... interaction between Net1 and Sir2 on one hand and between Net1 and Fob1 on the other, and loads Sir2 near the Ter sites. This process, as noted above, causes silencing of rDNA and prevents unwanted ... Sernova and Gelfand, 2008; Wang and Sugden, 2005; Weinreich et al., 2004). In higher eukaryotes there are preferred sequences located in AT-rich islands that serve as origins (Bell and Dutta, ... cm -1 . Kinetic parameters K m and V max were calculated for the NADP + and NAD + and isocitrate, depending on the cases, and the turnover number (K cat ) and catalytic efficiency (K cat /K m )...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20
... Mediterranean climate, and a heteroge- neous landscape of vineyards, cereal and lavender fields, and pastures (Fig. 6). The Vercors Regional Natural Park was founded in 1970 to protect and promote these ... experience working in such areas and surrounding landscapes in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Indonesia. She has a background in theoretical ecology and human rights and dedicates her efforts towards ... Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples from the Field 1 W.B. Campbell and S. López Ortíz (eds.), Integrating Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples from the Field, Issues...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 18:21
Genetic Manipulation of DNA and Protein – Examples from Current Research Edited by David Figurski potx
... interaction between Net1 and Sir2 on one hand and between Net1 and Fob1 on the other, and loads Sir2 near the Ter sites. This process, as noted above, causes silencing of rDNA and prevents unwanted ... origins (ori) and the replication forks are extended in either a bidirectional mode or in some cases unidirectionally (Cvetic and Walter, 2005; Sernova and Gelfand, 2008; Wang and Sugden, 2005; ... (SDP mutant) and four (SDIP mutant) involved replacing K343 and Y344 with Asp and Ile, respectively, to obtain triple and quadruple mutants. Both D343 (D278 in IMDH numbering) and I344 (I279...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 21:20
Economic benefits of standardization Summary of results Final report and practical examples pdf
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20
Embedded SoPC design with nios II processor and VHDL examples
Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 23:14
quantum mechanics classical results modern systems and visualized examples jun 2006
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 09:56
... your hands before meals. . 7. Would you like (saw – to see – seeing – see) a movie? 8. What about (have – to have – having – had) fruits? 9. You ought (wash – to wash – washing – washed) your hands ... Complete the form of the verbs in parentheses: 1. They want (buy) some meat. 2. You must (wash) your hands before meals. 3. I am used to (stay) up late. 4. It takes him 2 hours (finish) this exercise. 5. ... used 4. Peter is too young to see the horror film. → Peter is not 5. I do this exercise in three and a half hours. → It takes 6. To see that film is interesting. → It’s interesting. 7. The...
Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2013, 01:25
Stimulated Emission and Optical Gain in Semiconductors
... Inc. 3 StimulatedEmissionandOptical GaininSemiconductors Thischapterpresentsthebasictheoryandcharacteristicsofstimulated emissionandopticalamplificationgaininsemiconductors.Theformeristhe mostimportantprinciplethatenablessemiconductorlaserstobeimplemented, andthelatteristhemostimportantparameterforanalysisofthelaser performances.First,stimulatedemissioninsemiconductorsisexplained ,and thenquantumtheoryanalysisandstatisticanalysisusingthedensitymatrix oftheopticalamplificationgainaregiven.Stimulatedemissionandoptical gaininsemiconductorquantumwellstructureswillbepresentedinthenext chapter. 3.1BANDSTRUCTUREOFSEMICONDUCTORSAND STIMULATEDEMISSION 3.1.1BandStructureofDirect-TransitionBandgap Semiconductors Semiconductorlasersutilizetheinterbandopticaltransitionsofcarriersina semiconductorhavingadirect-transitionbandgap.Asiswellknowninthe electrontheoryofsolids[1],thewavefunctionofanelectronofwavevector k(momentumhh k )inanidealsemiconductorcrystalcanbewrittenasa Blochfunction j ... Dekker, Inc. 3 StimulatedEmissionandOptical GaininSemiconductors Thischapterpresentsthebasictheoryandcharacteristicsofstimulated emissionandopticalamplificationgaininsemiconductors.Theformeristhe mostimportantprinciplethatenablessemiconductorlaserstobeimplemented, andthelatteristhemostimportantparameterforanalysisofthelaser performances.First,stimulatedemissioninsemiconductorsisexplained ,and thenquantumtheoryanalysisandstatisticanalysisusingthedensitymatrix oftheopticalamplificationgainaregiven.Stimulatedemissionandoptical gaininsemiconductorquantumwellstructureswillbepresentedinthenext chapter. 3.1BANDSTRUCTUREOFSEMICONDUCTORSAND STIMULATEDEMISSION 3.1.1BandStructureofDirect-TransitionBandgap Semiconductors Semiconductorlasersutilizetheinterbandopticaltransitionsofcarriersina semiconductorhavingadirect-transitionbandgap.Asiswellknowninthe electrontheoryofsolids[1],thewavefunctionofanelectronofwavevector k(momentumhh k )inanidealsemiconductorcrystalcanbewrittenasa Blochfunction j ... Inc. ThematrixelementjMj 2 forthetransitionswherewavevectorconservation doesnotnecessarilyholdisgivenbytheproductofEq.(3.29)andEq.(3.34). Equation(3.34)indicatesthatjMj 2 islargeintheregionofkwherea 2 k 2 issmall. AlthoughEq.(3.34)iseffectivefortransitionsbetweenthebandtail andaextendedband,itdoesnotapplyfortransitionsbetweenparabolic bandswithlargerenergiesandthosebetweenbandtails.Tosolvethe difficulty,Sternexpressedeachconduction-bandelectronandeachvalence- bandelectronintheformofEqs.(3.30 )and( 3.31).Thevaluesofawere determinedbyfittingtheeffectiveenergyreductionduetothelocalizationto theeffectiveenergyreductioncalculatedfromthedensityofstatesinthe GHLBTmodel.ThevalueofjM env j 2 wascalculatedbyusingthesevaluesin Eq.(3.33)andaveragingoverallkdirectionsandthelocalizationsitesr i [11].Theresultiswrittenas jM env j 2 ¼ 64pb 3 ðt 4 Àq 4 Þ À5 ½ðb 4 À5b 2 B 2 þ5B 4 Þð3t 4 þq 4 Þðt 4 Àq 4 Þ 2 þ8b 2 B 2 t 2 ð3b 2 À10B 2 Þðt 8 Àq 8 Þ þ16b 4 B 4 ð5t 8 þ10t 4 q 4 þq 8 Þð3:35Þ B 2 ¼ 1 a c a v ;b¼ 1 a c þ 1 a v ;t 2 ¼b 2 þk 2 c þk 2 v ;q 2 ¼2k c k v wherek c andk v arethewavenumbersofvalence-bandandconduction- bandelectronswiththeeffectiveenergyreductiontakenintoaccount.The matrixelementjMj 2 ¼jM(E 1 ,E 2 )j 2 ¼jM B j 2 jM env j 2 usingthisjM env j 2 is calledtheSternenergy-dependentmatrixelement(SME). Figure3.6showsanexampleofjM env j 2 calculated...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 20:15
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 15:20
15 Clues and Examples to Do Some Storytelling with Video Marketing
... Garcia Advisor, Speaker and Educator as a professional, and Disruptive, Doer and Tryer as a person. He works as a New Media and Online Marketing Advisor all over t he world, Human Media Evangelist and worldwide ... However, you’ll only make a connection by making it human. Examples of Storytelling in Video Marketing Here, here, here, here, here and here [Spanish video] are some videos that may serve as example. ... not. 14. The challenge of a good story should be to connect with people and to convey emotions. The context you use may vary; for instance: anything is possible, you can...
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 20:33
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Parse and Translation Decisions From Examples With Rich Context" pdf
... a parse stack and an input list. The parse stack and the input list contain trees of frames of words or phrases. Core slots of frames are surface and lexi- cal form, syntactic and semantic ... tagging and syntactic and semantic processing, • a sophisticated decision structure that general- izes traditional decision trees and lists, • a balanced use of machine learning and micro- ... rules and keeps grammar coverage increases very manageable. Compared with standard statistical methods, our system relies on deeper analysis and more supervision, but radically fewer examples. ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Protein folding includes oligomerization – examples from the endoplasmic reticulum and cytosol doc
... how folding proteins and their assistants influence each other’s conformations and fates. Acknowledgements We thank Viorica Lastun, Liesbeth Meulenberg, Ada- bella van der Zand and Mieko Otsu for ... calnexin and calreticulin (see below and Fig. 4), and hence is specialized in glycoprotein folding [95,96]. By contrast with PDI, the b¢ domain of ERp57 is not used for substrate binding and chaperone ... oligosaccharyltransferase active site and the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. J Biol Chem 268, 5798–5801. 126 Holst B, Bruun AW, Kielland-Brandt MC & Winther JR (1996) Competition between folding and glycosyl- ation...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 06:20
Synthesis and Application of Nanosize Semiconductors for Photoxidation of Toxic Organic Chemicals pptx
... tsnl Synthesis and Application of Nanosize Semiconductors for Photoxidation of Toxic Organic Chemicals J.P. Wilcoxon, Nanostructures and Advanced Materials Chemistry Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, ... Photooxidation) •Photocatalysis using UV light and nanosize TiO 2 and SnO 2 . •Photocatalysis using visible light and MoS 2 nanoclusters. Acknowledgement: Div. Of Materials Science and Engineering, Office of Science, ... Science/Environmental Research (ER/ES) Program. tsnl Light Absorbance and Redox Potentials- -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Redox Potentials of Various Semiconductors at pH 7 Potental vs. NHE H 2 O/OH . potential TiO 2 MoS 2 (bulk) MoS 2 (d=4.5...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20
semiconductors for micro and nanotechnology an introduction for engineers -korvink j. g., greiner a.
... twentieth century. Semiconductors for Micro and Nanotechnology— An Introduction for Engineers Jan G. Korvink and Andreas Greiner Crystal Structure Semiconductors for Micro and Nanosystem Technology ... Definitions and Acronyms Semiconductors for Micro and Nanosystem Technology 19 1.2 Popular Definitions and Acronyms The microelectronic and microsystem world is replete with terminology and acronyms. ... almost have metal-like SiO 2 Semiconductors for Micro and Nanotechnology— An Introduction for Engineers Observed Lattice Property Data Semiconductors for Micro and Nanosystem Technology 35 Silicon...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:59
Health Supportive Design in Elderly Care Homes: ∗ Swedish Examples and their Implication to Korean Counterparts pot
... explore and identify health supportive design factors in Swedish elderly care homes and 2) to understand their usefulness and suggest implication in Korean elderly care settings. A descriptive and ... express and encourage conviviality and lively conversation. This space has a high ceiling and windows providing visual and spatial interest for residents. All furniture is movable and stackable ... outdoors are mostly connected to feeling of trust and safety (Ottosson & Grahn, 1998; Ulrich, 1999). Benches, handrails, and arm supports are some examples of supportive objects in the outdoor...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20
Spinal Reconstruction Clinical Examples of Applied Basic Science, Biomechanics and Engineering pptx
... invasive surgery and fusion continues to expand as it has a poten- tial to deliver benefits to the patient, surgeon, and the hospital. As the technology is enhanced, and our understanding of the ... abnormality, and discography confirmed internal injury of this disc. Outcomes were measure primarily at six weeks and six months by assessing improvement in radicular signs and symptoms, and subjective ... arthritis-induced cervical nerve root inflammation (12). Shortly thereafter, Semmes and Murphey (13), followed by Spurling and Scoville (14), and Michelson and Mixter (15), correlated cervical nerve root irri- tation...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
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