conservation of energy first law of thermodynamics for an open system

Báo cáo "Monte carlo simulation by code of MCNP and experimental check for measuring thickness of materials for the specializing system of MYO-101 " ppt

Báo cáo "Monte carlo simulation by code of MCNP and experimental check for measuring thickness of materials for the specializing system of MYO-101 " ppt

... of Science, Mathematics - Physics 26 (2010) 43-49 47 Proccessing of the measured results and drawing of graphs are done by software of Origin The fitted equations and saturation thicknesses of ... comparison of the results calculated by MCNP and measured experimentally, it could be seen the advantage of MCNP program for simulating backscattering effect of gamma-ray in the case of the dedicated system ... Fitting for probe Fig Drawing of the detector Results of experimentally measured intensity I(cps) of scattering gamma-ray for different material are listed in Table With model to be system of MYO-101,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

7 467 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: "Monte carlo simulation by code of MCNP and experimental check for measuring thickness of materials for the specializing system of MYO-101" pptx

Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: "Monte carlo simulation by code of MCNP and experimental check for measuring thickness of materials for the specializing system of MYO-101" pptx

... of Science, Mathematics - Physics 26 (2010) 43-49 47 Proccessing of the measured results and drawing of graphs are done by software of Origin The fitted equations and saturation thicknesses of ... comparison of the results calculated by MCNP and measured experimentally, it could be seen the advantage of MCNP program for simulating backscattering effect of gamma-ray in the case of the dedicated system ... Fitting for probe Fig Drawing of the detector Results of experimentally measured intensity I(cps) of scattering gamma-ray for different material are listed in Table With model to be system of MYO-101,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 16:21

7 488 0
conservation of crop germplasm an international perspective

conservation of crop germplasm an international perspective

... Another significant factor at this time (1862) was the organization of the Department of Agriculture as a separate unit; and later (1898), the creation of the "Section of Foreign Seed and Plant ... step in organizing the expedition is, as previously stated, the most important and should include a specific plan Arrangements and definitive plans for the receipt and conservation of the collections ... studies and progress in breeding are also available (Chang and Vergara, 1972; Vergara and Chang, 1976; Chang and Oka, 1976; Khush, 1977; Chang and Li, 1980) CONSTRAINTS ON CONSERVATION AND RESOURCES...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2015, 10:09

69 334 0
Manifestations of quantum mechanics in open systems from opto mechancis to dynamical casimir effect

Manifestations of quantum mechanics in open systems from opto mechancis to dynamical casimir effect

... ways, to the realization of this thesis, and my sincere gratitude goes to them First of all, I want to thank Vlatko, for his guidance and his friendship, and for the freedom and the trust he gave ... −1), with β= ωm /kb T and T the temperature of the oscillator) 4.1 (a) Scheme of the system (b) Energy levels of the atom driven by an off-resonant two-photon Raman transition ... adiabatic evolution of quantum systems [58] and then generalized by Anandan and Aharonov for general nonadiabatic unitary evolution [59], the concept of geometric phase is regarded as one of the fundamental...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:10

178 246 0
Tài liệu Changing the Database for an Open Connection pdf

Tài liệu Changing the Database for an Open Connection pdf

... database cannot be changed for any reason The Database property of the Connection object is updated dynamically and returns the current database for an open connection or the name of a database ... those for SQL Server, Oracle, and OLE DB The ChangeDatabase( ) method is used to change the current database for an open connection It takes a single parameter that specifies the name of the ... to use in place of the current database The name of the database must be valid or an ArgumentException will be raised If the connection is not open when the method is called, an InvalidOperationException...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

2 382 0
International Financial Market and Korean Economy ISLM framework for an open economy

International Financial Market and Korean Economy ISLM framework for an open economy

... Effects of an Increase in Foreign Demand An increase in foreign demand leads to an increase in output and to a trade surplus Increases in Foreign Demand The direct effect of the increase in foreign ... an Open Economy Now we must be able to distinguish between the domestic demand for goods and the demand for domestic goods  Some domestic demand falls on foreign goods, and some of the demand ... selling foreign currency—sometimes called foreign exchange   Openness in financial markets allows: (1) Financial investors to diversify—to hold both domestic and foreign assets and speculate on foreign...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2015, 16:11

68 2K 0
Tài liệu Chapter XV The First Law of Thermodynamics pdf

Tài liệu Chapter XV The First Law of Thermodynamics pdf

... can expand in an container which is isolated from surroundings (no heat input) §2 The first law of thermodynamics: 2.1 Internal energy of a system:  The internal energy of a system is the energy ... XV The First Law of Thermodynamics §1 Heat, work and paths of a thermodynamic process §2 The first law of thermodynamics §3 Kinds of thermodynamic processes §4 Thermodynamic processes for an ideal ... between the system and its surroundings, for example, system and gravitaitonal field)  For an ideal gas we know how can calculate the internal energy But for any real system, the calculation of the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 04:20

27 597 0
At Last – The Law of Attraction for Regular People

At Last – The Law of Attraction for Regular People

... end of this report Table of Contents Introduction Page PART Law of Attraction Tips for Amazing Health Page PART Law of Attraction Tips for Amazing Money Page 14 PART Law of Attraction Tips for an ... for sure was that I wanted to be my own boss Luckily for me I discovered the law of attraction and soon after I rediscovered my talent for and love of writing, and I then spent a great deal of ... that if I have any bills I can easily pay them and I can give my family everything they have ever wanted I want to be able to go to the bank knowing I have plenty of money left and I want to stop...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 02:15

58 480 2
Tài liệu Action plan for the multi-level conservation of forest wetlands in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam pdf

Tài liệu Action plan for the multi-level conservation of forest wetlands in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam pdf

... in wetland conservation The inventories provide information on the type and the location of wetland, the economic and ecological value of the wetland, and the type and incidence of human threat ... used as basis for the formulation of conservation priorities, the drafting of planning and management measures and regulations, and a variety of conservation programmes Materials and Methods There ... development and conservation of the wetland The multi-level action plan for the conservation of forest wetlands in the MD is not a rigid document It offers sufficient flexibility for planning, exploitation...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 22:15

8 689 0
Tài liệu Chapter 8: Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy doc

Tài liệu Chapter 8: Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy doc

... gravitational force as the spring force are called “conservative” because the can transfer energy from the kinetic energy of part of the system to potential energy and vice versa Frictional and drag forces ... principle of conservation of mechanical energy It can be summarized as: ∆Emech = ∆K + ∆U = For an isolated system in which the forces are a mixture of conservative and non conservative forces the ... Conservation of Mechanical Energy: Mechanical energy of a system is defined as the sum of potential and kinetic energies Emech = K + U We assume that the system is isolated i.e no external forces change...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 00:16

16 514 0
Tài liệu Chapter XVI The Second Law of Thermodynamics doc

Tài liệu Chapter XVI The Second Law of Thermodynamics doc

... refrigerators 5/6/2008 The first law of thermodynamics gives the quantiative relations between the internal energy of a system and the quantities of heat and work that the system exchange with surroundings ... XVI The Second Law of Thermodynamics §1 Reversible Carnot cycles §2 The second law of thermodynamics §3 Entropy and quantitative formulation of the second law §4 Heat engines and refrigerators ... Violation of the “engine” statement 14 §3 Entropy and quantitative formulation of the second law: We know two equivalent formulation of the second law But we haven’t had any equation to express the law...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 04:20

31 418 0


... Professor of Law at SMU Dedman School of Law) , Professor Chris Okeke of Golden Gate University College of Law and Dr Roberto MacLean (onetime Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Peru to ... Attanasio (Dean and William Hawley Atwell Professor of Constitutional Law, SMU Dedman School of Law) for having provided me with two generous research grants in the summers of 2003 and 2004 that ... United States and former Judge of the Supreme Court of Peru) who were among the first group of publicists to grasp the significance of this emerging field of international economic law and who not...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 06:20

424 882 0
United States Court of Appeals For the First Circuit ppt

United States Court of Appeals For the First Circuit ppt

... RIDEM, Evaluation of Nitrogen Targets and WWTF Load Reductions for the Providence and Seekonk Rivers (2004) (reporting results of Rhode Island's TMDL efforts and a management plan for addressing ... 1983, 1991, 1992, 2003, and 2004); Governor's Narragansett Bay Watershed Planing Comm'n, Nutrient and Bacteria Pollution Panel Initial Report (2004) (study and management plan for addressing the problems ... Analysis of the Blackstone River Under Wet and Dry weather Conditions (2001) (for EPA New England) (integrated water quality study and report on both Massachusetts and Rhode Island segments of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21

56 371 0


... sections of the panel Operation of Working and Standby Transformers As regards operation of working and standby transformers, either of two practices as below is followed : i) One transformer ... power losses etc and identification of actions for remedy and correction In respect of energy conservation, various organisations are working in the field of energy conservation and have done useful ... (ii) and (iii) above, calculate cumulative system kW for minimum and maximum number of pumps simultaneously operated [In the example, cumulative system kW drawn for numbers of pumps and numbers of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

20 512 0


... collected information, the analyzing of the conditions and performances of existing equipment, systems and installations, and the energy bills, and the comparing with performances at relevant energy ... means other than only natural or forced fan ventilation ‘Director’ means the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services EAC_2012 of 11 EMSD Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit ‘ means ... efficient modes of operation, and finally the identification of areas of energy inefficiency and the means for improvement 6.2 Energy audit can achieve energy efficiency and conservation through...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

14 503 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Involvement of Ech hydrogenase in energy conservation of Methanosarcina mazei pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Involvement of Ech hydrogenase in energy conservation of Methanosarcina mazei pptx

... & Griesinger C (2000) N-carboxymethanofuran (carbamate) formation from methanofuran and CO2 in methanogenic archaea Thermodynamics and kinetics of the spontaneous reaction Eur J Biochem 267, ... technical assistance and Paul Schweiger for critical reading of the manuscript Many thanks also go to Gunes Bender and Steve Ragsdale, Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan Medical ... methylated compounds such as methanol and methylamines (oxidation of formylmethanofuran [32]) and from acetate (oxidation of CO-bound to CODH ⁄ ACS [5]) The importance of Fd in the metabolism is evident...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

8 417 0
First Meeting of the for the Pacific Islands Oceanic Fisheries Management Project docx

First Meeting of the for the Pacific Islands Oceanic Fisheries Management Project docx

... The Governance objective: to create new regional institutional arrangements and reform, realign and strengthen national arrangements for conservation and management of transboundary oceanic fishery ... and policy guidance and to review and approve annual work plans and budgets; • reviewing and endorsing all formal monitoring and evaluation reports and findings; to provide a regional forum for ... institutional arrangements and reform, realign and strengthen national arrangements for conservation and management of transboundary oceanic fishery resources Project Structure The structure of the Project...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:22

115 271 0


... Formulation of Standards for water consumption by different categories of pulp and paper manufacturing units Background Proposed categaries of pulp anf paper mills for standards Proposed types of Water ... enables use of lesser quantity of bleaching chemicals, hence requires less water quantity for bleaching and washing Dry de-dusting of straw for removal of fines and dust / Dry depithing of Bagasse ... scale pulp and paper mills: Less than 140 cum/tonne of paper within years Less than 120 cum/tonne of paper in years for mills installed before 1992 Less than 100 cum/tonne of paper in years for mills...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

133 694 0
a history of thermodynamics the doctrine of energy and entropy

a history of thermodynamics the doctrine of energy and entropy

... Emmanuel Clausius 59 Second law of Thermodynamics 65 Exploitation of the Second Law 68 Terroristic Nimbus of Entropy and Second Law 72 Modern Version of Zeroth, First and ... from mechanics to include the internal energy of thermodynamics and the electro-magnetic energy The first law of thermodynamics states that the total sum is conserved: the sum of mechanical, thermodynamic, ... Di and Hi can be calculated from Di and Hi Once the transformation laws of E, B, D, H are known, we may ask for the transformations that leave the ether relations D = E and H = µ0 B invariant...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:42

335 830 0