connect to oracle database with mysql workbench

Connect to database

Connect to database

... permission if ( !mysql _connect( "$server","$username","$password")) { echo mysql_ error(); exit; } $tb_list = mysql_ list_tables( $database) ; // Okie List while ($row = mysql_ fetch_row($tb_list)) ... mysql _connect( "$server","$username","$password"); $db_list = mysql_ list_dbs($conn); if (!$db_list) { echo mysql_ error(); exit; } while ($row = mysql_ fetch_object($db_list)) { $rdata = $row-> ;Database ; $tb_list = mysql_ list_tables($rdata); if ... mysql_ fetch_row($tb_list)) { echo "$row[0] "; } mysql_ free_result($tb_list); } ?> </table> </body> </html> Connect to database : trang này đã được đọc lần <head> <title> COPYRIGHT...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 14:18

4 853 0
Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 1

Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 1

... the connection string to the constructor SqlConnection mySqlConnection = Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database You create a SqlConnection object using the SqlConnection() ... Console.WriteLine("mySqlConnection .Database = "+ mySqlConnection .Database) ; Console.WriteLine("mySqlConnection.DataSource = "+ mySqlConnection.DataSource); Console.WriteLine("mySqlConnection.PacketSize ... mySqlConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 15 mySqlConnection .Database = Northwind mySqlConnection.DataSource = localhost mySqlConnection.PacketSize = 8192 mySqlConnection.ServerVersion = 08.00.0194 mySqlConnection.State...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

7 730 0
Tài liệu Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 2 doc

Tài liệu Using a SqlConnection Object to Connect to a SQL Server Database phần 2 doc

... method with the StateChange event of the mySqlConnection object: // open mySqlConnection mySqlConnection.Open(); // create a SqlCommand object SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); ... // to Open Console.WriteLine("Calling mySqlConnection.Open()"); mySqlConnection.Open(); // close mySqlConnection, causing the State to change from Open // to Closed ... Console.WriteLine("Calling mySqlConnection.Close()"); mySqlConnection.Close(); } } The output from this program is as follows: Calling mySqlConnection.Open() mySqlConnection State has...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

7 593 0
Tài liệu Connecting to an Oracle Database docx

Tài liệu Connecting to an Oracle Database docx

... LiB ] Recipe 1.9 Connecting to an Oracle Database Problem You want to connect to an Oracle database. Solution You can connect to an Oracle database using either the Oracle .NET data provider ... Oracle Button.Click Creates and opens a connection to an Oracle database using the Oracle .NET data provider. Information about the database is displayed from the properties of the OracleConnection ... OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[" ;Oracle_ Scott_ConnectString"]); resultTextBox.Text = "Connection with ORACLE Provider"...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

5 418 0
Tài liệu Create a Dialog Box to Connect to a New Database, Including Listing Available SQL Servers and Databases pdf

Tài liệu Create a Dialog Box to Connect to a New Database, Including Listing Available SQL Servers and Databases pdf

... Server and database and then create a new connection based on the selections. Within a database application, it is necessary to allow users to select a SQL Server back end to which to connect. ... Databases ListBox Name lstDatabases Label Name Label3 Text Connection String TextBox Name txtConnectionString Text Not Connected Command Button Name btnConnect Text Connect 2. As with ... Management might need to point the application to different site databases, depending on which one it needs to work with. This How -To shows you how to create a dialog box to let the user pick...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20

10 477 0
Using Oracle Clusterware to Protect A Single Instance Oracle Database 11g pot

Using Oracle Clusterware to Protect A Single Instance Oracle Database 11g pot

... an SPFILE: As oracle on node1 [oracle@ node1 oracle] $ export ORACLE_ HOME=/opt /oracle/ product/11.1/si [oracle@ node1 oracle] $ export ORACLE_ SID=ERI [oracle@ node1 oracle] $ $ORACLE_ HOME/bin/sqlplus ... directories from node1 to node2 As oracle on node1 [oracle@ node1 oracle] $ export ORACLE_ HOME=/opt /oracle/ product/11.1/si [oracle@ node1 oracle] $ scp $ORACLE_ HOME/dbs/initERI.ora node2:/ $ORACLE_ HOME/dbs/ ... node2 As oracle on node2 [oracle@ node2 oracle] $ export ORACLE_ HOME=/opt /oracle/ product/11.1/si [oracle@ node2 oracle] $ export ORACLE_ SID=ERI [oracle@ node2 oracle] $ $ORACLE_ HOME/bin/sqlplus /...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 13:20

28 699 0
how to do everything with php & mysql 2005

how to do everything with php & mysql 2005

... LinG 20 How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL HowTo8 (8) / How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL/ Vaswani/225795-4/Chapter 1 HowTo8 (8) / How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL/ Vaswani/225795-4/Chapter ... LinG 34 How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL HowTo8 (8) / How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL/ Vaswani/225795-4/Chapter 2 HowTo8 (8) / How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL/ Vaswani/225795-4/Chapter ... LinG 76 How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL HowTo8 (8) / How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL/ Vaswani/225795-4/Chapter 3 HowTo8 (8) / How to Do Everything with PHP & MySQL/ Vaswani/225795-4/Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:43

401 344 0
oracle database and powershell how-to

oracle database and powershell how-to

... The example connection string is against the HR sample database included with Oracle Express. To connect to this database you may need to adjust the user ID and/or password in the connection ... Instant Oracle Database and PowerShell How -to 33 How to do it 1. Dene the function Invoke -Oracle: function Invoke -Oracle { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Oracle. DataAccess.Client. OracleConnection]$conn, ... reusable. There's more For connection string help, try /oracle. Let's explore some additional connection techniques to use. Connecting with TNS Names To connect via TNS...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 15:42

81 530 0
oracle database 11g release 2 high availability elektronisk ressurs maximize your availability with grid infrastructure, oracle real application clusters, and oracle data guard

oracle database 11g release 2 high availability elektronisk ressurs maximize your availability with grid infrastructure, oracle real application clusters, and oracle data guard

... early Oracle Cluster Manager releases for Linux and Windows in the Oracle 8i days, to Oracle Clusterware releases included with Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Database 11g Release 1. Oracle s ... Escalations Team within Oracle Support, providing him with a unique insight into the needs of Oracle technology customers. Scott is the coauthor of Oracle Database 10g High Availability with RAC, ... 2006, he moved to the Oracle HA Product Support Team and eventually moved on to the Oracle RAC Assurance Team in 2009. Currently, he provides support to critical Oracle RAC customers to assure their...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:09

556 961 0
ODP.NET Developer''''s Guide: Oracle Database 10g Development with Visual Studio 2005 and the Oracle Data Provider for .NET pot

ODP.NET Developer''''s Guide: Oracle Database 10g Development with Visual Studio 2005 and the Oracle Data Provider for .NET pot

... list of Oracle data sources. We haven't connected to an Oracle database yet in the preceding code. Connecting to Oracle Databases from .NET There are several ways to connect to Oracle database ... .NET Work within Oracle Database? 10 Processing of .NET Stored Procedure with Oracle 11 Introduction to Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 11 Summary 13 Chapter 2: Connecting to Oracle 15 Provider-Independent ... that provides SQL�Net with the Oracle server location and the necessary connection strings to connect to Oracle databases. This le always resides in the Oracle home'sOracle home's Network\Admin...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

326 626 1
Hướng dẫn Connect to database ppt

Hướng dẫn Connect to database ppt

... $conn = mysql _connect( "$server","$username","$password"); $db_list = mysql_ list_dbs($conn); if (!$db_list) { echo mysql_ error(); exit; } while ($row = mysql_ fetch_object($db_list)) ... <body bgcolor="#008080"> <p align="center"> <b> CONNECT TO DATABASE </b> </p> <p align="center"><i><b>Upgraded ... $column2='$value2'"; } else die("PLEASE CORRECT YOUR INPUT"); } //Chay mysql_ select_db( $database) ; $res =mysql_ query($query); echo " <table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\"...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 18:20

6 259 0
ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 1 pptx

ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 1 pptx

... for .NET 10 Oracle Database Extensions for .NET 10 How does .NET Work within Oracle Database? 10 Processing of .NET Stored Procedure with Oracle 11 Introduction to Oracle Developer Tools for Visual ... Introduction to Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2005 265 Features of Oracle Developer Tools 265 Connecting to Oracle from Visual Studio Using Oracle Explorer 266 Retrieving Oracle Information ... Microsoft's Data Provider for Oracle) to connect to and access Oracle. It enables data access to Oracle data sources through Oracle client connectivity software without having any intermediate...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

32 340 0
ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 2 pptx

ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 2 pptx

... from Oracle database using ODP.NET and populate the data into few textboxes on a WinForm. To connect to and work with Oracle database, we need to start with OracleConnection. Once a connection ... it). OracleDataAdapter primarily works with OracleConnection to connect to Oracle database. It can also work with OracleCommand if necessary. Retrieving Multiple Rows into a DataTable Using OracleDataAdapter Now ... fundamental ODP.NET classes: OracleConnection OracleCommand OracleParameter OracleDataReader OracleDataAdapter The OracleConnection class provides the means to connect to the Oracle database. We have...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

31 391 0
ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 3 potx

ODP .NET Developer''''s Guide oracle database 10g development with visual studio 2005 phần 3 potx

... 20. We will deal with OracleParemeter in more detail in subsequent chapters. Working with OracleDataAdapter together with OracleCommand In the previous examples, we worked with OracleDataAdapter ... have seen several methods to retrieve data from Oracle database. We worked with the core ODP.NET classes like OracleCommand, OracleDataReader, OracleDataAdapter, OracleParameter, etc., and ... statements. You can also pass OracleCommand to OracleDataAdapter. This is very useful if you deal with stored procedures (covered in Chapter 5) or bind variables together with OracleDataAdapter. The...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

30 408 0