configuring and customizing the windows vista desktop

mspress 70 623 windows vista client phần 3 pps

mspress 70 623 windows vista client phần 3 pps

... Top Of Other Windows 114 Chapter Configuring and Customizing the Windows Vista Desktop D Restore Gadgets Installed With Windows E Opacity A user would like to remove the Clock gadget from Windows ... Currently, Windows Sidebar does not appear on the desktop, and there is no Windows Sidebar icon in the system tray How should she enable Windows Sidebar? The customer has added two Weather gadgets to Windows ... Away The main information sharing options include sharing handouts and sharing either a program or the desktop To share a handout, click the Add A Handout link The notice informs you about how handouts...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 13:20

67 197 0
Chapter 9: Working with Selections and Selection Layers

Chapter 9: Working with Selections and Selection Layers

... use the slider to adjust the value To change the dot size, enter a value between 0.1 mm and 10.0 mm in the Dot Size text box Or you can use the slider to adjust the value To randomize the size and ... press [ (the left bracket key) to decrease the tool’s size, and press ] (the right bracket key) to increase the size of the tool The Pen tool Probably the most versatile tool for your inking, the ... position of the dots, select the Random Dots check box To adjust the opacity of the airbrush, enter a value in the Opacity text box Or you can use the slider to adjust the value The Pattern Brush...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31

39 755 0
A simple introduction to working with LVM

A simple introduction to working with LVM

... Remount the logical volume and you'll discover it is now only half full instead of completely full! If you get bored of the volume and its contents you can remove it with the lvremovecommand: root@lappy:~# ... volume "test" successfully removed Other userful commands include lvrename to change the name, and lvreduce to reduce the size of a volume Mounting Logical Volumes In the previous section we showed ... with LVM and then include it in a volume group Why would you this? Well it would let you create new partitions on the fly, and make better use of your space In my case I have a laptop with the following...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:12

7 675 0
Báo cáo y học: "Evaluation of Fractional Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Combined with Cellular Morphological Features"

Báo cáo y học: "Evaluation of Fractional Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Combined with Cellular Morphological Features"

... (9.0%) and others (Table 3) Sarcoidosis and HP are the most distinguished group of diseases with lymphocyte-related Int J Med Sci 2009, etiology and the diagnosis of these ... Statement of the American Thoracic Society (ATS), the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the World Association of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders (WASOG) adopted by the ATS Board ... between sarcoidosis and HP Sarcoid-lymphocytes were generally small in size and appeared mature and well differentiated in morphology (Figure 4) They had a round nucleus and the cytoplasm was fairly...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:48

8 428 0
Sử dụng công nghệ windows communication foundation trong các ứng dụng trên diện rộng

Sử dụng công nghệ windows communication foundation trong các ứng dụng trên diện rộng

... doanh nghiệp 12 CHƯƠNG 1: CÔNG NGHỆ WINDOWS COMMUNICATION FOUNDATION 1.1 Tổng quan Windows Communication Foundation 1.1.1 Windows Communication Foundation gì? Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) ... 10 1.1 Tổng quan Windows Communication Foundation 13 1.1.1 Windows Communication Foundation gì? .13 1.1.2 Tại sử dụng WCF? 14 1.2 Kiến trúc Windows Communication ... dịch vụ xây dựng cách tự động theo nguyên tắc SOA Điều đảm bảo giảm giá thành bảo trì, cho phép thay đổi tương tác đa 1.2 Kiến trúc Windows Communication Foundation Windows Communication Foundation...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 15:04

79 885 4
Microsoft press windows communication foundation 4 step by step nov 2010

Microsoft press windows communication foundation 4 step by step nov 2010

... basic authentication and displays the name of the user calling the ListProducts operations The client application explicitly provides the name and password of the user connecting to the service ... Administrator access On the Windows Start menu, click Control Panel, and then click Programs In the Programs pane, under Programs And Features, click Turn Windows Features On Or Off In the Windows Features ... In the right pane, examine the status of the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service If the status is Stopped, right-click the service, and then click Start Wait for the status to change to Running, and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:50

737 386 0
Working with Files

Working with Files

... /home/francois The dirs, pushd, and popd commands can also be used to manipulate the order of directories on the stack For example, pushd -0 pushes the last directory on the stack to the top of the stack ... well as other locally mounted file systems Using Other Commands to Find Files Other commands for finding files include the whereis and which commands Here are some examples of those commands: $ ... you can see the man executable, its configuration file, and the location of man pages for the man command The which example shows where the ls executable is (/bin/ls) The which command is useful...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 22:20

20 548 0
Reporting with Windows Forms

Reporting with Windows Forms

... increase or decrease the height of any band by simply dragging the band’s edge You can also set the size property of each band by clicking the band and changing it from the Properties dialog ... WINDOWS FORMS The other settings determine how the grid will act and whether showing the page header and footer is necessary on each page of the report For now, I’d advise you to let all other options ... boxes here instead of the table? Well, the simple reason behind this is that the table item acts like a data region and has binding information to the data table On the other hand, a text box can...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

72 388 0
Working with Spatial Data

Working with Spatial Data

... at the equator) and the length of the semiminor axis (the radius of the earth at the poles), as shown in Figure 10-4 The degree by which the spheroid is squashed may be stated as a ratio of the ... highlight 65001 (UTF-8), and then click the Columns tab in the left pane On the Columns page, change the Column delimiter to Tab {t}, and then select Refresh to preview the data in the file, which should ... for candidate results If you set the buffer too large, then there will be too many possible candidates returned and the filter will not be efficient If you set the buffer size too small, then there...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

38 433 0
Working with Temporal Data

Working with Temporal Data

... ss, and mmm are hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds According to the standard, the hyphens and the T are both optional, but if you include the hyphens, you must also include the T The datetime, ... trace, and connect to a test server Uncheck all of the events except for SQL:BatchCompleted and leave the default columns selected Begin the trace and then load the RML command prompt Enter the ... use the TimeSlice function to look at the number of overlapping queries over the course of the sample trace, first find the start and endpoints of the trace using the MIN and MAX aggregates Then...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

50 580 0
Beyond WSE 3.0 - Looking Ahead to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

Beyond WSE 3.0 - Looking Ahead to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

... technology and the improvements in functionality and productivity that it will hopefully bring On the other hand, we dread having to learn a new way of doing things, and we wonder whether we will ... subsequent releases leading up to the release of WCF (as part of the Windows Vista operating system, and as an add-on to the Windows 2003 and XP operating systems) WCF associates Web methods with incoming ... and ListenerManager objects The WCF service layer automatically handles the receiving, processing, and sending of messages, including all of the serialization work that is required to build and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

20 404 0
Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial

Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial

... identify the message as a whole, the destination and sender addresses, the subject, and the text of the message As in HTML, the tag has a matching end tag: The data between the tag and and ... you the ability to define multiple areas on a page and then link them together When a text stream is directed at the collection, it fills the first area and then "flows" into the second when the ... HTML, on the other hand, told how things should be displayed without identifying what they were The XSL standard has two parts, XSLT (the transformation standard, described next) and XSL-FO (the part...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15

494 493 0
Module 1: Working with ASP.NET

Module 1: Working with ASP.NET

... When the page is requested for the first time, the runtime compiles the code and the page itself and keeps a cached copy of the compiled result The cached copy can be used whenever there is another ... View the source of the page Edi the page and add a runat="server" attribute to the form View the page in the browser again View the source of the page to show the changes that were made The controls ... made The controls now save their values Edit the page and change the controls to intrinsic web controls: asp:textbox, asp:listbox, asp:button View the page in the browser and show the source of the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 00:15

44 455 0
Working with Selections

Working with Selections

... now move the selected part of the grapefruit next to the melon Double-click the hand tool ( ) to fit the image on screen Click the move tool, and drag the grapefruit ear to the middle of the left ... select the red part of the grapefruit slice Select the zoom tool, and click the grapefruit slice to zoom in to a 200% view Hold down the mouse button on the lasso tool in the toolbox, and drag to the ... Alt/Option, and drag to the left to create a freehand outline across the bottom of the bow tie (The pointer returns to the lasso icon.) Hold down Alt/Option again, and click the mouse button along the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 22:15

14 379 0
Working with Arguments

Working with Arguments

... for the conclusion Is the Evidence Reasonable? Now that you’ve considered the credibility of the arguer and the evidence she’s offered, the next question you should ask is whether or not the ... offers, the first thing that needs to be considered is the credibility of the arguer Is the person making the argument credible? Second, if the arguer offers evidence from other sources, the credibility ... improve the health and well-being of future generations to come *This and other statistics in the rest of the text are fictitious and meant to serve purely as examples First, identify the conclusion...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

12 371 0
Working with a Study Buddy

Working with a Study Buddy

... happened in it.” Jill: “I disagree I was really impressed by the way the people of the village stuck together and the way they treated their children.” Jack: “That’s true I was surprised You’d think ... discuss things with, and ask questions Here’s how a study buddy can help: • • If you’re working on the same problem, one of you might know the answer and can help the other; if neither of you knows ... but it was just the opposite They really cared about each other I guess that’s why the instructor showed it But it was still too long.” Jill: “I didn’t understand the part about the government...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 18:20

10 424 0
Navigating the Windows 2000 File System with “Windows Explorer” and “My Computer”

Navigating the Windows 2000 File System with “Windows Explorer” and “My Computer”

... icon and click on the (+) sign to expand the contents of the drive If the user clicks directly on the drive, the contents of the drive will be displayed on the right side of the screen On the ... Navigating the Windows 2000 file system using Windows Explorer Right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop or right-click the Start button and select Explore from the menu Locate the “local ... itself and the contents of the Documents and Settings folder will display on the right side of the screen Now the user has successfully navigated to the “Administrative and All User” folder using Windows...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 16:15

3 436 0
Working with the Fogbow Design and reconfiguration of services and participation in e-Government

Working with the Fogbow Design and reconfiguration of services and participation in e-Government

... redefine the concept of design and present alternative understandings and interpretations? My thesis attempt to explore these questions; at the same time, I also try to formulate the arguments The ... positions which form the b asis of the researcher’s written and interpretative production These positions affect the expression of the standpoint and how this is interpreted by the surrounding world, ... with Computer Science in the context of the work to be performed, the types of problems to be solved, and the types ofsystems to be designed and managed, and the way the technology is employed...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15

182 567 0