readings that nouns zero-derived into verbs have in English: (184c) is like Hale’s and Keyser’s (1993) location verbs (to corral the horses) and (184d) is like Hale’s and Keyser’s locatum verbs (to ... categories – Preds that make nouns look more verbal, and pronouns / determiners that make adjectives and verbs look more nominal. In languages in which both Pred and pronouns are systematically null, ... inflection, and adjectives happen to take the same range of number, gender, and case forms as nouns in Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit. For this reason, the distinction between nouns and adjectives...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

31 606 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 6 pps

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 6 pps

... inchoative verbs; and –wa, which forms causative verbs. Heath observes that both of these morphemes attach produc- tively to adjectives but not to nouns, as shown in (138c,d). 3.9 Are nouns universal? ... → ∗ kirja-nta-a ‘to make into a book’ d lavan ‘white A ’ → hilbin ‘to whiten’ (Hebrew) ‘avaq ‘dust N ’ → #’ibeq ‘to remove dust from’ (not ‘to make into dust’) This difference between nouns and adjectives ... age. 44 In addition to Salish, Wakashan, and Austronesian, the Mundari language of India is often cited as having no distinction between nouns, verbs, and adjectives (Bhat 1994: ch. 11; Wetzer 1996; Stassen...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

33 394 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 5 ppsx

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 5 ppsx

... or adjectival. 20 3.4 Nouns in binding and anaphora My task now is to go on and show how nouns having a criterion of identity and a referential index can explain differences between nouns and other categories that ... out. Nouns can certainly undergo head movement, whether to determiner positions as in the Semitic languages (Ritter [1991] and others) or incorporating into verbs as in Mohawk (Baker 1988a). Verbs ... agreement between attributive adjectives and modified nouns, such as Italian and Chichewa, the adjective in a D+Adj construction typically shows agreement in gender and number with an understood...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

34 343 0
Converting, Organizing, and Aligning

Converting, Organizing, and Aligning

... IK and IKB to Work Note: In the case of *Hand_Trans and *Hand_Rot, I find it to be much easier to get the exact arcs of motion I’m looking for if I use *Hand_Trans for heading and bank, and *Hand_Rot ... X o o o Head X X X X X X X X X RightHand_Trans X X X X o X X X X RightHand_Rot o X X RightShoulder X X RightElbow X LeftHand_Trans X X X X o X X X X LeftHand_Rot o X X LeftShoulder X X LeftElbow ... While holding down Ctrl, click on RightHand_Rot. This is a quick way to make Right - Thumb_Base a child of RightHand_Rot. 100 Chapter 5: Converting, Organizing, and Aligning Figure 5.19. Notice how...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31

50 595 0
FOCUS ON - eparable and nonseparable phrasal verbs

FOCUS ON - eparable and nonseparable phrasal verbs

... form past tense past participle run into run into & runs into running into ran into run into 1. run into p.v. When you are driving and hit another vehicle or something near ... What did Sally do? 2. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and do, does, and did Like ordinary verbs, phrasal verbs form negatives and questions with do, does, and did. Present tense questions In ... them. Bump into is the same as run into. We ran into Karen and her new boyfriend at the supermarket yesterday. I owe Frank $300, so I hope I don't run into him. 3. run into p.v. When...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

14 464 0
separable and nonseparable phrasal verbs

separable and nonseparable phrasal verbs

... tense -ing form past tense past participle run into run into & runs into running into ran into run into 1. run into p.v. When you are driving and hit another vehicle or something near the ... What did Sally do? 2. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and do, does, and did Like ordinary verbs, phrasal verbs form negatives and questions with do, does, and did. Present tense questions In ... them. Bump into is the same as run into. We ran into Karen and her new boyfriend at the supermarket yesterday. I owe Frank $300, so I hope I don't run into him. 3. run into p.v. When...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

13 483 2