conditions of the eyelid pictures

Tài liệu Conditions of the surface water and ground water resources in the rural area of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam pptx

Tài liệu Conditions of the surface water and ground water resources in the rural area of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam pptx

... out for the rural areas of the Mekong Delta. The goal of the survey was the appraisal of the water resources in terms of quality and availability in or- der to develop a concept for the rural ... drinking water supply. In the focus of this survey were two exemplary study sites in the rural area of the Mekong Delta. The objective of this paper is the appraisal of the hydrological, hydrogeological, ... research on the conditions of the surrounding area was also matter of the survey. 2. Description of the study sites 2.1. General description The investigations were done at the two study...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 17:20

17 695 0


... light of the framework described above. PERCEIVED RISK AND THE COST OF BANK FUNDING Since the beginning of the sovereign debt crisis the effectiveness of the bank lending channel for the ... THE ANALYSIS OF FINANCING CONDITIONS IN THE EURO AREA AND THE IMPACT OF THE SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS This section provides an overview of the components and linkages forming the fi nancing conditions ... constrain the provision of fi nancing to households and fi rms. The multidimensional nature of the current crisis has therefore complicated the analysis of fi nancing conditions. The assessment of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

19 484 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo "Effect of the preparation conditions on the properties of Fe-Pt nanoparticles produced by sonoelectrodeposition " pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo "Effect of the preparation conditions on the properties of Fe-Pt nanoparticles produced by sonoelectrodeposition " pptx

... / VNU Journal of Science, Mathematics - Physics 25 (2009) 1-7 6 the magnetic squareness M r /M s reduced with J because of the presence of the Fe 3 Pt. Of cause, the kink in the magnetic ... of the samples. J is the current density; t on is the deposition time of a pulse; Fe, Pt are the atomic percent of Fe and Pt in the samples, respectively; H c is the coercivity; M s is the ... with diameter of 1.3 cm acted as both the cathode and ultrasound emitter (Sonics VCX 750). The electroactive part of the sonoelectrode was the planar circular surface at the bottom of the Ti horn....

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 03:20

7 514 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Proteolysis of bovine b-lactoglobulin during thermal treatment in subdenaturing conditions highlights some structural features of the temperature-modified protein and yields fragments with low immunoreactivity pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Proteolysis of bovine b-lactoglobulin during thermal treatment in subdenaturing conditions highlights some structural features of the temperature-modified protein and yields fragments with low immunoreactivity pptx

... pressure [10]. Arg148 is not the only buried arginine in the structure of BLG. The whole side chain of Arg40 (the other main point of trypsin action) in the native structure of the protein is deeply ... b ath for the required amount of time. At the end of the heat treatment the mixtures were placed in an ice/water bath, and the enzymatic activity w as stopped by lowering the pH of the r eaction ... are disrupted when the temperature is raised, so that the BLG dimer may dissociate [8,9], therefore exposing the polypep- tide backbone to the action of trypsin. The nature of the interactions...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20

11 526 0
Báo cáo " On equations of motion, boundary conditions and conserved energy-momentum of the rigid string " doc

Báo cáo " On equations of motion, boundary conditions and conserved energy-momentum of the rigid string " doc

... of our paper is the following. In Section 2 we present the derivation of the Euler -Lagrange equations of motion, of the boundary conditions and of the conserved energy-momentum in the case of ... Physics, College of Science, VNU, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam Received 28 June 2008 Abstract. The correct forms of the equations of motion, of the boundary conditions and of the reconserved ... the corresponding formulae in the case of rigid string, i. e. for the specific Lagrangian given at the beginning of Section 3. There we also derive some simple consequences of the equations of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20

8 428 0
Situational analysis of the socioeconomic conditions of orphans and vulnerable children in seven districts in Botswana pot

Situational analysis of the socioeconomic conditions of orphans and vulnerable children in seven districts in Botswana pot

... Morupule. The local mine Morupule Colliery supplies the coal for the power station. Most of the people living in Palapye are employed by either the power station or the colliery. The other groups of ... coping with the burden of orphans and providing support. The caregivers acknowledge that there are lots of OVC who are cared for by the government. As in Palapye, one of the strengths of the government ... to conditions of poverty from a very early age and some of these children were born to single mothers. The caregivers are mostly from their mother’s side of the family and are often grandparents...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:22

76 391 0


... teachings shaped the doctrines of the faith in the early centuries of our era. They interpreted for the people the meaning of the Scriptures and the Gospels. The pendentive of our illustration ... decorative plan. They are devoted respectively to the figures of the four Evangelists, each one accompanied by one of the four Fathers of the Church. The[ 38] Christian Fathers were the men whose ... decoration of the room is on the cap of the chimney, and represents the goddess Diana setting forth for the chase. This picture furnishes the subject of the children's games in the lattice...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

87 566 0
A New Map of Hollywood: The Production and Distribution of American Motion Pictures pot

A New Map of Hollywood: The Production and Distribution of American Motion Pictures pot

... brief in what follows. The key elements of the Hollywood productionthe one tier and partially in the other, and others move erratically in and out of the sphere of operation of the complex today can ... possible outcomes, the degree imports grew to the point where they represented fully of concentration in the distribution segment of the two-thirds of all the films released in the US (SCHATZ, industry ... Valley). The distribution of films made by independent producers isof scripts, actors, directors and other assets that they then present to the studios in the hope of securing a handled for the most...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

19 703 0
Báo cáo Y học: Mammalian HSP60 is quickly sorted into the mitochondria under conditions of dehydration docx

Báo cáo Y học: Mammalian HSP60 is quickly sorted into the mitochondria under conditions of dehydration docx

... synthesized HSP60 in the cytoplasm will be imported into the mitochondria under appropriate conditions. In the present study, we observed the import of the protein into the mitochondria of the ... localization of HSP60 in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of these sections are not changed even under these conditions. In the present study, HSP70 was bound to the signal sequence of the HSP60 affinity ... in the supernatant of the mitochondria, cytoplasmic HSP60 was detected only in the precipitate of the mitochondria in the presence of ATP. However, the protein could not be imported into the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

8 361 0
Increasing the bio-active compounds contents by optimizingthe germination conditions of Southern Thai Brown Rice

Increasing the bio-active compounds contents by optimizingthe germination conditions of Southern Thai Brown Rice

... được xác định theo phương pháp Shanthy et al. (1980) và Sombhagya và Bhattacharya (1979). Increasing the bio-active compounds contents by optimizing the germination conditions of Southern Thai ... Sangyod Phatthalung và Chiang Phatthalung) đã nảy mầm và hàm lượng axit -aminobutyric (GABA) được theo dõi. Điều kiện nảy mầm tối ưu để tối đa hóa GABA nội dung trong gạo lức đã được xác định. Gạo ... dung GABA. thời gian nảy mầm đã cho nồng độ cao nhất của GABA đã được lựa chọn cho các nghiên cứu tiếp theo. 2.4 Xác định hàm lượng sinh học hoạt động trong gạo lứt nảy mầm ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:42

4 402 3