connecting to a sql server database using asp net 4 0

Tài liệu Back Up and Verify a SQL Server Database doc

Tài liệu Back Up and Verify a SQL Server Database doc

... 7.2 Back Up and Verify a SQL Server Database Backing up a database is probably one of the most important features to incorporate into your application. If you leave it up to the user to use ... SQL Servers ListBox Name lstSQLServers Label Name Label2 Text Databases ListBox Name lstDatabases Label Name Label3 Text Backup Devices ListBox Name lstBackupDevices Command Button Name ... of backup that you want to take place. The choices are SQLDMOBackup _Database, SQLDMOBackup_Differential, SQLDMOBackup_Files, and SQLDMOBackup_Log. BackupSetDescription This property allows

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20

11 422 0
Connecting to microsoft SQL server

Connecting to microsoft SQL server

... DAOVBSQLRDO JET Relational Databases Other Data Sources Connecting to a SQL Server Data Source  Connecting with Data Control  Connecting with ADO Data Control (ADO)  Connecting with ADO Data Control ... Standard and Integrated Security DATABASE Database Security Users, Groups, Permissions Database Interfaces OLE DB DB- Library ODBC Application Programming Interfaces Data Object Interfaces ADO DAOVBSQLRDO ... lots of API calls Better off with the ADO abstraction Summary    We discussed establishing an connection to a SQL Server Database We learned that there is an easy way and a hard way Questions?

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 18:38

25 238 0
Xây dựng và ứng dụng thương mại điện tử trên nền công nghệ ASP NET 4 0 luận văn tốt nghiệp đại học

Xây dựng và ứng dụng thương mại điện tử trên nền công nghệ ASP NET 4 0 luận văn tốt nghiệp đại học

... /46 thuong-mai-dien-tu-la-gi.html [7] http://www .asp. net. vn/Default.aspx?tabid=81ed75 6a- 3 102 -43 97-92de- 7a2 310b89 9b4&mid =41 b00e4c-db3c-4c 00 -a4 82-73d63e5e3fd1&itemid= 9 40 &page=Detail ... TenNguoiNhan DiaChiNguoiNhan DienThoaiNguoiNhan NgayDatHang NgayGiaoHang VanChuyenID X©y dùng website thint nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar datetime datetime int 50 50 50 ID khách hàng Tên người nhận Đ? ?a ... .asp? filename=demo_pageload [5] /ASP. net/ Ap p_Code/GameAccount.vb&q =asp. net% 20login&sa=N&cd=3&ct=rc [6] /46 thuong-mai-dien-tu-la-gi.html

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 21:09

44 603 0
Apress introducing ASP.Net 4.0 with visual studio 2010_2 pptx

Apress introducing ASP.Net 4.0 with visual studio 2010_2 pptx

... way. For example, imagine an application where you have a class called TigerCage and you now want to create a Tiger class. If you want to use VS 201 0’s new class generation features and start ... See calls made to and from a particular method with the Call Hierarchy window. Code Generation A great feature in VS 200 8 is that you can enter a new method name that doesn’t exist and have the ... Gallery (see Figure 2-17) allows you to download a number of additions from new project templates to IDE customizations A number of extensions for VS 201 0 are available already and some 35 CHAPTER

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:22

45 458 0
ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 2 ppsx

ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 2 ppsx

... ready for chapter 2. We’re going to delve into an analysis of the data access options available in . NET Framework 4. 0 and specifically for ASP. NET 4. 0. 30 Data access reloaded: Entity Framework ... the AdventureWorks data- base. This database represents a complex scenario and uses lots of SQL server fea- tures. It also has an online transaction processing (OLTP) database and a data warehouse ... Entity Framework only in this chapter. If you want to take a look at how to perform data access using the classic ADO .NET approach, take a look at appendix A. Understanding data access using

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

50 796 0
ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 4 pps

ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 4 pps

... share a common base, using a DynamicDataManager to instruct the data controls, a ValidationSummary to display validation errors, and an UpdatePanel to provide AJAX capabilities, using ASP. NET ... Dynamic Data controls. 5.5 Summary Data binding is a central topic in every ASP. NET application. Data binding isn’t neces- sarily tied to a database as a data source. You can, in fact, get data ... can use the data annotations features from the System.Com- ponentModel.DataAnnonations namespace to decorate the classes and to provide additional information that Dynamic Data controls can

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

50 388 0
ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 6 docx

ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 6 docx

... cmd.Parameters.Add(p); Parameter value SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100 ); p2.Value = Password.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add(p2); Add to parameters collection using (SqlDataReader ... p As New SqlParameter ("@Username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100 ) p.Value = Username.Text cmd.Parameters.Add(p) Parameter value Dim p2 As New SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100 ) P2.Value ... LoadTagCloudAttribute has to fetch the tag cloud data from the database (as you saw in chapter 8) and store it in the model Because we want it to be applicable to many views, and, in turn, to

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

50 347 0
ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 8 potx

ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 8 potx

... PostBack and invokes the server, simulating a PostBack with an Ajax call. The server sends HTML for panels 1 and 2, and the JavaScript updates them. 326 CHAPTER 12 Ajax and RIAs with ASP. NET 4. 0 ... page into different parts that are independently updated via Ajax. When a control inside a part causes page PostBack, JavaScript on the client intercepts it and transforms it into an Ajax call. ... of traffic. So far we’ve been talking only about the server code. The ASP. NET Ajax JavaScript enables you to intercept the Ajax call pipeline and perform any arbitrary code before and after

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

50 376 0
ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 9 pdf

ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 9 pdf

... limits, and transform it into different shapes. Implementing data caching in ASP. NET Because ASP. NET 4. 0 is based on .NET Framework 4. 0, you get a set of new caching fea- tures that are useful and ... leverage it to keep objects of any type. Our next step is to analyze what ASP. NET 4. 0 can offer in terms of data caching and how this feature can meet your needs for scaling. 14. 4 Data caching ... perform a call to a service—each time the page is requested. Caching tries to apply this axiom, using an API that we can program against. TECHNIQUE 87 382 CHAPTER 14 Caching in ASP. NET As previously

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

50 612 0
ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 10 potx

ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 10 potx

... multiple tasks separately is a good design decision that increases performance dramatically and leverages ASP. NET? ??s mul- tithread nature. Refresh page and check again Thread 2 Thread 1 GetFlightPrice() ... thread created by the primary one to accomplish a specific task. The . NET Framework has a specific namespace, called System.Threading , to sup- port threads, and a specific class, named Thread ... contains information about the database location plus other additional information... In fact, invoking a stored procedure is just a matter of using its name instead of the full SQL statement and

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

55 443 0
Xây dựng và ứng dụng thương mại điện tử trên nền công nghệ asp net 4 0

Xây dựng và ứng dụng thương mại điện tử trên nền công nghệ asp net 4 0

... /46 thuong-mai-dien-tu-la-gi.html [7] http://www .asp. net. vn/Default.aspx?tabid=81ed75 6a- 3 102 -43 97-92de- 7a2 310b89 9b4&mid =41 b00e4c-db3c-4c 00 -a4 82-73d63e5e3fd1&itemid= 9 40 &page=Detail ... TenNguoiNhan DiaChiNguoiNhan DienThoaiNguoiNhan NgayDatHang NgayGiaoHang VanChuyenID KIỂU DỮ LIỆU int int nvarchar nvarchar nvarchar datetime datetime int CHIỀU DÀI 50 50 50 CHÚ THÍCH Kh? ?a chính, ... ProStatus ProImage ProPrice ProDescript ProInform CatID Date_create MaNSX KIỂU DỮ LIỆU int nvarchar int nvarchar float nvarchar nvarchar int datetime int CHIỀU DÀI 50 50 200 200 CHÚ THÍCH Kh? ?a chính,

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2021, 23:36

44 6 0
ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 1 ppsx

ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice phần 1 ppsx

... you know about NET Framework Let’s talk about all the new features that ASP. NET 4. 0 has in store for you 1 .4. 2 A panoramic overview of ASP. NET 4. 0 features ASP. NET 4. 0 has significantly changed ... performing data-intensive loads to be used in the whole application ASP. NET accepts HTTP requests for the application after this method has completed ASP. NET AJAX 4. 0 ASP. NET Ajax 4. 0 has a new set ... illustration xxv PART ASP. NET FUNDAMENTALS 1 Getting acquainted with ASP. NET 4. 0 1.1 Meet ASP. NET 1.2 Typical architecture in ASP. NET applications 1.3 Your first ASP. NET Web Form 1 .4 What’s

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

51 1K 0
Connecting to a unixlinux system

Connecting to a unixlinux system

... 141 • Labs are mandatory. Attendance will be taken in each lab. • Make account on moodle. • Projects will be submitted via moodle. Connecting to a Unix/Linux system  Open up a terminal: Connecting ... 10 lines  -n option allows you to change that  “head -n 50 file.txt” displays the first 50 lines of file.txt Command: head  Here’s an example of using “head”: Command: tail  Same as head, ... forward one line, space one page  y scrolls back one line, b one page  use “/” to search for a string  Press q to quit Command: head  “head” displays the top part of a file... By default

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 10:51

49 363 0
Tìm hiểu khả năng phân lớp tự động của SQL Server

Tìm hiểu khả năng phân lớp tự động của SQL Server

... a. SLIQ : A Fast Scalable Classifier for Data Mining : 12 b. Từ SLIQ sang SPRINT : A Scalable Parallel Classifier for DataMining 13 c. PUBLIC: Tích hợp sự phát triển c? ?a cây quyết định và t? ?a ... thuộc tính : Gain(S,Windy)= Entropy(S)-(8/ 14) Entropy(S false ) – (6/ 14) Entropy(S true ) = 0. 04 8 Gain(S,Humidity) = 0. 151 Gain(S,Temperature) = 0. 029 Gain(S,Outlook) = 0. 246 3. Chọn l? ?a những thuộc ... hot high false n sunny hot high true n overcast hot high false p rain mild high false p rain cool normal false p rain cool normal false n overcast cool normal true p sunny mild high false p sunny

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2015, 21:33

37 394 1
Test bank for 70 228 MCSE guide to MS SQL server 2000 administration 1st edition by mathew

Test bank for 70 228 MCSE guide to MS SQL server 2000 administration 1st edition by mathew

... for the master database ANS: F PTS: REF: 46 10 The only way to get back to the original SQL Server 7 .0 installation is to uninstall SQL Server 200 0 and then reinstall it ANS: T PTS: REF: 47 11 The ... an installation of SQL Server 200 0 ANS: T PTS: REF: 42 Named pipes are NOT required when installing SQL Server 200 0 in Windows 200 0 or Windows NT ANS: F REF: 43 PTS: REF: 44 Each SQL Server computer ... from SQL Server 7 .0 ANS: There are two ways to upgrade databases to SQL Server 200 0 from version 7 .0 The most obvious is to upgrade all of the underlying components as well as existing databases

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2019, 15:37

16 50 0
download test bank for 70 228 MCSE guide to MS SQL server 2000 administration 1st edition by mathew

download test bank for 70 228 MCSE guide to MS SQL server 2000 administration 1st edition by mathew

... existing databases by running a standard upgrade using the SQL Server 200 0 Setup program The second option involves using the Copy Database Wizard to move databases from version 7 .0 installation to an ... options installs a special set of facilities that allows users of SQL Server 200 0 to query the database using logical English statements? a Install English Query c Both A and B b Install Analysis ... allows network libraries to be installed for an installation of SQL Server 200 0 ANS: T PTS: REF: 42 Named pipes are NOT required when installing SQL Server 200 0 in Windows 200 0 or Windows NT ANS:

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2019, 09:20

16 42 0
Introducing Server Controls in ASP.NET AJAX

Introducing Server Controls in ASP.NET AJAX

... INTRODUCING SERVER CONTROLS IN ASP. NET AJAX In Chapter 3, you learned how to create a new AJAX-enabled ASP. NET site Alternatively, you can just as easily create an AJAX-enabled ASP. NET web application ... through an application that actually uses these controls Using ASP. NET AJAX Server Controls in Visual Studio 200 5 Visual Studio 200 5 and ASP. NET offer some great design tools that allow you to visually ... surface in future releases of ASP. NET AJAX Using ASP. NET AJAX server controls is the easiest and quickest path to implementing AJAX functionality in your ASP. NET application They are also ideal

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

28 478 0
Beginning Object-Oriented ASP.NET 2.0 with VB.NET: From Novice to Professional pptx

Beginning Object-Oriented ASP.NET 2.0 with VB.NET: From Novice to Professional pptx

... Microsoft NET and Visual Studio 200 5 VB .NET and ASP. NET What is an ASP. NET application and what is VB .NET? The journey towards writing an ASP. NET application with VB .NET begins with understanding ... This chapter also shows how to implement inheritance within VB .NET Along with. .. Page 1 1 sss An Introduction to NET and Visual Studio 200 5 T his chapter defines VB .NET and ASP. NET and introduces ... of each Microsoft language tool For example, you can purchase, install, and use Microsoft Visual Basic Express Edition to write software with VB .NET There is an advantage to using an Express

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

217 654 1
Building CMS E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005 - Chương 2 pps

Building CMS E-Commerce Project using ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and SQLServer 2005 - Chương 2 pps

... using ASP. NET 3.5 in C# 200 8 and SQLServer 200 5 Tạo trang MasterPage.master:  Từ menu bar, chọn : Website  Add New Item  AJAX Master Page  Đặt tên : MasterPage.master Hình 02 : Tạo trang MasterPage.master ... About.aspx sử dụng MasterPage.master để test  Tạo trang Contac.aspx About.aspx  Thay đổi code cho trang Contact.aspx.cs About.aspx.cs kế th? ?a từ lớp BasePage thay System.Web.UI.Page sau: public ... 200 8 and SQLServer 200 5 GVHD: Dương Ngọc Long Nam – Page 23 Building CMS / E-Commerce Project using ASP. NET 3.5 in C# 200 8 and SQLServer 200 5 32 Thêm vào trang Contact.aspx About.aspx

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

25 430 1